

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good afternoon, everyone! Yesterday was a total loss for food and I can't say as I really care. :ohwell: I took a day off from it all--house, exercise, good food choices, etc. I thoroughly enjoyed my Oreo milkshake and my Snickers bar. BUT, I could eat only half my lunch and ate a Newman's Own Margharita (sp?) pizza instead of takeout. I'm a failure at eating totally badly! :bigsmile: Today, I'm back on track (except for sodium--I must find a low sodium lunch meat to eat occasionally). I am really, really tired because the boy child worked the 6 p.m. - 2 a.m. shift last night and I couldn't go to sleep once I got him home. I am carrying major luggage and look like I've been punched in both eyes.

    I go to pick up the handyman after work and, if he has the carpet cleaner, he will finish tonight! Wish me luck that I didn't just jinx myself! I am sooooo ready for this to be done...

    Thanks to all of you for your support. It's meant a lot to me as I have read your responses. I know I don't call you each by name very often, but I do read your posts and care.

    I'm off to the potty one more time before heading out. Have a great evening!

    Carol in damp NC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    evening ladies~
    growing up I had a great childhood at least I though so, I was young what did I know, that both my grandfather's were alcoholic's,a great uncle that was one too,as I mentioned before my paternal and maternal grandmother's didnt drink but the rest of the family did,
    My mom was actively drinking when I was a teenager, but I was out messing around and drinking too.
    I smartened up when I turned 19 and got drunk and drove home on the wrong side of the road..
    I never had any really abusive episodes ,the first time was when on an old fiance almost broke my arm,well I took the ring and flung it at him and told him to get lost..
    first hubby, should have seen the writing on the wall and all the red lights flashing,because the first time I met his mother she was in the pyhc ward on so many drugs she didnt know who anyone was:huh:
    Oh well you live and learn.. now my DH now was fine until after we got married, and I know most of his hostility doesn't pertain to me, he has had a bad day at work, or something ticked him off. I am his buffer I guess.
    I am not trying to explain the abuse away. I know he loves me,we have a good life together ,everyone has ups and downs and I just hate the downs ,when I am grateful for the ups..
    I feel much better eating the way I am now..granted it has only been 2 days,but you sorta go along on an even keel,no highs or lows,
    I went a little over on the fat today and no added sugar,the sugar was in fruit and vegetables so I will take it for what its worth.. going to get up early and back at it at the gym.... and then back over to walmart to pick up the stuff I forgot in the bag today:blushing:
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 472 Member
    Yanniejannie, I checked out Straight No Chaser on YouTube as well. Love them. They come to Tulsa in October. We may go if our calendar is clear....thanks!

    Katrina, belated Happy. Birthday!
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Happy HOT Monday:mad: . Our cool temps are gone and we are back in high 90's plus. I so do not like this hot weather. Last couple nights by the time I get home from walking the dogs I am soaked. Hope that means I am burning a few calories. It was a nice weekend riding with our group. I am getting myself ready for our vacation the end of August. We did get to spend time with DGD and the boys Saturday:heart: . Her DH was not there so we had a heart to heart talk. I told her to use the extra money for her and boys for something they need. I just keep praying for them. Thanks for the listening and caring. If this happens again I will just pay the bill instead of giving money. I wish DS would step up, but he judges her and wants her to do things his way. I try to remind him when he was around here age, he worried me alot also. He gets upset and tells me he does not want to talk about it.

    Sylvia--you have every right to be proud of those lab results. I hope when I have mine done next week they are as good. So sorry for your friend. I agree it was good you were there. Still not easy for either one of you.:flowerforyou:

    Jane--Glad to hear your tests came out ok. :drinker:

    Kim--sounds like your day in SF was nice and you got to cross something else off your bucket list.

    Allison--Keeping you in my prayers. Just remember to take each day as it comes and do the best you can. Alot has been going on in your life. Eating is the only thing you have total control over and I know when I feel overwhelmed eating seems to numb me. Important thing is do not give up and know that we are here for you.:flowerforyou:

    Jean--Welcome, come back often and get to know us and remember this is a life style change and we are all in this together.

    Carol--sounds like talking to your son the way you did was the right thing to do. Kids know more then we think. Please take care of you.

    Found a spot on my upper arm and can't remember how long it has been there and I think it looks funny. So asked the nursing supervisor and she said it would not hurt to have it looked at. So have an appointment with the skin doctor Thursday to have it checked. Hope I am just worrying for nothing.

    Margaret--prayers for you and DS and the changes going on in his life.

    Mimi--just take care of yourself. I know it seems to go on forever, but it will get better. I know just what you mean about giving up sugar harder than drinking or smoking.

    Meg--sounds like your vacation has been alot of fun. That is the important thing.

    Rori--I just picked up my copy of SWSY this weekend and looking forward to starting it. I love the new picture.:smile:

    Katla--Happy b-lated birthday. Your ride on the beach sounds so relaxing.:flowerforyou:

    Linda--I do remember you and glad to see you back and that you are doing better.

    I agree about being bummed about James Garner. I did so enjoy him on Mattlock.:sad:

    Well ladies time to get some bills paid and then take the dogs for their walk. It is 99 outside still and 8pm. I am wearing shorts and don't care what people think, I am getting the steps for me.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: I spent part of the day at DD's and enjoyed that so much on my day off. Toddler's last week in daycare, so we took time to go through sorting clothes uninterrupted. Baby is growing like a weed. He is 5 weeks today. On the way home I purchased free range eggs and organic veggies/meat. I am happy this stuff is available now without hormones and antibiotics. Isn't that the way it is supposed to be? We are just fortunate to be able to afford it. Because the crappy stuff is cheaper :grumble: :grumble:

    It has not been overly warm these days, after the heatwave (I know, I know, heatwave is not a concept typically known in this part of the world). We do take every opportunity to be outside.

    Tomorrow it is back to work. I enjoy going to work and I am told my attitude is contagious. Well, so it should. :ohwell:

    :flowerforyou: Allison, I remember you mentioning your DH was not always like that and you and your DH had gone to counselling before, and DH no longer was interested. How about you just going for counselling? Al Anon also comes to mind, because you said there is alcoholic environment in your background. I believe others on this forum have suggested that before. I know at one time you said that you did not know what it was like to have sisters in support, since you had no sisters. But your MFP sisters are here to support you where and when they can. By the way, how is your brother doing? Is your heel better? And your kidneys? I sure do wish you well.

    My mom is doing remarkably well. My sisters are finally able to take a brake from the intense attention on her, and so am I - from a far distance.

    I loved James Garner. The last movie I watched was Maverick. omg...he was awesome. We still have the VHS tape, although no longer anything to play it on. I would not be surprised to see some of his work show up on tv.

    Vancouver Island, BC
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    I've caught up on reading again, still not chatty though....

    Linda in Northern Ontario - of course we remember you! Glad to hear you are feeling better.

    Gail, metro ATL
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I loved James Garner too. My favorites were his movies with Doris Day. Oh, and the Support Your Local Sheriff ones. It's sad when the great ones pass.

    No walking today. It was too darned hot and we are out at the lake tonight, so no place to walk except outside. That's my excuse anyway. Today I ate almost an entire gallon ziplock bag full of cherry tomatoes from my garden. Those things are like candy! Lets see...6 calories each times 100 or more tomatoes. :noway: But I made my low-cal, low salt turkey breast enchiladas for dinner tonight, so hopefully I didn't go over by much.

    We are leaving on Wednesday for Oregon and today one of my sales reps e-mailed that she will be sending me FIVE new drafting jobs tomorrow evening and she wants them done overnight for a meeting the next day. Good grief! I should be packing for the trip and sleeping, but I guess I'll be working all night instead. I'm going to have to take my computer too and work in the hotels at night because there are five more new jobs coming down the pike after these. The good news is that it should pay for a lot of our trip. Of course it will take a month or more to get paid for it. With this freelance drafting it's either feast or famine. And yes, they pay extra so they can get stuff done quickly. That's why I get the work and the other drafter in town doesn't.

    My son and his wife were both diagnosed with walking pneumonia today. I forgot the actual name of the crud, but they are on antibiotics now. With his lung problems the last thing he needs is pneumonia.

    Well, it's about time to take the dogs upstairs to bed. I hope everyone is having a great evening.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :flowerforyou: Alison, I’d like to echo Renny’s suggestion that you look into Al-Anon for yourself. It is an awesome program.

    :brokenheart: :brokenheart: Yes, I too, was sorry to hear about James Garner…..I especially loved him in The Rockford Files.....it was on my cable system not too long ago and I watched a lot of episodes.

    :flowerforyou: I had a great walk with my friend today. She told me about her great trip to Iceland with her partner and her trip to Colorado to help one daughter(and husband and baby) move and help the other get ready for her wedding. She has already planned three more trips to Buena Vista, Colorado along with frequent RV trips in Washington. I am so happy to be home after one trip that her stories exhausted me.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

    :bigsmile: 28,000 steps today

    My word for 2014 is “mindful”
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Did 20 minutes of yoga today, held my plank for 2 minutes and 30 seconds, then did an hour of speed intervals on the treadmill. Basically, go 3.5mph for 1 min, 4mph for 1 min, 4.5mph for 40 sec, then 5mph for 20 sec all at 1% incline. Boy, am I glad that there's a bathroom nearby!!! I swear, when I'm running on the treadmill, it sort-of "pushes" the feces down the intestinges and by the time I'm finished, I have to go to the bathroom. Unless I'm doing more running in which ase I usually have to go half way between....lol

    After working out went to WalMart, was going to pick up Vince's prescriptions but totally forgot them so after taking Lexi to the hosp. we went to WalMart and got them. In a way, it was a good thing that I'd forgotten them since he had coupons

    Joyce - I don't think its selfish one bit to want your granddaughter to yourself! I looked at the pics at first and, honestly, couldn't pick you out. Then I read your post where you said that you were the person on the far left. I would never in a million years have guessed. Congrats!!!

    Tomorrow I'm planning to do the Gin Miller Barbell Blast DVD. Basically, I need to just be sure that it's OK. I don't have the barbell set at home, but I'll probably use this DVD when we go to FL in addition to some others. I've found that their WiFi constantly gets interrupted. I'd love to do a bodypump uTube video, but it doesn't help that it constantly shuts out.

    Welcome everyone new!

    We took Lexi to the hospital today for her treatment. She's the one cat of ours that loves hard boiled egg yolks. Well, I'm going to have some in my salad today (for some reason I only like the whites) so I'll probably take them there. They did say that at first the cats don't want to eat, this is normal. I'd totally forgotten that when I clean the litter box after she comes home, I need to wear latex gloves. Gotta buy more. I have some, but I'll need more. For some reason I was thinking that I just had to hold onto the litter for 2 weeks, but it can't go in the garbage for two weeks and then it needs to sit for another 2 weeks. No biggie.

    barbie and Joyce - I have to buy most of my clothes in the petite dept. The biggest problem I find is that a lot of stores don't have much of a petite dept, if they have one at all. I can get away with a smaller size shorts in the lady's dept, but no way can I get by with the pants -- they're too long. Most of the time I need petite shirts/blouses. Sometimes the ones in the lady's dept. are small enough, but not always

    It's interesting...I'm trying to eliminate sugars (processed, not in fruit) and when I made those banana muffins last night, normally I'd want a few (I make the mini-muffins) but after one I was totally satisfied, and I really could have done without that one but had it only because it broke. The hardest part? Being able to give the rest away. I had to think of people who I could give them to....lol

    DeeDee - I must have missed the remodel pics, too. If you can, please repost them. I'd love to see what all you accomplished.

    Sylvia - great joke. So sorry to hear about your son and his wife. Sending them good thoughts

    Patty - when are you going to the Caymen Islands? More importantly...can I come????? How terrible of that guy to make such a fuss!

    Alison - I just hate it when I go shopping for one specific thing and don't have it when I get home. Usually, the gal puts it in the bag and I just forget to take the bag.

    Linda - whenever Vince would take the kids food shopping they'd always tell him "oh, we need this, mom buys it all the time" because they knew that he'd buy it but I wouldn't (like Fruit Rollups)

    Cathy in NS - here's hoping that your flare up doesn't last long at all

    Rori - good for you winning. Now you can come to NC....lol

    Vicki - sending good thoughts your way that that spot is nothing at all.Well, we had mahjongg here tonight. One of the gals left pretty late and I had a MAJOR carb attack We did discuss the social, the only thing is, I'd like to have LOTS of pictures of everything. One of the primary reasons is so that I can document what we used (tables, tablecloths) and how it worked out. I remember asking someone to do it last year but they didn't take as many as I would have liked

    Michele in NC
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Deb A –thanks for the crock pot idea….:smile:

    MNMargaret – the book you recommend sounds like the things I learned in a number of years in therapy, all put in a book!!! Boundaries are tough to make, but amazing in what happens when they exist…

    Cindy – I too stopped taking it; when the verbal stopped working my abuser decided that beating me would be a good choice, I called 911 and pressed charges 16 weeks in jail was a bit wake up call. I avoid this person, but am related to him; so when we do interact and it is interesting to see the way he handles it as he hates that I have the upper hand.

    Welcome Jamie, Marilyn

    Carol – good job on taking a day off!! Sometimes it is a really helpful choice. :laugh:

    Sylvia – walking pneumonia is scary for your son!

    Sad about James Garner – loved him in Rockford Files and used to go to the Cosby Golf tournament in Pebble Beach and he would be there golfing…

    So more yogurt saga.... I looked at it this am and posted - then had to leave for camp so just shoved it back in the oven figuring I'd deal with it when I got home so got home mid afternoon and pulled it out to dump it and it was :laugh: Yogurt:laugh: very soft, but yogurt... so I tucked it in the fridge and will check it out in the am... I am exhausted it is not yet 9pm but I need to go to bed.. see you all tomorrow.

    Kim in N. Cal

    OPPS!!! forgot to tell you in camp today I was greeted by the Recreation Director for the city who was having the local CBS affiliate do an interview of me and the kids in camp for a spot they do on fun camps... so IF I don't come off as too much of a bozo, I will share the link. it is to show on Thursday at 5:15am.... guessing not to many will see that.
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Pensions in bank this morning so BIG grocery shop. Bought lunch at cake shop, I had chicken and cheese pie, very yummy. Sat by Camm River for lunch.
    Woke to heavy frost and Stan cleaning chimney AGAIN and roof so he can light fire. Hardly ant dry wood last night, so early night. Foxtel in bedroom so he watched cricket and I read.
    OK off to walk beagle dog
    Lesley Tasmania
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    First time today I have been able to read today's chat. Welcome Jamie and scuba mom. Scuba diving is on my bucket list but when I tried snorkeling I panicked and couldn't do it. But with scuba I would be assured of my air. I would just love to see the beauty of all that wonderful part of the world.

    Sue, my gurls and I always loved a wave pool also. We have one at this amusement/water park we are going to Saturday. One year we got brave and worked our way right to the very front. Boy are the waves strong up there. Well it was pretty crowded up there and we got kind of sucked in, I lost contact of them and they were both young at the time. Anyway, none of us like to be way up there anymore. We do enjoy it though.

    Sylvia, I didn't get that joke either. I would really worry about your son getting pneumonia. But he is under active doctor's care with it.

    I have met this friend of my grand daughters. She spends every weekend with them. her Mom works 12 hour shifts as an RN and Haley is pretty much a latch key kid and is very independent but also lacks direction. So her Mom doesn't mind at all if my daughter takes her home from school on Wednesday afternoon and takes her to youth group at church, then she stays the night and goes to school on Thrusday. Then they pick her up again Friday afternoon and she stays the weekend until Sunday afternoon. So we spend time with her. She is heavy where Trinity is pencil thin, they both love to design clothes and cook. She has her own Saturday chores around my daughter's house.

    Well our early fall is over and we are back to normal July weather here for us in southern Indiana. But so far we do have 30% chance of severe thunderstorms for Saturday:grumble: But the high is only about 88 for Saturday and that is very doable with my MS. I will still have to rent a scooter though since I can't do all the walking. It will also help as far as standing in line and me having this tendency to pass out now:laugh: :laugh: I can get a pass on some of the rides that all my daughter has to do is to go into the handicap entrance to the ride and some one will give a time for us to come back and we just go back at that time and we are at the front of the line. Plus we enter at the handicap entrance. I will enjoy the one roller coaster I allow myself to ride being able to sit in the seat a lot better. Last year was better because I had been on the diet about 9 months but all the years before that I was a chub as my pictures show.

    Our music minister called tonight and the ladies trio is scheduled to sing 2 more times so I am excited. I guess one thing I am excited about is that I have only been attending about 6 months, a member less than that and they enjoy my voice enough to put me in this trio 3 times. I guess it helps to be part of a choir that only has 5 altos!!

    Hubby got his orthotics for his shoes today and i hope they give him the heel comfort mine gave me. The only uncomfortable part will be when we get the bill since I don't think they will be covered. $400, we really didn't need that for anything:laugh: At least I did convince him to get a decent pair of shoes instead of what he calls 'disposable shoes'. He also gets disposable watches. He gets them cheap enough that it doesn't bother him that they wear out frequently. I remind him how long my shoes last. men don't listen.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    morning ladies~
    I am up early and had my warm lemon water.got up at 3 and will make my way over to the gym.. then go to walmart and get what I picked up yesterday:grumble:
    my father has gone to al-anon for almost 40 years he goes every friday night.
    I have gone to a few,have also gone to Adult child of Alchoholics meetings.. dont know if 12 step meetings are for me.
    well I am off. will try and catch up before work, I am working 9-6 today..
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    ok worked out for an hour, did the machines and about 15 minutes on the treadmill. went and got what I forgot at walmart yesterday which was 4 things not just one... and bought a large tub of fage fat free greek yogurt and some liquid egg whites, both will be my friend.
    had a banana ,peanut butter wrap for breakfast and a cup of tea, and will be taking a spinach salad with strawberries and mandarin oranges and slivered almonds for lunch , will bring a little bit of rotisserie chicken for protein , and salt free rice cakes with a laughing cow garden vegetable wedge
    maybe some walnuts and almonds?well early day today I have to make the DH calzone for dinner and his lunch for tomorrow,so when I come home I can chill out
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Good Morning All, Today is Tueday and I have ab class at lunch. I love instructing this class and always feel so good when we finish. Tonight I also have a client to personal train. This man is doing really well.
    The lady I use to train (she is 76) bought another 10 visits from the Y. She said she was going to call me and set up the appts but she hasn't done it yet. She told me she had to stop because of money but she told others it was because she didn't lose weight. My goal with her was to get her moving and to help her because of her arthritis. She improved mobility but every time she came she told me about her and her husband going out to eat, and about the desserts she'd eat and things like that. She want to be able to do nothing but the two hours she spends with me, to eat all and what ever she wants and to lose weight, it just doesn't work that way. Now she has lost the mobility she had gained and has trouble getting in and out of her car, getting out of chairs and stuff. If she calls and we work together again I will try my best but it's really up to her.

    Welcome Newbies!

    Cathy NS, I love my Fitbit as it is the best tool in making sure I get my exercise. I set goals to reach and won’t give up until I do.
    Sometimes that means I am walking in front of the TV at night to get my steps in, better than sitting on the couch snacking right!

    I really enjoyed James Garner’s movies. He was a great actor. He was in a movie with Sally Fields once wasn’t he?

    Sylvia, Have fun in Oregon. I hope your son and DIL recovery quickly.

    Barbie, 28,000 steps Awesome!

    Michele I go to the Islands the first week of Sept. Sure come along, we’ll have a great time!

    Guess it's time to get to work, good health and love to all,
    Patty, Cincinnati OH
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Good Morning Everyone!

    Believe you deserve health and happiness over the empty comfort of food! Move those bodies and make smart food choices.

    Gotta run. Be back later this evening!

    xo- Gloria in Metro Detroit
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,096 Member
    Good morning,
    Welcome newcomers:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I am a James Garner fan too. He left such a wonderful legacy. He will be missed.

    Kim yes there is truth in the saying "Fences make good neighbors". When there is a fence the boundaries are clear. I t a good reminder to me as a teacher why I have clear expectations of the students because it helps to set boundaries. I will have to remember this when our son moves home for awhile after the sale of his house goes through.Thanks for all the prayers sent.:heart:

    Deedee hope your work in all done now. We had a one day bathroom fiix and that was enough disruption for me. A material they had used to install our shower was bad,. Fortunately we had a lifetime guarantee so it was replaced without charge.

    DSIL is out of the hospital and now is in a rehab facility. Hopefully she will accept her son's invitation to live with him for awhile. They live in Chicago.She did comment he is getting a bit cranky. This is the first time he has had to deal with a loved one in the hospital for an extended length of time. A good reminder it is not selfish for caregivers to take time to take care of themselves.

    Those garden tours were like medicine for me.

    Having an oatmeal pancake over a banana with walnuts and coconut. To live for. Drinking my coffee and water.:drinker:

    Today arrange a gathering with some friends, so tomorrow I wake to a healthier me.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Read every thing but didn't take notes just to busy a place. Everyone seems to be doing great. I had another good day yesterday. And wii gave me a smile for it this morning. Just a smidge over 200 tomorrow will do it if today is good. And I can't see why it wouldn't be good.

    Good luck to all
    See you all lighter
    Linda in Northern Ontario
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    MNMargaret - How does one make an oatmeal pancake?
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 472 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Today I did 25 minutes of yoga and will be on the treadmill next. For any vegetarians out there, I have a convection oven and I tried baking tofu using the convection feature. It was wonderful! It really had a great texture. I'm glad Hubby likes it even though he's not a complete vegetarian.

    I am a James Garner fan too, he was a wonderful man. He was from Norman, OK which is about 45 minutes from my house. We will miss him.

    Katia, belated happy birthday. Sorry about the misspelling, I really don't like the autocorrect feature on MFP that much!

    Sylvia, best wishes for a speedy recovery for your DS and DDIL.

    Alison, keep up the healthy eating! Your food sounds yummy!

    Kim, I was verbally abused by a lot of family, but not beaten. Bless your heart. I'm so glad you took action and came out ahead! My Mother beat me once, I call it that because she was in a rage and was just hitting me anywhere she could. I remember it because I hadn't done anything. I was mad because she made me stay home when my brother and cousins went to play at a neighbors house. She knew I was mad even though I didn't say a word, I just went outside and played by myself. When I walked in she basically attacked me. I was such a sensitive child. I made sure she never saw anger again, at least until I was an adult. A lady I used to work with told me once that I press my lips together when I am irritated, I do! I notice it now and laugh at myself. Old habits die hard.

    I do see the blessings in trials at least for me. I am in a really good place now. I have read volumes of self help books and have passed on the wisdom I learned during my career in Human Resources. I think I really have a soft spot for people in pain and was able to lend a lot of support to those who came to my office needing a shoulder to cry on or a sympathetic ear. I know all things happen for a reason, even if I don't understand them. I have the hardest time with the death of pets. I so love animals!

    Welcome all new ladies! This is a great group!

    Hugs and best wishes to all I missed.

    Cindy in OK