

  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    okay! weighing in today!

    last week 164
    this week 162!
    2 more pounds never to see my body again!

    woo hoo! yeah me! I'm getting there!
    anyone else out there or are there only a handful left?????

    im losing so slowly! Jbar you already weigh less than me!! I will know for sure my weight tomorrow after zumba so i will post then

    yes, maybe, but the "mean" scale say 168 :angry:
  • buckeyebabe
    buckeyebabe Posts: 235
    Hey Jenn...get rid of that mean scale, just chuck it!

    I am right there with you, in the sense of being off your goals and not having accounted for the weeks that you wouldn't lose. Heck, I also didn't account for the couple of weeks that I gained a pound, which I think I did this week. The last time I checked in I believe I was 168 but today I was 169. Unfortunately I think all the water retention is probably gone and can't be used as an excuse for this pound.:tongue:

    I am about 10 pounds off of where I wanted to be at this point when I first set my goals back in January but OH WELL. I am frustrated but not defeated! I have now come up with new, realistic, goals that I can attain and feel good about. My new goals are as follows:

    June 9...165 pounds
    June 30..162 pounds
    July 14....161 pounds
    July 28....159 pounds

    I am hoping that these will be easy to attain and yet it's still a 10 pound loss in about 2 months. Should be easy and safe, but we'll see.
  • buckeyebabe
    buckeyebabe Posts: 235

    Ok. I am thrilled about my weight loss but it's almost bitter sweet. Besides the fact that I have very few items in my closet that I can now wear and can't afford to go out and buy a transition wardrobe, I now have more flab then I ever had!! I now have an intertube around my hips...it's sitting there like an extra layer of skin...it's gross and depressing. The smaller I get, the bigger the ring! I could easily be in a different size of pants if it weren't for this eye sore! UGH!! Anyone else feeling bitter sweet about the weight loss?
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Well did not tell my weight loss yesterday because I am soooo depressed. None I have not lost any weight in 5 weeks. I have tried everything. I have not gained any and no loss of inches what is up. :sad:
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member

    Ok. I am thrilled about my weight loss but it's almost bitter sweet. Besides the fact that I have very few items in my closet that I can now wear and can't afford to go out and buy a transition wardrobe, I now have more flab then I ever had!! I now have an intertube around my hips...it's sitting there like an extra layer of skin...it's gross and depressing. The smaller I get, the bigger the ring! I could easily be in a different size of pants if it weren't for this eye sore! UGH!! Anyone else feeling bitter sweet about the weight loss?
    I feel the same way. My stomach is so gross and it's my upper stomach that won't go away. And my whole stomach in general is just so loose and flabby. There are those days when I just feel yucky!
    Don't worry, I think once we get towards goal we can really start toning and that may help. Not with the extra skin (i have figured out that I have 3 inches of stretch marked skin that I'll never get back and have to live with) but with overall tightening.

    did you try eating a little more one day a week? may help. always helped when I plateaued.
  • motheroftwoboys
    I weighed in yesterday but didn't get a chance to let everyone know. This week I'm 165.2, so I have lost two pounds. Last week I was out of town and didn't weigh in so only two pounds in two weeks. Oh well at least I'm still losing. :ohwell:
  • buckeyebabe
    buckeyebabe Posts: 235
    Well did not tell my weight loss yesterday because I am soooo depressed. None I have not lost any weight in 5 weeks. I have tried everything. I have not gained any and no loss of inches what is up. :sad:

    You know, I have to agree with Jenn...when I stopped losing weight for a while I didn't work out for a day or two and I ate more calories...thenI switched up my work out routine and either went 5 minutes longer or raised the intensity just a little bit. I drop every time I do that. Keep your chin up!
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    so i went and weighed this morning before eating etc. No loss :(

    Im getting so tired of how slowly im losing! I stick to the 1200 and very rarely stray! i do a fair amount of aerobics. My legs are getting so strong and my endurance is increasing!

    Grr! Im pretty much at 7 lbs of loss in about 8 weeks. I am set to lose 2 lbs a week, but it puts me at 1200, so i know i cant go below that. Seems like a conspiracy! Im just blah today, sorry to unleash the negativity this morning. I have zumba today, i think thatll help, and i am starting pilates tomorrow, which will be on my off days from zumba which i hope will also help. Maybe i need to up my cardio?? Anyway.. heres to another day!
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Thank you Jenn and Buckeyebabe I was having a real bad day yesterday and I have tried a couple of things. I think a few weeks back I added protein to my lunch and that is when I stopped loosing. I am going to try to cut the protein out for lunch and keep up with the extra exercise ( cant believe Im saying this I am enjoying the extra exercise):laugh: I just did not think I would stop loosing for 5 weeks. But again new day changing it up keeping the positive attitude. Thanks for the support. You guys are doing great. :flowerforyou:
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    so i went and weighed this morning before eating etc. No loss :(

    Im getting so tired of how slowly im losing! I stick to the 1200 and very rarely stray! i do a fair amount of aerobics. My legs are getting so strong and my endurance is increasing!

    Grr! Im pretty much at 7 lbs of loss in about 8 weeks. I am set to lose 2 lbs a week, but it puts me at 1200, so i know i cant go below that. Seems like a conspiracy! Im just blah today, sorry to unleash the negativity this morning. I have zumba today, i think thatll help, and i am starting pilates tomorrow, which will be on my off days from zumba which i hope will also help. Maybe i need to up my cardio?? Anyway.. heres to another day!

    I hear you I have been so down about not loosing 5 weeks is a long time. But lets keep our heads up and keep switching it up. :flowerforyou:
  • jlauren6
    jlauren6 Posts: 209
    I am not losing either!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I very rarely go over my cals and I have been working out more...but I am not losing weight OR inches. It sucks!

    **If anyone is having a bad morning today just know it could be worse...let me tell you about yesterday morning...

    I wake up; take the trash out, spilling it all in the garage...
    Get in the car to go to work and it won't start....
    Go back into the house to call my boss for a ride...
    I see that I have just stepped in the crap my dog just took in my kitchen...
    my boss drives right past my house and I chase her down my whole street...
    she is now late for a meeting because she had to pick me up...
    my cell phone dies.

    Fantastic. Thank goodness today is better!!!!!!!! :bigsmile:
  • buckeyebabe
    buckeyebabe Posts: 235
    YUCK Lauren....that was a bad day! I'm sorry it went like that. Here's to a new day with better outcomes!:drinker:

    I am taking today off from exercising, I think. I always say that and then I don't follow through because I'm compulsive with exercise:tongue: But I really think today will be a lay around day. I ran yesterday and fasted....not for a weight loss reason, but for prayer. That means I get a few more calories today since all I did was drink water and juice yesterday; only 2 glasses of juice!

    Say a prayer for my family if you would...my hubby is supposed to find out about 2 potential job possibilities by next Monday. I am praying like crazy that an answer comes quickly, one way or another.:tongue:

    Everyone enjoy your day! Keep your chin up Sparkles, Cindy, and Lauren....the weight will come off, just keep up the good work and it will pay off! I promise! I looked back on my progress reports and I went 4 weeks without a single loss and then lost 2.5 pounds, 2 pounds and then 1 pound so don't fret!
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    I am right there with all you frustrated folks! :explode:

    I am up a pound from last week. I am wondering if some of my "loss" the past couple of weeks was just phantom weight, maybe because I was getting over sick. It is very discouraging - I was up as much as 2 pounds over the weekend, which really made me feel bad. I have been a little light on my workouts, but only a little - it didn't seem like I would GAIN. :grumble:

    I'm going to wait (yikes, I almost spelled it WEIGHT) until next week to do my measurements again. It will have been just over a month since I last measured, so I am hopeful that I'll see some progress there. I am also making sure I get in a good workout Tue, Wed, and Thu nights this week, and I will TRY to get my butt out of bed on Fri to do a workout in the AM (since we are going away for a couple nights this weekend). And I'll have turned the big 3-0 by next week! :noway:

    Buckeyebabe - best of luck to your husband on his job seeking! :flowerforyou:
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    I dont feel alone on this. Everybody goes through this. I will keep trying as well.

    Buckeyebabe, I will continue to pray for your family and I am sure your husband will get one of the positions.

    Good luck everyone this week. Hope we all have a loss next weigh in.
  • buckeyebabe
    buckeyebabe Posts: 235
    Thanks for the well wishes, thoughts and prayers guys...it really helps!

    But CP the big 30?!!! 30?!?!?!?!? I wish I were hitting the big 30! I am going to hit the big 40 ( but not for a little while)!!!

    When is your birthday? I hope it's wonderful and filled with lots of excitement and happiness!
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    But CP the big 30?!!! 30?!?!?!?!? I wish I were hitting the big 30! I am going to hit the big 40 ( but not for a little while)!!!

    When is your birthday? I hope it's wonderful and filled with lots of excitement and happiness!

    Heh. :laugh: Well, the "big 30" was one of the major reasons that I decided it was time for me to get on with changing my life already! I realized that continuing to live the way I had in my twenties (junk food, yo-yo dieting, little to no exercise) was NOT going to help me get to where I wanted to be later on in life. I still want to be healthy and adventuring for a loooooong time to come. :smile: So I feel as though I am well on my way.

    I am not that upset about it, really. I just wish family members and in-laws would stop asking me about kids and "reminding" me about my biological clock. :grumble:

    My actual birthday is on Sunday. And hubby has planned a nice little getaway for us! So I'm excited. I will treat myself a little bit, and then get back to it on Monday!
  • buckeyebabe
    buckeyebabe Posts: 235
    Well go have a wonderful, relaxing birthday with your honey! I will be thinking of you and sending warm wishes your way. As for your family members and the biological clock....don't let them persuade you! Take your time and enjoy your husband for a while. Once you have kids your relationship changes drastically. Not in a bad way, just a different way. Plus, those little romantic get aways will be a little fewer and for a shorter time period!! I love my kids but I do wish we would have had more than 21/2 years together before we had children!
  • kerridwen
    kerridwen Posts: 165
    Happy Birthday to CP! (:

    I'm right there with ya'll on the frustrated front. I can't do a lot more exercise without my arm finishing healing so I guess I'm stuck in the waiting game?

    I'm looking forward to yoga again!!!
  • kerridwen
    kerridwen Posts: 165
    You know, instead of just griping like before - I do have some positive changes.

    Checking in here keeps me on track, it really does. My snacking is negligible now and I make much much better food choices. I've managed to do that, eliminate aspertame and overall add a much healthier aspect to my diet again.

    These are positive things, and I've kept them up long enough now for them to have become second nature - so this group and the site has already made a big difference, even if I'm not seeing any major changes on the scale right now.
  • buckeyebabe
    buckeyebabe Posts: 235
    Good attitude Kerri! I like your positive thoughts. I have been frustrated to because of a considerable slow down in my weight loss, but you know... I look in the mirror and think...Wow, I am still a lot better than where I was 3 months ago and I am 2 sizes down! I don't know if I will ever get to that size 8, probably not before Miss Thing (Jenn):wink: who has done so well with her weight loss, but I am still going to go for it!

    Get out there and exercise today everyone! Blow off some steam/stress by going for a run or walk!