Your biggest fat secret.



  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    I don't really have fat secrets, I guess. I can eat a whole pizza by myself, but it's no secret! I just don't eat the whole thing now because I only buy enough for the whole family to eat. Pizza. Mmmmm.
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    One of the things I did when I made the decision to get healthy for good was to confess all of my misdeeds to Mrs Jruzer. She was pretty incredulous about some of my confessions. She said, "No wonder you were fat!" I told here I never wondered why I was fat. So I got that going for me, which is nice.
  • Beast_And_Beauty
    Beast_And_Beauty Posts: 7 Member
    edited January 2015

    Back in late middle school during one summer I would stay up really late, make myself a biiig sandwich with whatever slice meat was in the house, put on a whole bunch of mayo, a slice of cheese, and put it in-between -not sliced bread!- but a bagel. Every. Night. (and binge watch South Park)

    Like a year ago on the way to college I would stop at Dunkin Donuts every once and awhile and grab a bacon (or sausage depending on my mood) egg and cheese on a bagel, with a cream cheese bagel, possibly 2-3 donuts, and a large hot chocolate (usually mint!). Maybe a few times a month? Not often.

    Once, my boyfriend and I made 3 boxes of Kraft mac & cheese with the intent of left overs, there ended up being none.

    Depending on the cereal I could easily eat a whole box....

    One of the more recent "fat secretes" my boyfriend and I have is we'll go to Chipotle. I'll order a chicken quesadilla with brown rice (inside the quesadilla), get a cup of sour cream to dip it in (using almost the whole cup they give!) and then afterwards, head over to the nearest yogurt shop, and chow down on the healthy "ice cream".

    My boyfriend made me these "birthday brownies" a couple years in a row. It was 2 boxes of brownies mixed with chocolate chips, some chocolate sauce, and whatever else he'd throw in. So chocolaty you couldn't finish half a slice without downing a glass of milk. I'd eat the whole tray to myself in a week.

    I'm sure there's more LOL
  • The_Fitness_Foodie
    The_Fitness_Foodie Posts: 95 Member
    I used to buy boxes of Lindor Chocolate Truffles or Ben & Jerry's ice cream and eat the lot, then set light to the packaging so that my hubby and daughter wouldn't find out I was secret eating....

  • JeriAnne84
    JeriAnne84 Posts: 543 Member
    Back in 2004 and 2005 I would eat at Sonic every day. I'd get a Super Sonic Cheeseburger (a big ol greasy double meat cheeseburger for anyone who doesn't have a Sonic), large fries and a Route 44 cherry vanilla Dr. Pepper.

    Then I moved in with my parents and really couldn't do that anymore. Plus I had gall stones that ended up getting stuck in the ducts to my pancreas and it almost killed me.

    In 2012 - 2014 I would wake up, get ready for work, go to the gas station, buy a 32 ounce Code Red Mountain Dew, a slice of breakfast pizza and one of those Reese's big cups (YEAH BUDDY). That was breakfast. Lunch was either at a chinese buffet near where I worked, McDonalds, Taco Bell, Wendy's, Burger King really any fast food place and would get a meal there with a large pop - not diet. For dinner I would go somewhere else out to eat until I met my boyfriend then he would cook for me. Sometimes I would have eaten fast food and THEN ate what he made me. I'd also drink a bottle of pop or a can or two throughout the day. But then the summer of 2013 I got really depressed and I was really broke so I hardly ate and lost a bunch of weight. Then the fall came and I got over it and started to have more money so all the eating out came back and so did all the weight and then some.

    In May of 2014 I started to get sick every time I ate out, so I started to cut back. Then I cut out pop completely for 4 months (I drink one a day - maybe if it fits into my goals). I need to cut back on eating out more. My boyfriend is really bad about this and I just go along with him. He needs to stop doing it so much too because he has crohn's and its not good on it. But I've lost 16 lbs and a crap ton of inches. I'm in the best shape of my life too.

    Reading this thread gave me ideas to the point where I'm sitting here like "damn that sounds good, why didn't I think of that?" Then I have to reel myself back in. lol
  • Shielaswan
    I am scared....I can relate to all of the posts. I still have Girl Scout Cookies in the freezer.
    I used to buy the Weight Watcher candy and think that eating more than one serving was healthy....because it was Weight Watchers.
  • Cisnerosl
    I used to sneak into employee refrigerators and steal people's food... Often times would just grab handfuls of their food and shove in my mouth : (
  • OneFluffy
    OneFluffy Posts: 8 Member
    When there's donuts in the break room at work, and I'm going back for seconds or thirds, I wrap them up in paper towels and try to shove them in my pockets or place them in the waistband of my pants so I can sneak them back to my office. Also, when changing to my pjs at night, I always grab my "butt in the front" and shake it just like Richard Hatch on Survivor.
  • megsi474
    megsi474 Posts: 370 Member
    I've circuit trained fast food places to get everything I wanted. A double Whopper with Cheese from BK, McDonald's fries and a Wendy's Frosty to dip them in with 3 crunchy tacos and a Meximelt from Taco Bell.
  • theskinnyonme
    theskinnyonme Posts: 443 Member
    used to eat whole bag mrs fields white chocolate chip macadamia cookies and 2L of cherry coke. Surprise I didnt go into diabetic coma
  • duckykissy
    duckykissy Posts: 285 Member
    In middle school I used to tell my friends I wasn't hungry during lunch, and stay away from home as long as I could after school because it was full of food and I needed to lose weight. When I got too hungry, I'd finally come home, make myself a whole box of mac and cheese with hotdogs and then do the dishes and clean the kitchen so no one knew I had already eaten. My mom would come home from work - "Oh thanks, you did the dishes! What would you like for dinner?" "Anything, I'm starving." :/

    And during college, while I was battling severe depression, brain fog, and all the other fun thyroid symptoms, I also worked at a coffee shop. I would have 9 shots of coffee a day- one 4 shot vanilla soy latte and one 5. I also used to drink a ton of Dr. Pepper due to the free soda while you work policy. I gained 40 lbs in 4 months. The amount of calories I drank at that time still horrifies me years later.
  • JustMimi215
    JustMimi215 Posts: 61 Member
    a whole bag of Doritos, that's as far as it goes for me...
  • Sinistrous
    Sinistrous Posts: 5,589 Member
    Cisnerosl wrote: »
    I used to sneak into employee refrigerators and steal people's food... Often times would just grab handfuls of their food and shove in my mouth : (


    I shouldn't be laughing, but this is too funny. xD
  • LifeInTheBikeLane
    LifeInTheBikeLane Posts: 345 Member
    When I was in middle school I would go to youth group on Wednesday nights. They'd feed us dinner (pizza, chicken nuggets, french fries...oh the french fries!) and I would eat there. When my dad would pick me up I would lie and say I hadn't eaten so that I could eat dinner at home.

    When I moved out on my own I'd enjoy pre-meal meals of an entire family bag of doritos every few days before I'd go to jack in the box and have two helpings of curly fries. Ohhh those were the days.

    One of my high school fat secrets was that every Sunday morning I would open up my store (Subway) by myself, run across the street and get a bacon and egg croissant before church let out and add 10+ more pieces of bacon to it. Mmm. Lol
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Cisnerosl wrote: »
    I used to sneak into employee refrigerators and steal people's food... Often times would just grab handfuls of their food and shove in my mouth : (

    I never did this but more than once I seriously considered it. Especially when I worked with some thin women who routinely ordered loads of Chinese takeout, ate 3-4 bites then left it untouched in the fridge for a month...on that second day, knowing they were never going to eat any more of it, I would look into the fridge when grabbing my water or soda and think about those unwanted, unloved yet still-yummy bits of cold cashew chicken and feel the urge to snag it!
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    I used to wear one brand/style of jeans (I had 4 pairs) one brand/style of bra and underwear (a bajillion pairs of the same style) when the undies were discontinued I was legitimately upset.

    Swimsuits- I wore my maternity swimsuit after having kids, and between pregnancies.

    Clothes in general- took all damn day to find something that fit well/looked nice. So looking for a new swimsuit might be an all day endevor that ends in NOTHING bought.

    Side note- as a thin person, I can find something in no time at all. When I bought a new swimsuit last year, I tried on two, and they BOTH fit. So then I got to pick based on color. NICE.
  • oriana1990
    oriana1990 Posts: 6 Member
    JeriAnne84 wrote: »
    Reading this thread gave me ideas to the point where I'm sitting here like "damn that sounds good, why didn't I think of that?" Then I have to reel myself back in. lol

    Pahahaha yes, I'm feeling this too.

    As another BED person trying to get out of the habit, I have some truly horrifying stories...! In addition, I have IBS, so over-eating can lead to sudden urgent need to go to the loo. Which isn't always convenient. Nightmare.

    I used to quite frequently cave in to Domino's or Pizza Hut's "Two for Tuesday" offers, and buy two large pizzas, garlic bread, wedges, and cookies or cookie dough with ice cream, and eat it all, by myself, in one sitting. As a 140lb girl. And when I used to get Chinese or Japanese takeout, it'd always come with 4 sets of chopsticks because I'd ordered so much.
    A lot of the time with takeaways when I was living with other people, I'd pretend not to be in my room, but be hiding in there with all my food. I'd make sure my lights were off so they wouldn't see the light under my door and know I was in >.< it seems completely insane now, but i just didn't want them to see how much I was eating...

    A favourite binge (or rather, part of a binge) has always been 2 cans of salt & vinegar pringles with 2 tubs of philadelphia cheese. Another weirder combination is tuc biscuits (like salted crackers) with chocolate fudge frosting out of the can. Ohhh my days. But cake is a good one. I don't even particularly like cake, but sometimes I would buy a cake from a supermarket and just eat it all myself.

    At school there was a system of packed lunches for people who had clubs during the lunch break and didn't have time for the hot meal, and sometimes I used to sign up to have a packed lunch, but also have the hot meal. And sometimes I'd have dinner at school, or at least toast from the boarding house or sixth form common room, and then go home and let my mum make a huge dinner because she didn't think I'd had anything to eat. I also used to totally live off lucozade from a vending machine at school - it's a miracle I'm not diabetic.

    So, as a result of poor life-choices, I've just had to buy new clothes, as nothing I own fits me any more :( bah humbug! Thank goodness for January Sale clearances...
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I could eat a box of Reeses. :love:

    I was worse, I could eat the whole Halloween bag of those!! :sick:
    In one sitting. :huh:

    The worst....I still do.

  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I used to wear one brand/style of jeans (I had 4 pairs) one brand/style of bra and underwear (a bajillion pairs of the same style) when the undies were discontinued I was legitimately upset.

    Swimsuits- I wore my maternity swimsuit after having kids, and between pregnancies.

    Clothes in general- took all damn day to find something that fit well/looked nice. So looking for a new swimsuit might be an all day endevor that ends in NOTHING bought.

    Side note- as a thin person, I can find something in no time at all. When I bought a new swimsuit last year, I tried on two, and they BOTH fit. So then I got to pick based on color. NICE.

    I wore the same style of Lane Bryant/Cacique panties from like, 1997 to 2013. They were the smallest ones and literally falling off my bum so I HAD to go and buy new underwear and I was so freaked out because I'd never even considered buying anything else. Then I realized I could have been wearing a couple of styles at Victoria's Secret for YEARS, and wear M in the ones I get there. Now though I have like 20 different cuts/brands of underwear. It's so weird.

    I lost ALL of my clothing in a tornado in 2011 when I was still around a size 22. I seriously was more upset about losing flattering jeans and tops than about losing my HOME and keepsakes & mementos. Now I can just go and buy clothes wherever and maybe need to try 2-3 items before I find a nice fit. It used to sometimes take all day.

    It is so weird. Cool but so weird.