Is it norm to watch porn?



  • miss_jessiejane
    miss_jessiejane Posts: 2,819 Member
    Watching it at home alone or with your partner/giant love doll? Yes.

    Watching it in a crowded shopping mall with a mannequin from The Gap? No.
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    I'm having a discussion with some girl friends, one who recently found out her DH watched porn when she was out of town.

    First of all, do you think it's normal, healthy s-xual behavior to watch porn?

    What about for a married person (without the spouse's presence)?

    If you found out your spouse was watching porn without you, what would you do?

    why does your girlfriend have a designated hitter? is she the manager of a softball team? :huh:

    The DH is more detrimental to baseball than porn is to people.

    True story.
  • vmclach
    vmclach Posts: 670 Member
    Yeah it's completely normal.. Is this a joke?
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    I know this is the minority opinion, but I think its wrong and immoral. It objectifies women (and to a certain extent men), it presents sex in an unrealistic fashion, it decreases our sensitivities to deviant/abnormal sexual behaviors, and most of all it denigrates the meaning of sex to a mere activity instead of an expression of deep affection between husband and wife. Additionally, some people become addicted to it (much like a drug addiction) and it ruins those people's relationships sometimes for good. I believe it is one of the factors contributing to the general moral decline of our society.
    Now I know, based on the comments on this thread, that most of the people here disagree but I felt I needed to speak out.

    Your version of normal is defined by you. You might not have a very popular opinion here but if this this is how you feel, stick with it.
  • gelendestrasse
    If it's a compulsion you can't control it's an addiction and has to stop. Porn could be a gateway to worse things in that case. If it's less than that then I guess it's up to the couple to decide if it's within the boundaries of their relationship. I know some couples where it's OK. I know a lot more where it wouldn't be. They have to work it out between themselves.
  • Muldactus
    Muldactus Posts: 6,972 Member
    Watching it at home alone or with your partner/giant love doll? Yes.

    Watching it in a crowded shopping mall with a mannequin from The Gap? No.

    So why does this remind me of the movie Serenity?

    "It was a very beautiful ceremony. Lenore wrote her own vows. I cried. Like a baby. A hungry, angry baby." (speaking about his robotic wife)
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I know this is the minority opinion, but I think its wrong and immoral. It objectifies women (and to a certain extent men), it presents sex in an unrealistic fashion, it decreases our sensitivities to deviant/abnormal sexual behaviors, and most of all it denigrates the meaning of sex to a mere activity instead of an expression of deep affection between husband and wife. Additionally, some people become addicted to it (much like a drug addiction) and it ruins those people's relationships sometimes for good. I believe it is one of the factors contributing to the general moral decline of our society.
    Now I know, based on the comments on this thread, that most of the people here disagree but I felt I needed to speak out.

    Your version of normal is defined by you. You might not have a very popular opinion here but if this this is how you feel, stick with it.

    that definition of normal renders the word normal meaningless...... but anyway, no-one has to do anything sexual that they don't want to do, that's totally their right. It's the judging what others do and labelling it as stuff "abnormal" or "immoral" that people will take issue with.
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    My wife used to watch a ton of porn before she and I met...

    I don't watch porn...never have enjoyed watching someone else get busy when I could just be getting busy myself.

    I assume my wife doesn't watch it now either, but even if she did it wouldn't be an issue...whether I knew or not, makes no difference.

    Now you know what she's doing all day instead of cleaning.
  • latenitelucy
    latenitelucy Posts: 1,314 Member
    Videos do give young people unrealistic expectations of how quickly plumbers, copier repair people, cable installers, and pizza delivery people will respond to a call.
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    I know this is the minority opinion, but I think its wrong and immoral. It objectifies women (and to a certain extent men), it presents sex in an unrealistic fashion, it decreases our sensitivities to deviant/abnormal sexual behaviors, and most of all it denigrates the meaning of sex to a mere activity instead of an expression of deep affection between husband and wife. Additionally, some people become addicted to it (much like a drug addiction) and it ruins those people's relationships sometimes for good. I believe it is one of the factors contributing to the general moral decline of our society.
    Now I know, based on the comments on this thread, that most of the people here disagree but I felt I needed to speak out.

  • TheBrolympus
    TheBrolympus Posts: 586 Member
    Did someone say PORN!?!
  • George_Baileys_Ghost
    George_Baileys_Ghost Posts: 1,524 Member
    I get the draw of porn...I understand it. Personally though....I tend to find it kinda meh.

    ETA: I feel the same way about Jack Black. Draw whatever conclusions from those you feel. :tongue:
  • lazydanthaman
    lazydanthaman Posts: 182 Member
  • OhhNiff
    OhhNiff Posts: 1,397 Member
    I prefer lesbian porn.

    Same here. However, I prefer to date men. I am a complicated girl. :smile:

    I consider myself a physical lesbian. I find women more attractive than men, but the emotional attachment is always with men.
  • romach79
    romach79 Posts: 277 Member
    I know this is the minority opinion, but I think its wrong and immoral. It objectifies women (and to a certain extent men), it presents sex in an unrealistic fashion, it decreases our sensitivities to deviant/abnormal sexual behaviors, and most of all it denigrates the meaning of sex to a mere activity instead of an expression of deep affection between husband and wife. Additionally, some people become addicted to it (much like a drug addiction) and it ruins those people's relationships sometimes for good. I believe it is one of the factors contributing to the general moral decline of our society.
    Now I know, based on the comments on this thread, that most of the people here disagree but I felt I needed to speak out.

    Your version of normal is defined by you. You might not have a very popular opinion here but if this this is how you feel, stick with it.

    that definition of normal renders the word normal meaningless...... but anyway, no-one has to do anything sexual that they don't want to do, that's totally their right. It's the judging what others do and labelling it as stuff "abnormal" or "immoral" that people will take issue with.

    I suppose if you believe there is no standard of morality, then each individual determines right and wrong - which means anything someone thought was ok would be ok. Its called anarchy. I happen to believe in a standard of morality and right and wrong. I made no "judgement" on anyone. To answer your previous question, no I have never studied chimpanzees and do not consider it relevant to the discussion.
  • leodru
    leodru Posts: 321 Member
    I know this is the minority opinion, but I think its wrong and immoral. It objectifies women (and to a certain extent men), it presents sex in an unrealistic fashion, it decreases our sensitivities to deviant/abnormal sexual behaviors, and most of all it denigrates the meaning of sex to a mere activity instead of an expression of deep affection between husband and wife. Additionally, some people become addicted to it (much like a drug addiction) and it ruins those people's relationships sometimes for good. I believe it is one of the factors contributing to the general moral decline of our society.
    Now I know, based on the comments on this thread, that most of the people here disagree but I felt I needed to speak out.

    You could just substitute "porn" for "marketing" here and it would also be true point for point but no one stops buying the magazines or watching TV! Live and let live I say!
  • surfin_bird1981
    I prefer lesbian porn.

    Same here. However, I prefer to date men. I am a complicated girl. :smile:

    I, too, prefer the lesbian variety. :tongue:

    Yep, me too.
  • ironmonkeystyle
    ironmonkeystyle Posts: 834 Member
    Watching it at home alone or with your partner/giant love doll? Yes.

    Watching it in a crowded shopping mall with a mannequin from The Gap? No.

    wait, wait, are you SURE about this?
  • ironmonkeystyle
    ironmonkeystyle Posts: 834 Member
    Videos do give young people unrealistic expectations of how quickly plumbers, copier repair people, cable installers, and pizza delivery people will respond to a call.

    to be fair, they do respond a LOT faster if you're a super hot lady...
  • azymth99
    azymth99 Posts: 122 Member
    "All men watch porn. The ones that say they don't watch a LOT of porn." Joey- Friends

    Its perfectly normal. Men are just naturally excited by things we see- so we like to watch. It doesn't mean he's going to cheat, doesn't mean he's a pervert, doesn't mean he expects his wife to have sex like that. Its a fantasy. Its just like action movies: we're not going to pick up an M60 and start mowing down nameless henchmen or grabbing a pair of samurai swords and going to work on some ninjas, but we sure like to watch it.

    Nothing to be alarmed about.
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