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  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    #17 Injecting humor into a thread is NOT bullying. Get over yourself and get a sense of humor. If you're that dang sensitive, don't post.

    To add to this one...also, just because people disagree with you doesn't make them a bully.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Tip #14 - yes muscle is heavier than fat.
    Tip #15 - Tea and Coffee does count as water intake

    Maybe I am not understanding #14. How is muscle heavier than fat. A lb of muscle weighs the same as a lb of fat?

    Yes but 2lb of muscle weighs more than 1lb of fat.

    And no I do not think you have understood # 14.

    I think most NORMAL people comparing weights of different things use the same volumetric measurement to compare, otherwise by your logic everything in the universe weighs the same!

    I suppose you may ask the question another way - is a 6 inch cube of muscle the same size as a 6 inch cube of fat?

    A lb of muscle weighs the same as a lb of fat as does a lb of feathers, lb of avocados, lb of apples, etc. While there may be a lot more of some than others, they all still weigh the exact same. If you are comparing weights, then you compare 1:1. You want to compare volume that's a different story all together.

    Who compares a lb of muscle against a lb of fat though!

    Straw men that's who!

    Anyway we are getting off topic.

    Tip #19 - people will use straw man arguments to prove incorrect opinions.
  • madhatter2013
    madhatter2013 Posts: 1,547 Member
    Tip #14 - yes muscle is heavier than fat.
    Tip #15 - Tea and Coffee does count as water intake

    Maybe I am not understanding #14. How is muscle heavier than fat. A lb of muscle weighs the same as a lb of fat?

    Yes but 2lb of muscle weighs more than 1lb of fat.

    And no I do not think you have understood # 14.

    I think most NORMAL people comparing weights of different things use the same volumetric measurement to compare, otherwise by your logic everything in the universe weighs the same!

    I suppose you may ask the question another way - is a 6 inch cube of muscle the same size as a 6 inch cube of fat?

    I might be misinterpreting this also. 1 pound of anything weighs just as much as 1 pound of anything else. 6 inch cube of anything is the same size as 6 inch cube of anything else. I think what your trying to say is that 6 inch cube of muscle weighs for then 6 inch cube of fat. This is what people mean when they say muscle weighs more than fat. Simple math says 1 pound = 1 pound. 6 inches = 6 inches. Look at it this way, a cereal bowl filled with cotton is going to wegh less than that same cereal bowl full of water in terms of density, but it's still a ceral bowl full of something. Am I making sense?
  • madhatter2013
    madhatter2013 Posts: 1,547 Member
    #17 Injecting humor into a thread is NOT bullying. Get over yourself and get a sense of humor. If you're that dang sensitive, don't post.

    To add to this one...also, just because people disagree with you doesn't make them a bully.

    Or them wrong adn you right or visa versa.
  • Mikkimeow
    Mikkimeow Posts: 1,282 Member
    This is why we are friends.

  • Flab2Fab27
    Flab2Fab27 Posts: 461 Member
    Tip #20- Cauliflower can and will be used as a substitute for just about anything....
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Tip #14 - yes muscle is heavier than fat.
    Tip #15 - Tea and Coffee does count as water intake

    Maybe I am not understanding #14. How is muscle heavier than fat. A lb of muscle weighs the same as a lb of fat?

    Yes but 2lb of muscle weighs more than 1lb of fat.

    And no I do not think you have understood # 14.

    I think most NORMAL people comparing weights of different things use the same volumetric measurement to compare, otherwise by your logic everything in the universe weighs the same!

    I suppose you may ask the question another way - is a 6 inch cube of muscle the same size as a 6 inch cube of fat?

    I might be misinterpreting this also. 1 pound of anything weighs just as much as 1 pound of anything else. 6 inch cube of anything is the same size as 6 inch cube of anything else. I think what your trying to say is that 6 inch cube of muscle weighs for then 6 inch cube of fat. This is what people mean when they say muscle weighs more than fat. Simple math says 1 pound = 1 pound. 6 inches = 6 inches. Look at it this way, a cereal bowl filled with cotton is going to wegh less than that same cereal bowl full of water in terms of density, but it's still a ceral bowl full of something. Am I making sense?

    No I was injecting sarcasm into the post. Asking if a 6 inch cube of muscle is the same size as a 6 inch cube of fat is as pointless as asking if 1lb of muscle weighs the same as 1lb of fat.
  • madhatter2013
    madhatter2013 Posts: 1,547 Member
    Tip #20- Cauliflower can and will be used as a substitute for just about anything....

  • madhatter2013
    madhatter2013 Posts: 1,547 Member
    No I was injecting sarcasm into the post.

    Oh is THAT what that looks like? LOL
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    No I was injecting sarcasm into the post.

    Oh is THAT what that looks like? LOL

    Sorry, sometimes my sarcasm can be somewhat subtle - almost ironic.
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    Tip #20- Cauliflower can and will be used as a substitute for just about anything....

    Not by this guy!
  • srslybritt
    srslybritt Posts: 1,618 Member
  • madhatter2013
    madhatter2013 Posts: 1,547 Member
    Tip #21-Dr OZ...Not always right. Do your research people. In fact, most of the time, whatever he says one week, he will contradict the next week.
  • srslybritt
    srslybritt Posts: 1,618 Member
    Tip #20- Cauliflower can and will be used as a substitute for just about anything....
    #20 Cont- It will also make your house smell like farts and taste horrible--nothing like the real thing.
  • happymomma454
    Tip #20- Cauliflower can and will be used as a substitute for just about anything....

    turnips can do this too, as can parsnips
  • Zaftique
    Zaftique Posts: 599 Member
    You don't tell me what to do.

  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Tip # 21 - Broad beans are not food.
  • disneygallagirl
    disneygallagirl Posts: 515 Member
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    Tip # 21 - Broad beans are not food.

    Um Yeah Broad beans are food - Uranium is not food!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    tip#11 If you have to start a post with 'Is this healthy..." then you already know the answer is NO,... so stop fishing for YESes.

    I've seen the "I've hit my micros and could fit donut holes into my macros, is that really healthy?"

    And the answer to that is yes.

    I've also seen "I've read a lot about sugar in fruit, is fruit healthy?"

    The answer to that is yes, too.