

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,094 Member
    Carol to make my oatmeal pancake I grind up oatmeal in a blender and use the resulting flour in my pancake recipe instead of white flour. I cook it as I would a regular pancake. The texture is slightly different but not much. I find it is another alternative to refrigerator oatmeal and the standard cooked on the stove oatmeal. I use the rolled oats I would use in refrigerator oatmeal. The walnuts and coconut is my own addition. YUM!
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Carol to make my oatmeal pancake I grind up oatmeal in a blender and use the resulting flour in my pancake recipe instead of white flour. I cook it as I would a regular pancake. The texture is slightly different but not much. I find it is another alternative to refrigerator oatmeal and the standard cooked on the stove oatmeal. I use the rolled oats I would use in refrigerator oatmeal. The walnuts and coconut is my own addition. YUM!

    Sounds yummy! Maybe one day, after I get settle somewhere, I will get to try this. I love the oat taste!
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,224 Member
    Hi ladies. This is my second attempt, so will be brief. The computer goes in tomorrow for a badly needed upgrade!

    I skimmed all the posts....

    Sylvia: your dog story made me bawl and run hug Benny! I'm so sorry for such a terrible thing to happen. It also made so, so very thankful for my dog sitters! (((hugs)))

    Katle: happy belated birthday!

    To answer some questions....I did use sunscreen but burned anyway, not unusual for me. It wasn't bad at all though. We hiked as high as 14,200 feet on some jeep trails. I was short of breath and had to rest often, but made it! Not bad for a fat old bat like me with asthma and aching knees! The altitude did bother me some; I felt dehydrated no matter how much water I drank and had a mild headache the whole time, but that didn't keep me from enjoying myself! On the way home I found 11 more species of wildflower (I think I have a new hobby) and saw my first golden eagle...up close. It was sitting on a pole by the road and actually stayed there as we approached. It only took off when we got right up on it. It was HUGE!!!

    DH has gone to return the trailer we rented and I have all the usual "back from vacation" chores to do. So I'm off for now.

    Hugs, high fives, and welcomes to those who need them! Take care Meg from hot and humid Omaha. The heat index will be 114 today. I never thought I'd say I am glad to be in a humid environment, although this is a little much......
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,358 Member
    Good afternoon everyone!:flowerforyou:

    I'm back after being MIA for a couple of days and at last have a chance to draw breath.:tongue:

    I have read up to date, but I am too tired to do detailed replies.:ohwell: Good tired, but, well, phew!:laugh:

    Tonight I am going to pick the first of our golden zucchini and cook them with fresh tomatoes and garlic and have that with sea bass. I over ate and drank by a total of about 1, 000 calories with my visitors so will need three dsys to shake that off. In my opinion the two stars of the show were the Beef Tataki, Summer Pudding and the heavenly Asian Prawns. The Gazpacho was also a hit!:laugh:

    By some miracle I made it to yoga this morning, but went home for an hour's sleep afterwards instead of going go the pub for end of term coffee. Then I went to the dentist.

    Tired but happy Heather in hot, hot, hot Hampshire UK
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good morning,

    Dishwasher run, laundry done, yard routine finished, cake baked for DD's birthday, she will be 22 at 1:41pm............cooling to be frosted--a butter cake, will have milk chocolate frosting. Giving her a one year gym membership, dress, sandals, and some Godiva truffles. Tonight is Tuesday night run/picnic.

    As of today I'm down 3 of the tenacious 10 comeback pounds..........so, 7 to go. I'm thrilled with this as we went to Outback (DH's choice) on Sunday and I ate their bloomin onion!!!

    Took no notes today and my memory is fairly useless, don't remember much.........

    Patty...........Good luck with your client..........how frustrating, maybe you can get some nutrition hints in.

    Kim..........Kudos to you for pressing charges!

    Alison...........Very mature choice for a 19 yr. old to make! also........great food choices today.......

    Sylvia............Hope you son gets better fast........scary, given his medical history.......

    Meg.........Wonderful about the golden eagle...........and congrats on all the wildflower sightings!

    Heather...........Your food sounds fantastic, as always!!

    Hope you are all having good days!
    Stay strong!
    mid-Atlantic.............hot, humid
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Sounds like you had a great holiday. Glad you enjoyed the wild flowers.

    Went and enjoyed coffee with friends this morning now enjoying a roast pork sand. on 12 grain bread but a whooping 411 calories to much. I won't be buying that bread anymore. Just to many calories. I like breakfast and lunch in closer to 300 calories to keep some for supper. There wrapped my 1/2 sand. for latter. having a 45 calorie no sugar added instead.

    need a good day today
    Linda in Northern Ontario
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I liked this one. Here's the joke of the day:


    Bill Clinton, Bill Gates and Al Gore were in an airplane that crashed. They're up in heaven, and God's sitting on the great white throne. God addresses Al first. "Al, what do you believe in?"

    Al replies, "Well, I believe that the combustion engine is evil and that we need to save the world from CFCs and that if any more Freon is used, the whole earth will become a greenhouse and we'll all die." God thinks for a second and says, "Okay, I can live with that. Come and sit at my left."

    God then addresses Bill Clinton: "Bill, what do you believe in?"

    Bill Clinton replies, "Well, I believe in power to the people. I think people should be able to make their own choices about things and that no one should ever be able to tell someone else what to do. I also believe in feeling people's pain."

    God thinks for a second and says, "Okay, that sounds good. Come and sit at my right."

    God then addresses Bill Gates: "Bill Gates, what do you believe in?"

    Bill Gates says, "I believe you're in my chair."


    Have a great Day!

  • SCUBAMomofTwo
    good morning!

    Both my girls are taking summer college courses, so I have to share my car! Today that means I am home bound. Not a problem; I have plenty to keep me busy including working on my scrapbooks. Scrapbooking is another hobby I enjoy and having been away the last few weeks I haven't had a chance to work on it in quite some time.

    I also have to make my every other day phone call to my brother. He was recently in the hospital (ICU) with a pulmonary embolism; now he is at a family member's house recuperating. I just returned from visiting him. He has LOTS of stuff going on in his life and being that he is single (never married) he needs someone to check in with him from time to time as he tries to get his life back on track.

    Looking forward to a trip to Boston in August with my girls to visit friends at their beach house and do a few college visits. I am soon to be an empty nester...one more year.
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Maybe no plane crash jokes at the moment... :cry: :flowerforyou:
    (No offense!)

  • MimiPersists
    MimiPersists Posts: 94 Member
    Do you know how I was wishing I'd be busier? Be careful what you wish for! My almost-8 year old granddaughter is staying here at my folks with me for the next few days. She's lots of fun but definitely wants my full attention.

    I did start reading the posts. Barbie, yours, as usual, really hit home with me. Sugar just does not do me any favors. It's funny that you are staying away from bread too. I've been off gluten, not as many people are because of sensitivities, but because it tends to go along with too much butter, etc. :smile:

    I went out to lunch with my daughter and granddaughter yesterday. You know, I really hate restaurants sometimes. The choices are not great (our first choice, a sushi place, was closed), they cost too much, and you never know exactly the quantities.

    I chose spring rolls (rice wrappers, not fried) and a papaya salad. I was chagrinned that I used the sauce which was sort of a Teriyaki sauce and, I know, had plenty of sugar in it. :grumble: It will be awhile before I try a restaurant again.

    Unfortunately, we have a wedding to go to (my nephew's) that will be at Wente Winery in Livermore. I'm sure the wine will be flowing (not hard for me to resist, so that's good) and lots of "goodies" including, I'm sure, a sit-down dinner. I wish I knew what was on the menu so I could do some planning. I'll stick to the "no added sugar" and "no gluten" plans but watch out for high fat too. It's at 5 pm so dinner is definitely on the menu (so to speak :laugh: )

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,358 Member
    Mimi - I know what you mean about restaurants! When I was on the strict phase of my diet we went to Rome. All pasta and pizza and heavy meat dishes. We ended up cooking most evenings for oursrlves at the apartment. For preference I try to eat at places with a lot of fish. Oysters are my first choice!:laugh:
    For the wedding it may be possible to ask the brides family what is on the menu. If not, I would have a back up plan, maybe taking a box of salad with you with lots of delicious veg and you could discreetly put that on your plate and just do your best with what is in front of you, taking off all pastry, sauces etc. You could always blame your heart op if anyone comments.:tongue: "Doctor's orders" usually shuts people up. Good luck! And remember - no one is putting it in your mouth!:flowerforyou:

    Heather UK

    PS - the photo is my DGS and I icing mini cupcakes. Great fun!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good afternoon.
    Took Violet to her lesson and we stayed at the pool another 2 hours,not enough for my little mermaid,we walked 60 min to and from pool too.
    So I sat out a minute,and saw I had a voice mail.The lady from the trailer calling to confirm my appt for today.When I made the appt I repeated the day and time-it was for thurs at 2pm,not tues at 2 pm.The girl seemed mad,but it wash`t my mistake.I knew I would be busy with Violet and hubby is working,why would I make it for today?:angry::explode: :mad:
    Gonna chill awhile.
    Hugs to all:heart::heart: :heart: :heart:
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Cynthia, I didn't even think about that! Sorry for the bad choice to reprint it here.

    Jane, it's infuriating when people make mistakes and then blame it on you! That has happened to me and it is not fun. House hunting is not fun in the first place and then you have to deal with that? Maybe these are not good people to rent from.

    I just finished a drafting job and now am going to change to my swim suit and pick up the grands for the pool. One of them is off visiting her mother, so it will just be me and the other two. One fewer head to lose in the sea of other heads, so that's good. It's 95 degrees out there, and sunny, so I have a fresh jug of sunscreen waiting. I hope we don't get burned too badly.

    I have so much to do to get ready for the trip, but wanted to have a little outing with them first. They do love the pool and they won't get to go till I get back in a week.

    Well, I'm off to the races!

    Later, ladies.

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,817 Member
    Happy Tuesday. Going to be another hot one:noway: . Last evening when we took the dogs for our walk it wasn't really that bad. Just enough of a breeze to make it ok. Today was weigh in day and I am up a pound.:cry: Trying hard not to let it depress my day. Just seems I have been stuck in this weight range along time. But important things is I feel better and able to do things I couldn't for along time.

    Sylvia--I hope you enjoy your trip. Take care of yourself with these new jobs. Hope your son is feeling better soon and this doesn't lead to more problems with his lungs. Hope you had fun at the pool. Monday we are going to the new pool in Aurora, DD and family are coming from Beatrice, then DH's sisters and familys. We do this once a year. Meet and spend the day at the pool. They have a new pool at Aurora with alot of things for the younger ones. I have a new swim suite and I am going in with the little ones. DD brings her mom every year and I usually don't go in the water, but this year Iam and going to enjoy the little ones.:love:

    Kim--I bet you will do fine with the TV interview. Looking forward to seeing it.

    Joyce--that is so neat that your daughter takes the girl in and treats her like family. I bet it means more to that girl then anyone knows.

    Meg--glad you are home safe and had a good vacation.

    Heather--like the picture, looks like you both are having fun. My one DGD and I enjoy baking and making things together also.

    Well it is sure warmed up outside. Will waite until around 9 pm to walk again as will be cooler. Got the letter written to my brother I have been putting off since the first of the month. Ever since dad passed he has been acting strange. At the family reunion picnic we had July 5, he came and his wife never got out of the truck. Him and mom had a few words. He just thinks since passed he should be able to take anything he wants and like mom said, she is still here. Anyway I just told him I still love him and hope that he can accept that dad is gone. Life always something to deal with. I do have to say I wrote all the kids a letter saying we needed to pitch in and help mom pay the nursing home bill and he is the only one who gave me any money for it. Mom had already paid the bill, but I told her to take the money and use it for something she needs. I guess they charged her $185 to come out and put the date on the headstone. I was like mom and thought that was paid for when they bought the stone.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE:heart:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    have been trying to pre-plan our day at Holiday world (the name of the amusement park...check it out on the web). They have a nutritional menu and it doesn't look like there is much for me. There is a Jenny-0 turkey leg and green beans but the sodium content is pretty high. I remember last year I went in to Mrs Klaus kitchen right as we were leaving. Michelle wanted a piece of fudge. Well that dd it for me. They had a buy 3 get 1 free. I can't resist a bargain!!! I know this year if I am going to be tempted that I won't get the maple fudge. But some of the others are so, so good. Now if I was walking all day long and walking off some of those calories it would be different. At least I am glad that they publish their menu and the nutritional info. I doubt it is listed here though:laugh: At least we can pre buy our tickets at a discounted site.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,807 Member
    evening ladies~
    today was a busy day, I didnt get my 10,000 steps today, darn close but I can feel my muscles from the machines :laugh:
    I have found over the last few days that you dont have the food cravings, and your are full,if you eat right..the Troll(office manager)
    is only 4'10", and she is packin on the pounds, she is always talking about losing weight,but she sits at a desk 8-9 hrs a day, and her husband is a fireman who weights around 300+ he does most of the cooking.. he goes through a 30 pack of diet pepsi a week, and when they make roasts he wraps it in bacon, they eat out alot and eat alot of fried foods, and she is always snacking,
    Now I am not the one to talk ,before starting the no sugar added thing, I would be the same way, but with healthier snacks,
    she had pop tarts,blueberry muffins,some chocolate thing, she usually has 4-5 snacks squirreled away..
    You have to make an effort if you want to lose weight, and by golly I am going to do just that:bigsmile: , well gonna get ready to hit the hay as I am going to get up and get to the gym,early~
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Hello all,on this hot/ humid afternoon. Went to grocery & a quick stop at Marshalls. Also walked an hr before the heat
    built up. Was still soaked tho.
    I agree with who ever said the posting goes so fast,nearly impossible to keep track for replies.
    DH's had fried potatoes,onions & green/ red peppers with Spam for his supper. A small salad with all fresh ingreds to go with.
    The last couple days we have had fresh sliced peaches with whipped cream,so yummy!

    Had to call eye Dr & they will get in touch tomorrow. When looking right,I'm sometimes seeing 2-3 silver slivers,not floaters. Anyway,
    We 'll see what Dr says. the older I get,the more medical problems pop up.:ohwell:

    It's always been easy for me to put someone out of mind,when need be.No waffling around,no thinking about them......just
    done & over. Why allow problem people to keep on treating you like yesterday's newspaper?

    Time to journal supper,then DD will be coming to visit a while. night. Have a nice evening.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,224 Member
    Hi ladies. Thought I’d try to catch up some here. I’m so tired I can barely keep my eyes open! What is it with vacations???

    Heather: so glad you are a “good tired”! The food sounds awesome!

    Yanniejannie: congrats on losing three of those pounds!!!

    Lin: glad you are feeling well enough to go out with friends!

    Sylvia: smiles! Have fun at the pool

    Scubamom: I too enjoy scrapbooking and do it way too seldom. I have pictures from 8 years ago and about 12 rolls of film still to be developed (yes I have a film camera but got a digital for Christmas)

    Mimi: eating out is one of my favorite things to do, but I agree that often you don’t know what is in your food and how much you are getting. There seems to be sugar everywhere.

    Heather: great idea for Mimi….I’d go with “dr’s orders”

    Jane: keeping my fingers crossed for you!

    Vicki stay cool! It was 106 yesterday when we passed through North Platte.

    Joyce: I think I remember you posting that free fudge story last year! Stay strong!

    Patceoh: I noticed during our vacation that DH and his family all sat around and talked about getting older and all their medical
    problems. I drew the line when they were comparing colonoscopies!

    OK time to find something for dinner. DD#2 is off with a friend. Hopefully a quiet night and better sleep. Take care, Meg from Omaha where it is an oven today
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Skimming through on the iPad. Looks like my desktop needs a new hard drive. Terrible timing with 6 jobs to get out in the next 2 days but I just have to figure a way to make it work.

    Aaron had friends in the pool after camp today so that kept me busy/distracted most of the day. Never did an official workout today but I'm good since I need a little rest after 2 days of decent bike rides.

    Oh Vicki, death does bring out the worst in so many when it comes to money and possessions. Good idea to just talk about it.

    Gotta go drag a boy from his games so he can rest up for camp.

    Have a great night!

    xo-Gloria in steamy Metro Detroit
  • cathyb60
    cathyb60 Posts: 308 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Just checking in…

    Mimi, I understand about granddaughters keeping you busy. I have one who is almost 9 and the other is almost 6. They both keep me busy when they are here! That is one reason I can‘t wait to get my knee replacement, I am crippled up for days after they are here, but I so love having them visit!

    I am slowly learning my fitbit. I know that it is not precise but the fact that it makes me want to be more active is enough. I am doing it for 2 full weeks to be sure. I synced it to MFP and I like that.

    My husband, even though he is retired, works part time, I find it hard on the days he is off to be active as we have always done things together, so on his days off we either stay home, run errands or do Dr. appointments…maybe we’ll have to adjust our schedule after 43 years, and I can find something for him to be busy at while I go to the pool etc. ( no he is not an active person as far as exercise goes) he is not overweight (good genes) he has lung issues and wears 2 hearing aids so it’s hard (impossible) to get him to do anything outside. Anyway I hope to get to the pool this week and out for a walk with my sister to bring my steps up on the fitbit!

    Have a great day

    My July goals:

    Walk or go to the pool at least 3 times a week
    Track my foods
    Eat more vegetables
    Say every day “I will do this”

    Cathy in NS