In your neck of the woods...What do you say?



  • JBfoodforlife
    JBfoodforlife Posts: 1,371 Member
    Jersey Shore... Coke, Subs and lightening bugs...

    North Jersey... Whadya say?? You friggin talkin to me? Get outta heeya 'fore I kick your friggin *kitten*!!..............................Sigh........ Two different worlds....
  • Proph24
    Proph24 Posts: 195

    I'm from Connecticut. Also, the little pieces on top of your ice cream are sprinkles! Always sprinkles.

    are you on crack? they are jimmies! :smokin:
  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    Whatever I say, it's usually wrong. I just don't know anymore. <sigh>
  • Proph24
    Proph24 Posts: 195
    ^ it gets better
  • RosanaRosanaDana
    RosanaRosanaDana Posts: 93 Member
    New England here, we say soda, grinders and lightening bugs
  • DotPett
    DotPett Posts: 181 Member

    And we have never seen fireflies here, but if we did it wouldnt be a lightning bug..

    Also in the south they say buggies, but here they are shopping carts

    Also in Alaska a snowmobile is a snow machine. Here we call that something that produces snow
  • earthboundmisfit
    earthboundmisfit Posts: 192 Member
    Virginia (transplanted New Yorker)

  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    Do you say Pop or Soda? I say do you want a Pepsi, or soda if only generic stuff available
    Hoagies or Subs? Sub, the first time I heard someone say hoagie I had to ask what they h*ll the where talking about. lol
    Lightening bugs or fireflies? Lightening bugs
    Shopping cart or Buggy? Cart, because calling it a buggy is just plan weird!
    Sofa or Couch? I sit on a couch, actually its a futon put in couch position lol

    I'm from NW Missouri
  • devinbear
    devinbear Posts: 38 Member
    Kentucky girl here. I might drink a coke(they are all coke, regardless of brand or flavor), while eating a sub and watching lightning bugs. I also sit on a couch, and go grocery shopping with a bascart. Yes, a combination between basket and cart!
  • Proph24
    Proph24 Posts: 195
    i shop with a carriage
  • wwwsam
    wwwsam Posts: 10
    Originally from CT

    Lightning bugs

    I also grew up calling Macaroni and cheese - Cheese Noodles :)
  • shutyourpieholeandsquat
    shutyourpieholeandsquat Posts: 1,394 Member
    Arkansas. Everything is a coke then you specify what you want.
    Sub or sandwich
    lightnin' bugs
    Fixin to
  • mahopper2008
    mahopper2008 Posts: 22 Member
    In GA we say coke, subs, lighting bugs, and buggy (shopping cart).
  • SteampunkSongbird
    SteampunkSongbird Posts: 826 Member
    Scotland, in the UK.

    Do you say Pop or Soda? We tend to call everything juice or fizzy juice.
    Hoagies or Subs? Depends where you are, I call them Subs, loads of folk say hoagie.
    Lightening bugs or fireflies? Never seen one here so never had the need! But I'd say fireflies.

    We have so many words that sound bizarre compared to other places in the world, lol. My favourite odd one is 'piece' which we say instead of sandwich! "D'ye want me tae make ye a piece?" "Aye, geez a peanut butter yin, ta." XD
  • 1911JR
    1911JR Posts: 276
    GA girl everything is a coke, subs, lightening bugs

    Yuup, ya`ll got that? :wink:

    But in the swamp, we also call em "flicker fly`s".
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    I'm from Central Florida and I grew up using "coke" for just about any soda. The first time I saw a firefly I was up north visiting my grandparents and I spent hours catching them and then later releasing them. I also grew up calling sandwiches "subs" but I heard "grinders" and "hoagies" plenty from people who had moved here from elsewhere. There was a special little sandwich shop in my home town that opened and sold "grinders" and man were those delicious! The owner would also load me up with the veggies she could no longer serve to feed my rabbits. Man did those little buggers get big. Oh, and I laughed as a young kid when I had a new friend from New Jersey use the term "sneakers" in front of me for the first time. I used "tennis shoes" for those. Lots of trash talk ensued. I've lived in enough places now where I tend to use all of these terms interchangeably.
  • FiverLagomorph
    FiverLagomorph Posts: 15 Member
    New Orleans

    Lightning Bugs
  • MissChyna
    MissChyna Posts: 358 Member
    Subs (or Heros)
    Lightning Bugs
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    I'm from CA and have always said:

    and I say couch not sofa

    Ditto above in Missouri - in the city - out in the country the only exception is the occasional Sr. citizen still calling their couch or sofa a davenport.

    And it is Missoureeeee - not Missourah

    No its pronounced as "Misery", and what the heck is a davenport? lol I do hate when people say Missorah too, very annoying!
  • Proph24
    Proph24 Posts: 195
    just wanna mention by the way, anyone who hadnt heard of hoagies should be ashamed of themselves..does the name Dr. Heathcliff Huxtable mean nothing?!?