

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Have been away at a conference. Just skimmed through 10 pages! Didn't do so well on eating, but got up at 5:30 every day and did 50 minutes on the treadmill.

    Back at it. I bought myself a new Tervis Tumbler with a pretty "K" on it for motivation to drink my water.

    Take care, all!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,392 Member
    Did 45 minutes of Gin Miller's Barbell Blast DVD today. I don't have a barbell set at home so I had to go to the Y to use theirs. I'll probably take this DVD with me when we go to FL and I can use the barbell set at their Y. It's a new DVD for me and I really needed to just check it out to be sure that there wasn't a problem with the DVD.

    Tomorrow we have a Newcomer board meeting, so I'm planning to do Kelly Coffee Meyer's 30 Minutes to Fitness DVD. I'll probably wind up doing the DVD twice so that I get a full 60 minute workout in.

    Kim - share that video!!!!

    Lesley - I always have to remember that you are in winter.

    Joyce - how wonderful of your daughter to take Haley in. That's something that she'll remember especially as she gets older

    Vince is out cutting the grass right now. It's been very drizzly, but the grass has grown so that he felt he need to get it somewhat under control. I normally would have gone out, but I was expecting a phone call so I made some cupcakes for Jess when she comes here next week. In the meantime, I saw in my email that the person I was going to speak with had to cancel, so maybe I'll go back out in a little bit.

    After exercise I went to CVS. They had batteries on sale -- 16 pack for 11.99. Not a great price, I know. But I did have a $5 off coupon which expired at the end of the week. As it turns out, they were out of the 16 pack so the guy made a price adjustment for me and gave me a 24 pack for the price of the 16 pack. Plus, I had another $1 off coupon, so 24 batteries for about $6, not a bad price. I also got a roll of paper towels with their store coupon for free.

    Patty - you may need to mention to this woman about her eating habits if she comes back and mention that that's why she is having problems losing weight. Be sure to encourace her with her mobility. That should make her feel good.

    Gloria - thanks for posting about believe you deserve health and happiness over empty calories. That's something that I need to keep in mind

    Last night the gal whose house I go to for mahjongg on Monday nights told us that she's going to be a grandmother in the Spring. I'm so happy for her.

    yanniejannie - happy birthday to your daughter. You're giving great gifts. Congrats on the 3lbs down!

    ScubaMom - how nice of you to check in with your bro! Which colleges will you be going to in Boston? My husband and I went to school in Boston for a time.

    Made cupcakes for Jess to take back with her. This is the first time ever that I worked with rolled fondant. So I had to try one. Not a good thing. You know, after I had it, how I wished that I hadn't? Now she'll need to tell me how they travel when she takes them home.

    mimi - as I recall, many times when you get the wedding invitation, there is a place where you can mark one of two entrees. Oh, "doc's orders" will definitely work!!!

    It's been very drizzly here the past few days, but today Vince and I cut the grass. It was getting so tall! He used the tractor, then I used the push behind mower while he weedwacked. Then I went to the hosp. where Lexi is. They say she still isn't eating, so I took them some hard boiled egg yolks. She always likes them at home. Guess the worst thing that can happen is that they throw them out!

    Vicki - have fun at the pool! Good for you going in the water! What an accomplishment!

    Meg - I remember Joyce's free fudge story, too. Hope that doesn't mean I've been on here too long....:)

    drkatiebug - good for you exercising every day even while you're away. That's so hard to do, I admire you for doing it.

    Michele in NC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Lin C: I’m happy that your surgery helped your breathing and that you seem to feel better.

    Patty in OH: Congratulations on your shifting responsibilities at work that are heading you in the direction that your heart wants to go.

    Sylvia: I loved James Garner, too. I liked the Maverick role, and the Rockford role both very much, as well as everything else he did. I’m sending prayers for your son in his fight against pneumonia.

    Michele: I am always impressed with the things you are able to do.

    Kim: Good luck with the yogurt! You seem to be on the right track.

    Lesley: I love hearing about your life in Tasmania.

    I’m way behind in reading posts, and too tired to do anything to catch up. I hope to see you all tomorrow.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    July Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Woke to 1C and heavy frost. Lucky sizzled away with sun during breakfast, later than usual. Became a lovely sunny, winter's day with blue skies. Cannot wait for summer.
    Seasoled all our garden beds.
    I can eat almost anything and enjoy it all. That is what body building does for me.
    Lesley Tasmania
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I got a text from my daughter, Haley is not coming. There is a 30% chance of thunderstorms on Saturday:grumble: But it is worse for Sunday. Christina would like for me to be open to switching our day to Sunday is Saturday is bad but I'm afraid it would be worse the next day. I know I am not strong enough yet to miss a Sunday for a trip to an amusement park. I will be missing Sunday for our vacation in October. But I do feel bad because she will be missing Saturday evening and Sunday morning church to be here. Many times they do get on line and watch the services on the internet on Saturday night. And it's the same service. It's one of those mega churches that have like 10,000 members and they have like 4 services to accomodate them all. So right now I am saying no. Haleys Mom one time told my daughter that she had a job opportunity that would make her work M-F 12 hour shifts and off on weekends and wondered if they could 'babysit' her those 5 days. Christina was very hesitant about it and told her that they would have to pray about it and asked her to also. It is almost like Haley is my daughter's 3rd child and she was asking her own Mom to take her for the weekend. She didn't take the job. But that's kind of much to ask a friend. A good friend is fine but a family needs their own special time also. I think there also is some legal liability that would need to be drawn up. Her Mom didn't think anything about asking it though. I do feel sorry for this girl, heavy set, low self esteem, mediocre grades, heavily into make up and some music and shows my daughter would never let my grand kids listen to. She is a girl that has been left to herself or to the mercy of the current live in by friend. Luckily for the young girl their has never been any hanky panky from the boy friends. But she enjoys her Moms salary from a 12 hour shift and working extra shifts frequently as an RN.

    I got her marble cake mix but couldn't find the birthday cake frosting. So since Grandpa was with me of course we got chocolate fudge frosting with some neon pink chocolate balls that he think s he can spell out her name in:laugh: :laugh: He has tried things like that before and it's a disaster. I found out later it's birthday cake ice cream! So we will find that later. Michelle thinks it is Blue Bunny. I just hope I am strong enough. I will feel you ll looking over my shoulder and holding me back:laugh: :laugh:

    Tomorrow is my 'old nurses club' lunch. It was my time to pick this month and we are going to Smiling Moose deli. I can get a half salad with 4 mix ins or a full salad with 8 mix ins. I think the half will do fine. Tomorrow night instead of getting his regular 8 oz sirloin he wants to make it his birthday meal and splurge and get a rib eye at Texas roadhouse. I will get my usual grilled chicken salad. I wish I knew a way of getting an actual real calorie count from the website. It includes the cheese, bacon and croutons and I leave them off.

    Well both yesterday and today I have worn some of my new capris. But I have found out the the size 14s I tried on first were the ones I actually bought instead of the 12s. So tomorrow I need to go exchange them. These kakhis are really comfortable and just the kind and fit that is cool enough to wear Saturday. They will dry nicely after getting wet on the rapid ride. I got me a big bottle of SPF 50 and a small bottle to put some in and leave the rest for Florida. I just need to find me a bag to put it all in to put in a locker. I swear I bought one and it must be somewhere in this house. When we signed up for AARP they sent a shoulder bag that will fit my iPad, sun screen and some money in case I want to buy a shirt or an itsy bitsy piece of fudge. There is an outside pocket so the sunscreen won't be in the same place as the iPad.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Alison – sounds like a nice varied diet to me…

    Patty – it sounds like you are a great trainer! But you are right, as all of us know there is not a magic get thin button, it is work and commitment!

    Cindy – thanks – each of us has had our trials, and I know I am the person I am because of what I have gone though, without those lessons, trials, etc we would be different. I am so glad you too made it though and gave back to others!

    Sylvia – very cute joke

    ScubaMom- I like to scrapbook too… have done very little in the last few years..but wish for some time to do it.

    Mimi – Wente does some great salads and meats… it might not be as bad as it could be – I have had some great healthy meals there – a good friend is the head of the kitchen garden, they grow a lot of the produce on site.

    Michele – how long does Lexi have to stay at the hospital?

    So busy week with camp... I read and did a bit of responding... sorry if I missed you. trying to fit in everything!!! Did have dinner with a friend at a place they called a "true british pub" Heather you would not have called it that at all - but the food was good and the gal I was with paid for it as a thank you for loaning her some folding tables.... I had blackened grilled salmon, with vegies and a side salad... it was supposed to come with garlic mashed potatoes - oh man I love those - but had the salad instead.. I knew one bite would be 2,3,4,,,,,,, I guessed on the calories; but think I did pretty good.

    Kim from N. California
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Jane: did you get a new appointment for the trailer? Thinking of you!

    Sylvia: pool sounds great. I get so lethargic in warm weather; I’d love a pool in the area.

    Vicki: I’m up a little too after a couple days of irregular eating. Yesterday I did a bit better. Sorry about your family problems.

    Alison: thumbs up for you!

    Had a bit of a shock yesterday. I had to pick up dog food at the vet's, and since I had the feeling my dog was having some trouble in his mouth I took him with me. I was thinking, maybe irritated gums from tartar or something. Turned out one of his molars was broken and the inside of the molar (the side towards the tongue) was open! No wonder he wasn't chewing his evening chew stick etc. They could do the extraction right away, so I got it together and said yes. Stayed until he was "under". Picked him up around dinnertime. He was a bit groggy but was OK in the evening. Giving him soft food today. Also, he jumped off the vet's table while we were there (first time ever). Really bad idea with his arthritis and unstable back.... :frown:

    Another warm day today. Getting my hair cut later. Not that I'll look any better; it's so humid!

    Hope everyone has a good day! :flowerforyou:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,807 Member
    little late, didnt sleep well.but down another 2 lbs:bigsmile: im guessing it is water weight , but I will take it
    I am having my warm lemon water, and then off to the gym.. then home , have a load of laundry in, .dont go into work until 1 pm, so ta ta for now:heart:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,358 Member
    Good morning from a still sunny and hot Hampshire. Showers are forecast from tomorrow, just when we are going away for the weekend!

    We get back on Sunday evening and then DH has a test match on Monday and Tuesday. (International cricket) He is going with his friend so we hope his friend will stay overnight as we live close to the ground. So, another entertaining opportunity! :laugh:

    I am up half a lb this morning, but considering Monday's indulgence, that isn't too terrible. A couple more dsys should see it off before the weekend. It was lovely to get back to a whole workout this morning.:bigsmile: 553 calories.:bigsmile:

    Today we are going to try to do the bank and shop thing again. Last time we hit a big traffic jam and just came home again. It's a bit hot, but I can cope with the heat so much better these days. :happy: I've heard nothing about my necklace so might call in on the way.

    Katla - the Portsmouth trip was aborted. When we got to the station they told us the trains were cancelled because there was a suicide at Wimbledon. The phrase they use is "a person under a train". I can't help feeling that the person could have chosen somewhere less antisocial to kill themselves. Sorry.
    That is the 2nd time we have set out to go to the Historic Dockyard with DSIL. The first time it bucketed down with rain in November so we turned back.
    Instead we went to a local National Trust property and enjoyed an art exhibition , the rose garden, though the roses are mainly over, and a riverside walk, admiring the butterflies and dragon flies. Masses of trout in the river.

    When the family were here they asked us to go up to London to babysit while DDIL has her eyes lasered so she won't need glasses. That is the weekend after next. I think she would like DS to go in with her or pick her up, so we would be useful to hold the fort. We will stay over Friday night. I think it's great that they feel able to ask us.:happy: I always wanted to be that sort of granny, like my ex's mother, and not like my mother who would never let you forget it if she did you a favour.:wink:
    I already miss the baby. When they are here I carry her most of the time, so my arms feel empty now.:tongue: She has come on so much in the last month. She is 10 months old now. She sings and "dances". I call her the "graberoo". Nothing is safe.:laugh: :love: :love: :love:

    Off to make our morning coffee.:bigsmile:

    Heather UK
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Good Morning to All,
    I am so excited, I weighed in last night and lost 5 lbs since last Tuesday. I worked hard for that loss and already feel better. I got sluggish and let bad habits creep back into my diet these past 3 months. My bad habits really do cause sluggishness. I know this for a fact. People are different but for me, when I start letting flour and sugar back into my life, I can't control it. I will eat a cup of home made croutons for lunch instead of the salad with a few on it once I start eating I don't want anything else.
    The lady who bought the personal training package still hasn't called. I thought about calling her but I think she has to make this decission to committ and make the first move.
    I need to book an appt to get my hair cut, it is getting long and sticking out on the sides, makes me feel like Bozo the clown.
    Saturday I have to make cupcakes for my grandson's birthday party. I only have to ice them as part of the party fun is for the kids to decorate their own with candy, sprinkles and things like that.

    Heather, I love zucchini, I have been using it to make mini pizza’s, in place of the crust. Yummy!

    Yannie, Good job on the 3 lbs!

    Sylvia, Funny joke. This one was easy to get

    Grandmallie, I have a friend here at the office that is over 300 lbs and is always talking about how she wants to lose. She has spent so much money on exercise gadgets, diet books, plans and things but never sticks. She snacks and drinks pop and when work gets stressful she eats more and worse junk. She is already a diabetic but even that hasn’t gotten her to the point of change.

    Gota go, time to get to work.
    Love and good health to all,
    Bless you
    Patty, Cincinnati OH
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Don't know if anyone has missed this,Hope this works. Scary stuff! Lists of stores selling stone fruit from this grower.

  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 495 Member
    Just popping in to wish everyone a wonderful day. I have a dentist appointment this morning so no time.

    Alison and Patty congrats on your weight loss!

    Cindy in OK
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning everyone! Just popping in to as hi before I turn into a whirlwind to get everything done. Have to pack for the trip and take the dogs to the kennel, then drive 3hours to the airport. I worked on drafting till about 1AM, but got it all done, well, just the first batch. The others I will do on the trip.

    The pool was fun. The little guy actually swam a few strokes, from the side of the pool to me, then back to the side. About a hundred times. I was pretty happy with his determination.

    Patty, congrats on the FIVE POUNDS! That's amazing!

    Alison, water or not, it's great to get rid of. :bigsmile:

    Gotta run. Have a great day everyone!

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,807 Member
    back again,
    well I went to the gym, did alot of the machines, and 1/2 treadmill, though my fitbit only logged 29 minutes:grumble:
    came home almost fell down the cellar stairs:noway: the good lord was with me on that one as I caught myself.have laundry in the dryer.
    I saw Patty Labelle on Good Morning America yesterday and she made these awesome turkey burgers, so I went and found the recipe..
    there are dried cranberries in it, but it is ground turkey a 1/2 cup of crushed stuffing mix,1 egg white ,sauted onion and parsley.. made those and threw those in the freezer.
    have to roast some asparagus and saute some mushrooms
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Good morning, all.

    Patty, I totally agree about the sluggishness. Too much sugar does it to me. I feel so much better when I lay off the sugar. I'm not quite to the point where I can remember it BEFORE I put the candy or cake in my mouth, but I'm getting there!

    We've been for our walk, had my breakfast, and now I'm off to babysit my precious grandchildren. I just wish I didn't have to drive an hour and a half in rush-hour Atlanta traffic to get to them.

    have a great day, my friends!

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good morning! I was doing so well yesterday until I got into my dark chocolate last night. Do you ever catch yourself doing something that is an old habit? Like grabbing the bag instead of counting out the portion and putting the bag away? Made me really angry with myself. Good thing I had gotten in lots of extra steps yesterday. According to the conversation between MFP and Fitbit, I squeaked by with 11 calories left over. Stomach feels crappy this morning, though.

    Congratulations to those who have made the weight disappear! I'm getting better on track and hope that once the house is actually on the market (ie, when all the repairs are done), that things will smooth out a bit. I'm so sick of cleaning up after the handyman! I would have covered my furniture if he had just TOLD me he was going to be sanding the ceiling! Instead, I'm taking so much sanding dust off of my furniture that it just piles up into little piles instead of sticking to the dusting cloth. :sad: :sad:

    The boy child slacked yesterday and didn't finish the list I gave him. Today, I will not be kind with my list! Yesterday, everything should have taken him less than two hours. He didn't actually finish anything and didn't even start some of it. If that is the situation tonight, he will be packing his bags and moving in with his father. I can't take the added stress of his sabotaging what I'm doing! :brokenheart:

    An old friend whom I have not seen in over 25 years contacted me last week. We are planning to have lunch together on Friday while she is passing through the area. I am excited!! We used to spend loads of time with her and her now ex-husband before they moved out of state and subsequently divorced.

    I'm off to try to get in another 10-15 minutes worth of walking before I am no longer alone in the office. I'll try to post again later!

    Carol in NC
  • LizPlus
    LizPlus Posts: 117 Member
    :happy: Good Morning,
    Haven't been here for awhile...I am not very good at posting...I have made it out for walks this summer..outside..big deal for me....I get anxious being out around all the people..my DH goes with me..it really helps...I am missing my DD and my GS's..they went on a little holiday trip for a few days....why is it so hard to ..not worry...about them....
    We haven't gone very far this summer...having issues with my bowels...cannot get cleaned out...been at it for months.:explode: ......see a specialist next week as my Dr has just about exhausted as to what to do.:grumble: :angry: .....and cannot have a colonoscopy done till it is clear....it has been hard...eat for a wk maybe..then back on liquid and soft foods while we try another regiment of meds....Praying the Specialist can help....
    Glad to see so many of you enjoying summer and all her beauty....its barbeque... and insect time....I pray you are all doing well...enjoy each day..in every way :flowerforyou:

    LizPlus fr Halifax NS
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Lesley: I am enjoying your posts of life in our opposite season. In all too short a time I'll be posting about fall and winter weather. Summer is my best time, and I know the summer will not last as long as I wish it to last. :ohwell: My cousin has become a snowbird. He spends his summers here and his winters in Arizona. Is there a potential snowbird destination in your part of the world?:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: In my years as a teacher I worked with a lot of latch key kids. It is a tough situation for them, but many turn out just fine. Others get into trouble. Our society has become more isolated over time. We no longer live in extended family groups, for the most part, and that is tougher for kids. It sounds like your DGD’s friend spends too much of her alone time snacking. The bottom line is survival, and that is what her mom is trying to do.:flowerforyou:

    Kim: The closest I’ve been to a true British Pub is in Victoria, BC. :love: We have lots of “Irish Pubs” in our area, but I doubt anyone from Ireland would feel at home there. I’m wondering what things you’ve taught the kids to cook at camp.:flowerforyou:

    Cynthia: I’m glad your vet’s office was able to help your dog. We try very hard to take good care of them, but they can’t tell us where things hurt. :flowerforyou:

    Alison: Three cheers for the scale moving the right direction! I’m glad you’re back to drinking your lemon water. :drinker: The cranberry turkey burgers sound like a yummy taste of Thanksgiving. I'd love to have the recipe.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: I was up almost three pounds after my birthday, but just have a pound to go to be back where I want to be. Eating with DS has been a challenge. It is all too easy to overindulge. He can eat so much more than I can and hold his weight at a healthy level. It comes from being male and 26 years younger.:grumble: I feel great now that I'm officially a "senior," and I have more energy and strength than I did in my forties, but I can't eat like my son and stay healthy.:tongue::frown: :flowerforyou:

    Patty: I’m glad you’ve put yourself back on track. It is easy to slide away. As to your friend who spends money on diet books, etc, but doesn’t change her habits; she is clearly not ready to let go of bad habits. I doubt I could have been successful at losing weight while still working because of the stress filled lifestyle, long commute, and the mindset that I was doing the best I could. The mindset was my biggest obstacle. Perhaps your good example and success will eventually help her realize that change is possible.:flowerforyou:

    Pat in OH: Thanks for the Listeria warning. We shop at some of those stores.:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: I agree that excess water weight needs to be addressed. It feels worse than real fat, makes my fingers puffy, and turns me into Mrs.Cranky Pants. For many people, it contributes to heart problems.:cry::flowerforyou:

    Katie: I have sympathy for your unpleasant commute to see the DGC, but I’d love to have that problem. My grandchild is four states & three travel days away. Count your blessings. :flowerforyou:

    Carol in NC: I’m happy that you’ll get to see your old friend. Regarding sons: My DS is staying with us while working on his boat and I can sympathize with the mess-making complaint. It will be grand when he gets his boat work done. He dropped an unwelcome bomb into the works yesterday when he told us he plans to leave it in our storage unit over the winter. We have plans for that space! We want to set up DH’s shop in it and reclaim our garage for the car.:ohwell: :frown:

    LizPlus from Halifax: I’m so happy to see your post! Please stop by as often as you can. Re bowels: we used a product made my Fleet to clean things out so we could get our colonoscopies. It did the job, though it wasn’t pleasant because we spent hours in the potty. It wasn’t actually painful. In my case, the trip to the doctor’s office the next morning was torture due to worries of accidents and driving distance. (I made it without accident.) When it was DH’s turn we got a hotel room just a quarter mile away from the doctor’s office so he could do his pre-visit bowel purge without worrying about the commute. I wonder if the Fleet treatment would work for you. Good luck.:flowerforyou:

    We have a rainy morning and DS is still asleep, which means I’m not currently on slave duty. I’ve actually enjoyed helping him with the boat and the only drawback is getting coated with fiberglass dust and needing to wash my work clothes every day. The dust is on the floor and all the surfaces, not in the air, so it doesn’t bother our breathing. DS wears nose & mouth protection when sanding and I stay away until he's ready for my help.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    July Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,807 Member
    have another hr before work... just had my lunch of grape tomatoes and pearl mozzerella with some Evoo, was yummy..
    bringing an organic pear and 100 calorie pack of natural almonds and walnuts
    I just had a pitted date :ohwell:
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Oh, Katla, I know I am lucky to have the DGKs as close as they are. I feel for you. My children were that far away from their paternal grandparents. It was tough.

    I had Amy's Cheese Enchilada dinner for lunch. I had forgotten how yummy it is. My daughter has all kinds of snacks in the cabinet. I 'm trying extremely hard to ignore them.