Logging through the holidays challenge



  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    I've got a tough week coming up. My husband and I usually go out for dinner on Saturdays, although I usually try to "be good". Tomorrow I have a bridal shower at a wonderful restaurant. Thursday is...well, you know. And Saturday I have a wedding. My weigh in day is Monday, so I am going to cryin' on the 29th, that's for sure!:cry:
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hi, have just got in from a friends Birthday celebration meal out so have eaten and drank far too much :sick: will try hard to be good for rest of week to rectify lol
  • HerbieSue
    I"m in, luckily I can use my phone to add food, just not recipes. I know if I don't log, it will get ugly in a hurry! Thanks for organizing.

    Me too! Just read a post where most of the people are just gonna splurge and "go crazy" on Thanksgiving and not log. That would just not work for me and I know I would beat myself up on Friday! Glad to join this group!!
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    Welcome Herbie Sue!

    Barty - did you log what you ate & drank??
  • tristalin
    tristalin Posts: 108 Member
    Ughhh, it has been a hard week for me! I have had a very hard time with cravings this week. The past couple of days I have eaten over my calories, but I may have gotten the motivation I need again! Yesterday afternoon I was out shopping with my mom and we ran into an old family friend that I haven't seen since I was a small child. She commented on the two children that I had with me and I told her that I had another at home. She then looked at me and asked if I was pregnant again. Talk about feeling bad!!! I said, "No, I'm just fat!" What do you say to that??? I've never been mistaken for being pregnant when NOT pregnant! Anyway, if I was feeling unmotivated before, I am back! I guess the upside is that I have logged every last morsel I ate, even though it was hard to see the numbers at the end of the day. I am aware...
  • amberchristi
    I'm in! Can't promise to stay under my goal on Thanksgiving or Christmas, but I'm determined to do as good as possible :happy:
  • nsueflorence
    nsueflorence Posts: 295 Member
    I'm so in! Glad to see this challenge!
  • js775219
    Hey I'm totally in! Logging can be hard sometimes, especially when you go over on those calories!
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    Glad to see all the new folks joining this challenge. I just got home from a bridal shower. I didn't do TOO badly...and I am going to log everything right now.

    Tristalin - that's a tough thing, when someone says something like that to you. But on the flip side, if you hang in there, you'll soon be getting lots of compliments. It may take awhile, but my philosophy about that is that as long as I am still losing, I am not gaining!

    Right now, I fele like I am between a rock and a hard place. My scale is one of those doctor scales, with the sliding weight. I just got below 150 this past week, which was great because I got to move the BIG weight down to 100. But since I get weighed every day, I have been moving the big weight up one day, down the next. So I really need to get to be a couple pounds under 150, or....stay above 150. Hmmm...which will it be??? :devil:
  • pamp1emousse
    pamp1emousse Posts: 282 Member
    Ughhh, it has been a hard week for me! I have had a very hard time with cravings this week. The past couple of days I have eaten over my calories, but I may have gotten the motivation I need again! Yesterday afternoon I was out shopping with my mom and we ran into an old family friend that I haven't seen since I was a small child. She commented on the two children that I had with me and I told her that I had another at home. She then looked at me and asked if I was pregnant again. Talk about feeling bad!!! I said, "No, I'm just fat!" What do you say to that??? I've never been mistaken for being pregnant when NOT pregnant! Anyway, if I was feeling unmotivated before, I am back! I guess the upside is that I have logged every last morsel I ate, even though it was hard to see the numbers at the end of the day. I am aware...

    Sorry it's been a hard week for you. And I can't BELIEVE how rude that woman was! Disgraceful! Anyway, well done you for turning it into something positive.
    As much as I've really tried with MFP I do still get the comfort eating binges. And that's what happened today... 850 cals over! That is AWFUL! This weekend was generally not great and I had my dad's bday meal to compensate for at the gym on Monday (about 300 cals.. seems like nothing now!) Anyway, I was thinking it was all such a horrible binge that I would just forget it and start over tomorrow. But then I checked on this thread again and became motivated to log it all. Ughhhh the shame!
    Anyway, sorry about the rant, I guess it's going to have to be a v careful week this week! How's everyone else doing?
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    I think a good thing to remember is that logging the best you can is better than not logging at all. If you look at my diary today, you'll see what I mean. The bridal shower I went to was a breakfast buffet at a local restaurant. I really have no idea how many calories were in anything, but I did my best to find things that were similar, and to estimate my portion sizes. And as I went along the buffet line, I tried to keep my portion sizes small (at least, small for ME :laugh: ) because I knew I was going to be logging it all.

    Also, I am pretty full now (3:22 pm) so I probably won't eat for the rest of the day, or just have something small. It is still going to be a tough week - Thanksgiving and a wedding on Saturday, but then I'll have a couple weeks before the Christmas stuff starts....

    Hope to keep seeing everyone's posts!
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hi, Yes i did log everything as best as i could, it didn't make for pretty reading!!! my worst day so far i think :sad: and today i was going to be sooooo good.... :blushing: well that went out the window about lunchtime but tomorrow is another day and I WILL BE GOOD :smile:
  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    Count me in. i usually log everything in and if i don't have time to go to the computer i write everything down on a notebook in my purse. i'm going to try not to break too many rules since i just got back on the wagon after going cake crazy at my birthday :ohwell:
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,414 Member
    Yesterday not a great day but I logged it all! Entered some of my Thanksgiving recipes last night to get an idea-boy I need to workout a LOT this week! Plan on logging on Thanksgiving, but not gonna worry if my numbers hit the red zone. Those leftovers though....
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    Yesterday not a great day but I logged it all! Entered some of my Thanksgiving recipes last night to get an idea-boy I need to workout a LOT this week! Plan on logging on Thanksgiving, but not gonna worry if my numbers hit the red zone. Those leftovers though....

    Even though yesterday wasn't a great day for you, at least you logged...and it wasn't THAT bad. :smile: I know what you mean about Thanksgiving...I am going to plan on eating light during the early part of the day, getting some exercise in, and then eating what I want IN MODERATION. I will log everything although I am not sure how accurate it will be, since I am not doing all the cooking.
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hello, well not a good day again for me :sad: and tomorrow is my day off :happy: so it could go either way......but I will try hard to stay on track :smile:
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    HI is anyone else still logging????? It went the wrong way!!! the day off.... I have had a very bad evening lol, will really try lots harder tomorrow :smile:
  • pamp1emousse
    pamp1emousse Posts: 282 Member
    HI is anyone else still logging????? It went the wrong way!!! the day off.... I have had a very bad evening lol, will really try lots harder tomorrow :smile:

    Ah dear, well did you enjoy your evening off anyway? I figure as long as you enjoy your "bad food" at least something's been gained :smile:
    Anyway, good for you! Exactly, tomorrow's a new day.

    I've been really good today and yesterday to try and make up for the HORROR that was Sunday afternoon. I held back from eating my exercise cals these past 2 days but as of tomorro I'm back to normal. Hopefully my weigh in won't be too affected! I was going to weighin today but thought I'd take a few more days to 'recover' :tongue:

    I don't know about anyone else but the logging is so helpful for me. I'm able to be honest about what I've eaten, which is motivation to eat well the next few days and will hopefully hold me back a bit next time I can feel a massive binge coming on! And checking on this post always makes me go back and log things I may have been planning not to log!

    How's everyone else doing? Logging away?
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    I'm still logging. It really helps. We had our "monthly lunch" at work today. There are 11 of us, and we take turns being in charge of ordering out, or chipping in for something homemade. This month, the person in charge brought in delicious vegetable beef soup in her crock pot, french bread and butter, and salad. Someone else brought in lemon squares for dessert. I logged it, but haven't logged dinner yet. I'm sure I will be in the red, :sad: but it could have been worse - so much worse!

    Not sure if we've lost a lot of members of this challenge, or if they are just reading but not posting...:laugh:
  • HerbieSue
    I am still logging too! We are flying to Austin EARLY tomorrow morning to see my girls and I have been working on my mindset: "Just say No, No, No, No!" to tempting food! It's hard when you are out of town, so I'm hoping for the best!!