Fruit = sugar ... arghh!!



  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    was in a trader joe's yesterday, and couldn't resist a few of the deals on some cherries, some apricots, and some blueberries... at the counter I off had just noted, "wow, I got a lot of fruit"....the clerk, in response, said "a lot of sugar". This took me by surprise, but I just replied "oh, we're not going to start counting the sugar in fruit are we?" . She looked at me, and said dryly "YOU should" ( with an emphasis on the "You". Lol, she was a little overweight herself, and I am of course a bit over weight, but just WOW. I wanted to reply back that "it wasn't eating fruit that got you and me in this shape lady"

    and that is still my thoughts...I actively try to get a few servings of fruit in my diet to keep me sane (plus...fruit!!). google doesn't solve this. even myfitnesspal counts the sugar as too high. so what I should just eat broccoli and chicken and water right? I guess that's what it means.

    Love your avatar. Your sugar counts are fine. You can replace the sugar with something useful, like fiber. The sugar is there by default, but only important if you are diabetic.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Sorry to burst your bubbles up in here, but sugar is sugar.

    Your body does not say "Oh, well THIS sugar came from an APPLE, so I'm going to treat it differently than if it had come from a CANDY BAR".

    It's still sugar. It still rots your teeth. It still stimulates the production of insulin.

    Fruit these days is absolutely ridiculous and has been bred over years and years to be more packed with sugar and less packed with fiber.

    The only outliers in this tend to be berries. They have sugar, but are still primarily fiber, and can be eaten in moderation. If you're worried about your vitamins and minerals, eat more non-starchy vegetables. Fruits are mostly useless, and are a common trigger for people to over consume because they think "Oh, it's FRUIT! It must be healthy!". But your body goes "Oh, it's SUGAR! Give me more SUGAR!" and pretty soon you're craving any ol' sweet thing.


    Double giggle.

    Tripple the fun

    Quadruple because really? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • May_Rose
    May_Rose Posts: 119 Member
    Sorry to burst your bubbles up in here, but sugar is sugar.

    Your body does not say "Oh, well THIS sugar came from an APPLE, so I'm going to treat it differently than if it had come from a CANDY BAR".

    It's still sugar. It still rots your teeth. It still stimulates the production of insulin.

    Fruit these days is absolutely ridiculous and has been bred over years and years to be more packed with sugar and less packed with fiber.

    The only outliers in this tend to be berries. They have sugar, but are still primarily fiber, and can be eaten in moderation. If you're worried about your vitamins and minerals, eat more non-starchy vegetables.

    Fruits are mostly useless, and are a common trigger for people to over consume because they think "Oh, it's FRUIT! It must be healthy!". But your body goes "Oh, it's SUGAR! Give me more SUGAR!" and pretty soon you're craving any ol' sweet thing.

    You've got to be kidding me! Fruits are mostly useless???? Fruit contains loads of vitamins and minerals. And, it's delicious so that's a bonus. Sheesh people. If you enjoy fruit, eat it.
  • LazerMole
    LazerMole Posts: 99 Member
    Yes, really.

    There is literally nothing in fruit that cannot be gained from vegetables, with less useless sugar.

    I highly doubt these folks are following a targeted approach of consuming sugars/carbs 30 minutes before an intense lifting session or cardio session.

    There is no other reason to consume that much sugar.

    _ _ _ _

    Our bodies are programmed to crave sugar after we ingest sugar. Because sugar actually used to be extremely rare, and was extremely valuable as a quick-burst fuel source for hundreds of thousands of years.

    That cannot be said in modern times, and we continually seek to find "excuses" for "needing" sugary fruit.
  • TheNewMe99
    TheNewMe99 Posts: 24
    The sugar in fruit is a simple sugar. It is best to eat with a meal or a piece of protein if having for a snack. If you have 2-3 servings of fruit per day you are fine. Moderation! Remember a balanced eating plan is the goal.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Sorry to burst your bubbles up in here, but sugar is sugar.

    Your body does not say "Oh, well THIS sugar came from an APPLE, so I'm going to treat it differently than if it had come from a CANDY BAR".

    It's still sugar. It still rots your teeth. It still stimulates the production of insulin.

    Fruit these days is absolutely ridiculous and has been bred over years and years to be more packed with sugar and less packed with fiber.

    The only outliers in this tend to be berries. They have sugar, but are still primarily fiber, and can be eaten in moderation. If you're worried about your vitamins and minerals, eat more non-starchy vegetables.

    Fruits are mostly useless, and are a common trigger for people to over consume because they think "Oh, it's FRUIT! It must be healthy!". But your body goes "Oh, it's SUGAR! Give me more SUGAR!" and pretty soon you're craving any ol' sweet thing.

    :laugh: There's nothing wrong with fruit. And this is coming from someone who has insulin resistance and hypoglycemia and has to watch their carb/sugar intake.

    Fruit is a common trigger for people to overeat? Uh… false. Speak for yourself only, please. Just because it's a common trigger for YOU to overeat doesn't mean that's the case for everyone else.
  • sljohnson1207
    sljohnson1207 Posts: 818 Member
    I really don't worry about sugar too's not like I'm sucking down Big Gulps like I used to. When last I logged I was taking in around 80-100 grams of sugar per day, most of which was from fruit and vegetables and perfectly acceptable given my activity level. It can be an issue of you are diabetic or otherwise have insulin sensitivities...but even then, exercise goes a long way here in regulating these matters.

    During the summer months I eat a good 2-3 servings of fruit per day...generally some melon and berries in the morning and a nectarine or peach in the afternoon. In the winter I'm pretty much relegated to apples. In general I would advise a higher ratio of veg to fruit intake, but that's just me...2-3 servings of fruit and 6 servings or so of vegetables daily...

    In all seriousness....Why just apples in winter? Citrus fruits, pears? Do you not like them, or do you only buy what is local and in season in your region? I'm curious. I can't eat fruits because of a pesky genetic health issue (Interstitial Cystitis)...the acids in them cause me major pain to my injured bladder wall. I get away with pears (Comice are the best), dates (unsulphured), and cococnut (unsulphured), but that is it so far for the past 8 years. Maybe I will be able to add more back as the years go by. I hope so, as I desperately miss my fruit. :sad:
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Yes, really.

    There is literally nothing in fruit that cannot be gained from vegetables, with less useless sugar.

    I highly doubt these folks are following a targeted approach of consuming sugars/carbs 30 minutes before an intense lifting session or cardio session.

    Fruit is fairly satiating, micronutrient dense, and most importantly sugar is not useless. Finally whether or not you can acquire a given nutrient in another food item is not justification to call one of those food items arbitrarily bad.

    Also, cherries can give me something that broccoli can't. Happiness.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Sorry to burst your bubbles up in here, but sugar is sugar.

    Your body does not say "Oh, well THIS sugar came from an APPLE, so I'm going to treat it differently than if it had come from a CANDY BAR".

    It's still sugar. It still rots your teeth. It still stimulates the production of insulin.

    Oh, good. More sugar is super evil. Fruit is therefore super evil.

    One can reasonably debate even the medical recommendations (for example, from WHO and the AMA) for added sugar, since they are based on using added sugar as a proxy for calorie surplus, and if one knows that one is consuming adequate nutrients and maintenance or fewer calories added sugar in somewhat higher numbers need not be a problem (barring a medical condition, of course). However, since the WHO and AMA recommendations are common sources of the idea that sugar should be severely limited, it is worth looking at these. When one does, one learns that they specifically are not based on some toxic or even bad effect of sugar itself (other than marginally on teeth and, you know, practice correct dental hygiene). And, relevant to this topic, they specifically exclude sugar that comes with significant nutrients (like fruit or dairy) since the reason for the recommendation is that added sugar tends to be a significant source of nutrient light calories in societies where people in general consume too many calories. Under that reasoning, a conclusion that fruit should be avoided for people without specific medical issues makes no sense.
    Fruits are mostly useless, and are a common trigger for people to over consume because they think "Oh, it's FRUIT! It must be healthy!". But your body goes "Oh, it's SUGAR! Give me more SUGAR!" and pretty soon you're craving any ol' sweet thing.

    I seriously doubt many people are triggered to overconsume by fruit or react to fruit by going on some kind of sugar binge. I know my body does not react that way. Perhaps yours does--bummer!--but making assumptions about other people from that isn't all that helpful.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    Sorry to burst your bubbles up in here, but sugar is sugar.

    Your body does not say "Oh, well THIS sugar came from an APPLE, so I'm going to treat it differently than if it had come from a CANDY BAR".

    It's still sugar. It still rots your teeth. It still stimulates the production of insulin.

    Fruit these days is absolutely ridiculous and has been bred over years and years to be more packed with sugar and less packed with fiber.

    The only outliers in this tend to be berries. They have sugar, but are still primarily fiber, and can be eaten in moderation. If you're worried about your vitamins and minerals, eat more non-starchy vegetables. Fruits are mostly useless, and are a common trigger for people to over consume because they think "Oh, it's FRUIT! It must be healthy!". But your body goes "Oh, it's SUGAR! Give me more SUGAR!" and pretty soon you're craving any ol' sweet thing.


    Double giggle.

    Tripple the fun

    Quadruple because really? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Quintuple the laughs! The assertion that fruit is 'mostly useless' is well... completely useless. EAT THE FRUIT.

    And to the OP - the cashier at Trader Joe's was rude and out of line. I have a pet peeve about grocery store cashiers that make personal commentary about my food choices.
  • TheNewMe99
    TheNewMe99 Posts: 24
    Try GMO fruits and veggies for that matter.
  • s_pekz
    s_pekz Posts: 340 Member
    Yes, really.

    There is literally nothing in fruit that cannot be gained from vegetables, with less useless sugar.

    I highly doubt these folks are following a targeted approach of consuming sugars/carbs 30 minutes before an intense lifting session or cardio session.

    There is no other reason to consume that much sugar.

    _ _ _ _

    Our bodies are programmed to crave sugar after we ingest sugar. Because sugar actually used to be extremely rare, and was extremely valuable as a quick-burst fuel source for hundreds of thousands of years.

    That cannot be said in modern times, and we continually seek to find "excuses" for "needing" sugary fruit.

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with fruit. In fact I am eating apple sauce right now. Its delish, healthy and super satisfying.

    GIve me science to prove what you have said above. thanks.
  • srslybritt
    srslybritt Posts: 1,618 Member
    was in a trader joe's yesterday, and couldn't resist a few of the deals on some cherries, some apricots, and some blueberries... at the counter I off had just noted, "wow, I got a lot of fruit"....the clerk, in response, said "a lot of sugar". This took me by surprise, but I just replied "oh, we're not going to start counting the sugar in fruit are we?" . She looked at me, and said dryly "YOU should" ( with an emphasis on the "You". Lol, she was a little overweight herself, and I am of course a bit over weight, but just WOW. I wanted to reply back that "it wasn't eating fruit that got you and me in this shape lady"

    and that is still my thoughts...I actively try to get a few servings of fruit in my diet to keep me sane (plus...fruit!!). google doesn't solve this. even myfitnesspal counts the sugar as too high. so what I should just eat broccoli and chicken and water right? I guess that's what it means.

    You should have said that to her and asked for a manager. You would have been right. And um, rude. What kind of cashier gets away with insulting their patrons. No.

    I don't even track sugar because I don't need to. Fruit is good for you. Stay sane and eat your fruit.
  • srslybritt
    srslybritt Posts: 1,618 Member
    Try GMO fruits and veggies for that matter.

  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Our bodies are programmed to crave sugar after we ingest sugar.

    I'm not sure that's 100% accurate for everyone. People with insulin resistance might find this to be true. But many people with normal insulin responses don't crave sugar after ingesting sugar.
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    There is literally nothing in fruit that cannot be gained from vegetables, with less useless sugar.

    less useless sugar.

    useless sugar.


    Come on a few runs with me and I'll show you how "useless" it really is.
  • LazerMole
    LazerMole Posts: 99 Member

    Most notably the part that reads: These experiments show that elevations in insulin produce increased hunger, heightened perceived pleasantness of sweet taste, and increased food intake.

    You know what increases insulin levels? Eating simple sugars.
  • Supertact
    Supertact Posts: 466 Member
    I like sugar, back off!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Yes, really.

    There is literally nothing in fruit that cannot be gained from vegetables, with less useless sugar.

    I highly doubt these folks are following a targeted approach of consuming sugars/carbs 30 minutes before an intense lifting session or cardio session.

    There is no other reason to consume that much sugar.

    _ _ _ _

    Our bodies are programmed to crave sugar after we ingest sugar. Because sugar actually used to be extremely rare, and was extremely valuable as a quick-burst fuel source for hundreds of thousands of years.

    That cannot be said in modern times, and we continually seek to find "excuses" for "needing" sugary fruit.

    I actually have to mindfully choose to eat fruit. I need the vitamins and carbs.

    I run, I need carbs.

    I also have a daily allotment of dark chocolate I have to work in. For the iron.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member

    Most notably the part that reads: These experiments show that elevations in insulin produce increased hunger, heightened perceived pleasantness of sweet taste, and increased food intake.

    You know what increases insulin levels? Eating simple sugars.

    You know what insulin does? Helps trigger muscle development.