Hey bro! You a Metrosexual or a Spornosexual?



  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    I couldn't have gotten the status I have now without the multiple degrees I got. I'd venture to say in these times, unless you are an extreme outlier or blessed even more than me you need a degree to be rocking an omega watch and to be dropping a few G's to have a painting contracted out.

    So, just wanted to say, speaking as an artist who does commissions...you don't "contract out" a painting. You commission it. It's kind of funny for someone not to know that if they've done it.

    no, he means he pays the painting to do work for him on a contractual basis rather than as an employee.


    ^I mean.. but yeah basically - I had to drop a huge deposit $$ before she even started on it and I got a written contract with a deadline?

    I mean I feel like my use of the terminology was accurate.

    So, do you believe that every transaction which requires a contract is "contracted?" You contract with your credit card companies? Instead of getting married, you will "contract" with your spouse?

    I'm an artist. I do commissions. Contracts are part of the commission, but it's still a commission.
    DSTMT Posts: 417 Member
    Mark Simpson came up with Spornosexual and unless you willfully live under a rock you'd know he came up with Metrosexual.. basically a wetdream for people who work in marketing.

    Who is Mark Simpson?

    WTF is Spornosexual

    Metrosexual is one of the stupidest words I've ever heard in my life

    How about.... we just all be humans? And individuals? Why this need to constantly put people in boxes with a label on?

    All of this ^
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    "There are two kinds of pride, both good and bad. 'Good pride' represents our dignity and self-respect. 'Bad pride' is the deadly sin of superiority that reeks of conceit and arrogance."

    - John C. Maxwell
    "The truest characters of ignorance are vanity and pride and arrogance."

    - Samuel Butler

    -listen these quotes are a bit humbling because I will admit they are applicable - how does one go about enhancing their substance?

    As I said I am a former addict -was a very very bad person and turned around my life, got the degrees, and just prioritized working and working focusing on buying things basically to stay on the straight and narrow. I will admit I have a ton to work on when it comes to substance - so I'm asking respectfully then since you are giving solid input here - how would one go about developing their substance?

    And sure I won't talk about my clothes anymore- obviously step 1 .. but for real - recommendation?

    Start with humility... bro

    ok - humbly I am saying I do have some area's I need to improve on and I have been working on it... but obviously I need to expedite the amount of work i'm putting into becoming a better individual.


    Ok... you're redeemed with me.

    :flowerforyou: cheerz!

    Well... you had me back... until the whole "you'd be surprised" comment. You went back to bragging. But I understand... small steps. I can forgive anyone for any of their flaws so long as they are willing to work on them.

    Best of luck to you, MrTolerable! Your path to humility is likely to be a painful one.

    ughhh!!! it was so hard to so say!!

    but I'm falling forward! promises!
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    I couldn't have gotten the status I have now without the multiple degrees I got. I'd venture to say in these times, unless you are an extreme outlier or blessed even more than me you need a degree to be rocking an omega watch and to be dropping a few G's to have a painting contracted out.

    So, just wanted to say, speaking as an artist who does commissions...you don't "contract out" a painting. You commission it. It's kind of funny for someone not to know that if they've done it.

    no, he means he pays the painting to do work for him on a contractual basis rather than as an employee.


    ^I mean.. but yeah basically - I had to drop a huge deposit $$ before she even started on it and I got a written contract with a deadline?

    I mean I feel like my use of the terminology was accurate.

    So, do you believe that every transaction which requires a contract is "contracted?" You contract with your credit card companies? Instead of getting married, you will "contract" with your spouse?

    I'm an artist. I do commissions. Contracts are part of the commission, but it's still a commission.

    ^I guess I don't refer to it as a commission because she does all of the work herself and isn't working at a studio where she only makes a commission off the work.

    but yeah I contract with the credit card company - and idk if marriage is on my radar for the next few years, but with the mandatory prenup that's ganna be going on... idk I feel like there will def be contracts signed?

    not being a smartbutt - I'm not familiar with all the jargon I guess.
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    OP, you are so funny. You wear an Omega watch. :laugh:

    Everybody who's anybody knows you should be wearing a Rolex Submariner Date with the Superlative Chronometer.

    Not 2012 or before when Rolex didn't have the improved Chronometer. But not the green face. That's just too flashy.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I couldn't have gotten the status I have now without the multiple degrees I got. I'd venture to say in these times, unless you are an extreme outlier or blessed even more than me you need a degree to be rocking an omega watch and to be dropping a few G's to have a painting contracted out.

    So, just wanted to say, speaking as an artist who does commissions...you don't "contract out" a painting. You commission it. It's kind of funny for someone not to know that if they've done it.

    no, he means he pays the painting to do work for him on a contractual basis rather than as an employee.


    ^I mean.. but yeah basically - I had to drop a huge deposit $$ before she even started on it and I got a written contract with a deadline?

    I mean I feel like my use of the terminology was accurate.

    Your use of the terminology was wrong. And I wasn't disagreeing with her, I was making a joke, i.e. writing out the literal meaning of "contracting out a painting". Like she said, the word you should have used was "commissioned".

    The combination of boasting about degrees and misusing words..... well, it makes for classic MFP humour... if you want to avoid that kind of thing in the future, dictionary dot com is your friend.
  • JoelleAnn78
    JoelleAnn78 Posts: 1,492 Member
    Not belittling - but if this is seriously news to people then there is seriously a huge age gap in understanding, a lack of a college education, or you live in a very rural area - not saying any of that is wrong but I'd venture to say that is accurate.


    You venture wrong.

    On so many levels.
  • _Pseudonymous_
    _Pseudonymous_ Posts: 1,671 Member
    Does this guy remind anyone else of Patrick Bateman from American Psycho?

    ^That is a bit inappropriate.

    Actually, if you have read the Book by ellis or have seen Bale's performance as the character and then reference this thread and this thread alone you can see the mirroring of Bateman. If your offense comes from the murdering aspect then you should not be offended because he didn't actually murder anyone. Well, maybe the homeless guy. It is more about how he uses fashion and flash, and flair to move up in society. Title and power were all that mattered to him and in his craze to become more powerful he started to lose himself into fantastical fantasies where he actually believed he were murdering these people. The way I see it is he tried so hard to live this fantasy and become what he imagined that the line blurred between reality and fantasy. Keep in mind that I have no formal education and I am by no means an expert on literature, symbolism, or phsychology. That is simply what I take away from the story.

    Anyway, I lost my train of thought. Your reference to the material things and success and how hand in hand they are and that one feeds the other reflects the very same morality and mentality of Batemen. I actually had the same comparison running in my head before she said anything.

    ^you must have not read the book. he did murder them Ellis talks about it further in lunar park.

    and yeah I am offended about the murdering aspect - that is a repulsive comparison. If I was being compared to Victor Ward - then sure it could be an insult in some ways but applicable in others - but Batemen and me have about nothing in common.

    Sorry, I was tangenting but it's never really revealed if he actually murdered or not. Ellis left it open on purpose. Some people read it and assume all fo the murders actually happend others assume it was all in his imagination. The bum and the little kid in the park (featured in the book, not the movie) are the only 100% confirmed kills. Either way, you lose the point of the reference when you wrap yourself up in the murder aspect of it. Looking past the murderous habit the similarities are still very abundant. The depth that your materialism goes in this thread and your importance that you place on status, brands, and persona are all very Bateman like.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    I couldn't have gotten the status I have now without the multiple degrees I got. I'd venture to say in these times, unless you are an extreme outlier or blessed even more than me you need a degree to be rocking an omega watch and to be dropping a few G's to have a painting contracted out.

    So, just wanted to say, speaking as an artist who does commissions...you don't "contract out" a painting. You commission it. It's kind of funny for someone not to know that if they've done it.

    no, he means he pays the painting to do work for him on a contractual basis rather than as an employee.


    ^I mean.. but yeah basically - I had to drop a huge deposit $$ before she even started on it and I got a written contract with a deadline?

    I mean I feel like my use of the terminology was accurate.

    So, do you believe that every transaction which requires a contract is "contracted?" You contract with your credit card companies? Instead of getting married, you will "contract" with your spouse?

    I'm an artist. I do commissions. Contracts are part of the commission, but it's still a commission.

    ^I guess I don't refer to it as a commission because she does all of the work herself and isn't working at a studio where she only makes a commission off the work.

    but yeah I contract with the credit card company - and idk if marriage is on my radar for the next few years, but with the mandatory prenup that's ganna be going on... idk I feel like there will def be contracts signed?

    not being a smartbutt - I'm not familiar with all the jargon I guess.

    Trust me, if you say you contracted a painting, then everyone who hears you will think you're a pretentious lying wanna-be who has never seen a painting beyond a print of poker playing dogs.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    OP, you are so funny. You wear an Omega watch. :laugh:

    Everybody who's anybody knows you should be wearing a Rolex Submariner Date with the Superlative Chronometer.

    Not 2012 or before when Rolex didn't have the improved Chronometer. But not the green face. That's just too flashy.

    ^you and my best friend... trust me I got beat up enough about this as it is... I purchased the watch at the jeweler intoxicated grandfather was in the hospital for heart surgery and sometimes I just buy insane things to get my mind off things.. that watch was it exactly.. I did save tho for months planning on getting a date-just.

    -I'm not made of money boss.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    Also, Omega watches are so last year. This is the new hot watch to wear:

  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    I couldn't have gotten the status I have now without the multiple degrees I got. I'd venture to say in these times, unless you are an extreme outlier or blessed even more than me you need a degree to be rocking an omega watch and to be dropping a few G's to have a painting contracted out.

    So, just wanted to say, speaking as an artist who does commissions...you don't "contract out" a painting. You commission it. It's kind of funny for someone not to know that if they've done it.

    no, he means he pays the painting to do work for him on a contractual basis rather than as an employee.


    ^I mean.. but yeah basically - I had to drop a huge deposit $$ before she even started on it and I got a written contract with a deadline?

    I mean I feel like my use of the terminology was accurate.

    Your use of the terminology was wrong. And I wasn't disagreeing with her, I was making a joke, i.e. writing out the literal meaning of "contracting out a painting". Like she said, the word you should have used was "commissioned".

    The combination of boasting about degrees and misusing words..... well, it makes for classic MFP humour... if you want to avoid that kind of thing in the future, dictionary dot com is your friend.

    gotcha, I'll be more careful!
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    my take on labeling people:

  • srslybritt
    srslybritt Posts: 1,618 Member
    All of this and I still haven't bothered to learn what a Spornosexual is. But, hey, if the OP is willing to work on himself to make himself beautiful from the inside instead of putting on bling to do it from the outside, it may be time to lay this thread to rest.

  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    Also, Omega watches are so last year. This is the new hot watch to wear:


    lmao the skeleton watches were cool in 2012 - LMAO that actually is funny.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    -_- you switched your gif.

    but yeah tat watch is hot. no lying there.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Also, Omega watches are so last year. This is the new hot watch to wear:


    lmao the skeleton watches were cool in 2012 - LMAO that actually is funny.

    I like this clock:

  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Biggest case of false advertising ever.
    You are not tolerable.

  • srslybritt
    srslybritt Posts: 1,618 Member
    Also, Omega watches are so last year. This is the new hot watch to wear:


    lmao the skeleton watches were cool in 2012 - LMAO that actually is funny.

    I like this clock:


    Eh, I prefer this.

  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    Does this guy remind anyone else of Patrick Bateman from American Psycho?

    ^That is a bit inappropriate.

    Actually, if you have read the Book by ellis or have seen Bale's performance as the character and then reference this thread and this thread alone you can see the mirroring of Bateman. If your offense comes from the murdering aspect then you should not be offended because he didn't actually murder anyone. Well, maybe the homeless guy. It is more about how he uses fashion and flash, and flair to move up in society. Title and power were all that mattered to him and in his craze to become more powerful he started to lose himself into fantastical fantasies where he actually believed he were murdering these people. The way I see it is he tried so hard to live this fantasy and become what he imagined that the line blurred between reality and fantasy. Keep in mind that I have no formal education and I am by no means an expert on literature, symbolism, or phsychology. That is simply what I take away from the story.

    Anyway, I lost my train of thought. Your reference to the material things and success and how hand in hand they are and that one feeds the other reflects the very same morality and mentality of Batemen. I actually had the same comparison running in my head before she said anything.

    ^you must have not read the book. he did murder them Ellis talks about it further in lunar park.

    and yeah I am offended about the murdering aspect - that is a repulsive comparison. If I was being compared to Victor Ward - then sure it could be an insult in some ways but applicable in others - but Batemen and me have about nothing in common.

    Sorry, I was tangenting about the Movie. In the interviews with Ellis he says they were murdered but in the movie version it was all in his head. Either way, you lose the point of the reference when you wrap yourself up in the murder aspect of it. Looking past the murderous habit the similarities are still very abundant. The depth that your materialism goes in this thread and your importance that you place on status, brands, and persona are all very Bateman like.
    I 100% agree I am too materialistic, I basically conditioned myself to be materialistic because I was an addict that with a nihilistic worldview. With there being no point at all to existence, I abused substances because it felt - well you could feel something period which was nice at the time. - of course my life spiraled embarrassingly out of control, had to drop out of college and move back in with my parents even to get my head back on straight and to grow up. - humbling to admit. I was depression personified, and with no point at all to life I figured I might as well work to kill time and get nice things? - so I ditched 99% of the druggie idiot friends I used to have and surrounded myself around ppl that I had viewed as successful and tried to become just like them - and in many ways I achieved that... but I achieved it without developing still a real purpose per se... because when viewing the cosmos as a whole or even realizing we are in a parallel universe with really no purpose.. it is all a bit meaningless - even the clothes and wealth.. idk I feel happier WAYY happier being sober and a health nut - but I still in a sense feel as if I am just. killing. time.

    ..as for substance I will totally admit I have been feeling like I lack... purpose? idk how to structure how I feel about it.. but I am aware I am not exactly developed in the ideal manner in regards to substance...

    and that is humbling to admit!