Silly things that annoy you!



  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Oh dear. Sorry about my loud sneezing. Seriously, I've tried to sneeze quietly but I just can't. I'm one of those people who have very loud sneezes. Just can't help it. :ohwell:
    I'm with you on that one. I can't control how loadly I sneeze either. I had a boss that would sneeze so loudly that you could hear her down the hall. I thought it was hilarious.

    My boss is that way too. He sneezes even louder than I do. :laugh:

    There is a guy at work that when he sneezes he sounds like Daffy Duck since he is holding it in.

    :laugh: One of my co-workers does that. She sounds like a flea might sound then moans like it hurts her to sneeze. Just let it out!
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    People who stand too close to me in line. You're just as NEXT a few feet farther away, sir.

  • nomoremuffintopness
    People who think they're better parents than you are just because they do things differently. Some people have no concept of 'what works for one child may not work for another'.

    couldnt agree more. drives me insane
  • Zuznana
    Zuznana Posts: 284 Member
    People using LOL after everything they type. Are you really laughing out loud? I doubt it

    I have to say that I use that a lot. I have learnt to use that as I have a dry sense of humour and unfortunately, it doesn't come across that way sometimes in email or on forums, so I started to put it there in stead of "I'm joking" or "I don't mean that seriously"........

    Mainly because I had a pleasure to meet some very small minded people who took everything personally and seriously and twisted everything, so I made sure I use lol for everyone to get I'm not that serious.
  • Beach_Chica
    I can't stand when people don't use their blinkers. Gah! I'm such a nerd when it comes to driving. If you're switching lanes or turning, I don't understand why you wouldn't use it. It's a great invention to allow other people to know what you're going to do. Use the speed limit [at least]. Bad drivers in general agitate me just to sum it up.

    I don't like when people eavesdrop. It's one thing when the conversation is open for others to join in, but when it's a serious/ private matter, don't stink your two cents in unless you're asked. I was conversing with my mom and my sister butts in asking what we were talking about. Seriously. If I wanted you to know, I'd clue you in.
  • omgsayalathieo
    people who smack gum...really?? so annoying!
  • MrsMills712
    I work with a grown woman who always says things like, "You're not posed to do that."
    The word is "supossed", you idiot.

    Girls who wear skirts or shorts with furry boots and a scarf around their neck. Really?

    When someone is checking out and they hold up the line waiting on a price check / override on an item that is maybe a 50 cent diffrence. I so want to pull out some change and get them on their way.
  • crbirt
    crbirt Posts: 12
    People who say realaty, instead of realty. Realator instead of realtor. Say it like it's spelled people!

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  • OnionCookie
    OnionCookie Posts: 272 Member
    People that stop and talk in the middle of store aisles as if it was a congregation area. Then when you say excuse me when you need to get through, they just look at you and go back to talking.

    When someone asks your advice on how to do something and with every tip, they give you an excuse on why they can't do it.

    People attached to their cellphones so much you think they are glued to their head.
  • Sheepdoglady
    People who go up at the end of every sentence, like it's a question. Really grinds of my nerves. "This one time . . .? . . . at band camp . . .?" aaarrrgghh Jaysus.
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member

    * Crappy coffee - seriously it's one of the easiest things in the world to make there's no reason to mess it up!!!

    ouch...I can't make white coffee, its gross when i do it, even I wont drink it! I make nice black coffee though. And I'm a really good cook even if I do say so myself
    they're, there and their

    People who yawn and sneeze very LOUD, especially in public, not necessary.

    Oh dear. Sorry about my loud sneezing. Seriously, I've tried to sneeze quietly but I just can't. I'm one of those people who have very loud sneezes. Just can't help it. :ohwell:

    Sorry, I can't sneeze that quietly...when I try if feels like an explosion in my throat, it really hurts and I sound like one of those annoying yipping dogs or daffy duck that have already been mentioned.
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member

    Girls who wear skirts or shorts with furry boots and a scarf around their neck. Really?

    When someone is checking out and they hold up the line waiting on a price check / override on an item that is maybe a 50 cent diffrence. I so want to pull out some change and get them on their way.

    I think I could've quoted from about half of the posts here, but this one just cracked me up.. If the weather is that cold that it requires furry boots, maybe it requires pants as well.. Just a thought..

    The price-checking used to drive me absolutely insane when I worked in retail. People would grab things off the clearance rack, which would have a sign that said something like, "From $4.99 AND UP," and they wouldn't understand why their item was $5.99 when the sign says $4.99, get upset and not purchase the item.. ugh!

    I just had the loud chewing/gulping experience yet again with one of my coworkers.

    Another to add to the list: People who walk around with the bluetooth things permanently attached to their ears. Are you expecting a call from the president at any minute? A lady sat next 2 seats away from us in the movies once and didn't remove it, so I had to use my hand to block the pulsing blue light.. Come on now!
  • Sheepdoglady
    Another to add to the list: People who walk around with the bluetooth things permanently attached to their ears. Are you expecting a call from the president at any minute? A lady sat next 2 seats away from us in the movies once and didn't remove it, so I had to use my hand to block the pulsing blue light.. Come on now!

    That is so anal!
  • NYIceQueen
    NYIceQueen Posts: 1,423
    I'm annoyed when threads that are JUST getting fun get removed.

    I agree with the slow drivers on the left side thing...very annoying.

    I get annoyed when the close captioning in movies, etc (you know, where they have time to type it out) has spelling errors.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    I get annoyed when the guys at the gym come over to my trainer and I and ask us why we can't go over and use the girl machines. When did free weights become guys only?
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    For the loud sneezers:

    When I was in a pit orchestra, I could always tell if my mom was in the house (and where she was sitting) by the sound of her very loud and distinctive sneeze.
  • iamstaceywood
    iamstaceywood Posts: 383 Member
    This may be kinda specific but, i bet you all know one of these people. I work wiht a girl who has a pill for everything. She was recently whining that she can't sleep and even tho she gets in 12 hours she is still exhausted. She is taking Ambien but, its not helping. So, i suggestged maybe a little diet change. She knows her diets a problem, all she eats is dessert and dessert like breakfast foods all day everyday. I said maybe a little walk too? She said "i know that would work but, i don't feel like it. I'm going back to the doctors to try some lunesta."
    People who play with their cell phones in meetings and especially in church! UGH! Take some time off from the thing will ya?!
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,332 Member
    People using LOL after everything they type. Are you really laughing out loud? I doubt it

    I have to say that I use that a lot. I have learnt to use that as I have a dry sense of humour and unfortunately, it doesn't come across that way sometimes in email or on forums, so I started to put it there in stead of "I'm joking" or "I don't mean that seriously"........

    Mainly because I had a pleasure to meet some very small minded people who took everything personally and seriously and twisted everything, so I made sure I use lol for everyone to get I'm not that serious.
    I'm the same way, they really need a "sarcasm" font, then I'd stop using it.....
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    People using LOL after everything they type. Are you really laughing out loud? I doubt it

    I have to say that I use that a lot. I have learnt to use that as I have a dry sense of humour and unfortunately, it doesn't come across that way sometimes in email or on forums, so I started to put it there in stead of "I'm joking" or "I don't mean that seriously"........

    Mainly because I had a pleasure to meet some very small minded people who took everything personally and seriously and twisted everything, so I made sure I use lol for everyone to get I'm not that serious.
    I'm the same way, they really need a "sarcasm" font, then I'd stop using it.....
    I'm a big fan of using ":cP" after everything to let people know I'm teasing. "lol" is my other standby though.