3 Day Refresh



  • rjdunn87
    rjdunn87 Posts: 385 Member
    I understand that, but I'm not here looking for sales. I asked a genuine question about a program I'm interested in. If I wasn't a coach and asked the same question, would that be a violation? Again, yes, I'm a Beachbody coach, I'm not hiding that. No, that does not mean that I'm going to immediately run out and purchase every single product the company releases because I worship at their feet. I want to hear from others who have done the program and seen results first, just like anyone else, coach or not.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    14. No Advertising, Self-Promotion, or Fund-Raising

    a) You may not post any links or mentions of other services, websites, or businesses from which you or an associate might benefit financially or otherwise. This includes, but is not limited to; posts that contain links to offsite blog posts and social media. You also may not solicit off-Forum contact from which you might benefit, e.g. "message me for more info", “I can get you free samples”, etc.
    b) Requests or solicitations for donations are also not allowed. This includes requesting contributions to “pooled fund” competitions, requests for votes in any venue (online contests, etc.), and even requests for charitable contributions. As you can imagine, we have a lot of people who would like to raise money for worthy causes through the site. As much as we'd like to support these causes, if we were to allow requests for donations, the forums would quickly become full of such requests which would take away from the main purpose of the forums - to support one another.
    c) Posts or messages to members promoting websites that compete with MyFitnessPal are also prohibited.

    Which granted you didn't do what is in bold, but typically this is how it all starts. Posting this, people posting 'success' others countering about this that or the other.

    These messages, especially when the OP is a coach, do make people skeptical because there are a ton of coaches on here trying to sell products and spam. Not saying your one of those, but for every 1 that is not like that there are 10 that are doing that.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    I've just realized that the word "coach" is much nicer sounding than "bottom rung salesperson in a MLM program" ... however only the latter is accurate since even Beachbody "coaches" admit they are neither fitness experts nor nurtitionists.
  • rjdunn87
    rjdunn87 Posts: 385 Member
    14. No Advertising, Self-Promotion, or Fund-Raising

    a) You may not post any links or mentions of other services, websites, or businesses from which you or an associate might benefit financially or otherwise. This includes, but is not limited to; posts that contain links to offsite blog posts and social media. You also may not solicit off-Forum contact from which you might benefit, e.g. "message me for more info", “I can get you free samples”, etc.
    b) Requests or solicitations for donations are also not allowed. This includes requesting contributions to “pooled fund” competitions, requests for votes in any venue (online contests, etc.), and even requests for charitable contributions. As you can imagine, we have a lot of people who would like to raise money for worthy causes through the site. As much as we'd like to support these causes, if we were to allow requests for donations, the forums would quickly become full of such requests which would take away from the main purpose of the forums - to support one another.
    c) Posts or messages to members promoting websites that compete with MyFitnessPal are also prohibited.

    Which granted you didn't do what is in bold, but typically this is how it all starts. Posting this, people posting 'success' others countering about this that or the other.

    These messages, especially when the OP is a coach, do make people skeptical because there are a ton of coaches on here trying to sell products and spam. Not saying your one of those, but for every 1 that is not like that there are 10 that are doing that.

    I do get that, and that's why I said that perhaps my frustration is more with those other 10 coaches then it is with those of you who react negatively toward Beachbody. I'm not naive or blind, I understand that there are a lot of sleazy salespeople associated with this company. However, like you said, I didn't do, nor did I plan to do, any of the things in the TOS, so why the immediate assumption that I have some kind of agenda other than what I posted? I don't. My agenda was to hear from people who have done the program. That's it.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Actually no, most of the people who are listed as my customers have not purchased a single thing from me. One of the girls who I've been talking back and forth with just ordered Insanity from eBay rather than through Beachbody. It's not as if I stopped talking to her or answering her questions at that point. You're right that I'm probably a little defensive and that's my bad, but it is frustrating that any post related to Beachbody is immediately met with skepticism and negativity. Perhaps that blame should be placed on the fellow coaches of mine who have made this all about selling people stuff, but I still don't think it's fair to assume that all of us are that way.

    Furthermore, no, I'm not posting to try to drum up sales. If that were the case, I would have posted something singing the praises of the program or trying to promote a challenge group. I wasn't asking what the program was, I asked if there were any real people out there with results, good or bad, to share. Not because I want to use them for my business, but because hey, maybe I'm actually interested in the product and am curious about results other than what Beachbody has released with their official informercials? Just because I'm a coach doesn't mean I'm going to blindly purchase every single product the company puts out there.

    I understand what you are saying, but look at it from our perspective. If you just wanted info, wouldn't your coaches' group or the BB forums be a more appropriate place to ask since only coaches have it? That's why people are saying this is advertising/selling.

    Although I am relieved to finally see a BB coach admit that they promote challenge groups here to drum up sales. It's much better than the "No, I just really want to support and motivate people…even though I never respond to any post that isn't about BB" line that we usually see.
  • rjdunn87
    rjdunn87 Posts: 385 Member
    Actually no, most of the people who are listed as my customers have not purchased a single thing from me. One of the girls who I've been talking back and forth with just ordered Insanity from eBay rather than through Beachbody. It's not as if I stopped talking to her or answering her questions at that point. You're right that I'm probably a little defensive and that's my bad, but it is frustrating that any post related to Beachbody is immediately met with skepticism and negativity. Perhaps that blame should be placed on the fellow coaches of mine who have made this all about selling people stuff, but I still don't think it's fair to assume that all of us are that way.

    Furthermore, no, I'm not posting to try to drum up sales. If that were the case, I would have posted something singing the praises of the program or trying to promote a challenge group. I wasn't asking what the program was, I asked if there were any real people out there with results, good or bad, to share. Not because I want to use them for my business, but because hey, maybe I'm actually interested in the product and am curious about results other than what Beachbody has released with their official informercials? Just because I'm a coach doesn't mean I'm going to blindly purchase every single product the company puts out there.

    I understand what you are saying, but look at it from our perspective. If you just wanted info, wouldn't your coaches' group or the BB forums be a more appropriate place to ask since only coaches have it? That's why people are saying this is advertising/selling.

    Although I am relieved to finally see a BB coach admit that they promote challenge groups here to drum up sales. It's much better than the "No, I just really want to support and motivate people…even though I never respond to any post that isn't about BB" line that we usually see.

    Totally, and I have posted in those other places as well. It isn't only coaches that have it, though. It's on sale to customers of coaches as well--which further begs the question, what good would this post be doing me saleswise? I'm asking for results. The only people that have the program are, as you say, coaches or customers who already have a coach. Neither of those groups benefit me financially.

    As for challenge groups, yes of course it's nice to get a sale or two when you run them. However, again, that isn't what it's about for every single one of us. I have a group of about 15 people on Facebook right now starting the 21 Day Fix in a week, and I think maybe two of them purchased something from me.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I am one of those "coaches," I'm not looking for one. I guess I'm a bit confused as to why we're constantly being attacked for not having qualifications. I've never claimed to be a fitness expert or a nutritionist and I don't attempt to give my customers advice that I'm not qualified to give. I'm here to motivate and support people who are looking for some extra encouragement, that's it. I understand that some Beachbody coaches have given the rest of us a pretty bad reputation but I don't think it's fair to categorize all of us as quacks giving out false information.

    coach- means you have something to offer- some something qualifiable. If you say you're a coach- you need to provide qualifications.

    but you're NOT a fitness expert

    and you're NOT a nutirionalist.

    so exactly what makes you a coach?

    And why do you need to be a "coach" to encourage and support people- there are several people here who DO have qualifications- ARE fitness professionals and ARE here encouraging people without being a coach.

    So- I don't think it's to much to ask you to explain yourself.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Actually no, most of the people who are listed as my customers have not purchased a single thing from me. One of the girls who I've been talking back and forth with just ordered Insanity from eBay rather than through Beachbody. It's not as if I stopped talking to her or answering her questions at that point. You're right that I'm probably a little defensive and that's my bad, but it is frustrating that any post related to Beachbody is immediately met with skepticism and negativity. Perhaps that blame should be placed on the fellow coaches of mine who have made this all about selling people stuff, but I still don't think it's fair to assume that all of us are that way.

    Furthermore, no, I'm not posting to try to drum up sales. If that were the case, I would have posted something singing the praises of the program or trying to promote a challenge group. I wasn't asking what the program was, I asked if there were any real people out there with results, good or bad, to share. Not because I want to use them for my business, but because hey, maybe I'm actually interested in the product and am curious about results other than what Beachbody has released with their official informercials? Just because I'm a coach doesn't mean I'm going to blindly purchase every single product the company puts out there.

    I understand what you are saying, but look at it from our perspective. If you just wanted info, wouldn't your coaches' group or the BB forums be a more appropriate place to ask since only coaches have it? That's why people are saying this is advertising/selling.

    Although I am relieved to finally see a BB coach admit that they promote challenge groups here to drum up sales. It's much better than the "No, I just really want to support and motivate people…even though I never respond to any post that isn't about BB" line that we usually see.

    Agree with kgeyser on all of the above. It is nice to see a BB Coach who isn't looking to sell.
  • rjdunn87
    rjdunn87 Posts: 385 Member
    Actually no, most of the people who are listed as my customers have not purchased a single thing from me. One of the girls who I've been talking back and forth with just ordered Insanity from eBay rather than through Beachbody. It's not as if I stopped talking to her or answering her questions at that point. You're right that I'm probably a little defensive and that's my bad, but it is frustrating that any post related to Beachbody is immediately met with skepticism and negativity. Perhaps that blame should be placed on the fellow coaches of mine who have made this all about selling people stuff, but I still don't think it's fair to assume that all of us are that way.

    Furthermore, no, I'm not posting to try to drum up sales. If that were the case, I would have posted something singing the praises of the program or trying to promote a challenge group. I wasn't asking what the program was, I asked if there were any real people out there with results, good or bad, to share. Not because I want to use them for my business, but because hey, maybe I'm actually interested in the product and am curious about results other than what Beachbody has released with their official informercials? Just because I'm a coach doesn't mean I'm going to blindly purchase every single product the company puts out there.

    I understand what you are saying, but look at it from our perspective. If you just wanted info, wouldn't your coaches' group or the BB forums be a more appropriate place to ask since only coaches have it? That's why people are saying this is advertising/selling.

    Although I am relieved to finally see a BB coach admit that they promote challenge groups here to drum up sales. It's much better than the "No, I just really want to support and motivate people…even though I never respond to any post that isn't about BB" line that we usually see.

    Agree with kgeyser on all of the above. It is nice to see a BB Coach who isn't looking to sell.

    Thank you.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Actually no, most of the people who are listed as my customers have not purchased a single thing from me. One of the girls who I've been talking back and forth with just ordered Insanity from eBay rather than through Beachbody. It's not as if I stopped talking to her or answering her questions at that point. You're right that I'm probably a little defensive and that's my bad, but it is frustrating that any post related to Beachbody is immediately met with skepticism and negativity. Perhaps that blame should be placed on the fellow coaches of mine who have made this all about selling people stuff, but I still don't think it's fair to assume that all of us are that way.

    Furthermore, no, I'm not posting to try to drum up sales. If that were the case, I would have posted something singing the praises of the program or trying to promote a challenge group. I wasn't asking what the program was, I asked if there were any real people out there with results, good or bad, to share. Not because I want to use them for my business, but because hey, maybe I'm actually interested in the product and am curious about results other than what Beachbody has released with their official informercials? Just because I'm a coach doesn't mean I'm going to blindly purchase every single product the company puts out there.

    I understand what you are saying, but look at it from our perspective. If you just wanted info, wouldn't your coaches' group or the BB forums be a more appropriate place to ask since only coaches have it? That's why people are saying this is advertising/selling.

    Although I am relieved to finally see a BB coach admit that they promote challenge groups here to drum up sales. It's much better than the "No, I just really want to support and motivate people…even though I never respond to any post that isn't about BB" line that we usually see.

    Totally, and I have posted in those other places as well. It isn't only coaches that have it, though. It's on sale to customers of coaches as well--which further begs the question, what good would this post be doing me saleswise? I'm asking for results. The only people that have the program are, as you say, coaches or customers who already have a coach. Neither of those groups benefit me financially.

    As for challenge groups, yes of course it's nice to get a sale or two when you run them. However, again, that isn't what it's about for every single one of us. I have a group of about 15 people on Facebook right now starting the 21 Day Fix in a week, and I think maybe two of them purchased something from me.

    Ok, let's not get silly here. It went on sale last week to current coaches and BB clients, and open to the general public this week. BB people just got the materials in the last 48 hours. Nobody has any results yet. They haven't had access to the materials long enough to have results.
  • rjdunn87
    rjdunn87 Posts: 385 Member
    Actually no, most of the people who are listed as my customers have not purchased a single thing from me. One of the girls who I've been talking back and forth with just ordered Insanity from eBay rather than through Beachbody. It's not as if I stopped talking to her or answering her questions at that point. You're right that I'm probably a little defensive and that's my bad, but it is frustrating that any post related to Beachbody is immediately met with skepticism and negativity. Perhaps that blame should be placed on the fellow coaches of mine who have made this all about selling people stuff, but I still don't think it's fair to assume that all of us are that way.

    Furthermore, no, I'm not posting to try to drum up sales. If that were the case, I would have posted something singing the praises of the program or trying to promote a challenge group. I wasn't asking what the program was, I asked if there were any real people out there with results, good or bad, to share. Not because I want to use them for my business, but because hey, maybe I'm actually interested in the product and am curious about results other than what Beachbody has released with their official informercials? Just because I'm a coach doesn't mean I'm going to blindly purchase every single product the company puts out there.

    I understand what you are saying, but look at it from our perspective. If you just wanted info, wouldn't your coaches' group or the BB forums be a more appropriate place to ask since only coaches have it? That's why people are saying this is advertising/selling.

    Although I am relieved to finally see a BB coach admit that they promote challenge groups here to drum up sales. It's much better than the "No, I just really want to support and motivate people…even though I never respond to any post that isn't about BB" line that we usually see.

    Totally, and I have posted in those other places as well. It isn't only coaches that have it, though. It's on sale to customers of coaches as well--which further begs the question, what good would this post be doing me saleswise? I'm asking for results. The only people that have the program are, as you say, coaches or customers who already have a coach. Neither of those groups benefit me financially.

    As for challenge groups, yes of course it's nice to get a sale or two when you run them. However, again, that isn't what it's about for every single one of us. I have a group of about 15 people on Facebook right now starting the 21 Day Fix in a week, and I think maybe two of them purchased something from me.

    Ok, let's not get silly here. It went on sale last week to current coaches and BB clients, and open to the general public this week. BB people just got the materials in the last 48 hours. Nobody has any results yet. They haven't had access to the materials long enough to have results.

    Right… that's what I said. "BB clients" aka customers of Beachbody coaches. I think we're saying the same thing. There are Beachbody customers here, I didn't think it was unreasonable to think a few people might have tried it.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Why don't you ask on the beachbody site?

    My coach says some people have lost 10 pounds on it. I laughed. I'm not paying I don't know how much money to lose 10 pounds of water weight that I'll regain within a month.

    I like the beachbody programs but frankly a lot of coaches or customers are clueless about nutrition or how losing weight works.
  • rjdunn87
    rjdunn87 Posts: 385 Member
    Why don't you ask on the beachbody site?

    My coach says some people have lost 10 pounds on it. I laughed. I'm not paying I don't know how much money to lose 10 pounds of water weight that I'll regain within a month.

    I like the beachbody programs but frankly a lot of coaches or customers are clueless about nutrition or how losing weight works.

    I did ask on the Beachbody site. And yeah, I don't know where your coach saw that but that sounds a little insane. Most of the results I've seen have been around 3-5 pounds.
  • AndreaNic26
    AndreaNic26 Posts: 3 Member
    Wow, it's sad this became An attack thread vs something informative. I'm currently in day 1 of the refresh. I'm not a coach, this is my first beach body purchase. I bought it to give me a boost in my weightloss journey, help me reset a bit. I'll let you know the results when I'm done.
  • yosassi
    yosassi Posts: 30 Member
    If we are talking about MFP's site-wide community guidelines, let's start with the first...

    1. No Attacks or Insults and No Reciprocation

    a) Do not attack, mock, or otherwise insult others. You can respectfully disagree with the message or topic, but you cannot attack the messenger. This includes attacks against the user’s spelling or command of written English, or belittling a user for posting a duplicate topic.

    b) If you are attacked by another user, and you reciprocate, you will also be subject to the same consequences. Defending yourself or a friend is not an excuse! Do not take matters into your own hands – instead, use the Report Post link to report an attack and we will be happy to handle the situation for you.

    As for the 3 Day Refresh, I have not tried it, but would love to hear your results if you decide to go with it! I myself am toying around with different protein powders to have a more sustainable relationship with a meal replacement, but mostly because I have struggled with getting a lot of the nutrients in that protein shakes provide.
  • rjdunn87
    rjdunn87 Posts: 385 Member
    Wow, it's sad this became An attack thread vs something informative. I'm currently in day 1 of the refresh. I'm not a coach, this is my first beach body purchase. I bought it to give me a boost in my weightloss journey, help me reset a bit. I'll let you know the results when I'm done.

    thank you :)
  • JaeLeePGH
    JaeLeePGH Posts: 12
    So.. to ignore all the attacks and negativity.. I will respond to the OP's ?

    First.. yes I am a BB Coach.. what makes me qualified? Because I use the products/programs and I've lost over 60 pounds and that experience lets me help others.

    To answer the ?
    3 Day Refresh is a body detox to restart to a clean eating habit.
    Yes you may loose a few inches or pounds doing so. It gets rid of the bad and ready for the good.

    I just finished the 3 Day Refresh. It has a shake.. A fiber drink.. then two other shakes later in the day. Along with all of that.. I eat fresh fruit, veggies, and 2 portions of healthy fats. You can also drink non caffeinated tea and water as well.

    Tomorrow I will actually be posting my results and my in depth review. All in all.. I feel great.. I am not hungry.. I have energy.. NO cravings.. and got rid of the bad july 4th indulgence. I would totally do it again as well to flush my system WITHOUT starving myself.
  • s_pekz
    s_pekz Posts: 340 Member
    So.. to ignore all the attacks and negativity.. I will respond to the OP's ?

    First.. yes I am a BB Coach.. what makes me qualified? Because I use the products/programs and I've lost over 60 pounds and that experience lets me help others.

    To answer the ?
    3 Day Refresh is a body detox to restart to a clean eating habit.
    Yes you may loose a few inches or pounds doing so. It gets rid of the bad and ready for the good.

    I just finished the 3 Day Refresh. It has a shake.. A fiber drink.. then two other shakes later in the day. Along with all of that.. I eat fresh fruit, veggies, and 2 portions of healthy fats. You can also drink non caffeinated tea and water as well.

    Tomorrow I will actually be posting my results and my in depth review. All in all.. I feel great.. I am not hungry.. I have energy.. NO cravings.. and got rid of the bad july 4th indulgence. I would totally do it again as well to flush my system WITHOUT starving myself.

    I'm sorry what "bad" are you getting rid of with the Refresh that your kidneys, liver and colon weren't going to "get rid of" anyway?