People claiming to be full in tiny calorie amounts

When people post things on here saying they only eat 1200/1000/800 etc calories a day and they are soooooo full and they just can't seem to find ways to eat more than that while at the same time claiming to be fat (how did they get fat eating so little?) are they just lying. When I eat 1500 calories a day, even if I eat masses of bulk through non starchy vegetables, I am utterly ravenous, obsessed with food until I've eaten at least 1800-2000 calories. I'll feel lightheaded, unable to think properly, tired, demotivated and obsessive. But there's people claiming to regularly eat way below that and to feel like they've eaten TOO much, while being fat... It's really discouraging, it makes me feel like if I eat a normal day's worth of food (1800 calories to 2000) I am a disgusting un womanly pig because clearly I seem to be unable to eat less. But I kind if suspect it's just one of those internet lies, I think those people are either eating more or are not fat and have not been fat recently.


  • dotcomee
    dotcomee Posts: 36 Member
    I bet they have room for a wafer thin mint... just a tiny little thin one.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I need to eat that much food too.

    They're not lying, if people regularly undereat, their appetite signals can become switched off, so they don't feel hungry even if they're not eaten enough (this is not a good thing and often the hunger comes back with avengence at some point and triggers binge eating) ..... also, some people are trapped in a cycle of undereating and rebound overeating, and that's why they're fat, i.e. not just plain overeating... they restrict their diet, get used to eating less, then have days where they're very hungry and overeat enough to make up for the deficit on those days and then some... and so gain weight. Another thing that can happen is that someone can get fat eating very calorie dense foods, so they never actually ate a huge volume of food, but the high calorie density of those foods still put them in a surplus and they gained weight... then they go on a diet and that includes switching to eating healthy... well the same volume of food that they're used to, if they switch to low calorie density, high protein/high fibre/low fat/low carb foods then that volume of food probably will only add up to 1000 calories if that... quite a lot of people when switching to eating healthy, calorie controlled balanced diets do end up eating a greater volume of food, because the calorie density is much lower.

    Anyway, your intake 1800-2000 cals seems very healthy and reasonable, and I lose weight on 1800 cals/day and 1500 cals/day would have me chewing my arm off and being hangry at the whole world. This isn't a huge amount of calories IMO... while the people who say they're full on 1000 or similar calories, they're not lying, it's just one of the things listed above going on........ OR some of them may be underestimating portion sizes so what they're eating is actually closer to 1500-1600 calories but they don't realise it.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I bet they have room for a wafer thin mint... just a tiny little thin one.

    waffer theen....
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    I can be satisfied (not necessarily stuffed) on 1500-1800 calories per day of mostly whole foods with a small treat thrown in. I tend to think the overweight people claiming they can't get to their calorie limit because thy're stuff are a bit full of crap. Keep in mind the higher your weight is the higher your BMR because you use more energy just moving around and doing day-to-day tasks. I think 2000 is often quoted as an average maintenance figure for women so you're well in the healthy normal range of what you're eating daily (nothing gross or pigish about it at all).

    If you're feeling unwomanly or pigish because of the amount you're eating maybe you need to look internally and adjust your attitude. SmetimesI get self-conscious when I'm eating a big meal with friends because I eat a lot compared to some of them but then I justthink f*&k it. It's probably unlikely that they're even thinking about the amount I'm eating at all or if they are they're probably thinking I wish I could be able eat that much and stay in shape (I've actually had a friend say that to me when we were eating Italian). I've earned the right to eat big meals because I IF, lift weights and stay active.

    Own it and down with the whole perception that women need to eat rabbit food
  • catb58
    catb58 Posts: 239 Member
    Another thing that can happen is that someone can get fat eating very calorie dense foods, so they never actually ate a huge volume of food, but the high calorie density of those foods still put them in a surplus and they gained weight... then they go on a diet and that includes switching to eating healthy... well the same volume of food that they're used to, if they switch to low calorie density, high protein/high fibre/low fat/low carb foods then that volume of food probably will only add up to 1000 calories if that... quite a lot of people when switching to eating healthy, calorie controlled balanced diets do end up eating a greater volume of food, because the calorie density is much lower.

    That ^^
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    I *can* be perfectly satisfied, hunger-wise on 1000 calories. I choose not to be because I know it isn't good for me and I like to have more taste and variety in my diet and know I can lose on much higher.

    I think a lot of people are actually used to not eating a lot, volume wise, and instead have gotten where they are by eating very highly calorie dense foods, even in small amounts. Someone who only eats a couple of small meals a day but those meals are in the thousands of calories can gain weight the same as someone who is able to get their money's worth at an all-you-can-eat buffet.

    So when someone who got overweight eating 4000 calories a day in,for example, fries, cheese, ranch sauce and deep fried chicken (a combo with which you could reach 4000 in quite a small volume of food) then decides to eat "healthy" they go to the opposite extreme, cut fats, cut carbs, go nuts on the veg and all of a sudden there is a higher volume of food in their gut than they have even been used to, but at a very low calorie expenditure.

    I can really see how it happens, and I don't think it's a lie (most of the time). It's important to remember not everyone got overweight from eating a crazy amount of FOOD, many got here by eating too many calories which didn't actually equate to a huge amount of food.
  • matthehat
    matthehat Posts: 38 Member
    I have found that when I eat healthy and clean, its TOUGH for me to consume 1500 calories in a day (and I'm 6'0 270). Its very easy to feel like your starving when you eat crap foods with little to no nutritional value. I know a lot of people on here praise the fact they can eat whatever they want as long as it fits their macros. Thats just not for me! That being said, some people just can eat 1000 calories in a day and be completely satisfied, if you cant well then you cant. No need to knock people for being different :)
  • SomeGirlSomewhere
    SomeGirlSomewhere Posts: 937 Member
    Or like me they are fat but on their way to becoming thin. I feel satisfied on 1200-1300 calories a day as long as I make sure I eat lots of protein. Then again you'll never find me in a forum *****ing about how I'm not losing any weight.
  • Erinelda
    Erinelda Posts: 96
    Sometimes I eat a lot less than my calories because I am not hungry. I don't think my body wants to be this fat. For me the drive to eat kicks in at about 160lbs. As for how I got fat.. loads of junk. You don't need to be hungry to eat junk. And I binged because my body barely ever seen a fruit or vegetable.

    You just do you. We all have different bodies and not one diet is best for everyone. Mine took a couple months to get comfortable with, longer than it should of because of traditional nutritionist garbage. I now start with a big fruit breakfast and I don't care what people think.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,732 Member
    This happens to a lot of people when they first begin tracking calories, and there are a number of different reasons for it:

    1. They don't track accurately. They are way underestimating the calories they're eating, and are astonished that the feel full on so little, when really it's not so little at all.

    2. They're suddenly eating all low calorie/high bulk foods like salad and veggies and super lean meats so they're getting far fewer calories for the same volume that they're used to eating when it was all burgers and pizza, and they're astonished at how full they feel after eating so few calories when the reason is that they've just eaten 5 large salads and a chicken breast.

    3. By eating these healthy foods, they aren't sending their blood sugar on a roller coaster, so they aren't spending half the day crashing, and they're astonished at how little it takes to stay on an even keel when it's all more nutritious, lower-GI foods.

    4. They're paying attention to the point that they're hyper-aware of their body's signals, including satiety, and they're not mindlessly shoveling food in their mouths like they usually do, and they're astonished at how few calories it actually takes to not feel like they're starving when they pay attention and eat proper foods and only when they're hungry.

    But regardless of the reasons, I agree it's super annoying. The only thing I find more annoying is the "We're all different" crowd. Apparently each of us is a unique snowflake with our very own unique set of laws for thermodynamics, chemistry and biology. Our bodies work in such wildly divergent ways that it's pointless to even look at things like studies, or give advice which has worked for large populations of humans. Because we're all different. What works for you cannot possibly work for me. Harrumph!
  • Alyssawinter1221
    I stay full on small amounts bc I have lived that way forever. When I went to college and started to gain and eat/drink a lot, it would hurt my stomach and when I tried to go back down to small calories I was hungry all the time. Now I'm pretty used to it again (I kinda like being hungry).

    I really think it depends on each person and your lifestyle :)

    I will say that those posts are irritating, if you're full... Cool. No need to announce to everyone. No one is impressed with your low intake, haha. Sounds harsh but it's honest!
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    But regardless of the reasons, I agree it's super annoying. The only thing I find more annoying is the "We're all different" crowd. Apparently each of us is a unique snowflake with our very own unique set of laws for thermodynamics, chemistry and biology. Our bodies work in such wildly divergent ways that it's pointless to even look at things like studies, or give advice which has worked for large populations of humans. Because we're all different. What works for you cannot possibly work for me. Harrumph!

    QFT. Unless there is a medical issue at play, across the board bodies are bodies.
  • VitaminAmy
    VitaminAmy Posts: 130 Member
    Everyone's body is different... there's no point in comparing yourself to anyone else and beating yourself up.

    Focus on what works best for you and stick with it.
  • galprincess
    galprincess Posts: 682 Member
    Im overweight and I only need 1 calorie x2000 to feel full I too am a piggy but im losing weight while being a piggy so its all good
  • gemmamummy
    gemmamummy Posts: 185 Member
    I think you can train your body to survive on less.....however when I did this it was unpleasant for me and I starte obsessib bout the next meal. Here I am now though, 4'11 and 101lbs and loving every single one of my 2000 kcal diet and still not even putting any weight on, even though I'm just preparing for a bulk.
  • candistyx
    candistyx Posts: 547 Member
    I have found that when I eat healthy and clean, its TOUGH for me to consume 1500 calories in a day (and I'm 6'0 270). Its very easy to feel like your starving when you eat crap foods with little to no nutritional value
    See to me this feels like a suggestion that the reason I can't is because I am not eating "healthy and clean". But even if I eat nothing but non starchy vegetables and something with protein (meat, fish, eggs, nuts, beans whatever). Even when my stomach is full to the point of being a bit uncomfortable, my head is still feeling dizzy and I'm still obsessed with food unless I get enough calories in.

    Maybe I'm just being defensive and you weren't suggesting that at all, but I find it really hard to believe a 6 foot male finds it super easy to coast through life on 1500 calories. Literally where do you get your energy (so sure we all hope some of it is from our fat stores)? Do you do nothing all day? When you need to do some hard mental or physical work how do you concentrate given you are basically eating the same level as the participants in the Minnesota Starving Experiment?
    Or like me they are fat but on their way to becoming thin. I feel satisfied on 1200-1300 calories a day as long as I make sure I eat lots of protein. Then again you'll never find me in a forum *****ing about how I'm not losing any weight.
    Losing weight is pretty easy, I've lost and gained more weight than I currently weigh (and I weigh a LOT). It's not deciding one day that it's just too damn hard to live like this that I find hard, thinking to yourself "what good is being thin if the price is to never think about anything but diets and nutrition and exercise and never get to take an interest in other things because all you can focus on is food and avoiding food and how to get rid of the calories it comes with" and deciding your hobbies and your relationships matter more than the numbers on the scale. That's where I've gotten in trouble.

    I think I can avoid that if I eat enough, of course it means I won't lose so fast but at least I'll get to have a life I can actually live for the rest of my life.

    I'm still getting kind of obsessive because it's my personality but I'm not having the physical drive to obsess about food so long as I eat enough calories (and carbs to be fair, trying to cut those out makes me just as obsessive).
  • GreatDepression
    GreatDepression Posts: 347 Member
    Yeah, I'm jealous of those people. Having trouble eating more calories? Ever thought of nuts? A handful could run you 300-400 calories. I think some of them are showing off as well. If you feel full at 1000, 800 or 1400 calories, then don't eat. Most of us aren't lucky to be born with such golden appetites.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,732 Member
    Everyone's body is different... there's no point in comparing yourself to anyone else and beating yourself up.

    Focus on what works best for you and stick with it.

    Do you even know how badly I want to Rick Roll you right now??

  • Wilhellmina
    Wilhellmina Posts: 757 Member
    I need to eat that much food too.

    They're not lying, if people regularly undereat, their appetite signals can become switched off, so they don't feel hungry even if they're not eaten enough (this is not a good thing and often the hunger comes back with avengence at some point and triggers binge eating) ..... also, some people are trapped in a cycle of undereating and rebound overeating, and that's why they're fat, i.e. not just plain overeating... they restrict their diet, get used to eating less, then have days where they're very hungry and overeat enough to make up for the deficit on those days and then some... and so gain weight. Another thing that can happen is that someone can get fat eating very calorie dense foods, so they never actually ate a huge volume of food, but the high calorie density of those foods still put them in a surplus and they gained weight... then they go on a diet and that includes switching to eating healthy... well the same volume of food that they're used to, if they switch to low calorie density, high protein/high fibre/low fat/low carb foods then that volume of food probably will only add up to 1000 calories if that... quite a lot of people when switching to eating healthy, calorie controlled balanced diets do end up eating a greater volume of food, because the calorie density is much lower.

    Anyway, your intake 1800-2000 cals seems very healthy and reasonable, and I lose weight on 1800 cals/day and 1500 cals/day would have me chewing my arm off and being hungry at the whole world. This isn't a huge amount of calories IMO... while the people who say they're full on 1000 or similar calories, they're not lying, it's just one of the things listed above going on........ OR some of them may be underestimating portion sizes so what they're eating is actually closer to 1500-1600 calories but they don't realize it.

    Totally this! + it depends what you eat. Mainly protein and you will feel full. Eat a huge salad, little calories but stuffed to the ears. You just can't assume because you don't feel full with 1000 to 1200 calories no one will.
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    I bet they have room for a wafer thin mint... just a tiny little thin one.


    LOL But a thread about this really necessary? Seems about as valid as those overweight people complaining they can't eat enough...