It's time to confess...



  • melliebee
    melliebee Posts: 187 Member
    I am currently eating Smarties...and I might NOT enter them. *gasp*

    REBEL!!!!! hahaha

    I had a handful of tostitos with the tostito cheese dip yesterday.... I logged it because I clearly am not as bada$$ as you.. ;)
  • I never log @ weekends..i still exercise plenty but if i fancy a Mac donalds as a treat i have it n it doesn't get logged..but neither does my exercise so i think they cancel eachother out..It works for me anyhow :happy:
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    I have confessed this before, but will confess again...

    I never count my coffee creamer in my log. I have never counted it. I have still lost 48 lbs.

    I thought that I was the only one that did this! So I started logging. I use the FF French Vanilla cap as my creamer - so I have to guess at the amount. I hate that I am logging this now! Urgh. I was hoping to have one sin......
  • LOL..... I don't log when I am dipping in the dinner while I am cooking....LOL

    OMG - I didn't realize it, but I don't log that either. :blushing:
  • OHH another one!! I weigh myself everyday, but only log my weight when it goes down! hahahah

    Shoooot, I do the same exact thing. Once the scale shows it, i'm claiming it.

    Oh no - another sin - yea I do that too! :laugh:
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    I confess...I just threw away my tupperware in the trash because I was too lazy to wash it. :yawn:

    OMGosh that is only hysterical because I have done it. Either too lazy to wash it or in one case....too afraid to open the lid!! LOL (kids love to push things toward the back of the refrigerator!)

    I confess that sometimes I quick add a few calories cause I did not want to actually type what I ate....but thankfully, it was just a bite here or there and not like a whole gallon of ice cream or anything.

    Ah, crap now I want ice cream. :sad:

    LOL I've done this too! Usually because its been forgotten in the back of the fridge and I can't face opening it!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    holy crap i can identify with a few of these...i barely log on weekends (i just don't want the feed to say i've logged in 5 days in a row, i want to keep the tally going), I eat my son's halloween candy more than he does, and i don't log ALL of it, I know that eyeballing protions is wrong but I still do it, I don't log the lime juice in my skinny b!tches or the seasoning on my porkchop, and

    I also have impure thoughts :bigsmile:
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    Reading this thread is making me WANT to cheat!!! :laugh:
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    By the way, what the heck is a Smartie?

    Little wrapped up columns of heavenly sugar.

  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    LOL..... I don't log when I am dipping in the dinner while I am cooking....LOL

    OMG - I didn't realize it, but I don't log that either. :blushing:

    BLT - bite, licks, and tastes can pack on the calories.
  • anewpath
    anewpath Posts: 200
    I had a *LARGE* glass of wine, logged it as standard serving. ya right. My "glasses" of wine would never be a standard pour.

    Haha! I actually measured out a serving size of wine and was depressed! I thought are you kidding me?!
  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    I quick add calories when I'm too tired of logging to look it up, but I also do it when I don't want to admit to my peeps what I've eaten, lol... It's really silly because they are some of the most down to earth, awesome people who wouldn't judge me.
  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    Oh, like the one person above commented, I also have impure thoughts, lmao.
  • OHH another one!! I weigh myself everyday, but only log my weight when it goes down! hahahah

    Shoooot, I do the same exact thing. Once the scale shows it, i'm claiming it.

    Haha. I'm guilty of this.

    By the way, yall are hilarious. I've been reading through some of the other posts and I can't help but laugh.
  • Papucho
    Papucho Posts: 138
    Okay, Saturday night, after I was finished logging my meals, I was amazed that I didn't go over my calories. Considering what I ate, well, you would be too and might question my honesty. I wouldn't blame you but as best as I can recall, it was accurate. Then my daughter came home from a barbecue with a plate of Carne Asada for me--complete with beans, rice, salsa, and a couple tortillas. I immediately informed her that of my five kids, she was my favorite and I was giving her, her older brothers room, and she could drive my car whenever she wanted--as long as it was only around the block. Then, after I was done crying with joy, I cleaned that plate in five minutes. I didn't log it. And I gotta admit, I don't feel one bit guilty.
  • pragya728
    pragya728 Posts: 250 Member
    OHH another one!! I weigh myself everyday, but only log my weight when it goes down! hahahah

    Lol...that's exactly what I do.
  • elainegsd
    elainegsd Posts: 459 Member
    I had two cups of coffee, took the kids to school and went right back to sleep. I've been on MFP since I woke at 10. I still haven't walked.

    did you float to your car?

    hahaha I would have peed in the car for sure....

    I just pee in my extra absorbent hospital pad

    TOO MUCH INFORMATION!!!!!!! :happy:
  • I confess that I: a. don't log veges!!! and I weigh myself 1,2,3 times a day. AHHHH swopping 1 habit (eating mindlessly) for another. :embarassed:
  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    LOL..... I don't log when I am dipping in the dinner while I am cooking....LOL

    Me too! I figure if I'm doing the work to cook it - it needs to be taste tested! :wink:
  • rai8759
    rai8759 Posts: 296 Member
    I have confessed this before, but will confess again...

    I never count my coffee creamer in my log. I have never counted it. I have still lost 48 lbs.

    LOL! I measure my creamer... I'm such a goody 2 shoes! It does crack me up that you have still lost 48 lbs. Just proves that a couple extra calories can't really hurt as long as you keep going.

    WAIT!! You're supposed to log diet soda?! Ok THATS never gonna happen.
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