Women: How much does a guy's height really matter?



  • cakebatter07
    cakebatter07 Posts: 814 Member
    It doesn't matter as much as guys think it does. I'm a bit over 5'7", and I like to wear heels and wedges, so I'm considered taller than the average female. Of course I would prefer a guy taller than me. But personality, body, and face are much more important, and no one is perfect. :D
  • joshua3179
    joshua3179 Posts: 2,882 Member
    It always seems to go like this.. "So josh, how tall are you. Me: I'm 6'4". " mmmmm wow" and then through reading words typed I a screen I can see a phone, mouse, keyboard something fall on the floor... Lmao jk
  • SarahJohnson1234
    SarahJohnson1234 Posts: 23 Member
    Same height or taller is preferred but that because it's a survival instinct isn't it. You would feel safer with a bigger person than a small one.
  • engodwin
    engodwin Posts: 516 Member
    I def have a "type" and he is tall... I'm 5'1" and I like guys around 6' or more - sorry tall ladies for taking your men ;)

    But also - strong jaw line, light eyes (blue or green), and all the "other" stuff - personality, values, morals, etc.

    Found my prince charming <3
  • shadowofender
    shadowofender Posts: 786 Member
    I'm over 5'11'' by a little bit, so pretty tall.
    My boyfriend is 5'7''.
    I've dated as short as 5'4'' for a man,.

    Height is literally the last thing I careabout in terms of physical attraction.
  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    My husband is the same height as me, 5'5" . It doesn't matter to me, but I am glad that our 13 year old son is already taller than us, just because I know it does matter to some people.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    edited October 2014
    It doesn't matter to me at all, although I'd probably prefer someone who isn't TOO tall. I'm 5'5" though so I guess unless we're talking giants, it doesn't matter that much.

    I also don't wear heels, maybe short ones occasionally but it's not my thing.
  • ThePhoenixIsRising
    ThePhoenixIsRising Posts: 781 Member
    I wanted tall children so height came into play in my decision.
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    I don't think short women have this issue, I am 5' 2" and I never did, but my husband is 6 ft.
  • 50sFit
    50sFit Posts: 712 Member
    It's been studied and validated that taller guys tend to get further in life as a group.
    And that applies to success with the ladies as well.
    Either resolve to be the exception that proves the rule...or SUCK IT UP!
  • sunglasses_and_ocean_waves
    Height is something most of us have considerably less control over than, for example, weight; we're often told that judging a potential partner based on their weight is shallow.

    So, how important is a guy's height?

    First I hate this new board because I can't tell if I'm quoting a necro'd thread but this "oh we can't have a preference" junk bugs me. We're often told this?? By whom? And why do you care?

    I don't like overly tall guys. Yuck. I'm small, and I don't want someone towering over me all the time. 5' 8" - 5' 11" is perfect for me. I like wearing heels, so it's nice when they're that tall.

    Am I going to completely dismiss a great guy because he's too tall or too short? of course not. But he's not catching my eye. I like what I like. If someone finds that shallow, I find them to be judgmental and creepy.
  • SugarBabyGirl
    SugarBabyGirl Posts: 7,026 Member
    I love tall men. It's just something I like... but it's not a deal breaker... I'd like him taller than me. (I'm 5'6")
  • libbydoodle11
    libbydoodle11 Posts: 1,351 Member
    I have dated the gamut (5'5 to 6'4). I am 5'7 and without the heels. My preferable height is between 5'11 and 6'2.
  • ParamoreAddict
    ParamoreAddict Posts: 839 Member
    I'm 6'1" and I got to admit, it's pretty frakkin awesome! hahaha