Gentlemen, its perfectly ok to comment on my weight loss!



  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    So basically, the people I want to hear it from don't say anything, and the people who's opinions I couldn't care less about won't shut up about it. lol

    QFT!!!!!! X 1000000
  • Bri_Becq
    Bri_Becq Posts: 146 Member

    The exception would be if you are involved in a wellness related activity or event.

    In a social setting, even if you don't like it, it's unfair to expect people to know whether or not a comment would be accepted as positive or negative. It would be best to be gracious and deflect if you don't like the comments, or embrace if you do.

    For some, weight is a very personal issue... Let's face it, we lose weight for ourselves first and foremost. But, it is a very visual and outward facing display of yourself, so others are bound to notice. Hardly anyone would ever comment on weight loss with anything other than the best of intentions. With that in mind, it's best to simply be gracious in you reaction, and either leave the conversation or strut, depending on your preference.

    I agree :)
  • slouw10
    slouw10 Posts: 82 Member
    I also do not mind in the least if someone comments on my weight loss, for me it shows I have worked hard - and it is not only me that realise it!

    I do appreciate it if someone compliments me on the loss! - It is not measuring my self-worth as some have implied - it is simply knowing that it is not only me seeing the results :smile:
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    IT'S A TRAP!
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    Wow. Ok...

    One of my reasons for losing weight is for vain reasons. For the compliments. I've spent years and years hiding. Using my kids to take the attention off of me (aww look how big -my daughter- has gotten, so cute!!) ... so I would distract from the 'wow look how big Krista's gotten' ...

    The "so much weight lost" argument.. yes, I have lost a lot, because I weighed a lot. I know this, they know this.. why dance around it? That's what you're here for, isn't it?

    I do agree though, there's been an increase of people asking if I am losing intentionally. But it's not done in an insensitive way. "hey, you've lost weight. Are you trying?" "you betcha!" "well great, congratulations!" .. typical conversation.

    Life is too short to be annoyed by compliments!
  • JeffInJax
    JeffInJax Posts: 232 Member
    Its all a roll of the dice, just suggest knowing the person before you compliment, some people just look at the negative in everything.
  • NinjaUnicornPirate
    NinjaUnicornPirate Posts: 43 Member
    Max, those girls were flirting with you. I wasn't even there and I'm sure of it.

    Sigh, must I be a wingman for the entire world?


    No they weren't.

    Well if they were, they got bored to tears then, cause I talked about nutrition and training. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Damn, I am a F**king idiot

    Sigh.. I could slap you. But you'd crush me immediately after.

    Women were talking to you at the beach about how great your body looked. That's basically one step shy of handing you a "Would You Like To Have The Sex" card.

    And you gave them a speech about stronglifts and hitting your macros...

    YOU'RE WASTING YOUR BODY! Let me take it out for a spin, just for a day! I'd have more questionable strange than a person would know what to do with. And I'd be sure to give it back right when it starts to burn where you pee...

    ^^This. C'mon, Max. That's flirting 101.
  • velocityc6
    velocityc6 Posts: 2,137 Member
    OP - you look great. This has been an interesting read. I for one love it when people notice and take it as a compliment. The best part is when they asked me what diet i am on and I tell them I'm not on a diet but I do work my *kitten* off st the gym and I don't eat like a pig.
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    Max, those girls were flirting with you. I wasn't even there and I'm sure of it.

    Sigh, must I be a wingman for the entire world?


    No they weren't.

    Well if they were, they got bored to tears then, cause I talked about nutrition and training. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Damn, I am a F**king idiot

    Sigh.. I could slap you. But you'd crush me immediately after.

    Women were talking to you at the beach about how great your body looked. That's basically one step shy of handing you a "Would You Like To Have The Sex" card.

    And you gave them a speech about stronglifts and hitting your macros...

    YOU'RE WASTING YOUR BODY! Let me take it out for a spin, just for a day! I'd have more questionable strange than a person would know what to do with. And I'd be sure to give it back right when it starts to burn where you pee...


    This conversation is priceless. If you guys need a judge on who is more attractive, just let me know.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Max, those girls were flirting with you. I wasn't even there and I'm sure of it.

    Sigh, must I be a wingman for the entire world?


    No they weren't.

    Well if they were, they got bored to tears then, cause I talked about nutrition and training. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Damn, I am a F**king idiot

    Sigh.. I could slap you. But you'd crush me immediately after.

    Women were talking to you at the beach about how great your body looked. That's basically one step shy of handing you a "Would You Like To Have The Sex" card.

    And you gave them a speech about stronglifts and hitting your macros...

    YOU'RE WASTING YOUR BODY! Let me take it out for a spin, just for a day! I'd have more questionable strange than a person would know what to do with. And I'd be sure to give it back right when it starts to burn where you pee...

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I seriously need a book on women or something.....
    I have no idea.

    Don't want to come off as cocky and arrogant.....and just responded to what they were asking that is why I talked about that....
    And you are right, that is exactly what I talked about with them. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    So stupid. :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble:
  • 4daluvof_candice
    4daluvof_candice Posts: 483 Member
    I don't mind it as long as it's not a constant thing. Some people like to really obsess over it and make comments constantly. THAT I don't like because then it becomes kind of uncomfortable and annoying.

    thats called a hater! lol
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    this thread is funny

    i personally think its kind of a bittersweet feeling. its good to know people are noticing so i know im doing well but its kind of an uncomfortable conversation when it comes up most times, im not the best at accepting compliments about my appearance without coming off awkward. or leads to "oh i wish i could lose weight" and then i have to decide on whether i take the chance of telling them how to do it properly and end up having a 10 minute conversation with them explaining how im wrong, or to immediately change the subject. either way i feel like i get trapped into sounding like a d*ckwad
  • xochitl101
    xochitl101 Posts: 5 Member
    I have noticed that in Britain, instead of directly complementing a person on their weight loss, many people will say something akin to: "You look well". It doesn't hurt those who don't like comments, yet it is encouraging and complementary to those who do.
  • Bri_Becq
    Bri_Becq Posts: 146 Member
    IT'S A TRAP!

  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    I have noticed that in Britain, instead of directly complementing a person on their weight loss, many people will say something akin to: "You look well". It doesn't hurt those who don't like comments, yet it is encouraging and complementary to those who do.

    But they teach you guys "Tact:101" in primary school. We get Here Comes Honey Boo-Boo on the freaking Learning Channel.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Max, those girls were flirting with you. I wasn't even there and I'm sure of it.

    Sigh, must I be a wingman for the entire world?


    No they weren't.

    Well if they were, they got bored to tears then, cause I talked about nutrition and training. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Damn, I am a F**king idiot

    Sigh.. I could slap you. But you'd crush me immediately after.

    Women were talking to you at the beach about how great your body looked. That's basically one step shy of handing you a "Would You Like To Have The Sex" card.

    And you gave them a speech about stronglifts and hitting your macros...

    YOU'RE WASTING YOUR BODY! Let me take it out for a spin, just for a day! I'd have more questionable strange than a person would know what to do with. And I'd be sure to give it back right when it starts to burn where you pee...


    This conversation is priceless. If you guys need a judge on who is more attractive, just let me know.

    At this point, I just need u to educate me. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Cause apparently I am pretty stinking dense in this area.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member

    This conversation is priceless. If you guys need a judge on who is more attractive, just let me know.

    Oh HELL no! I'm not setting myself up for that crushing defeat. The man looks like the Greeks carved him from marble!

    BUT... I know how to talk to girls. So I do just fine for myself. Now I'll see about helping big man learn how to strut.

    I am a wingman to the world. An everyman's Barney Stinson. And my work is never done.

    Max my boy, I'm gonna teach you how to live.
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Good, I will take the education at this point.....I need it
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    this thread is funny

    i personally think its kind of a bittersweet feeling. its good to know people are noticing so i know im doing well but its kind of an uncomfortable conversation when it comes up most times, im not the best at accepting compliments about my appearance without coming off awkward. or leads to "oh i wish i could lose weight" and then i have to decide on whether i take the chance of telling them how to do it properly and end up having a 10 minute conversation with them explaining how im wrong, or to immediately change the subject. either way i feel like i get trapped into sounding like a d*ckwad


    I can take a compliment.

    It's the natural next statement that causes problems "How'd you do it?"

    "I went Paleo...."

    "I read an article that Paleo is a fad/doesn't work/illogical/etc..."

    "Than don't do it." (shrug)
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    Max, those girls were flirting with you. I wasn't even there and I'm sure of it.

    Sigh, must I be a wingman for the entire world?


    No they weren't.

    Well if they were, they got bored to tears then, cause I talked about nutrition and training. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Damn, I am a F**king idiot

    Sigh.. I could slap you. But you'd crush me immediately after.

    Women were talking to you at the beach about how great your body looked. That's basically one step shy of handing you a "Would You Like To Have The Sex" card.

    And you gave them a speech about stronglifts and hitting your macros...

    YOU'RE WASTING YOUR BODY! Let me take it out for a spin, just for a day! I'd have more questionable strange than a person would know what to do with. And I'd be sure to give it back right when it starts to burn where you pee...


    This conversation is priceless. If you guys need a judge on who is more attractive, just let me know.

    At this point, I just need u to educate me. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Cause apparently I am pretty stinking dense in this area.

    I blame the women. If a man started talking strong lifts and macros, I'd probably tell him to hush and look pretty.

    But first lesson for next time: "Thanks ladies. You two are so beautiful that this might be the best compliment I've ever gotten."

    Happy ending isn't guaranteed, but the odds go way up.