Should I be offended? (Pt 2)



  • eyley
    eyley Posts: 95 Member
    Actually crying with laughter at my desk. This is the best thing I've ever read!

    You need to keep us updated with farty pants Jeff's antics!
  • Amanda_Gx6
    Amanda_Gx6 Posts: 320 Member
    This is awesome.
  • von_pops
    von_pops Posts: 3
    Sounds like some weird territorial behaviour of a mindless animal, imho.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I have laughed at all of this. But, I agree that it is odd to confront someone about a fart like that. I can't believe I'm even typing this. The whole thing is all odd. And to talk about it online.

    Though I did find his comment to be very rude. I guess I perceived haul to be referring to human trafficking. But, I don't know what minority haul means. I never heard it before.
  • NerdyTXChick
    NerdyTXChick Posts: 155 Member
    You should always document and blog your interactions with this guy, just because it's fun to read.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    My perception was:

    He made a rude comment because he is a dufus.

    Then he farted.

    Then he gave you a donut as an apology because he was embarrassed.

    I would have just avoided him after that. Just because he doesn't seem very fun to be around.

    The guy has poor social skills (the hugging).
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Though I did find his comment to be very rude. I guess I perceived haul to be referring to human trafficking. But, I don't know what minority haul means. I never heard it before.

    I read it as him making a nod to political correctness, affirmative action/quotas and how this company got two check marks for her gender and ethnicity. A really uncool statement. Unless they were joking or discussing something relevant to that already. A tasteless comment at best, and one that deserved to be confronted depending on context.
  • arainiday1
    arainiday1 Posts: 1,763 Member
    I will fart where and when I want to."

    "Don't fart in my office."

    "Okay, I'll fart outside your door."

    "What is wrong with you?"

    "Nothing. Don't tell me how to fart."


    this is hilarious! pretty much sounds like a child or rebellious teenager lol

    i wouldn't even know what to do besides document this stuff and probably avoid him
  • MissNayMalmoe
    MissNayMalmoe Posts: 14 Member
    Yesterday, I posted about an individual in my company who farted in my presence without comment. I have an update worth remembering. For those of you who haven't read it, here you go:

    After asking, I received many varied thoughts on actions I should take. Some thought I should be offended. Others assumed he was in love with me. Even a few suggested a fart back. While I am not a person to automatically retaliate or jump to conclusions, I decided to confront the enthusiastic farter, aka Jeff.

    I made an excuse to walk over to his building and drop off some supplies. I chatted with another sales rep, asking casually how Jeff was doing in his new position. The guy replied, "He is weird as f#@k.". Obviously I was not surprised. So I made my way to Jeff's office, and knocked on the door. He told me to come in.

    "Hey Jeff, I wanted to say thank you for the donut. Did you have some left over from national donut day?"


    "Okay... Why did you give only me one?"

    "Because you like them."

    Now get this, I have never told him I like donuts. How does he know that?

    "Well thank you. I have something to ask you."


    "Why did you fart in my office? Why didn't you say anything? Is that why you gave me the donut?"


    "I never farted in your office."

    "Yes. You did."

    "No, no I didn't."

    "You farted Jeff, you farted and stared me right in the eyes and farted. No apology. And your donut doesn't make it okay."

    Not sure why, but at this point I was really pissed off. Why fart and not even be honest? It isn't like I can imagine smells!

    "Oh, yeah. That. Yeah. I farted."

    "Why did you look at me while you did it? Why didn't you say anything?"

    "I don't know, I didn't think you were policing my farts."

    "Well, please bring air freshener next time, or use the restroom twenty feet away from my office."

    Then he has this little attitude.

    "I will fart where and when I want to."

    "Don't fart in my office."

    "Okay, I'll fart outside your door."

    "What is wrong with you?"

    "Nothing. Don't tell me how to fart."

    Then, can't even make this up, he tried to get up and give me a hug.

    I walked out of there and sat at my desk, still utterly confused. I may have met the wierdest f&*%ing person on the entire planet. What do I do now? I don't even know.

    When confronting a person with a chronically loose colon, you must always use extreme caution. They tend to suffer from denial regarding their finicky O-rings and can become quite belligerent when cornered. This is where things can get dicey. It seems to me you did well for the most part. I would now use avoidance tactics and initiate video or audio monitoring of all future interactions for your safety and our enjoyment.
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    i was reminded of this story from another board i post on

    ... I thought this was completely hilarious

    Alright, about an hour ago I was talking to my cousin on the phone. He tells me that he's talking to a girl he likes over AIM at that moment. Apparently they have just made plans to go catch a bite to eat, or what have you, a date. My mom happens to be vacuuming in the other room, so my cousin says to me "Jesus, all I can hear through my end sounds like a huge fart." I kind of laugh, and then he goes "Oh... oh ****. ****."

    So you know how sometimes, if you're typing or writing at the same time as you're saying something else, you might happen to type or write whatever you were saying?

    Here is, as he explained it to me, the end of their AIM convo:

    The_Girl: Alright, so we could catch lunch sometime or something
    Cousin: Yeah, that sounds great
    Cousin: Maybe I'll call you later in the week
    The_Girl: You, call me. You better call me.
    The_Girl: Haha, bye.
    Cousin: lol fart.

    [no response for a minute]

    Cousin: *bye

    I don't think I've laughed this hard in years. It was a complete accident. It's nearly like, think of the absolutele stupidest thing you could possible think of, and make it just a a bit worse.

    :lol: no one might even think this is funny.

    it spawned this pic

  • ComradeTovarich
    ComradeTovarich Posts: 495 Member
    OP, why are you such a fart shamer?
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    Call me crazy, but I think Jeff likes you and is just really bad at flirting. REALLY bad.
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    Call me crazy, but I think Jeff likes you and is just really bad at flirting. REALLY bad.

    you could even say he stinks at it...
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    Call me crazy, but I think Jeff likes you and is just really bad at flirting. REALLY bad.

    you could even say he stinks at it...
