

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Thank you for the birthday wishes. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

  • Cheryl_Ann62
    Cheryl_Ann62 Posts: 21 Member
    okay, now I see everyone. Hope your day has been good. Its been rather dull here today although i did get my exercise in, what the doc will allow anyway. NOt near what I wish I could do. but that will come eventually. I have drank myself to death out of boredom so thats a good thing. Now I am going to have a diet coke, yes I know its not good for me, but its my treat for drinking a kazillion ounces of water today. Hope you all have a great night it is really a beautiful evening here in Illinois
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Thank you for the birthday wishes. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:


    Must have missed it. Happy Birthday!:drinker: :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member

  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Katla, Happy Birthday .????????????????????????????????????????????????????& wishing you many more. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Thanks for the continued prayers for our son. It will take time for him to rebuild his life.

    Adding my voice to the birthday wishes to you Katla!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:heart::flowerforyou: :heart:

    The picture is also from the garden tour. It is a life size picture of the gardener's granddaughter at age two. That section of the garden had a fairy home in the background complete with an outhouse and a gnome sweet gnome home.:love: it. If you click on the picture you can see the house in the background better. This is the same garden that had the life like heron.

    Today watered and watered, so tomorrow when is is 94 degrees the garden will cope.

    2014 word: contentment

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Came home with 12 lbs of blueberries today, yummmmm! My friend picked for me, too. How sweet!. :bigsmile: We put them on the food scale and weighed them....making a grand total of 45 lbs of berries from their bushes so far! Holy blueberries!

    Joyce, I noticed you asked about the size of my garden...it's close to 3000 sq ft. We have 2 large plots at a community garden nearby where we've grown our veggies for the last 9 years. We've spent lots of time over the years ammending the soil, adding manure and leaf mulch.

    Still don't have a working stove in the kitchen... the new gas range has refused to hook up correctly, and today we found a faulty regulator. Ordered a new part, will be here Tuesday. Grilling dinner again, which is just fine by me. :wink:

    See you all soon!

    :smile: jb in Portland
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Had a wonderful day out yesterday. Drove along the coast to Ulverstone and walked along River Road with Mildred and husband. Ice-cream treat, then drove home and then to friend's house. Mildred and her 3 dogs played happily whilst Jenzy and i talked. She is a white witch with Romany background and she encouraged me to walk her labyrinth and at the centre ask for peace and then walk return path holding my "gift" of peace. I felt so much better and have finally "let go of DGD" I can help her no more. I got in 11598 steps after walking Mildred home with more peace than I have known.
    Got up and did jeannette's Cardio dance before breakfast and off to do Bob's cardio kettle-bells now. Walk after lunch
    Gained weight this week, hardly surprising wit 3 days NO training at all but BF% is same as last week so OK with that
    Cold last night and woke to heavy frost this morning.

    Lesley Tasmania
  • cathyb60
    cathyb60 Posts: 308 Member
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    OK, finally had a couple of minutes to read back a little and see mention of Katla's birthday....and everything else happening today.

    Had a busy, but now especially productive, day. Went out biking as planned after breakfast. Did a little housework, cooking, etc.

    Ran into K-Mart to look for a specific storage type item for my desk, which they didn't have, and actually left with a pair of sandals. I've been looking in every high priced store and on line since before we left for Florida and couldn't find what I wanted/needed even for $70+ dollars. There they were for $19.99 at stinky ol' K-Mart.

    Busy, busy week ahead with work and Aaron. He starts a 1/2 fun camp tomorrow that's going to be a time suck for me. I have a friend who lives nearby who's daughter is going to the same place so at least we'll work out a drive sharing plan for the week. Going to check the closest bike path for tomorrow. I bring my bike and ride while he does his thing.

    Not expecting a loss when I check in tomorrow, even though I stuck to my plan but we'll see:ohwell:

    Good night to all.

    xo- Gloria from Metro Detroit
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Did an hour of the Belly Dance for Beginners DVD. Tomorrow I'm planning to do some yoga, hold my plank, then go to the Y and do a treadmill workout. We need to take Lexi to the hospital and the only appt we could get was for 10:30 so there's no way possible I could go to the extremepump class which doesn't start until 9 and be home then take Lexi. So I'll just skip the extremepump class this week and continue next week.

    Meg - your trip sounds fantastic! Have a great rest of your vacatioin

    Kim - I agree with you, I think stress is a really big factor in Alison's weight gain.

    Rori - I always wonder what the right mix is for HIIT, do you sprint for short periods and recover for longer or, like in your tabata work longer and rest for shorter period of time? I honestly don't know. Most of my shopping is also on the outer aisles. I do admit that sometimes I go into the inners of the store, but that's usually for something for Vince or the food pantry. Wasn't the Winston pup story so so sad?

    You know how I usually go to mahjongg on Monday nights at this one lady's house? Well, I think I told you that her mom passed away. It was a peaceful thing, she had altzheimers but in her younger days she liked to paint. She died on her couch coloring in a coloring book. Dianne found her. Anyway, in the meantime Dianne cancelled the mahjongg game. Amanda and Nancie (who are cohosting the pool part with us) were going to come here and we were going to discuss the pool social and play mahjongg. Now I understand that Amanda has to work tonight so there is no way they can come here tonight. Now we'll just see if Karen and Dianne want to come. I've told them that they're more than welcome. Once before I mentioned to Dianne that I didn't mind having it here on alternate weeks (it's actually closer for Amanda when she's coming home from work). Dianne said that since she, Karen and Nancie live in the same area, she'd feel bad having it here more than once/month. That was in Feb. Really, it doesn't matter to me.

    katla - happy birthday!

    mimi - read that book. Thanks for posting the link. Very interesting. I know that I can easily fall into the sugar addict habit.

    jb - yea for you needing the smaller tube!!! I find that floating in my pool is just so very relaxing

    Linda - welcome back!!!! You were certainly missed. So glad you're better. Come in often

    yanniejannie - I bet that beach ride was fun. Tell us more about it. I, too, hope your uncle burns.

    Joyce - you never cease to amaze me how caring you are of others.

    A friend that Vince used to work with just called and said that her hubby is having a softball game in Blowing Rock and would like to meet up. I just made some banana muffins. Last year I made her pumpkin spice muffins. I ran out of the one spray that I normally use so I tried this other one that I'd never used before. When I can, I'm going to buy some of the other stuff I use and throw this out. It has so much propellent in it, that the nonstick stuff got all over my counter, on my clothes, on my glasses, not to mention on the can. What a mess!

    mimmi - isn't it just amazing the places you find sugar? I've learned the hard way that down here "go easy on the butter" translates to the cook into "oh, I'll only use 1/4 pound instead of the normal 1/2 pound". So now I always order my veges without butter.

    dragonfly - glad you're back, I was afraid you were gone for good. After you post, the thread will be under your "my topics", just click on that and you'll be right here. Hope to see you again real soon.

    jb - I sure wouldn't mind grilling, veges and all. You are so lucky to "have" to

    Leslie - so many times I've wanted to walk a labrinth, only I don't even know where there is one around here!

    Gloria - sometimes, not very often, I could find good things at K-Mart. Unfortunately, they closed the one closest to me. I don't even know where the next closest one is! Glad you found your shoes

    Michele in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :flowerforyou: Allison, I didn’t think the Isagenix was so expensive when I realized that it was my food for two meals a day six days a week and all day one day a week for the 30 days. The nutrition helped me feel more resistant to temptations of sweet and salty snacks and processed foods. The extra energy I got from the good nutrition encouraged me to exercise more. I was fortunate that my husband was supportive and cooperative and respected my choice to eat different food from him two meals a day and on cleanse days and helped me plan what to eat at the third meal each day and respected my decision to avoid restaurant eating as much as possible.

    :bigsmile: Heather, we watched the British Open Golf Tournament and Jake kept saying how beautiful England is and how he’d like to go there.

    :bigsmile: Pat, congrats on the new driveway.

    :flowerforyou: Jean, welcome to our supportive community…take it one day at a time and cheer for your successes ….we will cheer with you.

    :flowerforyou: Carol, someone told me that “move” is a “four letter word” with good reason…….I have done some of my best crying during the process of moving…..just stay in the moment and use our broad shoulders for venting.

    :bigsmile: Yanniejannie, I watched videos of Straight, No Chaser on You Tube and enjoyed their sound.

    :flowerforyou: Renny, I understand your concern about being so far from your mother….I am so grateful that I lived near her for the last years of her life.

    :flowerforyou: Jane, I love my pets so much that I appreciate your frustration and not being able to rent a place that allows them.

    :flowerforyou: MNMargaret, we’ve done all that legal paper work and recall the time and energy commitment….now we review it once a year on our anniversary.

    :flowerforyou: Lesley, it may be winter for you, but when it’s summer for you, most of us on this thread will be in the middle of winter and enduring (enjoying?) the weather you have now.

    :flowerforyou: Mimi, I gave up added sugar cold turkey a few years ago and except for a rare treat (lavender ice cream at our annual lavender festival)I have continued to stay away from sugary foods. I gave up almost all bread because I was unable to be moderate with it. At the event we went to yesterday, lunch was a make your own sandwich buffet with croissants instead of bread…..I used the lettuce to wrap my cheese and called it a sandwich and had peppers and cucumber and a small dish of fruit salad…..when I had pneumonia about 15 years ago and it hung on for a long time, Jake reminded me that I wasn’t as young as I used to be and when I got over being annoyed at him for saying that, I realized that he was telling me to relax and realize that it would take a little longer to recover.

    :flowerforyou: Gloria, congratulations on sticking to your Biggest Loser eating plan for three weeks……consistency and persistence are so important on this journey.

    :bigsmile: Jb, your garden is amazing……I admire your skill and hard work both as a gardener and as a photographer

    :flowerforyou: DeeDee, you have such a thoughtful way of responding to everyone.

    :brokenheart: :brokenheart: Sylvia, I am so sorry about your friend’s puppy and sorry that you experienced the pain of her loss.

    :flowerforyou: Michele, I love reading your posts….it feels like we are walking and talking together

    :bigsmile: Meg, I’m glad you are having a great time in Colorado.

    :flowerforyou: Kim, doggie school sounds very comprehensive. I hope it is a great success for Levi and you.

    :flowerforyou: Joyce, I don’t shop in the petite department but the jeans I buy are “short” rather than “regular” because I am 5’3”

    :bigsmile: LindaS. Congrats on your weight loss….good luck on the recovery from your hand surgery….it is so good to hear from you…hope all turns out OK with your knee surgery.

    :bigsmile: Katla, the trail near us allows people, dogs and horses which makes it interesting…….being on the beach would really be great.

    :flowerforyou: Lesley, I use 10 pound and 15 pound weights….congrats on your good step count

    :bigsmile: Linda in N. Ontario…….yes I remember you and yes I’ve missed you….I’m happy to hear that you are back on track.

    :flowerforyou: Dragonfly, welcome to our friendly community…..keep coming back

    One of the many great things about this awesome community is how respectful we are of each other’s point of view on diet and exercise. For me, I found that I had to treat this journey as a matter of life and death and choose the path that worked without going back to behaviours that didn’t work. I have to be very strict about my eating and exercise and not be lured off the path by others. It has been hard to exercise when everyone around me was relaxing or stick to my eating plan when others were indulging and urging me to do the same. One of the smartest decisions I made in my life was to eliminate food as my primary form of recreation.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

    :bigsmile: 24,000 steps today—over an hour of yard work


    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    bump... caught up again, but just haven't felt too chatty.
    Gail, metro ATL
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,779 Member
    Happy Birthday, Katla! Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend!

    DeeDee ... did you post remodeling pics? Did I miss this??

    This was a long weekend with a lot of driving ... but well worth the effort to see my parents! I know how fortunate I am to still have them ... just wish we lived closer. My Mom got emotional when I left ...

    Came home to a wreck ... my guys tried ... they really did ... but very evident they missed me!

    Looking forward to regular food and some exercise tomorrow.

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Well, I don't like this one, but maybe some of you will.

    Here is today's Joke of the day:


    A guy was cutting the tail off his dog. His neighbor asked, "What the hell are you doing?"

    “My mother-in-law is coming to visit and I don't want any sign of welcome" He replied.


    Good night!

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Rori – I have the bummer sticker that goes with your magnet:wink: … Love Penzys!!!

    Beth – chug that water! it seems to help with the sodium issues!

    Katla- Happy Birthday!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Do you like to eat fish and just not fishing, or neither?

    JB – I hate house cleaning, would much rather be in the yard also… 12lbs of blueberries –heaven!!!!

    Linda – I remember, and hope the stent is the beginning to a return to good health… come by more we’ll cheer you on. :bigsmile:

    Alison – I don’t know if you can find it there, but here almost all of our sour dough bread has no sugar… I really like it (and cheaper than Ezikeil)

    Yanniejannie/Alison - I have to agree with YannieJannie on the abuse issue, I am a physical/verbal abuse survivor and both are unacceptable – yet I know it is hard to understand that you are abused when you are in the middle of it, and the fact that the abuser apologizes and there are good makeup times is proof that what is going on is so very wrong. I send good thoughts to you Alison that you can find your way to emotional safety.

    Joyce – I am with you on not putting up a pic like that…. She should join us…:wink:

    Mimi – Straight No Chaser is coming to Bakersfield Oct 14….

    Lesley – a witch, how interesting! There is a lot of pegan worship and witches in CA, I love the variety of choices -

    Took a friend to brunch for her b-day today and the place had a 1/2 benedict with fruit.. I love eggs benedict - so had it.. thinking how much better it would be with out hashbrowns and just 1 egg... OMG hollandaise sauce is killer full of calories!! Ok so that screwed up my day's eating... I am under but hungry -- will be seeing what I can figure out... there is fruit and cheery tomatoes from the garden...

    Our weather is very confused - it is humid for us and overcast - that NEVER happens in the summer, feels weird..

    Next week is my final week of kids summer cooking camp; advanced baking --- The car is packed and I need to make a quick store stop - it is almost 8pm here so when I finish here I'll run out and get milk, and a couple of other things I need. I love camp - but it is a ton of work and I am ready for it to be over.... I am making my first go at yogurt... can't wait to see how it comes out :happy: I don't drink much milk, just a latte every other day or so, and often have milk go bad, if I could make yogurt too that would help me not throw it out.

    Not much more to report... smiles Kim in N. California

    PS loving straight no chaser!!!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Kim, I wish there were a forum here on MFP like this one but for 30 year olds. I don't think they would have the wisdom and patience to have the kind of civility we have here. Age does come with some benefits. Her ex constantly berates her when he comes to pick up his son and is always undermining her with what he does with his son. He may pick him up or not. just wish I could help her more but I know it has to come from her first. I have given her so many tips. She is a person that wants to go into it with the thought that she can change her habits n one day and then when it doesn't happen she is discouraged and you all know how discouragement is fed.

    My oldest daughter is finalizing their plans to come over this weekend, can't wait. I love to got o this amusement park, maybe because it is part of our annual tradition. I allow myself one big roller coaster and then one of the big water rides is a huge roller coaster ride. They have the 'toilet bowl' ride which I rode one year and that was enough for me. last year the younger one was so excited that she was tall enough to ride it. They love my younger daughter because she takes them on all those crazy rides. But one roller coaster and most of the water rides. It's mainly the family time. Daughter hasn't told me whether or not they are bringing my grand daughter's best friend as a birthday present to her. I kind of hope they won't but yet I know that it's a birthday present. This girl is nice but I kind of want my grand daughter to myself. Is that selfish??? She is 13 now and growing up and part of being a teenager is stretching your wings. I guess I would rather stretch her wings with her friend with us than she not want to come at all and stay the weekend with her friend while everyone else comes here. My sister's son did that all the time. He never went anywhere with his parents. Anyway, she is requesting a marble cake and birthday cake frosting. Do they still make marble cake box mixes??? I know, processed food but please don't ask me to make a cake from scratch.

    I recently added a couple of pictures to my profile, one in 2005 at my nieces wedding. I am the far left and one in 2001 , also the far left. I have no idea how to put them here in a post

    Joyce, Indiana
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Joyce, I think I have seen marble cakes still - I know it is my DNephew's favorite too....
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Was out all day yesterday and had dinner out with my guy. Didn't log it, nah-nah-nah-nah-nah, :laugh: Back to normal today.

    Hope everyone has a good day!

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Hi Everyone, I've missed you! I am at work this morning and have only been able to go back two pages.
    Hello to all the newbies,
    I've had computer issues and have been really busy. My DD and new baby are both doing well. The 4 and 2 yr old are adjusting and both seem to love little sis, there are flare ups of jealousy but not to much. The 2 yr old, Aubrey, will put her dolls in time out and say it's for hitting the baby, not sure if there is reasoning behind that. Connor, who just turned 4 Friday introduced his baby sis as his litttle sis and Aubrey as the old little sis. So cute.
    Saturday night I went to a concert with my other daughter and the twin DGD's We saw Jason Aldean and Maranda Lambert, two otherss as well, the concert was sold out and there were a lot of intoxicated people, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.
    I'm trying to work as many hours extra I can for extra money for my Cayman Island vacation. I got my passport already, I was so excited. I can't believe I am really going. I really trying to get a few more pounds off, I keep remembering the last time I flew. I was over 300 lbs and the young guy who had to sit next to me threw a fit about me being in his space and him not having a full seat. He wanted moved and he was very vocal about it, I was mortified. I don't want a repeat experience.

    Mimi, I agree 100% sugar is an addiction for some of us. Sugar comes in all forms too, not just sweets. I know what you mean about companies, advertisement, grocery stores and the likes, bottom line dollars are all they think about. I have to stay away from it and have also come to the realization it is a life time commitment for me.

    Sylvia, So sorry for your friends loss, what a sad thing to happen. I am glad you were there for her.

    Rori, Good planning for your trip, being prepared is a big part of success.

    Joyce IN, Justice was the twins clothing connection as well, they have now outgrown it but I have many memories of times spent with them in there. My granddaughters are 13 as well but are pretty well full grown, both much taller than me already.
    Happy Birthday Katla, I hope it was a wonderful day.

    Meg, You sound like the vacation is great fun and relaxing.

    Lesley Tasmania, I love the idea of the gift of peace and letting things go you can’t control. I think we all face those things.

    I need to get to work, I've missed you all this past week, take care.
    Patty, Cincinnati OH