Logging through the holidays challenge



  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hi, great to see you are still logging, I was getting worried for a moment :happy: exmaxine89 NO I did not enjoy my overeating on my day off!!! I don't understand why I do it :sad: once I start I just seem to keep on going.... must work on controlling my willpower. I was fine until I got to maintaining :grumble: today has not been so bad but still room for a lot of improvement lol...... Good luck HerbieSue have a nice time. efcdcdb hope you enjoyed your lunch....it sounds yummy especially the lemon squares !!!
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    I am in the midst of my downfall. I can do so well during "normal" times. But tonight, my sister-in-law from out of town came over with my other sister-in-law, and my daughter was home from college. We had pizza, wings, bread sticks, cake, ice cream and wine. I didn't have a TON of each (like I would have in the past) but I had SOME of each. I walked at lunchtime, and still plan to get in 30 minutes on my exercise bike, but I'll still be over my calories for the day, I am afraid. Tomorrow is going to be worse, and Saturday I have a wedding. Wah wah wah!! :cry: :sad: :noway: :grumble:
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,414 Member
    I am in the midst of my downfall. I can do so well during "normal" times. But tonight, my sister-in-law from out of town came over with my other sister-in-law, and my daughter was home from college. We had pizza, wings, bread sticks, cake, ice cream and wine. I didn't have a TON of each (like I would have in the past) but I had SOME of each. I walked at lunchtime, and still plan to get in 30 minutes on my exercise bike, but I'll still be over my calories for the day, I am afraid. Tomorrow is going to be worse, and Saturday I have a wedding. Wah wah wah!! :cry: :sad: :noway: :grumble:

    Well, you said it, "normal times". You just have to watch what's what during those normal times and enjoy the others. You already did something different by not having tons of stuff which is a HUGE step in the right direction. Do the same today. Enjoy your family and friends, enjoy the good food-just not to excess. Get a workout in today if you can (even if it's grab some famiy members and go for a walk or bike ride). Be really good tomorrow and then enjoy the wedding on Saturday. These events are what make our lives worth living so don't feel badly about enjoying them. Happy Thanksgiving!
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    Just got home from ZUMBA! Yay me!
  • pamp1emousse
    pamp1emousse Posts: 282 Member
    I think I've entered the holiday spirit prematurely. Keep eating over my cals! And caring less and less.. bored of the gym... I can see where this is going!! My motivation seems to be leaving me which is pretty upsetting. My dad bought me a terrys chocolate orange this evening which I LOVE and havent had in years... anyway, I only had 3 segments rather than gorging the whole thing which was the original plan, so definitely crisis averted. But I'm not all that proud of myself tbh... I'd rather have the chocolate!
    Please help me get my motivation back! 1/2lb a week losses just arent enough to keep me going....
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hi, xmaxine89 i'm with you, finding it so hard to stay motivated at the moment :grumble: :grumble: :grumble:
  • pamp1emousse
    pamp1emousse Posts: 282 Member
    Christmas time (which thanks to advertising now starts early November) just ISN'T the time for weight loss! I've decided to try and motivate myself by bringing my calories down from 1350 to 1200, and I may save a few exercise ones just for this week. I want to see the scales go down! I checked today and I've gone UP 1.2lbs :noway: :grumble: :explode:
    I've got those fancy body composition scales, so to be fair they also said I'd gone down in body fat about 1.2% and up in skeletal muscle, which I know is what I want anyway. It just seems that as soon as I get close to breaking the 9st (126lb) mark either I buy new scales which bring me back up again or I put on weight! Ridiculous... I know the point of this thread is to log everything but I hope you'll all forgive me if I don't record that gain. I can't face my ticker going up! And I really don't think I've gained fat so it just doesn't count :tongue:
    Anyway, thank you for letting me rant! How was everyone's Thanksgiving?
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    I survived Thanksgiving! The scale was up a bit this morning but my weigh in day is Monday so I've got some time. I think I did OK for Thanksgiving. I logged everything, although some things were an estimate. I probably had a bit more wine that I logged but you know, if the glass never gets completely empty, it still counts as one glass right? :drinker: The important thing is that knowing I was going to have to log everything kept me from COMPLETELY over indulging, like I usually do.

    To everyone who is struggling with motivation - hang in there!! Even if we don't lose weight over the holidays, isn't it going to be better to only be a pound or two heavier in January, than 5 or 10 pounds??:laugh: January 1st will be one year for me, that I have been faithfully logging on this site (I just missed a couple weeks here and there when I was away on vacation). I've lost 40 pounds, which is less than a pound a week, but I am very happy with that. So, lets keep logging through the holidays! :bigsmile:
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,414 Member
    Well, Thanksgiving wasn't too bad. I logged everything (I think!) and didn't go over too badly. It helped that we went on a 5 mile bike ride after the dinner. Now, if I had just not had my leftover "snack" after pie in the evening, I would have been just fine! This will be a tough day for me, we have a party to go to tonight and I know I'll be hitting the leftovers for lunch so.... I'll log what I can figure out.
  • pamp1emousse
    pamp1emousse Posts: 282 Member
    Well done to you all for doing so well! This thread seems to have died a bit... everyone still holding up? I'm still logging away - trying to be extra good for a week so hopefully I'll see a nice, motivating number on the scale come friday!
  • tristalin
    tristalin Posts: 108 Member
    Okay, still here & logging every day. Thanksgiving I was under my calorie limit...surprisingly it was the day before (due to my being on dessert duty for the holidays) that I went over...I ate a few too many of the mini carrot cake w/cream cheese frosting cupcakes. And, Black Friday I ended up going way over my calories (1600 over, to be exact) because my hubby & I went out to dinner, then took our niece out for her 21st birthday. I had a drink, at french fries and a couple of onion rings. Even though I had pre-planned my meal from the restaraunt website, I still had issues. It seems that once I had the drink I threw all my plans out the windows & ate what I wanted the rest of the evening. I weighed the for the first time this morning & was very pleasantly surprised to find that I had not gained any weight. (Probably because I have been extra conscious about my workouts and yesterday I was back on track and didn't eat any of my exercise calories. So, overall, not too bad for my first attempt at not gaining through the Holiday experience!
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    I'm still here and logging, although I did just use "Quick Add Calories" for yesterday. I was at a wedding and there is no way I could have actually logged everything. I didn't do too great, but I guess it could have been worse. I am kind of struggling today too - just not in a very motivated mood I guess. Tomorrow is weigh in day, so we'll see. Hopefully I can get back on track for at least a couple weeks before the NEXT holiday - ha ha ha!!

    I'm glad to see those who ARE logging. I can see that we aren't perfect but if it helps us from just chucking the whole thing, then we've accomplished our purpose. Maybe it was a busy week / weekend and other members of our challenge will be back tomorrow. :angry:
  • charmed2570
    I'm in, and man since turkey day, but man, I suck! My sodium is my issue, I prefer mine to be around 1300 it keeps my belly from being bloated.But, I will continue putting it out there for the world to see, and I will not give up, I will conquer the FAT! Good luck to all.
  • pamp1emousse
    pamp1emousse Posts: 282 Member
    @charmed2570 - Congrats on the determination!
    @efcdcdb - Did you enjoy the wedding? That's my plan too - to just not fall off the wagon! Am literally clinging on for dear life :angry:
    @tristalin - Well done! I guess you've just hit that wonderful balance between being careful enough most of the time and enjoying yourself! :smile:

    So I've changed my plan (again) - realised I'm getting fed up with trying to lose weight! The compliments are coming in and rather than motivating me theyre making me complacent! So after another chocolate binge yesterday I've decided to just up my calories over the holiday period. I figure I really couldn't care less if I lose weight or not, but I REFUSE to put on one oz of the weight I've worked really hard to lose. So I figure whatever I lose now is a plus, but no more binging!

    Good luck logging away everyone
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    HI eveyone....as I feared, I had a pretty significant gain to record when I weighted in this morning. The wedding was great - I drank quite a bit of wine but had some water and diet coke too. I danced some, but not enough to work off all the calories, I'm afraid. :sad: Yesterday, I just wasn't motivated. I stayed under my calories, but it wasn't really very healthy eating, and I didn't log the partial piece of wedding cake that my daugher gave me beause she didn't like it (after I had already completed my food diary for the day). Today is a new day...a new week. I don't have any celebrations coming up for awhile, so I have to lose what I gained, and then hopefully a couple more pounds before Christmas weekend.
    Hang in there everyone! Switch it up to whatever you think might work....just keep trying..don't give up. :flowerforyou:
  • vasquirrel
    vasquirrel Posts: 7 Member
    Too late to join you guys? Just found your challenge, and I have been taking weekends "off" from posting -- want to stop that habit, as I gain weight every weekend, shock, surprise! Logged in a decent breakfast this a.m. See you tomorrow!
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,414 Member
    Well, I'm still here loggin away-I even entered the rest of the pecan pie I ate! I'm actually not doing that badly on my total calories and am doing really well with working out but boy that sodium kills you! I'm not going to enter my weight this week because the scale is being so wacky. I refuse to believe that I put on 5 lbs. in 1 week when my numbers don't support that! So, I'll wait until next Sunday and see what happens. I have a brief lull before we go full swing into holiday mode and I'm going to take advantage of it! I plan to eat really healthy the rest of this week and weekend so when the following weekend comes with 5 parties in 4 days (AAUUGGHHH!) I can manage it. (It will be difficult however to go to my very good friends annual Christmas jewelry party this Friday and be good. Her husband owns a pie shop and they have the most incredible pies-I usually leave nauseous!)) Keep at it ya'll, we'll get there and this year's New Year's resolutions will be to MAINTAIN our weight loss.
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    Cardbucfan - it sounds like you have your hands full. It is occasions like that (parties!) that are always my downfall. I'm glad I don't have much going on the next couple of weekends. :laugh: Just keep up with the logging and you'll do so much better!

    Vasquirrel - sure, you can join. We have a few members who have been posting pretty regularly, even though a bunch of others have disappeared.

    You know, it's funny - in all my years of dieting, incuidng Weight Watchers, I never paid too much attention to sodium. But it sure does seem to make a difference at weigh in time. I've been trying to avoid it, but it is hard!! :grumble:
  • vasquirrel
    vasquirrel Posts: 7 Member
    Finished off the Thanksgiving leftovers last night, finally. Trying to start exercising again...must...get...down... to elliptical...
  • pamp1emousse
    pamp1emousse Posts: 282 Member
    @vasquirrel - welcome to the thread! I struggle with the weekends too... I tend to have this thread in the back of my mind now tho which helps guilt me into logging at least! (eventually lol). How's the getting back to exercise going? I think my gym membership's been my saviour during my time on MFP... maybe I'm just greedy (clearly the case :grumble: ) but I just can't stick to my calorie allowance otherwise!

    @cardbucfan - you know, I've been hearing a lot about "pecan pie" here on MFP recently, I don't think we have it in the UK. I feel like I'm missing out tho! Sounds like you've got a really fun week coming up - enjoy it! And well done on sticking to your calories. V impressive. Scales are rubbish - you're right to ignore them. I'm pretty frustrated with mine atm. Keep giving me all sorts of scary numbers so I think I'll take a break from them for a bit.

    @efcdcdb - I know what you mean! I don't actually track my sodium in my diary but I'm making a conscious effort with it anyway - I'd just never thought about it before. Even though it does all sorts of horrible things to the scale, it is nice to know that a bad weigh in isn't necessarily a sign you're gaining, or for me at least. Has it affected your weigh-in this week?
    I think the best thing I've learnt on MFP is that if you're sticking to your calories and not eating too little, no matter WHAT the scale says, you have NOT gained any fat. I know it's common sense, and it was always in the back of my mind anyway, but hearing it repeated on the message boards over and over always makes me feel better. Keeps me on the wagon! (for the most part :tongue: )