Squats overrated?



  • _benjammin
    _benjammin Posts: 1,224 Member
    My squats currently consist of 4 sets of 10 reps at 225,275,315,335.

    Not sure if anyone brought this up yet and no offense, but I doubt you're doing full squats. 335x10 would put you at about a 450 1RM and at 185 lbs that'd put you as a veteran lifter. Squatting for 6 months I just don't see that happening... Additionally the prevalence of half-squats and quarter squats in most gyms is ridiculous. For example, I only see about 10% of people squatting even going 3/4 in the gyms I go to.

    I would post a video of your squats or a pic of you at your full squat depth to have someone check it out.

    I was thinking the same thing but didn't want to call him out. I was also thinking Smith Machine.
  • version45
    version45 Posts: 35 Member
    So based on all of the helpful suggestions here, I’m definitely changing my squat routine and will be upping the frequency to twice a week. But I think what may be more interesting for me is to experiment with the huge protein uptake that everyone is advising. Today was day one, and I’m at 115g of protein after my afternoon snack. But I’ve got to say, I feel sort of protein saturated already. The idea of eating a steak or a chicken at this point is really rather nauseating.

    As a control for my protein experiment, I’ve uploaded my first ever shirtless selfie (at age 44 no less - I’m a little hairy and repulsive so view at your own risk). Nothing like exposing your otherwise hidden flaws to make you see with clarity, I suppose. I think I will periodically upload additional selfies as I force myself to this new protein pattern. I will be interesting to see what, if anything, happens to my body.
  • version45
    version45 Posts: 35 Member
    I would post a video of your squats or a pic of you at your full squat depth to have someone check it out.

    Uh..not sure if you're trying to help me or embarrass me, but it's safe to say I will not be posting videos of me squatting. As far as the weight and reps, you can choose to believe me or not, it's up to you. I do indeed use a machine when squatting, but not a Smith machine. My Y calls it a 3D Jones Machine, and I use it because there is otherwise no squat rack. If it has a counterweight, then it's definitely not doing it's job because I'm destroyed at the end of my set. As far as my form, I do the best I can, but there's no doubt I could be doing it better. We can only try.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    why the massive aversion?

    Videoing for form is extremely useful. For yourself and anyone trying to help- you're numbers are nothing to be ashamed at but even then if you have a fatal flaw at 315- you really think someone wants to mock you instead of helping.

    here- goes like this.
    June 2014 Squat Max Attemps: http://youtu.be/dyvBng7M-YI
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Oh. Those squats were done in a machine? Shocking
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Oh. Those squats were done in a machine? Shocking


    Those 3d Jones machines are Smith Machines that also have a track front to back so they are slightly better.

    I'm still guaranteeing half squats. I would take video, you don't have to show anyone but I'm guessing half your problem is too much weight and too little ROM. (this has already probably been mentioned a thousand times)
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    I would post a video of your squats or a pic of you at your full squat depth to have someone check it out.

    Uh..not sure if you're trying to help me or embarrass me, but it's safe to say I will not be posting videos of me squatting. As far as the weight and reps, you can choose to believe me or not, it's up to you. I do indeed use a machine when squatting, but not a Smith machine. My Y calls it a 3D Jones Machine, and I use it because there is otherwise no squat rack. If it has a counterweight, then it's definitely not doing it's job because I'm destroyed at the end of my set. As far as my form, I do the best I can, but there's no doubt I could be doing it better. We can only try.

    I have access to a Jones in one of my gyms - while it is a good step above the Smith machines because it reduces the risk of back damage during a lift by increasing degrees of freedom, it is not the same as free standing squats. A Jones does not strain the stabilizer muscle the same (no angle across shoulders) and therefore it allows for a higher weight lift, so you'll get grief in the forums from that. For several reasons you should move away from these types of machines, especially at higher weights - primarily failure to work stabilizers will result in imbalances ---> higher risk of injury.

    As to the videos, do them, they help immensely on form - don't feel you have to show them here as proof but find a group of people (there are groups here such eat, train, progress) that can provide useful input.

    Edit: Full range of motion is what you want to get to.