Any ZOMBIE fans out there?



  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member

    I'm sure you can tell that I'm squarely in the "silly zombie" camp...
  • Wiitabax
    Wiitabax Posts: 284
    I love zombie movies as well and have been watching them since I was a kid. And I'm really impressed so far by what I've seen of The Walking Dead. I have to watch it (and all things zombie) in either daylight or with all the lights on in the house. Everybody has already named all my favorite zombie movies: Dawn of the Dead (the old one and the remake), Night of the Living Dead, Return of the Living Dead, 28 Days Later and one of my first encounters is with a movie simply called Zombie.

    That the one also known as "Zombie Flesh eaters"? Starts in New York Harbour with a drifing boat?
  • Wiitabax
    Wiitabax Posts: 284
    Hmm... episode 3 of "The Walking Dead" - not really too much going on, but I guess that's because it needed to be a 'bridge' to connect re: the guy on the roof.
    Great effects though, the thoughts of Undead trying to get through a door, and gnashing and clawing... scary stuff, and always better when depicted well!

    Here's to the next episode!

  • GunNut37086
    GunNut37086 Posts: 37 Member
    Something nitpicky in the last episode has been bugging me since Sunday. It was in the scene where the kid screams and they find the zombie eating the deer in the woods.

    Bubba (or Zeek or Cletus or Billy-Joe Jim-Bob or whatever his name was) had apparently been tracking the the poor wounded critter and just caught up to it when the group arrived.

    I couldn't help but notice, the deer had 2 of the redneck's arrows in its hindquarter, yet it was on the ground dead.

    Now I asks ya </Mona Lisa Vito>...what self-respecting hillbilly with crossbow can't make a clean humane kill when he's hungry, but can shoot a zombie in the head under duress?
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    Just watched the 3rd episode of the Walking Dead last night. The first scene was crazy intense! The episode did seem to slow down a lot but it focused a lot on the relationships between everyone in the survivor camp. If you've ever read the comic book the author focuses a lot on the human interactions also.

    There is only 3 more episodes left but word on the street is that Season 2 has already been approved.
  • Wiitabax
    Wiitabax Posts: 284
    Now I asks ya </Mona Lisa Vito>...what self-respecting hillbilly with crossbow can't make a clean humane kill when he's hungry, but can shoot a zombie in the head under duress?

    :laugh: you've got me worrying about that now!!!

    Mind you... look at the A-Team - they could NEVER hit a target yet were said to be 'crack commandos' - more like commandos on crack!!! :laugh:
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I liked the latest episode...I liked seeing the relationships between the survivors.
  • Aid_B
    Aid_B Posts: 427
    Just joined the Zombie post, never really been into zombie movies due to lack of oppertunities (wifes a big girl !)

    Loved shaun of thhe dead and really enjoyed the crazies however just watched the first three episodes ot "The Walking Dead"

    loving it so far, episode 1 & 2 were great especially the "Plan to escape the department store" :noway: :laugh:

    episode 3 was more character profiling, loving the twists with the cop his partner and wife.
  • GunNut37086
    GunNut37086 Posts: 37 Member
    It was interesting to see our survivors encounter another group of survivors this week. I got a lil kick out of all the machismo coming from the Hispanic "gang" in the initial meeting. It was funny to hear how they wound up staying there and how it made them all seem like big ole sweetie pies. I think it was a nice touch.

    I was quite surprised to see how close to the city the survivors' camp was.
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    Really liked last nights episode...the end :( that was shocking, curious to see how the zombies got up there out of no where...Wondering if Merle had anything to do with it, or the the zombies are migrating.
  • Wiitabax
    Wiitabax Posts: 284
    Just watched ep. 4 of The Walking Dead... I like the story about the 'other' survivors looking after folk - very well done!

    Have to say too... I'm in agony with a sore throat here (throat infection) - so seeing a Z ripping out the throat of that wife-beating piece of scum quite cheered me up!!! :smile:

    I'll stick with codeine though!

    Only 2 more episodes to go sadly - but already commissioned to do a second series which is great!

  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Just watched ep. 4 of The Walking Dead... I like the story about the 'other' survivors looking after folk - very well done!

    Have to say too... I'm in agony with a sore throat here (throat infection) - so seeing a Z ripping out the throat of that wife-beating piece of scum quite cheered me up!!! :smile:

    I'll stick with codeine though!

    Only 2 more episodes to go sadly - but already commissioned to do a second series which is great!


    That was a pretty ferocious scene, the whole invading the campground part. Loved it! I think Norman Reedus plays the white trash hick part sooooo well!!
  • utamore
    Big fan of The Walking Dead. I'll second what Clawdy said--if you like the show, you should go read the comics (get the compendiums). Many of the shots are taken straight out of the books and they're very entertaining (I bet that the TV show will ultimately water it down for the sake of tame American audiences). Also second whoever said you gotta do that cardio so you can get away from the zombies. In Dallas, where I'm at, we have an annual zombie walk where you dress like a zombie and . . . well . . . zombie walk your way around. Great way to show off that new undead bod.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Big fan of The Walking Dead. I'll second what Clawdy said--if you like the show, you should go read the comics (get the compendiums). Many of the shots are taken straight out of the books and they're very entertaining (I bet that the TV show will ultimately water it down for the sake of tame American audiences). Also second whoever said you gotta do that cardio so you can get away from the zombies. In Dallas, where I'm at, we have an annual zombie walk where you dress like a zombie and . . . well . . . zombie walk your way around. Great way to show off that new undead bod.

    I'm near Dallas! When is it? I'd totally be down for that!!
  • utamore

    I'm near Dallas! When is it? I'd totally be down for that!!

    It's near halloween (like mid to late october) in deep ellum--just search zombie walk dallas on google--hopefully we'll see each other there next year.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Bah, just missed it!
  • Wiitabax
    Wiitabax Posts: 284
    Would LOVE to do a zombie walk!!!


    here's my home made attempt at being a zombie... go to Youtube and type the following in the search bar:

    northern zombie diary of the dead

  • Wiitabax
    Wiitabax Posts: 284
    I've decided... I'd like to combine my love of Zombie Films and Marmite... how's about a film called "YEAST INFECTION"? Contaminated Marmite turns people into the undead... and seeing that there's a love/late thing with it, the numbers are pretty even... sod thrush, this'll be an itch that's harder to shift! :laugh:

    (If you don't know folks, "Marmite" is a U.K. spread that's made from yeast extract... and it's equally loved and despised! - Google it for more info).
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    The Walking Dead is a brilliant comic book series. They have wonderful exposition and characterization. For those of you who have yet to read the series and intend on following it through the television series, you're in for a LOT of big surprises.

    They turn the whole thing on its head so often, constantly interchanging people. It's kind of weird having been following the series for five years or so and now going back to the beginning when there have been so many changes ...

    I'm impressed with Kirkman's ability to keep the story fresh and his dedication to ... well, not letting someone live just because they may be a fan favorite. I'll leave it at that for you noobs.
  • Wiitabax
    Wiitabax Posts: 284
    The Walking Dead is a brilliant comic book series. They have wonderful exposition and characterization. For those of you who have yet to read the series and intend on following it through the television series, you're in for a LOT of big surprises.

    They turn the whole thing on its head so often, constantly interchanging people. It's kind of weird having been following the series for five years or so and now going back to the beginning when there have been so many changes ...

    I'm impressed with Kirkman's ability to keep the story fresh and his dedication to ... well, not letting someone live just because they may be a fan favorite. I'll leave it at that for you noobs.

    I'll be ordering a 'compendium' volume when I get paid - info from AMAZON on this:

    "Product Description
    Introducing the first eight volumes of this fan-favorite series collected into one massive paperback collection! Collects The Walking Dead #1-48."

    Looking forward to reading... have seen it in the shop and had a glance, so I'll be happy to get this.
