What's your favorite breed of dog?



  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    The cat breed. Dogs are awful. Ok not ALL dogs, but most. If I HAD to tolerate a breed, it would be something not smelly, ugly, drooly, doesn't shed, doesn't eat/crap a ton, and doesn't bark all the time or have an annoying yappy voice. What breed would that be? :laugh:
  • andreavarangu
    andreavarangu Posts: 78 Member
    Our Golden Retriever, Max, just passed away this week....very sad but he lived a long and happy life. It's just that we will miss him so.

    We also have a Mini Golden Doodle (around 40 lbs) who's great and we will likely get another like him since you get some of the fine attributes of the Golden without all the shedding.
  • Yorkie :) Mine just turned eight years old; I've had him since he was a baby and he's the sweetest, most intelligent dog I've had. So small and well behaved, not a yapper, I can carry him anywhere and he loves attention. He's just perfect!
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member

    I forgot this breed! They are darling, I must admit.
  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    I am not a dog person at all, but I love *my* dog. Since he's a German Shepherd, that's what I like. :-)


    He's really the family dog, though. I'd like another, perhaps a female German Shepherd, who would just be mine. Not that I'll love my sweet boy any less!
  • chrissyrenee1029
    chrissyrenee1029 Posts: 358 Member
    Great Danes are my absolute favorite breed and I will have another hopefully sooner than later.

    I love large breeds in general and love snuggling with our pit girl, Lola. We also have a Chihuahua named Taco. I never thought I'd own a Chihuahua, but I wouldn't trade him for anything. He's my baby :)
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    The cat breed. Dogs are awful. Ok not ALL dogs, but most. If I HAD to tolerate a breed, it would be something not smelly, ugly, drooly, doesn't shed, doesn't eat/crap a ton, and doesn't bark all the time or have an annoying yappy voice. What breed would that be? :laugh:

    <--- doesn't shed, or bark. Eats 96 grams of food per day. Small poops. Very intelligent.

    Though....I may be biased. ;-)
  • andreavarangu
    andreavarangu Posts: 78 Member
    perhaps you should stick with cats...
  • shmerek
    shmerek Posts: 963 Member
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    The cat breed. Dogs are awful. Ok not ALL dogs, but most. If I HAD to tolerate a breed, it would be something not smelly, ugly, drooly, doesn't shed, doesn't eat/crap a ton, and doesn't bark all the time or have an annoying yappy voice. What breed would that be? :laugh:

    <--- doesn't shed, or bark. Eats 96 grams of food per day. Small poops. Very intelligent.

    Though....I may be biased. ;-)

    He is pretty cute. :) He looks like a white version on my sister's dog, a Dorkie. (Yorkie/Dachshund mix)
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    perhaps you should stick with cats...

    I do. Duh. It would be cruel to everyone involved to own an animal I hate.
  • oedipa_maas
    oedipa_maas Posts: 577 Member
    Pugs and French Bulldogs. Anything with a smooshed face, basically
  • fullersun35
    fullersun35 Posts: 162 Member
    Beagle. I used to have one and miss him terribly. He had the biggest personality I have ever seen in a dog.
  • helman63
    helman63 Posts: 7 Member
    Rhodesian Ridgeback. Very loyal and protective of their family particularly the children.
  • Itskaleena
    Itskaleena Posts: 157 Member
    French Bull Dogs all the way^_^
  • milmomto2
    milmomto2 Posts: 84
    2nd vote for yorkies! Non shedding, portable, very loyal, small poos. And the cutest things ever!
  • Tla0126
    Tla0126 Posts: 207 Member

    My first dog, Beau, was a rottie and I miss him terribly. :o(
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Labradoodle - best dog ever. Happy, loving, active, non-shedding, exuberant personality. Can't get better :smile:

    But all in all, we all need the dog that suits our own life. And that is the best dog.
  • virtualmonkey
    virtualmonkey Posts: 4 Member
    Mutts. Currently we have a lab\golden mix. I never understood the money some people pay out for dogs when there are perfectly good mutts, that will be the best dogs you've ever owned, out there just waiting you.
  • golfgirl15
    golfgirl15 Posts: 12 Member
    Schnauzers and Golden Retrievers (except for the hair they shed)