5'4-5'5 women goal weight



  • hbgirl85
    hbgirl85 Posts: 26
    I'm barely 5'4", late forties and I have had two kids. I"ve also donated 1 kidney (in 2007) to a family member and I'm not sure how that plays into my metabolism and ability to lose weight. Lost 15 lbs on Weight Watchers, but can't seem to get out of the 190s. I doubt that I'll be back to my post college weight of 128-132 lbs. If I can get to 160 and maintain it, I'll be happy.
  • Sculptingawarrrior503
    I'm 5"4 and my first real goal is 155 (by my birthday in October ) and then i have hopes of being around 125. I'm currently at 170.6 lbs. If anyone wants to add me that has similar goals they can or even if there not similar. This is alot easier with support.
  • earmuff111
    earmuff111 Posts: 36 Member
    I'm about 5'5" and on the bigger-boned side. right now i'm around 155, which sadly is the heaviest i have been in a while. my lowest adult weight was around 125, and while i will admit i looked great (was also toned etc), it was really a challenge to maintain and i felt that it developed the disordered eating that led me to gain back so much weight. therefore, i think my happy weight is around 130-132. i can wear size 27 designer jeans at that size but still not have to work out twice a day. of course, if i can dip below 130 that would be great, but i am not going to torture myself over it.
  • erinhood35
    erinhood35 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 5'5" and my goal weight is 125-130 lbs. About 2 years ago I was lifting heavy weights three times a week and cycling low carb diets and got down to 135 for about a year. Of course, life gets in the way and I inched up to where I am today at 165-170 lbs. I have an endomorph bottom half (blocky thick joints and legs, butt, hips hold on to fat) and mesomorph upper half (narrow waist, arms, chest and back easily gain muscle definition).
  • Kallie0612
    Kallie0612 Posts: 10

    I'm 5'4 and i'm at my highest weight of 150lbs, my GW is 120 but it could be lower.

    Stay motivated and look for a weight where YOU feel good with yourself, i guess at the end of the road, numbers are just numbers.

    Feel free to add me people! (I'm new here)
  • hmroebuck
    hmroebuck Posts: 64 Member
    5'5" 41yo currently at my heaviest ever (while not pregers) 160 pounds. :( Not completely sure of my goal weight. I looked fine at 145, but felt big. Then again, I still felt too big 6 years ago at 120 when other's were saying I was too thin. *shrug* I guess my first goal will be 145 and I'll see how I feel then.
  • Whtmask
    Whtmask Posts: 219 Member
    I'm 5'5'

    SW: 204
    CW: 186
    GW: 135

    My goal is to be able to get to 135 in 10-12 months.
  • feedmedonuts
    feedmedonuts Posts: 241 Member
    I'm 5'5". I'm preg now so my plans are on hold and I'm going to shoot up in weight, but pre-preg I was 150lbs with a goal of 130. Maybe even 135. That will still be my goal after everything is said and done but I'm going to establish mini goals to get there. My lowest weight 118 and I looked terrible, too small for my build
  • ashcat94
    ashcat94 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm 5'4

    Goal weight is 133lbs (approx 60kg)

    I'm currently at 143lbs after having lost 10lbs already......as shallow as it is my goal date is an event where I want to impress people haha. I'd be happy to be at 136lbs by then though....anything under 140 would be great!
  • IIIIISerenityNowIIIII
    IIIIISerenityNowIIIII Posts: 425 Member
    I'm 5'4" and would be thrilled at 125
  • PrissyPisces
    PrissyPisces Posts: 117 Member
    I think your ideal weight is 114-144 pounds. It's more about personal preference, and health. As long as you're within that weight range, you'll be healthy either way. I'm 5'9, so my range is 128-162, but I think 128 is a bit laughable for someone built the way I am. I'd surely look SICK! I'm shooting for 150, but if I look and FEEL good at 160, I'll stop there.
  • Megan101792
    Megan101792 Posts: 3,194 Member
    5'5 and I would love to be 130 but happy at 150
  • zeethan
    zeethan Posts: 7
    5'5 and close to fifty y/o, belly fat jumped on board practically over night. I was on WW a couple years ago and lost 15 #'s, would like to be @ 140,150'ish.
  • Vanessa_Ross
    Vanessa_Ross Posts: 18 Member

    I currently weigh 199.2 lbs and my goal is 150. At my best I was 120 but not sure that I would be able to maintain that weight now at my age.
  • jasminerayne524
    I also am 5' 4" tall, and have been battling my weight since i was in my late teens. After having my son at age 18, i once got down to 118 lbs, but i was starving myself two days, and eating 1000 calories on the third day, which made me drop alot of weight but also made me very sick. So, I tried after that over the years, all the diets out there, every new diet, all the paid plans several times, losing weight as long as im on the plan, but as soon as i stop buying their food, and switch to food from the store, i gain the weight back and more. At my heaviest weight of 348 lbs in summer of 2011; I could barely walk, or breathe if i did.
    I finally decided after many tests on my thyroid to ensure it was functioning properly; i did two years of research on bariatric surgery, and decided after all my clinical research and watching the posted videos of those who had undergone the surgery that post on youtube, i decided to find a surgeon who was tops, and to have a gastric sleeve gastrectomy. It isnt easy. It isn't a magic pill. You have to make serious life changes, but i have lost 43.5lbs since surgery on June 11th, though i was on a high protein shake since June 1st to prepare for surgery.
    My goal weight is around 150. I look good at 150, I look womanly still with curves, and i feel so much more energetic at that weight. I'm not trying to become a stick figure, just wanted to reduce my chances of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer ; which all run in my family.
    I'm very happy to find this community of people to have as support. I live alone. My friends are all busy, so the exercise portion is really up to me to make sure it happens, but if i have a question or concern, its nice to know you all are here. :)
  • spoiledpuppies
    spoiledpuppies Posts: 675 Member
    My original goal weight was 145. Then as the pounds came off, I changed to 135. Then I changed to 123 (with a "permanent" goal of staying between 123-127).

    However... when I hit 123, I was too thin. My body fat is low with a good amount of muscle, so maybe I was smaller than the scale would imply. As I transitioned to maintenance, I hit 119 for a few days and that was definitely too low. Now I'm working with a trainer to build even more muscle in order to gain weight. I'm at about 126 these days, with a possible goal weight of 135 with the additional muscle--but I really don't have a firm goal number in mind. I just know that I'd still like to get a bit bigger.
  • Coolchk4u2
    I am 5'6, but can't remember ever weighing less than 164 in my adult life. My highest was 291 (120+ lbs gained during and after having my daughter) and I am about 217 now (after way too many times at failing I have finally discovered what works for me). I really want to wear a "single digit" size, so I am aiming for an 8 right now, but a 6 would be the ultimate prize for sure! I would love to reach goal at 154lbs (which is "normal" on the BMI chart) and then ultimate goal at 140lbs (which I have not seen since high school). I am curvy with a large chest, so being "skinny" would never work for me (nor do I want it to).
  • remieres93
    remieres93 Posts: 45
    I'm 5'5", and my goal weight is 135. I have HUGE genetic boobs, so unfortunately I don't even know if 135 is a reachable goal, or not, but I'd like to be right around there.
  • mscheftg
    mscheftg Posts: 485 Member
    I'm on the shorter side of 5'4"... My highest weight was almost 250... I've been stuck in the 230's for a few years now.

    Currently, my goal is to drop 35 pounds/get below 200. Then my goal is to get around 170-175.

    A few years ago, I figured my "magic number" to be 133. I honestly don't know how I would feel there. I think my ultimate goal is more of a clothing size... I'm hoping to get to a healthy size 10. I probably will try for around 150 pounds, but I'm not focused on that right now.

    I also have the big boob gene, as well as was given the genes for "strong, healthy legs," which means I have big thighs and calves. I hope to tone those as part of my "transformation."
  • mfpbaklazan
    I'm also 5'4". I never really had that much to lose, my highest weight was about 130. My goal weight used to be very low until I've realized that it's not general weight loss, but fat loss that matters most. After losing fat and gaining some muscle, I'm currently at 120 with 17.5% body fat.