Silly things that annoy you!

nordens Posts: 28 Member
edited September 22 in Chit-Chat
I'll start.....

People who spell 'lose' as 'loose'....sorry but this is a completely different word! Aaaarrggghhh! ;o)


  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    haha! along those lines.. people who don't know the difference between 'There', and 'Their'

    and people who chew gum like cows.. i just want to make them spit it out!'
  • You forgot "they're" and "your' and "you're" ha.

    they pissss me off a lot.


    OH. and lack of punctuation. It saves lives.

    Lets eat grandma.

    Let's eat, grandma.

    *I linked a picture, but it has swear words. look out photoshop! *L*
  • supernanny!! but only because she pronounces acceptable as 'asseptable'
  • I hate to see people in a restaurant using their cloth napkin to not only wipe their mouth but using it to wipe their nose at well, yuck
  • Tourists and people that stand on the wrong side of the escalator. MOVE OUT THE WAY!! :noway:
  • I want all things to be symmetrical. When they aren't, it annoys me.

    When my husband leaves a new roll of toilet paper sitting on the sink counter instead of putting it on the holder.
  • People who walk REALLY slowly! I've got somewhere to go, get out the way!

    Also, people who think it is OK to stop in the middle of the pavement or walk in a line, taking up the whole pavement! Argh!
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    Your and you're

    There their and they're

    Lose and loose

    its and it' many more.

    Also, I hate POUTING in pics, or pulling such a pose that it looks nothing like the person. Pouting just looks pathetic, its not sexy it looks like a sullen child or a duck, QUACK!
  • stella77
    stella77 Posts: 282
    and people who chew gum like cows.. i just want to make them spit it out!'

    Yes! And people who chew their food like that! I have one in the office doing that right now!

    And people who write on here as they would on SMS. That really annoys me.
  • Oh! And people who write asked when they really mean arsed.

    And like - I'm so like sorry like innit bruv

    Poor English really annoys me as well!

    And 'sentence fragment' on word - well sentence fragment is also a sentence fragment! So there!
  • soze
    soze Posts: 604 Member
    Can't think of anything that annoys me. I'm sure something does. I'll check in with my ex-wife.
  • JayneWilson1963
    JayneWilson1963 Posts: 543 Member
    and people who chew gum like cows.. i just want to make them spit it out!'

    Yes! And people who chew their food like that! I have one in the office doing that right now!

    And people who write on here as they would on SMS. That really annoys me.

    I could not agree more. This irritates me so bad. It also gets to me when people make noises with their eating utensils such as scraping the bottom of a bowl with a spoon. Just accept that there is no more food in the bowl and let it go!
  • dragonfly__
    dragonfly__ Posts: 172 Member
    People who say pacific instead of specific and specifically the girl at work who says smoking sensation instead of smoking cessation.
  • they're, there and their

    People who yawn and sneeze very LOUD, especially in public, not necessary.
  • People who talk loudly on cell phones in public places like the library or a book store, No sense of civility left,
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    People who just stop in the middle of the aisle at the grocery store and are completely oblivious to everyone else! I just wanna tell them to get the hell out of my way!

    People who drive way under the speed limit when the roads are perfectly dry.

    People who slurp their drinks. People who chew with their mouth open.

    People who whistle... I don't know why this drives me crazy so much! LOL

    Also the spelling and grammar errors..especially lose and loose! When I read that I couldn't stop laughing!

    People with big heads who sit in front of you at the movie theater then they eat super loud and won't shut up!
  • JaneZv
    JaneZv Posts: 200
    Misuse of apostrophe (e.g. use "it's" instead of "its").
    Using "who" in a sentence when it should be "whom".
    Over use of certain words, such as using the word "like" in almost every sentence.

    Yet sometimes I am guilty of doing that myself. LOL. xD
  • akaDumbo
    akaDumbo Posts: 187
    People who talk with their mouth full of food
    People who talk over you when you are in the middle of saying something
  • Bearface115
    Bearface115 Posts: 574 Member
    People that absolutlely have to get the cheapest deal they can find and if they cannot get it they make the biggest F*&^% deal about it. Some people (NOT ALL) are so damn cheap, they'll be sneaky and always try to manipulate the situation in order for you to give them free stuff. And the attitude that comes with it... i mean come on.. there is NO reason to be a ***** to get free stuff... And that is my little annoyance! lol!:laugh:
  • people who T Y P E R E A L L Y H E A V Y as if there fingers are made of steel!
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