Deceit, Willful Ignorance Mingled with Misinformation



  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    Congrats on your gain and increase in strength, however your title is full of drama making it sound like you were purposefully mislead, misinformed and proved people wrong that you can gain only muscle and no fat in a weight gain...

    It appears the real title should be: "Guy makes strength and muscle gains with a good proportion ratio of muscle to fat to creatine bound water weight, through lots of hard work."

    hind sight is 20/20 - I agree.... I must say I got a great deal of motivation thinking I was going to be proving it was possible.. then WHAM first post and I'm like.... "shucks... she is right technically I did gain fat"...

    Also I like having witty titles - it attracts good commentators!

    Yes, you did attract comments well with the title, it's kind of like a Fox News story title: some claim made that mis-interprets certain information for dramatic, effect to draw in people ;) Glad you arent selling something too :)

    Looks like you have a great attitude about it, don't take it as a "downer" or anyone having to "prove anyone wrong", it sounds like you probably gained at a very good proportion of muscle to fat to water weight ratio. I'll second or third what others have said so far: just don't expect the same type of gains proportionately constantly because it gets harder, use something else besides the Smith machine whenever possible as its bad for most biomechanics and can hurt you, creatine really packs in the water weight gains (some have claimed 5-10lbs gain just from starting creatine), take the creatine constantly at a recommended dosage if you are going to take it at all, take a break from a lift that is starting to cause you pain before it gets worse (and do an alternate while you figure out why it is causing you pain) and otherwise sounds like you should keep with what you are doing!

    all fantastic points! :flowerforyou: thanks for your input and insight.

    I'm very very glad you guys have hammered the smith hate at me - I didn't get it at first but after looking into it... sheesh.

    I've even been recommending it too ppl at my gym :embarassed:

    and yeah I'm happy with the creatine - I just take it in the morning with my first protein shake so I didn't think it was doing like an insane amount of work.. because when I take the BCAA's during my workout with C4 I DEF not only see but FEEL a major difference - soo I've been thinking they were a bigger cause of my weight gain. - guess its the creatine!
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Deceit, Willful Ignorance Mingled with Misinformation

    But you've come past that now so it's all good.
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    I'm very very glad you guys have hammered the smith hate at me - I didn't get it at first but after looking into it... sheesh.

    I've even been recommending it too ppl at my gym :embarassed:

    Yeah smith machine sucks. Only reason I would ever use it is for calf raises or some sort of Michelle Lewin booty growing exercise.

    I want to encourage you also to get away from machines (they have their place some) and don't be afraid of free weights. You are a young male and could be taking advantage of a time of major gains. Don't wait. Do it.