Should food stamps be used for sweetened drinks?



  • TadaGanIarracht
    TadaGanIarracht Posts: 2,615 Member
    Am I the only who sees Ariel?
  • TadaGanIarracht
    TadaGanIarracht Posts: 2,615 Member
    it does irk me that i see people pay for a shopping cart full of chips, fatty steaks, instant potatoes, snack boxes, cjocolate, fruit juices, and other assorted unhealthy items. THen they pay with their EBT card and get cash back for cigs and booze.

    I get irked because I am paying for them to stay obese and live an unhealthy lifestyle along with their recreational habits (cigs and booze)

    It is insulting to those of us that have to earn our own.

    What bugs me is when they come in with four kids, and do the same thing you just described.
  • CharleePear
    CharleePear Posts: 1,948 Member
    I come from a country where they don't have food stamps you get a certain amount of money each week and you have to regulate what you spend it on. Personally I prefer that. As a person who hasn't been able to work of 8 years because of serious health issues, I can't think of a more controlling and manipulative thing than to be told what I a can and cannot buy. I would go insane! It's not just keeping the body nourished, it's about keeping yourself sane. To know you have a choice. Do you know what it's like to live without a choice?
    You can go on and on about how it's your taxes etc...but at the end of the day your taxes also pay for some really not awesome things too. Have you thought about that?

    ETA: What difference is it that people are buying junk for their families with their own money? How dare people judge others cos they are using stamps. Do you know what that cart filled with junk is for? Maybe it is for a party? A once off? You don't know, maybe they do eat like that a lot. It sucks that there are parents that feed their kids that way but the issue is not about the stamps, its about education, ignorance and attitude.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    My opinion, what business is it of yours what people spend their benefits on as long as they're not breaking laws?

    Because money is taken out of my check every week to support them and they are wasting it on soda and junk. If you NEED it, fine. Use it to nourish yourself not to treat yourself.

    consider the alternative...what is worse...buying a bottle of orange soda for a treat for the kids on a Friday night or spending all your tax money on smokes, booze and tattoos?

    I would rather see a bottle of soda in that shopping cart...
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
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  • CharleePear
    CharleePear Posts: 1,948 Member
    I'm sorry but frankly I find some of this thread completely awful. I actually work for a homeless charity in the UK. The majority of our service users are; individuals & families fleeing domestic violence, young care leavers, individuals who have lost their homes through separation, family break down, mental health issues, substance misuse, disabilities. The first thing we generally do is set up their benefits to ensure they're able to access the funds available to survive.

    The majority of claimants are the most vulnerable in society. I honestly can't see how further stigmatisation through dictating what is classed as 'appropriate' for them to choose to spend that money on is beneficial.

    Exactly! Like it makes people with less money "lesser" citizens or something. Do people realise how humiliating it is to have to pull a card out (we do have cards when you run out of money).
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