November Fast Food Challenge



  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Well, I almost didn't come back to the thread.
    Monday ~ success
    Tuesday ~ Burger King @ lunch :frown:
    Wednesday ~ already had an egg and cheese biscuit for breakfast
    Of course, now I feel like, well, already blew this week so may as well just wait until January. :grumble:
    Ugh~ I get so freaking frustrated with myself! My relationship with food is so unhealthy.
    I KNOW what to do and what NOT to do but I still make the wrong choices ALL THE TIME!

    Good job to those having success! :drinker: I know what an accomplshment it is to succeed at even one day without fast food! Way to get it done! :flowerforyou:
    no no!! Keep coming back:wink::flowerforyou: It's raising awareness right? So it's working in that way for you, I don't know how much fast food you normally eat but even if you can't go completely without (as it is an addiction all it's own as most of us know) you're making see if you can hang with the rest of us and keep track like you're doing! I'm cheering for you:drinker: Can you hear me now?:laugh: Now?:laugh: :tongue:

    I don't eat it often but if my blood sugar drops too low (or I just allow myself to get too hungry and not plan out my day etc.) and I'm out running errands/meetings etc. it's been known to happen that my car has pulled into a drive through and someone in my car starts to order:grumble: Being the only one IN the car at the apparently is me:blushing:

    So being in the challenge is making me very aware of NOT doing it and it's helping with the support of knowing you're all here doing it with me:wink::flowerforyou:
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Day 4 : Done & Successful:wink::bigsmile:
  • "[/quote]I don't eat it often but if my blood sugar drops too low (or I just allow myself to get too hungry and not plan out my day etc.) and I'm out running errands/meetings etc. it's been known to happen that my car has pulled into a drive through and someone in my car starts to order:grumble: Being the only one IN the car at the apparently is me:blushing: [/quote]"

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: OMG that was so funny! Loved how you put that! Yes, we are all in the end responsible for our own choices. I have been struggling with fast food for a long time. I live right across the street from a large (1k long) block of shops and restaurants including about 7 or 8 fast food joints. I live alone so eating out is easy and convinient for me. It's a struggle. What is worse, is that I'm addicted to the food (like you said) and sometimes have feelings of loneliness which I want to shove down as far as I can and fast food helped me do that because I could focus on the food while I ate and then focused on the fullness when I was done and then focus on the regret and promise to do better in the future after I felt better... and then the loneliness would kick in again and I'd walk across the street to another joint and start the cycle all over again.

    I'm on another thread (food addicts anonymous) and I confessed (and I will confess here too) that sometimes, I would be so hungry and want so much food that I would order basically enough for two. But I'd ALWAYS get it to go so I could eat in the privacy of my own home and I'd go as far as mentioning something to the teenager behind the counter which made it sound like I was taking it home to someone else waiting for me. Things like "no, we don't need drinks, we have them at home" or "can you make that burger with no onions? He doesn't like onions." It's embarrasing and shameful for me to admit it now, but since I'm getting better every day and that happens less and less, it's just something I have to acknowledge. I'm sick with a food addiction and the only way to get better is to be honest.

    Day 5! Plan ahead! Love yourself! Happy Friday!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • beckym71
    beckym71 Posts: 3,511
    I don't eat it often but if my blood sugar drops too low (or I just allow myself to get too hungry and not plan out my day etc.) and I'm out running errands/meetings etc. it's been known to happen that my car has pulled into a drive through and someone in my car starts to order:grumble: Being the only one IN the car at the apparently is me:blushing: [/quote]"

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: OMG that was so funny! Loved how you put that! Yes, we are all in the end responsible for our own choices. I have been struggling with fast food for a long time. I live right across the street from a large (1k long) block of shops and restaurants including about 7 or 8 fast food joints. I live alone so eating out is easy and convinient for me. It's a struggle. What is worse, is that I'm addicted to the food (like you said) and sometimes have feelings of loneliness which I want to shove down as far as I can and fast food helped me do that because I could focus on the food while I ate and then focused on the fullness when I was done and then focus on the regret and promise to do better in the future after I felt better... and then the loneliness would kick in again and I'd walk across the street to another joint and start the cycle all over again.

    I'm on another thread (food addicts anonymous) and I confessed (and I will confess here too) that sometimes, I would be so hungry and want so much food that I would order basically enough for two. But I'd ALWAYS get it to go so I could eat in the privacy of my own home and I'd go as far as mentioning something to the teenager behind the counter which made it sound like I was taking it home to someone else waiting for me. Things like "no, we don't need drinks, we have them at home" or "can you make that burger with no onions? He doesn't like onions." It's embarrasing and shameful for me to admit it now, but since I'm getting better every day and that happens less and less, it's just something I have to acknowledge. I'm sick with a food addiction and the only way to get better is to be honest.

    Day 5! Plan ahead! Love yourself! Happy Friday!!!! :flowerforyou:

    Thank you so much for your honesty and transparency! You don't know how much I appreciate it!

    I think I have been in denial about how serious my unhealthy relationship with food truly is. It is embarrassing to admit that at 39 yrs old, I can easily eat fast food for every meal for days in a row. That not just days but WEEKS can pass without me eating a single fruit or vegetable.
    I have successfully reduced fast food in the past but this time, the very idea has thrown me into a tailspin and I've been deliberately gorging on it like it's the last meal I've ever had.
    I think it is definitely time to do some emotional investigating about why I have such a hard time telling myself *no* when it comes to unhealthy food.

    Becca~ thank you for your support

    Shannon~thanks again for starting the thread!

    Great job everyone! Keep saying NO and making wise choices!
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    Here's day 5!! We can do this meal at a time.
  • Was doing really well until this morning. No healthy options in the house since I didn;t go food shopping so stopped at dunkin donuts for a bagel.... it turned into a cheddar cheese bagel twist with hash browns. Who could pass up the 0.99 deal. WHAT AM I DOING!!!! Now I feel sick.... uugghh. THINK BEFORE YOU ORDER.

    Thanks guys for all the support. This threasd is at least making me aware. Have to plan better, With no planning it can get out of control very easy.

    We can do this! Here's to the rest of the day.

    Love this : We can do this meal at a time. :heart:
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    Was doing really well until this morning. No healthy options in the house since I didn;t go food shopping so stopped at dunkin donuts for a bagel.... it turned into a cheddar cheese bagel twist with hash browns. Who could pass up the 0.99 deal. WHAT AM I DOING!!!! Now I feel sick.... uugghh. THINK BEFORE YOU ORDER.

    Thanks guys for all the support. This threasd is at least making me aware. Have to plan better, With no planning it can get out of control very easy.

    We can do this! Here's to the rest of the day.

    Love this : We can do this meal at a time. :heart:

    Yes, planning and awareness are keys for me!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    day 5 down, let's see if I can survive through the weekend.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    day 5 down, let's see if I can survive through the weekend.

    I'm fortunate that the weekends are generally easier for me. Plus the fact that we have no extra dollars until Wednesday helps. Good luck on the weekend. I hope you are able to hold strong!
  • Still going strong here. :) Not missing it nearly as much as expected either, which is a pleasant surprise.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Day 5:drinker:
  • OOOOOOKAY!!! It's day 6. Saturday morning... and I'm already sure I'm ready to stumble. My stomach is growling and I have nothing in my cupboard for breakfast so I'm already thinking, "just pick something up before you go grocery shopping". (since I know better than to grocery shop with a growling stomach!). How about those subway breakfast sandwiches? Are they ok? I should research them. I have a feeling they're full of sodium. Would an orange satisfy me until I buy food? (fyi: I'm mostly asking myself these questions - it's just good to get it out there... talk it through, talk it through). :tongue:

    Happy Saturday everyone. Good luck today! I'm going to need it too! Gotta keep myself busy!!!:drinker:
  • ^^^^Subway would probably be a better choice than most, but I count it as fast food so I'm not eating there either.

    Hope you're able to find something quick at home!
  • pkd1
    pkd1 Posts: 170 Member
    im in also!!!! i love the thin crust veggie pizza from Dollys so that and subway will be my only (fastfood)choices ,i usually get a turkey and veggie sub from there so im crossing my fingers that its a success for me :smile:
  • SUCCESS! After looking at the high calorie, fat & sodium on ALL subway breakfast sandwiches, I settled on the last 2 pcs of bread & pbutter and a cup of coffee. It settled the grumbling down so I could go shop. Walked past subway, bk, mcd's, & kfc/taco bell on the way home without blinking an eye. Now I'm busying myself with housework and planning on a small lunch, & spaghetti & chicken for supper... and maybe a frozen fruit bar with my movie. No fast food this weekend! (this is tough but doable!)
  • beckym71
    beckym71 Posts: 3,511
    SUCCESS! After looking at the high calorie, fat & sodium on ALL subway breakfast sandwiches, I settled on the last 2 pcs of bread & pbutter and a cup of coffee. It settled the grumbling down so I could go shop. Walked past subway, bk, mcd's, & kfc/taco bell on the way home without blinking an eye. Now I'm busying myself with housework and planning on a small lunch, & spaghetti & chicken for supper... and maybe a frozen fruit bar with my movie. No fast food this weekend! (this is tough but doable!)

    AWESOME!!!! :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    thanks shamrock, so far so good. after working out, I ignored all the fast food restaurants en route home because I worked too hard to blow it today. Here's to a good start to the weekend.
  • mia66
    mia66 Posts: 425
    Good first week in. Although I did go to Subway yesterday. My daughter and I were out shopping really late and we both needed something to eat. I was very good and stuck with a half whole wheat vegetable sub with honey mustard and water on the side. I have to plan better though when going out or away and always have some spare food with me. Now that Christmas shopping season is comming up I really have to plan because this is usually when I get tempted the most to eat out.

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  • Almost an entire week here!!
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Day 6 Oops! :huh:
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