
  • timragan
    timragan Posts: 117 Member
    I agree with your view of Getting Your Life Back. I have the same sentiment and entered it on my profile that way. I've allowed myself to gain so much weight over the last 15 years that I have been unable to participate in regular activities.

    I want to live fully!

    Keep the faith, keep losing.
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    Welcome Tim!
    You can do it!! We're here for your support!
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    what a hotty!!!!

    I have NEVER had a stomach like that. And with regret.... never will :angry: :grumble:
    I have ALWAYS had a "rolly" stomach and now with children a rolly, pizza dough, cat stratch stretch marky stomach. boo hoo! But I guess I can live with a smaller mushier stomach!
  • buckeyebabe
    buckeyebabe Posts: 235
    Welcome Tim! You can do this and you will love our group! We're all a bit crazy here but very serious about our goals and supporting eachother to reach those goals! Good luck to you.

    JENNIFER - I personally challenge you!!:wink: Let's do this. You and I are going to be in a size 8 by July 30! What do you think? That gives us about 10 weeks to get there. This may be a hard challenge but it's worth going for. We have to make this fun....what stakes can we put on this? The winner has to send the other one a little gift in the mail...nothing expensive just something to celebrate the journey? What do you think?

    OK SPARKLES, you are killing me!!! I love the way you described Zumbra... "easy latin inspired aerobic steps" HA!!!! Maybe for someone like you who doesn't have to worry about gravity pulling them over by the weight of their belly when they bend over!!!! I think I will stick with running. The only thing I have to worry about is the ground being able to support me and so far so good on that!! :tongue:
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    JENNIFER - I personally challenge you!!:wink: Let's do this. You and I are going to be in a size 8 by July 30! What do you think? That gives us about 10 weeks to get there. This may be a hard challenge but it's worth going for. We have to make this fun....what stakes can we put on this? The winner has to send the other one a little gift in the mail...nothing expensive just something to celebrate the journey? What do you think?

    Oh Boy!! A challenge!!!???
    hmmm, (sweating,shaking...) lordy? can I do it??
    I have so many goals that I really should.
    vacation. 6/28
    sis in laws wedding 7/12
    20 year reunion (seeing old HS bf that dumped me :explode: ) 8/16.

    sounds like a good deal.
    a little nervous though seeing that I have NEVER seen an 8!!! (my top is still a 12/14 large) it's my back fat and boobs that won't go away!
    sure, let's do it.
    10 weeks away?!! I have been stuck for so long, I'd be lucky if I can get 5 pounds off! but hey, I'd love to try for 20! okay, 15:wink:
  • buckeyebabe
    buckeyebabe Posts: 235
    OK...Your on. Have no fear...I can only wear a 10 stretch right now and I am weighing in at 168.5 so I have a long way to go. I seem to lose 3 lbs. and then sit there for 2 weeks!! UGH! Oh well...if I know that I am trying to compete it will give me a boost....I think.....I hope...well, let's see!
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    OK...Your on. Have no fear...I can only wear a 10 stretch right now and I am weighing in at 168.5 so I have a long way to go. I seem to lose 3 lbs. and then sit there for 2 weeks!! UGH! Oh well...if I know that I am trying to compete it will give me a boost....I think.....I hope...well, let's see!

    me too, loooooooooove stretch!
  • jlauren6
    jlauren6 Posts: 209
    Im at 170 and I couldn't squeeze buy fat butt into a size 10 to save my life!! Isn't it funny how different all of our bodies are??
  • twin2
    twin2 Posts: 404
    I haven't weighted in over a week now. It is the end of the school year, so I have good bye to the gym for at least another week. But so far maintaining and by the way Lauren - STARTING OVER!!!!:grumble:
  • buckeyebabe
    buckeyebabe Posts: 235
    Im at 170 and I couldn't squeeze buy fat butt into a size 10 to save my life!! Isn't it funny how different all of our bodies are??

    You're right Jlauren....I have always appeared to weigh less then the scale claims me to be. I like that!
    Like I said they are 10 stretch but I'm not stuffed into them. I would like to purchase a straight 10 to see if I could stuff myself into those. Who knows? The other thing is that all brands are different when it comes to sizing...I'm sure if I went to a different store/brand I wouldn't be able to pull them past my hips.:tongue:
  • jlauren6
    jlauren6 Posts: 209
    I haven't weighted in over a week now. It is the end of the school year, so I have good bye to the gym for at least another week. But so far maintaining and by the way Lauren - STARTING OVER!!!!:grumble:

    I start over tomorrow!! :laugh: At least we are maintaining...it could be worse!
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    you guys are right about the sizes. i havent found a single size that i can say i am, because it all just depends. on the top im usually a 14, but the bridesmaids dress i just bought i had to get a 16 because of the size of my bust, where my waist is prolly closer to a size 12 or 10, depending on the brand. In jeans right now i have a pair of size nines that i can barely just barely zip up, cant wear them out yet tho.
    But in levis i have a 12 that is hanging on me. So im not so sure yet. i wear lots of flowy skirts and stuff.
    anyway, it is important to remember that we all have different bodys. Im like you jbar, i cant seem to do anything about my boobs/side/back fat. and one of my biggest pet peves is having my bra showing through my shirt where it cuts in.
    Anyway, enough about that. Zumba was great today as always. definitely fun for 400 cals! im glad to have a new 'change' in my workout routine! hope next monday is an ok weigh in, its about time for me to take measurements again!
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    I am so impressed with you guys! :flowerforyou:

    MAYBE someday I'll be a size 8... but honestly, my smallest might end up being a 10. I don't know - I have a large frame (especially my ribcage, knees, etc), and most of my weight is in my BUTT and thighs. Right now I have a size 12 stretch that fits, a size 12 regular that is only a little tight (I could probably wear them out but haven't dared yet), and some 14s that fit. The 16s are totally falling off now, except for one stretch pair (weird). And I'm at 176 this week.
  • wagsgirls
    wagsgirls Posts: 144 Member
    i know what you mean about sizes. i seem to be at an in between some 16's i have are loose, but the 14' are just not comfortable. haha you guys talking about an 8!:laugh: i'd be thrilled to see an 11/12 again! although 8 would be awsome! but there is noway! i'm about 180(haven't weighed myself lately) but i'd LOVE to meet you guys at an 8 the end of july!!:wink: good luck to you!
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    i know what you mean about sizes. i seem to be at an in between some 16's i have are loose, but the 14' are just not comfortable. haha you guys talking about an 8!:laugh: i'd be thrilled to see an 11/12 again! although 8 would be awsome! but there is noway! i'm about 180(haven't weighed myself lately) but i'd LOVE to meet you guys at an 8 the end of july!!:wink: good luck to you!

    Same for me 16 are very loose but 14 are uncomfortable. I would settle for a 9 it is close to double digits but not. LOL:laugh:
  • buckeyebabe
    buckeyebabe Posts: 235
    bumpin. Tomorrow is weigh in. Good luck everyone!!
  • kerridwen
    kerridwen Posts: 165
    I'm catching back up here:

    Keep it up sindy you can do it! (:

    Wow Jenbar!!!! :noway:

    Thanks jlauren (:

    Welcome Tim!

    Sparkles - I hear you on the bust increasing sizing. Frustrating by times for sure!

    Gah - I'm at a plateau but I'm hoping by next week things will start to budge. I've been really good food and exercise wise. If I'm gaining muscles at least, I can stand staying the same weight, as long as my pants keep getting looser. :wink:
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Monday again. 4th week no weight loss. Not sure how to move that darn scale :sad: It is good not to put any weight on but very discouraging not to loose. Hope everyone else did good.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • jlauren6
    jlauren6 Posts: 209
    Loss of 1lb for the week, very exciting since I havn't lost anything in a while. I have 2 weeks until my husband and I go to a waterpark hotel...this means me in a bathing suit in front of lots of people:sad: I have to stay on track this week! I plan on going to the gym after work, but I "plan" on going a lot and it doesn't happen.
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    Okey dokey!
    164.5. I have officially lost 30 pounds! woo hoo!!
    (digital says 170.2, but I don't like him, he's mean!)
    I really wanted to be 160 by my birthday (next Tuesday, but that "ain't" gonna happen! But I could try!
    Good luck everyone!!

    p.s. Like my head on Jennifer Love Hewitt's body? LOL!!
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