Is it norm to watch porn?



  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    I think porn in general is fine. I think having desires and fantasies out of the boundaries of real life is healthy, and porn is one way to satisfy it without compromising your sexual health. In the case of not being in a relationship or being in a long distance relationship, well, I think it's more than okay to use porn as an outlet.

    However, if you and your significant other live together and haven't had sex in a long time, but either one or both of you are watching porn to meet your needs, there may need to be a conversation about that.
  • Monkey_Business
    Monkey_Business Posts: 1,800 Member
    Bacon is my porn.

    It provocatively awaiting in the refrigerator. Calling to me in that hushed whisper.

    Watching it sizzle in a cast iron frying pan is like having my own little lap dance.

    It lying naked on a plate, basking in its own juices. Waiting for me to claim it in a most brutal way.

    Sliding across my palate, caressing my taste buds, brings shivers to me.

    Oh and do not get me started about cheese ............
  • Flab2Fab27
    Flab2Fab27 Posts: 461 Member
    My wife used to watch a ton of porn before she and I met...

    I don't watch porn...never have enjoyed watching someone else get busy when I could just be getting busy myself.

    I assume my wife doesn't watch it now either, but even if she did it wouldn't be an issue...whether I knew or not, makes no difference.

    Now you know what she's doing all day instead of cleaning.

    Ahahahaha!!!! :drinker:
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Seems pretty normal to me. Women and men watch it. Our brains are wired to think about getting it on whether your partner is there or not.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I prefer lesbian porn.

    Same here. However, I prefer to date men. I am a complicated girl. :smile:

    I, too, prefer the lesbian variety. :tongue:

    Yep, me too.

    I've heard lesbian porn is more about the woman's satisfaction than just some dude pounding away, so it has a lot of appeal to women.
  • tomwatso
    tomwatso Posts: 1,304 Member
    Everyone does porn. It is not always taped.
  • helenarriaza
    helenarriaza Posts: 517 Member
    I watch it, often.

    Watched it when I was single, still watch it when I have a gf.

    She knows I watch it and I watch it alone.

    Once or twice we've watched it together.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I know this is the minority opinion, but I think its wrong and immoral. It objectifies women (and to a certain extent men), it presents sex in an unrealistic fashion, it decreases our sensitivities to deviant/abnormal sexual behaviors, and most of all it denigrates the meaning of sex to a mere activity instead of an expression of deep affection between husband and wife. Additionally, some people become addicted to it (much like a drug addiction) and it ruins those people's relationships sometimes for good. I believe it is one of the factors contributing to the general moral decline of our society.
    Now I know, based on the comments on this thread, that most of the people here disagree but I felt I needed to speak out.

    Your version of normal is defined by you. You might not have a very popular opinion here but if this this is how you feel, stick with it.

    that definition of normal renders the word normal meaningless...... but anyway, no-one has to do anything sexual that they don't want to do, that's totally their right. It's the judging what others do and labelling it as stuff "abnormal" or "immoral" that people will take issue with.

    I suppose if you believe there is no standard of morality, then each individual determines right and wrong - which means anything someone thought was ok would be ok. Its called anarchy. I happen to believe in a standard of morality and right and wrong. I made no "judgement" on anyone. To answer your previous question, no I have never studied chimpanzees and do not consider it relevant to the discussion.

    right, so I'm an anarchist now who doesn't believe in any kind of morality or right or wrong. Interesting. Dichotomous thinking is the plague of the modern world. Can you not conceive of the idea that someone can believe in sexual freedom, yet still have other moral values, like believing that rape and murder are wrong and should be punished? In terms of sexuality, yes I have morals and an understanding of what's right and what's wrong. As in, what goes on between consenting adults is their business, and enjoying sex (including variations from heterosexual monogamy) is a normal, natural human thing. But if they're not consenting or not adults then that's totally wrong and people who do that absolutely should be punished, severely.

    You did make a judgement, you called it "immoral" - that's a judgement.

    yes chimpanzees are relevent, because there is an objective way to measure what is or is not natural. That particular species of chimpanzee is polygnynadrous and bisexual. They're also humans' closest relative in the animal kingdom. Having studied anthropology for years (first at university then after that for fun) I would say that humans are also polygynandrous and bisexual, with variation (as in some people are exclusively homosexual and others are exclusively heterosexual and some other variations in the mix as well, and this is part of normal variation in the species). I don't think it's realistic, fair or healthy to expect everyone to be heterosexual and monogamous. If that's what works for you then great, I'm happy for you and that too is part of normal human variation. But I object to expecting everyone in a species that's as sexually diverse as humans are to conform to this. It actually causes a lot of pain, suffering and serious problems for people who are not naturally exclusively heterosexual.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I prefer lesbian porn.

    Same here. However, I prefer to date men. I am a complicated girl. :smile:

    I, too, prefer the lesbian variety. :tongue:

    Yep, me too.

    I've heard lesbian porn is more about the woman's satisfaction than just some dude pounding away, so it has a lot of appeal to women.

    That's because heterosexual porn is aimed at men. They need to make heterosexual porn aimed at women, whereby the focus is on the woman's satisfaction, but it's a man who's doing it to her.
  • TitanGM
    TitanGM Posts: 1,161 Member
    Is it "normal" to take steroids? :drinker:
  • kaaaaylee
    kaaaaylee Posts: 398
    I'm having a discussion with some girl friends, one who recently found out her DH watched porn when she was out of town.

    First of all, do you think it's normal, healthy s-xual behavior to watch porn?

    What about for a married person (without the spouse's presence)?

    If you found out your spouse was watching porn without you, what would you do?

    Porn is totally normal and healthy to watch, as long as it doesn't become an obsession or is being watched compulsively.

    Especially for a married person, who isn't about to go sex anyone else.

    If I found out my spouse was watching it, I would ask them why they didn't ask me to watch with them. BOOM.
  • helenarriaza
    helenarriaza Posts: 517 Member
    It is perfectly normal for a couple to be open about things like this.

    My ex used to tell me I was a perv and disgusting since I watched it, but then again... we had intimacy for like 30 min every 8 months and it was horrible. So I started to tell her I did not watch it and I faked every single of our remaining encounters until everything was over.

    Not saying pr0n is an important part of a relationship, but intimacy in general is.

    So yeah, if you are not open about subjects like this with your SO, what else are you hiding?
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    It is the norm. And it can affect intimacy adversely. Some men become addicted and find that they cannot be pleasured any other way. There are web groups where men who are trying to quit it because of that reason, get together to support each other.

    My husband is a marriage counselor, who sees many couples who are having problems for this very reason.
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    I prefer lesbian porn.

    Same here. However, I prefer to date men. I am a complicated girl. :smile:

    I, too, prefer the lesbian variety. :tongue:

    Yep, me too.

    I've heard lesbian porn is more about the woman's satisfaction than just some dude pounding away, so it has a lot of appeal to women.

    That's because heterosexual porn is aimed at men. They need to make heterosexual porn aimed at women, whereby the focus is on the woman's satisfaction, but it's a man who's doing it to her.

    They do make heterosexual porn aimed at women. The filter on the camera is more soft and and there is much, much, much less images of penetration and more kissing, and embracing and images of their faces (trying to avoid using the word "facial" here), and the woman enjoying herself.
  • V0lver
    V0lver Posts: 915 Member
    I prefer lesbian porn.

    Same here. However, I prefer to date men. I am a complicated girl. :smile:

    I, too, prefer the lesbian variety. :tongue:

    Yep, me too.

    I've heard lesbian porn is more about the woman's satisfaction than just some dude pounding away, so it has a lot of appeal to women.

    That's because heterosexual porn is aimed at men. They need to make heterosexual porn aimed at women, whereby the focus is on the woman's satisfaction, but it's a man who's doing it to her.
    x art ? Though i am sure its probably blocked where you live
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I prefer lesbian porn.

    Same here. However, I prefer to date men. I am a complicated girl. :smile:

    I, too, prefer the lesbian variety. :tongue:

    Yep, me too.

    I've heard lesbian porn is more about the woman's satisfaction than just some dude pounding away, so it has a lot of appeal to women.

    That's because heterosexual porn is aimed at men. They need to make heterosexual porn aimed at women, whereby the focus is on the woman's satisfaction, but it's a man who's doing it to her.

    They do make heterosexual porn aimed at women. The filter on the camera is more soft and and there is much, much, much less images of penetration and more kissing, and embracing and images of their faces (trying to avoid using the word "facial" here), and the woman enjoying herself.

    I must be looking at all the wrong websites then :laugh:
  • CleanUpWhatIMessedUp
    CleanUpWhatIMessedUp Posts: 206 Member
    In this situation, the only thing that really matters is what the spouses have agreed upon in the relationship. If he said he wouldn't watch and then went behind her back and watched anyway, then she should be mad. If they never discussed whether or not he was going to watch, then she has no right to be angry about it. When it comes to relationships, it's really all about what the spouses have decided to do.
  • TitanGM
    TitanGM Posts: 1,161 Member
    I know this is the minority opinion, but I think its wrong and immoral. It objectifies women (and to a certain extent men), it presents sex in an unrealistic fashion, it decreases our sensitivities to deviant/abnormal sexual behaviors, and most of all it denigrates the meaning of sex to a mere activity instead of an expression of deep affection between husband and wife. Additionally, some people become addicted to it (much like a drug addiction) and it ruins those people's relationships sometimes for good. I believe it is one of the factors contributing to the general moral decline of our society.
    Now I know, based on the comments on this thread, that most of the people here disagree but I felt I needed to speak out.

    Welcome to america. Where porn, drugs, divorce and McDonalds are normal :drinker:
  • NotJustADieter
    NotJustADieter Posts: 229 Member
    I watch porn. My fiance watches porn. Sometimes we watch porn together or send each other stuff. As long as everyone in the relationship is good with it, who gives a crap, you know?
  • helenarriaza
    helenarriaza Posts: 517 Member
    No. I believe one should only fantasize about mediocre sex with their significant other.

    Gold star answer :laugh:
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