What's your crack food?



  • luvdaisy
    luvdaisy Posts: 9 Member
    Peanut butter - I cant even bring it into my house:-)
  • chocolate-peanut butter-oatmeal no-bake cookies are like Kryptonite to me... i am powerless over them!

    raw cookie dough in general and frosted sugar cookies trigger that 'crack' i need more more more reaction... I host the big family Christmas/Hanukkah/Eid celebration at my house (yes, all 3) and I make all sorts of delicious cookies every year. Its a tradition. One that i think i am going to have to break or severely limit!!! Maybe i can con my mom into baking them this year... heyyyy, i can even ship over my boys to help her! HA! Now THERE is an idea! ;)
  • jteammom
    jteammom Posts: 173
    I can't tell you how reassuring it is to know that I am not the only addict out there! I tried to stay away from my crack foods over the holidays, but I learned that my resistance is even lower (hard to believe, I know) if there is alcohol involved. I tell myself - "Oh, it's just one glass of wine, not too many calories" and BAM all self-control is out the window. So even though alcohol is not really one of my crack foods, I guess I need to treat it as such. Alcohol is the devil, whispering in my ear, leading me down paths of overeating. Get thee behind me, Cabernet!!! Be gone, Pilsner!!!
  • jteammom
    jteammom Posts: 173
    The name of the book is "The End of Overeating" by David A Kessler MD
  • matina29
    matina29 Posts: 64 Member
    Food in general is like crack to me. The kind of fulfillment I get by eating is like no other. These days as I realize how destructive it is, I realize what a crackhead I am! But I guess if i had to choose it would be CHOCOLATE!
  • Cytherea
    Cytherea Posts: 515 Member
    hahahahahaha oh man, great post. I don't think anybody has mentioned mine yet...


    Usually, I'm ok, because I don't make it often, and it is one of those things where when I do make it, I plan it out in my diary and only make exactly the number of slices that I accounted for, so I can't keep eating it. However, I was just camping with family the past few days, and every morning for breakfast my uncle made TONS of bacon. There was no way to control it. I'd try to limit myself, really, I would.... and then there would be tons leftover after everyone had some and I'd just keep reaching for it. I literally had to tell people to take it away because I would just keep eating it. My downfall. LOL
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