Hobby Lobby....



  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
    Why it is ok for a corporation to tell you what you can use your health care benefit for, but not ok to tell you what you can use your $ benefit for. If they're going to give me $, and not prevent me from buying birth control with it, why do they care what I use their health care plan for?

    Is this your attempt at a straw man?
  • trojan_bb
    trojan_bb Posts: 699 Member
    I wouldn't mind working for Hobby Lobby... supposedly their full time wage is $14.50 an hour... I can hang with that....

    But the catch is that they monitor and regulate how you can spend your $14.50. They have the right as an employer to stop you from spending it on things they disagree with.

    The hell are you talking about. .. ... lol...I hope you are joking...no one can possibly misread a case to such an extreme

    I'll have to see if there is a Hobby Lobby in my area just so I can shop there. Not religious at all, but their case is 100% logical.

    It's very logical. Part of your employment benefit includes health care, which they (apparently) have the right to tell you what you can use it for. You can use your health care benefit for X but not Y. In addition they give you $, and therefore also have the right to tell you what you can and cannot use it for.

    Holy logical fallacy batman.

    yes, their benefits include health care. which they know when they sign up has certain exclusions. ALL healthcare insurance has healthcare exclusions chosen by the employer when picking available plans. Just in this case, it's 4 types of contraception. The only difference in this case is that the exclusions were methods of birth control and religion was the determinant, rather than cost savings.

    Every employer I've worked for has offered healthcare insurance which did not cover certain medications. Using your logic, those companies have been telling me what I can spend my money on. No. Logic fail.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Are there HEB stores outside of Texas?

    I haven't even found any in DFW which is super depressing. I love me some HEB!!

    Starting this back up... because I'm bored and read the replies and wanted to reply back to this... I don't know where in DFW you live... but there is for sure an HEB in Burleson and a Central Market in Fort Worth just off of I30 on the eastbound side.