Silly things that annoy you!



  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    Most annoying thing to me are people who THRIVE on drama. People who can't settle when life is going good and have to drum up some problems.

    Bonus annoying if they not only make up problems but only talk about theirs and refuse to listen to you and your bad day :explode:

    Amen! My future sister-in-law is the epitome of this. ugh
  • princessmikayla5
    princessmikayla5 Posts: 140 Member
    I'm a cashier, so there's no end to the things that annoy me. BUT the worst is when someone does not get off the cell phone while I am checking them out. So rude! I have certain things I have to ask them as part of my job, so I find myself whispering my questions like I'm doing something wrong by speaking to the customer.

    Also, people who think they are hot stuff. If you think you are better than me, I will automatically not like you. A little humility goes a long way!
  • Aid_B
    Aid_B Posts: 427
    I better not get started.

    Me too my list is so long, and probably yes to all the above !
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Ok, here's one more. I'm originally from Missouri and it irks me when people pronounce Missoui "Missoura". There is no "a" in Missouri. :grumble:
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    people who say "irregardless" that's NOT a word people!!!! It's just "regardless"

    people who say "supposably" um what?? the word is supposed, there for I think you mean Supposedly???
    ( I realize that this is possibly an allowed word in the US??? not sure... but in proper English - British, and therefore here in Canada, there is no such thing lol)


    LOL i am such a word freak but these two just grate my *kitten*!

    oh and people who drive slow in the fast lane...

    Lordy I could go on and on..

    oh one more... people who feel the need to shove by you at the (bar, grocerystore, etc)... umm simply saying excuse me usually works you don't have to elbow me.... and on the flip side... people who don't move when you say excuse me... umm Excuse me... um EXCUSE ME!!!

    oh I feel a bit better now lol
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    People who don't use the SEARCH button for:
    30 DAY SHRED
  • NutritionDivaRD
    NutritionDivaRD Posts: 467 Member
    people who say "irregardless" that's NOT a word people!!!! It's just "regardless"

    people who say "supposably" um what?? the word is supposed, there for I think you mean Supposedly???
    ( I realize that this is possibly an allowed word in the US??? not sure... but in proper English - British, and therefore here in Canada, there is no such thing lol)

    I meant to add both of those to my list as well! If it is allowed in the US then I don't know about it. I learned proper grammar growing up and "supposably" was not allowed.

    I also don't like some of the new made up words like "ginormous." It seems like a new trend this combining of two words to make a new word. :)
  • DawnOf1969
    DawnOf1969 Posts: 726 Member
    People who text/email/facebook while driving
    People who slurp while eating cereal/soup/etc
    People who crunch ice
    People who groan/snore when they sleep (sorry hubby!)
    People who bring their "baggage" to work and are b!tchy all day long
    People who smack gum
    People who dont say I love you back to you :(
    People who leave their cell phone ringers on at work (for no good reason)
  • NutritionDivaRD
    NutritionDivaRD Posts: 467 Member
    I also don't like some of the new made up words like "ginormous." It seems like a new trend this combining of two words to make a new word. :)

    :laugh: I find myself saying "ginormous" now - but only since seeing Monsters VS Aliens where they nicknamed the chic "Ginormica". Usually it's only to make my kids laugh, but I've caught myself saying it elsewhere... :blushing:

    Don't blush! I didn't say I don't DO it! I said I don't LIKE it! Haha! Those trendy words are CATCHING and we all find ourselves using them. Of course I don't use them when giving a professional presentation....but I use them at home....or when talking to friends. I even use the word "like" inappropriately at times and I try SO HARD not to. It has become so common to use trendy phrases and words and I feel as though proper language and grammar is getting lost in the shuffle for most of us. :)
  • Prats who bid for your item on ebay but don't pay when they win.
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    People whose lives revolve around Facebook, Twitter, etc. And to top it off, the same people who then take pictures of you and your children and post them on their Facebook/Myspace accounts without even thinking twice about asking if you mind.

    If I wanted my baby posted all over the internet for Lord knows who to see, then maybe, just MAYBE I would have one of those accounts myself. Grrr!

    (Don't take me wrong, I'm all for social networking, but I'm talking about the people who can't wipe their butts without posting about it and then showing a picture of the toilet paper they used to do it with! ) :explode: :angry: :grumble: :grumble:

    Also... People who say yes to something, for instance going to lunch with you, and then when you call them they ignore your calls, never return them, and then they see you at church and just smile and say, "Hey Girl! How are you?!!"

    FAKE!!! If you didn't want to go just say no. Or, even if something came up, just let me know! I'm not so rude as to cut you off as my friend if you just aren't feeling up to it. Don't ignore me and then act as if nothing happened.
  • I hate how my co-workers can not be responsible for the food that they put in the work fridge. How exactly does one "forget" they brought in a bag of food that sits in there so long the veggies liquify?!?! :sick:

    YES! That drives me crazy - I just threw out grapes that look like they have been in the work fridge for two weeks. Yuck!
  • Oh my goodness!! I had to read through everyone's posts, so many of these things annoy me!

    My top 3 things are:

    Fake people, if I don't like someone, I will not go out of my way to make smalltalk with them, please have the same courtesy for me.

    People that let their kids run wild wherever they are, grocery store, restaurant, anywhere! So annoying!

    People that think the world owes them a living.
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    People who think they're better parents than you are just because they do things differently. Some people have no concept of 'what works for one child may not work for another'.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Oh dear. Sorry about my loud sneezing. Seriously, I've tried to sneeze quietly but I just can't. I'm one of those people who have very loud sneezes. Just can't help it. :ohwell:
    I'm with you on that one. I can't control how loadly I sneeze either. I had a boss that would sneeze so loudly that you could hear her down the hall. I thought it was hilarious.

    My boss is that way too. He sneezes even louder than I do. :laugh:

    There is a guy at work that when he sneezes he sounds like Daffy Duck since he is holding it in.
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    people who drive below the speed limit and travel in the left head lane while doing it. This gets on my last nerve! Please drive on the right hand side of the street, so I can speed. Thank you!

    Ugh. I live by a one-lane coastal highway and tourists ALWAYS pull out from the beach in front of me when there's no one behind me, then proceed to drive 10 miles below the speed limit until we get to the short passing lanes - then they SPEED UP so I can't pass them. I hate, hate, hate this so very much. Hey, it's great that you're on vacation, but I need to get to work, home, or the grocery store.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Oh dear. Sorry about my loud sneezing. Seriously, I've tried to sneeze quietly but I just can't. I'm one of those people who have very loud sneezes. Just can't help it. :ohwell:
    I'm with you on that one. I can't control how loadly I sneeze either. I had a boss that would sneeze so loudly that you could hear her down the hall. I thought it was hilarious.

    My boss is that way too. He sneezes even louder than I do. :laugh:

    There is a guy at work that when he sneezes he sounds like Daffy Duck since he is holding it in.

    :laugh: One of my co-workers does that. She sounds like a flea might sound then moans like it hurts her to sneeze. Just let it out!
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    People who stand too close to me in line. You're just as NEXT a few feet farther away, sir.

  • People who think they're better parents than you are just because they do things differently. Some people have no concept of 'what works for one child may not work for another'.

    couldnt agree more. drives me insane
  • Zuznana
    Zuznana Posts: 284 Member
    People using LOL after everything they type. Are you really laughing out loud? I doubt it

    I have to say that I use that a lot. I have learnt to use that as I have a dry sense of humour and unfortunately, it doesn't come across that way sometimes in email or on forums, so I started to put it there in stead of "I'm joking" or "I don't mean that seriously"........

    Mainly because I had a pleasure to meet some very small minded people who took everything personally and seriously and twisted everything, so I made sure I use lol for everyone to get I'm not that serious.
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