Hey bro! You a Metrosexual or a Spornosexual?



  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Can I recommend an NA meeting (since you are recovering from subtance abuse)? Addiction isn't really about the drugs that we do but our attitude towards ourselves and others. If you really don't want to revisit the substance abuse, there is also a group called Celebrate Recovery that covers these principles without singling out a specific vice in one's life.

    ^ i used to attend those during my first two years of sobriety - I have about 4 years+ under my belt I did AA, NA, and even went to Celebrate Recovery - it's good but they focus on ppl that are still struggling with using... I struggle with saying no to eating a piece of white bread and making my six pack not look as attractive - there isn't a chance in the world I'm ever using again - using was me putting a bandaid on a bigger problem and that is I felt that there is no real purpose for our existence. In the grand scheme of things at the lvl of the cosmos we are insignificant as a hair on a gnats rear -

    now your input on not letting my things define me. - that is good I will admit I am totally doing that. I will continue working on enhancing your recommendations - its a slow process tho .

    First off, I have 8 1/2 years of sobriety myself. Congrats on 4 years.

    I can understand why you would hesitate to go back for another meeting. The reason why I brought it up is because you said that you have experienced that empty, purposeless feeling that a lot of addicts experienced once they have given up their substances. The problem is, that you are falling back on your possessions as a means to fill that emptiness. That indicates to me that you are still struggling with your addiction, even though you have the strength to actively choose not to use.

    If you don't want to go back to meetings, then maybe you should look into talking to a psychologist. I have one that I see occassionally whenever I feel like I need it. He helps me sort through the things I'm feeling, pinpoint the causes of them, and find solutions to keep from continuing that disturbing pattern of behavior. Basically, my psychologist helps me figure out how to be the person I want to be.

    *edited for typos - one of these days I will actually proof read BEFORE posting
  • bcoop911
    bcoop911 Posts: 1,390 Member
    Wait so... is Mr. Tolerable single? :love:

    I ain't saying she's a gold digger.... but...
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    "the rise of the ‘spornosexual’ - a social media- and selfie-obsessed male who takes cues on his appearance from sport and porn. "

    I am sorry, read this whole thread and for some reason this kept popping out at me.

    If a 'spornosexual' takes his cues from porn.............hold on, this is a marketing term, therefore it should have been acknowledged that the straight porn industry mostly deals with average to below average males. The purpose for this is to give the viewer a sense that these men are not better and that even a below average (looks) guy can screw a good looking, woman. I do have the marketing knowledge for this, I do web design, social media marketing, development and SEO (I am not a content writer, so bash my grammar it's fine). One of my clients is a legend in the gay porn industry, when working on his projects, I had to ask " why the gay porn stars were so much better looking than the straight?" . He informed me that the good looking guys could cause the men watching straight porn to feel self conscious and needed to feel they had a chance at these girls. He also told me often good looking men trying to get into porn, get rejected and many gay porn stars are in real life straight. I did more research and spoke with people at the studios and casting directors (had to anyways because of the projects), they all confirmed this. So if these "spornosexual" guys are taking cues from porn, they are aiming for below average and I do not see how any man should step up his game to aspire to this.

    *not saying a average guy can not have a beautiful SO, purely as marketing this strategy is used.

    Sorry that just seemed odd to me. Also Brah you do have issues. The thread was a good laugh though so thanks.

    ^yeah actually I thought the same thing about the whole taking cues from porn thing was a bit odd as well.

  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    ^yeah I had said I was changing my name - had to deal with a MFP perv.


    Just one?

  • bcoop911
    bcoop911 Posts: 1,390 Member
    I would date Zach Galifianakis in a heartbeat!! :love: :heart:

    Only because he is famous... guaranteed
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    This sucks and I demand that new porn be made tailored specifically for women with ugly women and hot men in it. For gender equality. The end.

    Agree half way, I hate when the woman is ugly and I am even straight. I prefer nice looking bodies if seeing them naked.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    ^yeah I had said I was changing my name - had to deal with a MFP perv.


    Just one?


    ^I get the kik request all the time, but at least it stays on MFP so I can just delete it in the inbox - no she hit me up on other social media and she posted right on my wall like we were best friends requesting crude pics... totally inappropriate, totally humiliating, and I was dating a girl exclusively when it happened so had to deal with her getting trust issues with a guy that already comes off as a lil bit of a playboy. and I spent years getting a sterling reputation back from the past life and idiots like that can undo years of work trying to be better.

    so ya lucky it happened only once.

    and I wish women would READ my threads - I do not nor will I ever have a kik, or a snapchat or anything else other than tinder FB and MFP.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    Can I recommend an NA meeting (since you are recovering from subtance abuse)? Addiction isn't really about the drugs that we do but our attitude towards ourselves and others. If you really don't want to revisit the substance abuse, there is also a group called Celebrate Recovery that covers these principles without singling out a specific vice in one's life.

    ^ i used to attend those during my first two years of sobriety - I have about 4 years+ under my belt I did AA, NA, and even went to Celebrate Recovery - it's good but they focus on ppl that are still struggling with using... I struggle with saying no to eating a piece of white bread and making my six pack not look as attractive - there isn't a chance in the world I'm ever using again - using was me putting a bandaid on a bigger problem and that is I felt that there is no real purpose for our existence. In the grand scheme of things at the lvl of the cosmos we are insignificant as a hair on a gnats rear -

    now your input on not letting my things define me. - that is good I will admit I am totally doing that. I will continue working on enhancing your recommendations - its a slow process tho .

    First off, I have 8 1/2 years of sobriety myself. Congrats on 4 years.

    I can understand why you would hesitate to go back for another meeting. The reason why I brought it up is because you said that you have experienced that empty, purposeless feeling that a lot of addicts experienced once they have given up their substances. The problem is, that you are falling back on your possessions as a means to fill that emptiness. That indicates to me that you are still struggling with your addiction, even though you have the strength to actively choose not to use.

    If you don't want to go back to meetings, then maybe you should look into talking to a psychologist. I have one that I see occassionally whenever I feel like I need it. He helps me sort through the things I'm feeling, pinpoint the causes of them, and find solutions to keep from continuing that disturbing pattern of behavior. Basically, my psychologist helps me figure out how to be the person I want to be.

    *edited for typos - one of these days I will actually proof read BEFORE posting

    sigh.. yeah I might just to talk about my insomnia problems as well. I appreciate your recommendation - thanks to obamacare I have to pay for my first $5,000 of ALL medical expenses before my insurance kicks in... I opened a HSA to get the tax break but still.. da faq obama-
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    So... only men can be stereotyped? I'm confused by this use of "bro" because I call my lady friends "bro" all the time because it sounds stupid and hilarious.


    ^da faq? The title says "HEY BRO! YOU A METROSEXUAL OR A SPORNOSEXUAL?" This thread is regarding 3 sterotypes of men, the average guy, the guy that cares about his wardrobe and personal appearance, and the guy that cares more about his body and personal appearance. There is now simply an observation that the spornosexual is different from a metrosexual, and there is a significant difference.

    Not belittling - but if this is seriously news to people then there is seriously a huge age gap in understanding, a lack of a college education, or you live in a very rural area - not saying any of that is wrong but I'd venture to say that is accurate.

    If you are to represent sophistication and higher education...

    *looks down at omega watch, and recent contracted painting hanging on wall* ... umm...yeahhh?

    LMFAO what does that have to do with anything?? I have a university education and live in a major city and I've never heard these terms because I don't care about this crap and therefore don't seek out information about it. And having a fancy watch doesn't make you smart or sophisticated, LOL it just means you didn't have anything else to spend your money on, or have dumb priorities.

    dumb priorities because I took a major major dent in my bank account buying it.


    it does make me happy to look at it though.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Can I recommend an NA meeting (since you are recovering from subtance abuse)? Addiction isn't really about the drugs that we do but our attitude towards ourselves and others. If you really don't want to revisit the substance abuse, there is also a group called Celebrate Recovery that covers these principles without singling out a specific vice in one's life.

    ^ i used to attend those during my first two years of sobriety - I have about 4 years+ under my belt I did AA, NA, and even went to Celebrate Recovery - it's good but they focus on ppl that are still struggling with using... I struggle with saying no to eating a piece of white bread and making my six pack not look as attractive - there isn't a chance in the world I'm ever using again - using was me putting a bandaid on a bigger problem and that is I felt that there is no real purpose for our existence. In the grand scheme of things at the lvl of the cosmos we are insignificant as a hair on a gnats rear -

    now your input on not letting my things define me. - that is good I will admit I am totally doing that. I will continue working on enhancing your recommendations - its a slow process tho .

    First off, I have 8 1/2 years of sobriety myself. Congrats on 4 years.

    I can understand why you would hesitate to go back for another meeting. The reason why I brought it up is because you said that you have experienced that empty, purposeless feeling that a lot of addicts experienced once they have given up their substances. The problem is, that you are falling back on your possessions as a means to fill that emptiness. That indicates to me that you are still struggling with your addiction, even though you have the strength to actively choose not to use.

    If you don't want to go back to meetings, then maybe you should look into talking to a psychologist. I have one that I see occassionally whenever I feel like I need it. He helps me sort through the things I'm feeling, pinpoint the causes of them, and find solutions to keep from continuing that disturbing pattern of behavior. Basically, my psychologist helps me figure out how to be the person I want to be.

    *edited for typos - one of these days I will actually proof read BEFORE posting

    sigh.. yeah I might just to talk about my insomnia problems as well. I appreciate your recommendation - thanks to obamacare I have to pay for my first $5,000 of ALL medical expenses before my insurance kicks in... I opened a HSA to get the tax break but still.. da faq obama-

    Yeah, I'm totally with you on that one too. Best of luck!
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    Can I recommend an NA meeting (since you are recovering from subtance abuse)? Addiction isn't really about the drugs that we do but our attitude towards ourselves and others. If you really don't want to revisit the substance abuse, there is also a group called Celebrate Recovery that covers these principles without singling out a specific vice in one's life.

    ^ i used to attend those during my first two years of sobriety - I have about 4 years+ under my belt I did AA, NA, and even went to Celebrate Recovery - it's good but they focus on ppl that are still struggling with using... I struggle with saying no to eating a piece of white bread and making my six pack not look as attractive - there isn't a chance in the world I'm ever using again - using was me putting a bandaid on a bigger problem and that is I felt that there is no real purpose for our existence. In the grand scheme of things at the lvl of the cosmos we are insignificant as a hair on a gnats rear -

    now your input on not letting my things define me. - that is good I will admit I am totally doing that. I will continue working on enhancing your recommendations - its a slow process tho .

    First off, I have 8 1/2 years of sobriety myself. Congrats on 4 years.

    I can understand why you would hesitate to go back for another meeting. The reason why I brought it up is because you said that you have experienced that empty, purposeless feeling that a lot of addicts experienced once they have given up their substances. The problem is, that you are falling back on your possessions as a means to fill that emptiness. That indicates to me that you are still struggling with your addiction, even though you have the strength to actively choose not to use.

    If you don't want to go back to meetings, then maybe you should look into talking to a psychologist. I have one that I see occassionally whenever I feel like I need it. He helps me sort through the things I'm feeling, pinpoint the causes of them, and find solutions to keep from continuing that disturbing pattern of behavior. Basically, my psychologist helps me figure out how to be the person I want to be.

    *edited for typos - one of these days I will actually proof read BEFORE posting

    sigh.. yeah I might just to talk about my insomnia problems as well. I appreciate your recommendation - thanks to obamacare I have to pay for my first $5,000 of ALL medical expenses before my insurance kicks in... I opened a HSA to get the tax break but still.. da faq obama-

    Yeah, I'm totally with you on that one too. Best of luck!

    congrats on sobriety yourself. How many years before you felt...like that void gone? My only fear is I started using when I was really really really young, and immediately I noticed it helped me fall asleep so I used a great deal to treat my insomnia, but I can't recall if I had that.... 'nothingness' in me before I started using even...

    thanks, and also I'm not a big fan of the meetings because I just don't like hearing about ppl still in the trenches struggling, I pray and love them but it actually is a huge pull back for me recalling things and being able to relate... I feel.. sounds weird but I feel like an old soul having gone through all that, never catching a charge as you see loved ones and former friends lives just decimated... I feel like an entirely different person but at the meetings I don't I feel like the same scumbag I used to be and I leave feeling depressed from all the focus put on simply not using..

    ...apologies if that comes off as totally nutty- it is very very hard to explain.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Can I recommend an NA meeting (since you are recovering from subtance abuse)? Addiction isn't really about the drugs that we do but our attitude towards ourselves and others. If you really don't want to revisit the substance abuse, there is also a group called Celebrate Recovery that covers these principles without singling out a specific vice in one's life.

    ^ i used to attend those during my first two years of sobriety - I have about 4 years+ under my belt I did AA, NA, and even went to Celebrate Recovery - it's good but they focus on ppl that are still struggling with using... I struggle with saying no to eating a piece of white bread and making my six pack not look as attractive - there isn't a chance in the world I'm ever using again - using was me putting a bandaid on a bigger problem and that is I felt that there is no real purpose for our existence. In the grand scheme of things at the lvl of the cosmos we are insignificant as a hair on a gnats rear -

    now your input on not letting my things define me. - that is good I will admit I am totally doing that. I will continue working on enhancing your recommendations - its a slow process tho .

    First off, I have 8 1/2 years of sobriety myself. Congrats on 4 years.

    I can understand why you would hesitate to go back for another meeting. The reason why I brought it up is because you said that you have experienced that empty, purposeless feeling that a lot of addicts experienced once they have given up their substances. The problem is, that you are falling back on your possessions as a means to fill that emptiness. That indicates to me that you are still struggling with your addiction, even though you have the strength to actively choose not to use.

    If you don't want to go back to meetings, then maybe you should look into talking to a psychologist. I have one that I see occassionally whenever I feel like I need it. He helps me sort through the things I'm feeling, pinpoint the causes of them, and find solutions to keep from continuing that disturbing pattern of behavior. Basically, my psychologist helps me figure out how to be the person I want to be.

    *edited for typos - one of these days I will actually proof read BEFORE posting

    sigh.. yeah I might just to talk about my insomnia problems as well. I appreciate your recommendation - thanks to obamacare I have to pay for my first $5,000 of ALL medical expenses before my insurance kicks in... I opened a HSA to get the tax break but still.. da faq obama-

    Yeah, I'm totally with you on that one too. Best of luck!

    congrats on sobriety yourself. How many years before you felt...like that void gone? My only fear is I started using when I was really really really young, and immediately I noticed it helped me fall asleep so I used a great deal to treat my insomnia, but I can't recall if I had that.... 'nothingness' in me before I started using even...

    thanks, and also I'm not a big fan of the meetings because I just don't like hearing about ppl still in the trenches struggling, I pray and love them but it actually is a huge pull back for me recalling things and being able to relate... I feel.. sounds weird but I feel like an old soul having gone through all that, never catching a charge as you see loved ones and former friends lives just decimated... I feel like an entirely different person but at the meetings I don't I feel like the same scumbag I used to be and I leave feeling depressed from all the focus put on simply not using..

    ...apologies if that comes off as totally nutty- it is very very hard to explain.

    Honestly, I completely understand where you are coming from. That is a big reason why I didn't go back when I probably could have used it.

    I was blessed because I had a good reason to get clean. I had lost custody of my kids and I had a goal to work on. Once I got my kids back, I still experienced that purposeless, emptiness, but instead of trying to fill the emptiness, I focused on finding a purpose. I kept myself distracted with self-improvement projects like getting an education and getting physically fit. Eventually, I felt better about myself because of what I accomplished and those empty, purposeless feelings subsided.

    Of course, you already seem to have those things under control. That is why I suggested a psychologist. It seems like maybe the things that helped me are just simply not enough for you.
  • bcoop911
    bcoop911 Posts: 1,390 Member
    This cracks me up... does this show traits of a sociopath? I think so... :-P he managed to turn a thread, that was purely him being a narcissistic *kitten* and pissing people off, completely around to the same people feeling sorry for him... This dude knows how to play the weak minded... A well versed troll for sure... Win to MrTolerable...
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    This cracks me up... does this show traits of a sociopath? I think so... :-P he managed to turn a thread, that was purely him being a *kitten* and pissing people off, completely around to the same people feeling sorry for him... This dude knows how to play the weak minded... A well versed troll for sure... Win to MrTolerable...

    Well that was just rude! I didn't realize recognizing someone with a problem that I could help with made me weak-minded. I simply thought it made me a good person.

    With a single statement, you went from a man with sage wisdom to a complete hypocrite. Nice trolling yourself, bcoop!
  • bcoop911
    bcoop911 Posts: 1,390 Member
    Well that was just rude!

    Sociopaths definitely know how to manipulate people... as we have just witnessed lol
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    For a guy who is all business and such - you certainly do have a lot of time to waste the last 2.5 hours of this non-sense!

    I won't in another 8 mins! :laugh:

    You need to take your watch back.......it's been a long 8 minutes.................:flowerforyou:
  • bcoop911
    bcoop911 Posts: 1,390 Member
    With a single statement, you went from a man with sage wisdom to a complete hypocrite. Nice trolling yourself, bcoop!

    Wording here... NOTHING that I said AT ALL made me a hypocrite... I never contradicted anything I said previously. Definitely think you need to check your definition of a "hypocrite."
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Well that was just rude!

    Sociopaths definitely know how to manipulate people... as we have just witnessed lol

    You know, I just can't even... why you have chosen to attack someone for trying to help...

    I really thought that was what you were trying to do with all your meaningful quotes, but I guess you were just wagging your finger.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    This cracks me up... does this show traits of a sociopath? I think so... :-P he managed to turn a thread, that was purely him being a narcissistic *kitten* and pissing people off, completely around to the same people feeling sorry for him... This dude knows how to play the weak minded... A well versed troll for sure... Win to MrTolerable...
    bcoop I was really nice and was awaiting for your input... even said it humbly!!

    I made this thread because I saw on the drudge report that spornosexual is a new variant of what would have typically been a man labeled as a metrosexual - for people that have a background or interest in marketing this is a big deal - it was for purposes of education and to be fun.

    This idea that there is a huge secret agenda of mine to...idk do like evil sociopath-like things is- well frankly it's crazzzy!

    This was a thread I started, you didn't have to be a part of it if you didn't like the subject matter. - and I got a great deal of education and knowledge out of this so thanks for everyone's input... even Mr. bcoop because your points earlier were accurate.
  • sklarbodds
    sklarbodds Posts: 608 Member
    I actually thought the article was was hilarious :)