Calling All Non-Moms Again!



  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Well, I suppose I'll CHECK IN.

    We'll leave my weight at 162, since that's what it was last Friday and my official weigh-in is in two days. I have continued with my c35k and mostly with my Jillian. I did one less day of her this week because I wanted to use my HRM on my bike, but I still did some Jillian-style strength training afterward. I don't really know where I'll be by the end of the year, but I'm going to stick with my routine and hopefully I'll at least make it to 160.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    I was up this morning, but I'm drinking so many fluids that I don't know that that weight can be trusted. I haven't exercised since Monday and I don't see it happening anytime soon.

    Ickybella, your commentary on TTC made me laugh and laugh. It's fun for the first couple of months, then all that special alone time just gets OLD. :laugh:
  • niknok28
    Hello All!! I hope your weeks are going well!

    I am down to 162 lbs so 7 away from my end of December goal I won't be too crushed if I don't hit my goal. I'm just happy I'm losing!
    As far as the running goes I need to get my butt outside. I was down with the flu last week and haven't been out since. I will make time tomorrow to dedicate to my running goal and let you know how it went :)
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    CHECK IN!!!

    morning all! i'm happy report that postponing my weigh in day paid off! i was down by 1.6 pounds! that puts me at an even 198 - that is what i weighed when i was teaching middle school orchestra circa 2004 - i feel like i'm time travelling! i have weighed 198 since then, but it's been short lived - either on the way down and right back on the way up. it's nice to feel settled there for a change. well, not settled since i plan on moving down some more...but you know what i mean. anyhoo....we have a lot of ice on the roads today. school is cancelled so my husband is home with me today! the bummer of it is my gym is closed too. but that's okay. we'll do p90x plyo together - that's always fun. and i ended up no working out yesterday, so i feel very rested and energetic today. hope everyone has a nice day!
  • kksn
    kksn Posts: 122 Member
    I had my weigh in yesterday (which I reported yesterday) and decided to do a progress check on my December goal last night. My goal was to be able to fit back into my business suit for potential interviews in the new year. I am happy to report that I was successful and was able to easily fit back into my suit! So I am re-doing my December goal - I made more progress last week than I thought I would, so I am making my new goal for the end of 2010 to reach a healthy BMI... I am just over a pound away, so I think I can do it! :smile: I hope everyone else is enjoying the holidays and making the progress they would like!
  • tammilk
    tammilk Posts: 86 Member
    Check In

    I am down a total of 4lbs so far....Next weigh in on Saturday morning.
    Only 6.4 lbs to get out of the 170's
  • rmkorama
    rmkorama Posts: 232 Member
    I have an update!

    Now I'm going to depart from this crazy place, go home, and bake several hundred cookies. My plan is to only indulge a LITTLE. Wish me luck. :bigsmile:

  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Loving the list, Rmkorama! I thought I'd post these pictures of my enchiladas since I made them tonight and they always look yummy. Seeing the finished product might just make you see how worth the effort they are.

    In the pan. When I put this particular casserole on our wedding list/registry, I had no idea it would become my Toad in the Hole and Enchilada pan, but it's perfect for both, and I absolutely love it! I am so using Toad in the hole to carb load when I start training for the half marathon. I digress..


    On a plate with rice:


    Those are my nom noms for my non moms! Hope everyone is having a good evening. It's after midnight here and I am off to bed.
  • WA_Teacher
    WA_Teacher Posts: 1,042 Member
    I have an update!

    Now I'm going to depart from this crazy place, go home, and bake several hundred cookies. My plan is to only indulge a LITTLE. Wish me luck. :bigsmile:

    I did my baking last night for the school nurse and other staff members. I hope you have more will power than I do. I ate a few...but you have to do a taste test, right??? I mean we don't want to give cookies that don't taste good. :wink:

    I'm off to my weekly Friday Eve dinner and drinks....Wish me luck. :drinker:
  • Heidi716
    Heidi716 Posts: 135
    Happy Holiday to me! I'm down 3lbs this week! WaHoo! Take that stupid Christmas cookies! :)
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    Thanks for everyone's concern! In reply to my early post, I'm not exactly sure what caused the 7 day migraine. I though it could be Red 40 or sugar substitute, but after eliminating both and adding them back in gradually, I didn't have problems. In any case, the doctor felt that because the migraine went about when I took over the counter and my prescription Imitrex medicine, but returned when it wore off, that it was more of a rebound headache. He took me off of both of those and had me take a new migraine medicine and it went away, thank goodness! Now, at least, I have a few options if a migraine returns now that I have this new prescription. Hopefully I won't need it anytime soon!

  • nolafitchick
    nolafitchick Posts: 46 Member

    Good Morning Al!!

    Today is my weigh-in day. Down 0.8 :smile: and am getting closer to exceeding the 8 *cups* of H2O a day on the weekends :drinker: 5 *cups* on Saturday & 9 *cups* on Sunday (*cups* = 8 oz). so 112 oz out of a recommended 128 oz met.

    Geaux Me!!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Those enchiladas look very yummy and that's saying something at 9 am! LOL

    I think I'm finally on the mend. I had a bad night last night, but I'm hoping that the antibiotics will start to win here very soon. Still haven't worked out since Monday and probably won't until Sunday at the earliest.
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    Happy Holiday to me! I'm down 3lbs this week! WaHoo! Take that stupid Christmas cookies! :)

    smirk...i have this insane mental image of miniature ninjas attacking a plate full of sugar cookies with all of their fervor and gear!

    great job! congrats to you!
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    I think I'm finally on the mend. I had a bad night last night, but I'm hoping that the antibiotics will start to win here very soon. Still haven't worked out since Monday and probably won't until Sunday at the earliest.

    don't worry about working out, just worry about feeling better! i hope you're back up to par soon! it sucks being sick...:grumble:
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    glad you got your migraines resolved, princess! i used to get migraines in high school, for no apparent reason. they went away and come back *very* rarely...still not sure why, but it only happens once every 2 or 3 years now, so hopefully sometime they'll just stay away forever!

    congrats on your loss, skyclad! and it rocks about your water intake - i need to take a page out of your book!

    icky, the enchilladas look *delicious*! can't wait to try them! you seem like such a good cook - i'm envious!

    i just got back from the gym, and i'm very happy that i did my c25k again. i made it through my routine, so monday's success must not have been a fluke! YAY! i hate it when i do something one time, but when i go back, it feels impossible to do again. that always discourages me so much. i know that i will have some off days in the future, but knowing that i did my 11 minutes solid followed up by two segments of 7 minutes twice in one week will help keep me motivated when my body does just turn off and say, 'forget this - i'm TIRED!'

    we're going to a holiday party tonight with friends, and we have one tomorrow with family. i will try to behave. no promises, though! :devil: :tongue:

    happy friday, non-moms!
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Good job Heidi and SkyCladCat on your losses. Glad you're on the mend, roo. Make sure to rest! Chans, I'm a decent cook, not great, but good enough to please my husband, who is used to bland English food. I can cook because I happened to get lucky with food jobs when I was younger, but I never make anything fancy. The best I do is curry night, which is tonight. It will be my first dairy-free curry night, and that means no raita, which is the best accompaniment to spicy curries, but I had some of the fat free fromage frais (sort of like yogurt) last night on my enchiladas, plus cheese, and my belly was not happy with me today. I miss cow's milk. :(

    On the upside, I went on a cleaning spree today because the fruit cake I was baking smelled so frickin good that I had to do something, and every time I bent over and stood back up, my pants fell down! That's exciting after being the same size for the last (nearly) 90 pounds.

    Well done on the c25k, Chans! That is great! I've got week five coming up and I'm really nervous about the long run at the end of the week. Good luck at your party, too. I feel ya. We're going to a Greek place tomorrow for my husband's birthday, and we'll be having Meze, which is sort of the same as Tapas, small plates of food for everyone to share, so there will be no real way to log what I'm having. I'll just guess, but I'm scheduled for Banish Fat tomorrow, which usually burns about 500 calories, so that should help on the calorie front. Have a great weekend everyone! We are super busy this weekend and my parents-in-law are due back on Sunday, so it's going to be hectic.
  • alisa33
    I want to join! I just started yesterday...need to lose 30-35 pds...I'm 5ft and weigh 180pds!!
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    I want to join! I just started yesterday...need to lose 30-35 pds...I'm 5ft and weigh 180pds!!

    welcome aboard! this is a great group - looking forward to your success! :drinker:
  • WA_Teacher
    WA_Teacher Posts: 1,042 Member
    Hi Non Moms,

    Well it's done I made it through my student's Christmas parties and activities without munching on all the goodies for gingerbread houses. But kids and lots of sugar....rough day. :yawn: I am soooo tired and think I will sleep the next 3 days away.

    Have a great weekend ladies.