Hey bro! You a Metrosexual or a Spornosexual?



  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    So "spornosexual" is the new term to replace "huge doucher". Got it.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    lmao... 'in my opinion' coming from a marketing background I'm so curious about your guys demographic now. - I totally pegged this way off before posting this thread.. I thought I'd see tons and tons of "c's"

    Why do we need labels for everyone? - because people are actually not very unique - everyone feels special and unique and that's great but when it comes down to it you can be compartmentalized in little boxes and labels so advertisers can hit you up... 'in my opinion' that is why you have cookies tracking you and giants like Amazon and Google knowing exactly how to move you.

    Welcome to the times bro.


    lol yea.. srsly
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Mark Simpson came up with Spornosexual and unless you willfully live under a rock you'd know he came up with Metrosexual.. basically a wetdream for people who work in marketing.
    I'm glad to see that living under a rock had prevented me thus far from hearing these terms or whoever came up with them.

    I wonder what has to be wrong with someone that they would take pride in being a walking stereotype.

    Same here. I'll kindly go back to living under my rock before people start getting hurt from making up ridiculous words.
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,275 Member
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    lmao... 'in my opinion' coming from a marketing background I'm so curious about your guys demographic now. - I totally pegged this way off before posting this thread.. I thought I'd see tons and tons of "c's"

    Why do we need labels for everyone? - because people are actually not very unique - everyone feels special and unique and that's great but when it comes down to it you can be compartmentalized in little boxes and labels so advertisers can hit you up... 'in my opinion' that is why you have cookies tracking you and giants like Amazon and Google knowing exactly how to move you.

    Welcome to the times bro.

    Yes, people can be grouped together under specific terms, but that doesn't mean that there are not unique individuals among the group or outliers.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Mark Simpson came up with Spornosexual and unless you willfully live under a rock you'd know he came up with Metrosexual.. basically a wetdream for people who work in marketing.

    Who is Mark Simpson?

    WTF is Spornosexual

    Metrosexual is one of the stupidest words I've ever heard in my life

    How about.... we just all be humans? And individuals? Why this need to constantly put people in boxes with a label on?

    "the rise of the ‘spornosexual’ - a social media- and selfie-obsessed male who takes cues on his appearance from sport and porn.

    While metrosexuals fretted over their wardrobes and their complexions, the spornosexual’s primary concern is his body. Still not sure where you fit in all this? Take Telegraph Men’s spornosexual quiz to find out… "

    - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/men/the-filter/10891810/Quiz-Are-you-a-spornosexual.html

    lolz I'm surprised I have tons of friends that are metro and now I think a few are sporno but I'm glad there is a term for... on MFP I thought tons of people would be saying theywere sporno...


    where do I fit in?

    I'm female.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Mark Simpson came up with Spornosexual and unless you willfully live under a rock you'd know he came up with Metrosexual.. basically a wetdream for people who work in marketing.
    I'm glad to see that living under a rock had prevented me thus far from hearing these terms or whoever came up with them.

    I wonder what has to be wrong with someone that they would take pride in being a walking stereotype.

    Same here. I'll kindly go back to living under my rock before people start getting hurt from making up ridiculous words.

    ^^^^ this!

    I don't understand this desire to label people.
  • ShellyBell999
    ShellyBell999 Posts: 1,482 Member
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    lmao... 'in my opinion' coming from a marketing background I'm so curious about your guys demographic now. - I totally pegged this way off before posting this thread.. I thought I'd see tons and tons of "c's"

    Why do we need labels for everyone? - because people are actually not very unique - everyone feels special and unique and that's great but when it comes down to it you can be compartmentalized in little boxes and labels so advertisers can hit you up... 'in my opinion' that is why you have cookies tracking you and giants like Amazon and Google knowing exactly how to move you.

    Welcome to the times bro.

    No. We actually don't need labels for everyone. Advertising/marketing is a completely different subject. I'm sorry I don't need to label myself as something to feel unique. Are there other people out there that are possibly my doppelgangers, sure! Do I care? No.

    It's like you're trying to compare apples and oranges.

    Personally, I'd rather live my life and enjoy it, then sit around wondering what everyone's "label" is.
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    So "spornosexual" is the new term to replace "huge doucher". Got it.

    i was reading it as "vain wanker" so, yeah pretty much.

    every time OP posts... i'm not sure we're descended from the same species.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    Mark Simpson came up with Spornosexual and unless you willfully live under a rock you'd know he came up with Metrosexual.. basically a wetdream for people who work in marketing.
    I'm glad to see that living under a rock had prevented me thus far from hearing these terms or whoever came up with them.

    I wonder what has to be wrong with someone that they would take pride in being a walking stereotype.

    Same here. I'll kindly go back to living under my rock before people start getting hurt from making up ridiculous words.

    ^^^^ this!

    I don't understand this desire to label people.

    1st off I threw a "BRO" in the title of my thread - this is applicable to dudes not ladies.

    2nd - as I explained it's not so much a desire to label people it is that these labels are applicable and are used for marketing and research purposes.

  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    lmao... 'in my opinion' coming from a marketing background I'm so curious about your guys demographic now. - I totally pegged this way off before posting this thread.. I thought I'd see tons and tons of "c's"

    Why do we need labels for everyone? - because people are actually not very unique - everyone feels special and unique and that's great but when it comes down to it you can be compartmentalized in little boxes and labels so advertisers can hit you up... 'in my opinion' that is why you have cookies tracking you and giants like Amazon and Google knowing exactly how to move you.

    Welcome to the times bro.

    No. We actually don't need labels for everyone. Advertising/marketing is a completely different subject. I'm sorry I don't need to label myself as something to feel unique. Are there other people out there that are possibly my doppelgangers, sure! Do I care? No.

    It's like you're trying to compare apples and oranges.

    Personally, I'd rather live my life and enjoy it, then sit around wondering what everyone's "label" is.

    the label would make you not unique man?! and if you don't care no one forced you on my thread... but I'll just take it as we got another B up in here. -_-
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    lmao... 'in my opinion' coming from a marketing background I'm so curious about your guys demographic now. - I totally pegged this way off before posting this thread.. I thought I'd see tons and tons of "c's"

    Why do we need labels for everyone? - because people are actually not very unique - everyone feels special and unique and that's great but when it comes down to it you can be compartmentalized in little boxes and labels so advertisers can hit you up... 'in my opinion' that is why you have cookies tracking you and giants like Amazon and Google knowing exactly how to move you.

    Welcome to the times bro.

    So because advertising executives can put people in boxes based on the kinds of products they're likely to buy, people should just wear these labels with pride?

    Right. Well each to their own I suppose.
  • srslybritt
    srslybritt Posts: 1,618 Member
    So... only men can be stereotyped? I'm confused by this use of "bro" because I call my lady friends "bro" all the time because it sounds stupid and hilarious.

  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    Well if you're going to insist on categorising me put me in the category of IDGAF.


    ^^^ THIS!!!

    This is truly a sad post! EOD!
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    lmao... 'in my opinion' coming from a marketing background I'm so curious about your guys demographic now. - I totally pegged this way off before posting this thread.. I thought I'd see tons and tons of "c's"

    Why do we need labels for everyone? - because people are actually not very unique - everyone feels special and unique and that's great but when it comes down to it you can be compartmentalized in little boxes and labels so advertisers can hit you up... 'in my opinion' that is why you have cookies tracking you and giants like Amazon and Google knowing exactly how to move you.

    Welcome to the times bro.

    No. We actually don't need labels for everyone. Advertising/marketing is a completely different subject. I'm sorry I don't need to label myself as something to feel unique. Are there other people out there that are possibly my doppelgangers, sure! Do I care? No.

    It's like you're trying to compare apples and oranges.

    Personally, I'd rather live my life and enjoy it, then sit around wondering what everyone's "label" is.

    the label would make you not unique man?! and if you don't care no one forced you on my thread... but I'll just take it as we got another B up in here. -_-
    Wow...because I disagree with you, I'm a b...

  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    So... only men can be stereotyped? I'm confused by this use of "bro" because I call my lady friends "bro" all the time because it sounds stupid and hilarious.


    ^da faq? The title says "HEY BRO! YOU A METROSEXUAL OR A SPORNOSEXUAL?" This thread is regarding 3 sterotypes of men, the average guy, the guy that cares about his wardrobe and personal appearance, and the guy that cares more about his body and personal appearance. There is now simply an observation that the spornosexual is different from a metrosexual, and there is a significant difference.

    Not belittling - but if this is seriously news to people then there is seriously a huge age gap in understanding, a lack of a college education, or you live in a very rural area - not saying any of that is wrong but I'd venture to say that is accurate.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    So... only men can be stereotyped? I'm confused by this use of "bro" because I call my lady friends "bro" all the time because it sounds stupid and hilarious.


    ^da faq? The title says "HEY BRO! YOU A METROSEXUAL OR A SPORNOSEXUAL?" This thread is regarding 3 sterotypes of men, the average guy, the guy that cares about his wardrobe and personal appearance, and the guy that cares more about his body and personal appearance. There is now simply an observation that the spornosexual is different from a metrosexual, and there is a significant difference.

    Not belittling - but if this is seriously news to people then there is seriously a huge age gap in understanding, a lack of a college education, or you live in a very rural area - not saying any of that is wrong but I'd venture to say that is accurate.

    If you are to represent sophistication and higher education...