Any ZOMBIE fans out there?

I'm really into my zombie movies... and I just watched the first episode of the U.S. show "The Walking Dead" which I thought was excellent! :smile:


Just wondered what you guys thought of it, and also if you wanted to post any stuff on Zombie movies/books etc.

My favourite all time Zombie Movie though?

The original of "The Day Of The Dead".

Anyhow - look forward to any comments!



  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I liked the show, it was pretty cool. I'm far bigger into Zombie books than movies though. Although I did love shawn of the dead.

    Best zombie book of all time IMHO is World War Z (and of course the zombie survival guide).
  • FunkBunny
    FunkBunny Posts: 417 Member
    I love Zombie movies. My FAVE has to be between Shawn of the Dead (if I'm in a fun/zombie movie) 28 Days Later is always good!

    I watched The Walking Dead and I was impressed by the effects and make up and just how bloody the head shots were for being TV. When the first zombie that gets killed is a little girl, you know it's not going to cringe away from much else. question...the Sheriff's wife...think she's such a biotch to him because she's been fooling with his partner for a while, or is that something that happened since zombies came about? I think it's an ongoing thing, why else was she being so pissy? As for the characters in the movie, I like them. I liked the horse idea, (they don't run out of gas at least) but at what point do yuo say..."Hmmm...Maybe Atlanta isn't a good idea."?

    And for once, it would be awesome for people who are in zombie movies to have watched a zombie movie in their lifetime and know how to kill on right off the bat, oh and to avoid being bitten.
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    My 4 year old and husband love zombie stuff. I tollerate Zombie movies.

    Shawn of the Dead - Funny and hard to take serious
    Orginal "Night of the living dead" - Creepiest movie
    Zombieland - Also kind of silly.
    Planet Terror - Just plain fun.

    Haven't seen the new tv series. I don't really have time for TV so I don't even bother having it in my house.
  • Suedre
    Suedre Posts: 435 Member
    Yep, love them. Campy = Awesome. I DVR'd the walking dead, but havent watched it. Looking forward to it. My Favorites, in no particular order...

    Flight of the Living Dead
    Night of the Living Dead
    Crazies (new)
    Sean of the Dead
    Zombie Strippers (I know, BUT... it's got Freddy in it!!)
  • Wiitabax
    Wiitabax Posts: 284
    I liked the show, it was pretty cool. I'm far bigger into Zombie books than movies though. Although I did love shawn of the dead.

    Best zombie book of all time IMHO is World War Z (and of course the zombie survival guide).

    The survival guide is excellent - really well done! I ordered a copy of World War Z but still waiting for it - I'd never read it, but got a cheap offer, so hopefully it should be with me soon.

    "Shauf Of The Dead" - yep - at first I did NOT like it, because I just though "rip off!" but when I looked into it more and saw how very well done it was, and that it painstakingly stayed faithful to the whole 'zombie ethos' rather than just parodied and 'stole' - I got more and more into it - a firm favourite of mine now!


    Another I like but it's MAD and that's "Fido" with Billy Connolly as a Zombie in '50s America where they've been domesticated... it's weird, like a 'Lassie' movie in a warped dimension lol - well worth a look if you haven't seen it!

  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    I am a huge zombie fan :)
    I think that series has huge potential and finally something to watch on Sunday night yay

    Favorite zombie movie, original night of the living dead and 28 days later.
  • zombie65
    I dig 'em!
  • FunkBunny
    FunkBunny Posts: 417 Member
    Another good one is the remake of Day of the Dead. Some great stuff there...good people, realism was pretty good (as far as zombies go) although,...what are people afraid of a zombie baby for? It has no teeth...what's the worst that could happen?
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    i liked it myself but i thought that the cop didn't even ask any questions such as what's goin on at the beginnin kinda po'd me.. :grumble: what officer DOESN'T ask questions?!?!?!?! :explode:

    other than that it was good writing. can't wait 4 the next show! :love:
  • Wiitabax
    Wiitabax Posts: 284
    I love Zombie movies. My FAVE has to be between Shawn of the Dead (if I'm in a fun/zombie movie) 28 Days Later is always good!

    I watched The Walking Dead and I was impressed by the effects and make up and just how bloody the head shots were for being TV. When the first zombie that gets killed is a little girl, you know it's not going to cringe away from much else. question...the Sheriff's wife...think she's such a biotch to him because she's been fooling with his partner for a while, or is that something that happened since zombies came about? I think it's an ongoing thing, why else was she being so pissy? As for the characters in the movie, I like them. I liked the horse idea, (they don't run out of gas at least) but at what point do yuo say..."Hmmm...Maybe Atlanta isn't a good idea."?

    And for once, it would be awesome for people who are in zombie movies to have watched a zombie movie in their lifetime and know how to kill on right off the bat, oh and to avoid being bitten.

    28 Days Later is an excellent movie - and the FAST moving 'infected' are frightening - love that one!!!

    Agree with you re: the blood shots - no ketchup for me today I reckon :laugh:

    As to killing zombies - hmm... I'd have to go for something that wasn't within easy reach... wouldn't want to get right up to the ruddy things! :laugh:
  • Wiitabax
    Wiitabax Posts: 284
    Zombieland - Also kind of silly.

    Just crazy for the scenes with Bill Murray that one eh?

  • Wiitabax
    Wiitabax Posts: 284
    Flight of the Living Dead

    Saw that the other week - surprised at how much I enjoyed it - zombies on a plane - as if flying wasn't terrifying enough for some people eh?

  • FunkBunny
    FunkBunny Posts: 417 Member

    28 Days Later is an excellent movie - and the FAST moving 'infected' are frightening - love that one!!!

    Agree with you re: the blood shots - no ketchup for me today I reckon :laugh:

    As to killing zombies - hmm... I'd have to go for something that wasn't within easy reach... wouldn't want to get right up to the ruddy things! :laugh:

    Yup, 28 days later gave way to the speedy zombie, much freakier than a shambolic one. I mean, one slow one, while it's methodical and relentless, one you can't out run is much, much worse! Like they said in Zombieland... Cardio is important!
  • Wiitabax
    Wiitabax Posts: 284
    i liked it myself but i thought that the cop didn't even ask any questions such as what's goin on at the beginnin kinda po'd me.. :grumble: what officer DOESN'T ask questions?!?!?!?! :explode:

    other than that it was good writing. can't wait 4 the next show! :love:

    :laugh: I hope I'd be asking questions instead of just wandering around with no shoes on lol - mind you, he did have a bike briefly, so a bit of common sense there eh - and a few calories burned off too!

  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    i liked it myself but i thought that the cop didn't even ask any questions such as what's goin on at the beginnin kinda po'd me.. :grumble: what officer DOESN'T ask questions?!?!?!?! :explode:

    other than that it was good writing. can't wait 4 the next show! :love:

    I'm with you! I really liked the show, but was annoyed that he wasn't more proactive given his job title and the fact that he just woke from a coma or whatever. I would be asking TONS of questions! I was bummed about the horse being eaten, but it made sense. And his wife cheating on him with his partner...COLD!
  • FunkBunny
    FunkBunny Posts: 417 Member
    i liked it myself but i thought that the cop didn't even ask any questions such as what's goin on at the beginnin kinda po'd me.. :grumble: what officer DOESN'T ask questions?!?!?!?! :explode:

    other than that it was good writing. can't wait 4 the next show! :love:

    I chalked that up to shock. I mean, he's a cop, but he had just woke from a coma (I assume) and probably half thought he was hallucinating. then he did at least try and find his family. But yeah, when he's with the father and son, seems like he would have been a bit more questioning (after they untied him and fed him, of course. :wink: )
  • Wiitabax
    Wiitabax Posts: 284
    Yup, 28 days later gave way to the speedy zombie, much freakier than a shambolic one. I mean, one slow one, while it's methodical and relentless, one you can't out run is much, much worse! Like they said in Zombieland... Cardio is important!

    The quickest though are on the remake of "Dawn" which is an EXCELLENT movie I reckon!

    As to Zombieland lol, that's why I gotta lose weight... didn't they say that it's the fat ones that get eaten first? I've no chance at the moment!

    Also - I always check the back of my car for zombies before I go anywhere... you never know!

  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    Whenever there is a zombie outbreak it will be like 28 Days Later or The Crazies. The military will quarantine the civillian sector and destroy it.
  • Wiitabax
    Wiitabax Posts: 284
    Hey, did you hear about the zombie who came back late from a bar and missed his dinner?

    His wife gave him the cold shoulder!

  • FunkBunny
    FunkBunny Posts: 417 Member
    Hey, did you hear about the zombie who came back late from a bar and missed his dinner?

    His wife gave him the cold shoulder!

