50 pounds by June 1st challenge part 2



  • NotAllWhoWanderAreLost
    Walmart will also price match, so bring in that Aldi's ad (or similar low-price ad) and have them match the produce prices with their (higher quality) produce. Just give the ad to the cashier and tell them that you want to price match.

    Unfortunately, Aldi never advertises their produce prices.

    We get Aldi ads in our sunday paper and ours always have a half page of produce prices... must be a regional thing, hmmmm? Anyhoo, does your Aldi have a printed flier by the entry/exit doors? Ours does and that always has produce as well....
  • NotAllWhoWanderAreLost
    just wanted to share my good news: i achieved my goal of running today's 5k in less than 36 minutes! My actual time was 33:40! I am very happy with that, especially since the pnemonia hasn't cleared completely yet AND its under 30 degrees with whipping winds YEEHAW! Fun stuff! LOL!

    Today my mom and her fiance (still weird to say that!) are coming over for my older brother's memorial birthday lunch/dinner. Mom always made him lasagna for his bday, so thats what i am making. Oh, and cake ;) ... Will try to be good! No promises! ha!

    Today, my brother would be 44. He died of pnemonia (which, i still can't spell argh) just under 3 years ago and today i ran my race in his memory, dedicating myself to health. Ironic that i should be running it WITH pnemonia, huh?
  • onebusychic
    onebusychic Posts: 8 Member

    I'm new to the site (and on my weight loss lifestyle journey), and I would love to join this challenge!

    Is there anything I need to do to join, or am I "in" by just posting here? Not sure how it works!
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    just wanted to share my good news: i achieved my goal of running today's 5k in less than 36 minutes! My actual time was 33:40! I am very happy with that, especially since the pneumonia hasn't cleared completely yet AND its under 30 degrees with whipping winds YEEHAW! Fun stuff! LOL!

    Today my mom and her fiance (still weird to say that!) are coming over for my older brother's memorial birthday lunch/dinner. Mom always made him lasagna for his bday, so thats what i am making. Oh, and cake ;) ... Will try to be good! No promises! ha!

    Today, my brother would be 44. He died of pneumonia (which, i still can't spell argh) just under 3 years ago and today i ran my race in his memory, dedicating myself to health. Ironic that i should be running it WITH pneumonia, huh?

    Ironic and totally awesome. Congratulations on making it through the run. I think you having pneumonia was just your brother's way of being with you during the run. Ooops ... did I just show you my inner freak? Oh well, I'm too old to be a fake :)
  • NotAllWhoWanderAreLost
    Ooops ... did I just show you my inner freak? Oh well, I'm too old to be a fake :)

    MY inner freak appreciates YOUR inner freak and says thank you!! :laugh:
  • JulieTX86
    Sooo... from my current weight loss trends it doesn't seem as though I will be anywhere close to losing 50 pounds by June 1st. First of all, that would put me at goal, which will be harder and harder to accomplish as I lose weight. Second, I am not losing anywhere near the 2lbs a week that I would need to make it. Last weigh in, I lost 0.3. I know it was Thanksgiving and all, but I have weighed myself throughout this week and I am still not really losing much. My official weigh in is on Monday, so i will see what the results really are, but the realization still sucks. I am not leaving the group though! You can't get rid of me that easy. :) I am still going to try REALLY really hard! :)
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    :embarassed: I had a very high calorie evening yesterday and ended up with aprx 2600 calories for the day. I started out great and
    then ended up eating fast food chicken tenders with gravy...ect. What was I thinking.
    I have done better today but only exercise so far has been shopping. I need my butt kicked.
    I am going for a walk.
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    Sooo... from my current weight loss trends it doesn't seem as though I will be anywhere close to losing 50 pounds by June 1st. First of all, that would put me at goal, which will be harder and harder to accomplish as I lose weight. Second, I am not losing anywhere near the 2lbs a week that I would need to make it. Last weigh in, I lost 0.3. I know it was Thanksgiving and all, but I have weighed myself throughout this week and I am still not really losing much. My official weigh in is on Monday, so i will see what the results really are, but the realization still sucks. I am not leaving the group though! You can't get rid of me that easy. :) I am still going to try REALLY really hard! :)
    Just stick with us.. We need all the support we can get:flowerforyou:
    I have been on this roller coaster ride for years but I just keep going so just jump on the ride and lets finish this ride.
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member

    I'm new to the site (and on my weight loss lifestyle journey), and I would love to join this challenge!

    Is there anything I need to do to join, or am I "in" by just posting here? Not sure how it works!

    Our weight reporting day is Mondays. We send all our weights to billybed via mail and he keep a chart for us.
    You will love this site.
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    just wanted to share my good news: i achieved my goal of running today's 5k in less than 36 minutes! My actual time was 33:40! I am very happy with that, especially since the pnemonia hasn't cleared completely yet AND its under 30 degrees with whipping winds YEEHAW! Fun stuff! LOL!

    Today my mom and her fiance (still weird to say that!) are coming over for my older brother's memorial birthday lunch/dinner. Mom always made him lasagna for his bday, so thats what i am making. Oh, and cake ;) ... Will try to be good! No promises! ha!

    Today, my brother would be 44. He died of pnemonia (which, i still can't spell argh) just under 3 years ago and today i ran my race in his memory, dedicating myself to health. Ironic that i should be running it WITH pnemonia, huh?

    Congrats on your run...you rock.
    I think is great that you keep up with the memorial dinners.We lost my brother in 97 and I never thought to do anything like that.
  • NotAllWhoWanderAreLost
    Sooo... from my current weight loss trends it doesn't seem as though I will be anywhere close to losing 50 pounds by June 1st. First of all, that would put me at goal, which will be harder and harder to accomplish as I lose weight. Second, I am not losing anywhere near the 2lbs a week that I would need to make it. Last weigh in, I lost 0.3. I know it was Thanksgiving and all, but I have weighed myself throughout this week and I am still not really losing much. My official weigh in is on Monday, so i will see what the results really are, but the realization still sucks. I am not leaving the group though! You can't get rid of me that easy. :) I am still going to try REALLY really hard! :)

    there are going to be weeks when you lose more and there will be weeks when you lose less. Trust me. Been there, done that! I have been "actively" trying to lose weight since hmmm late June? Throw in a few weeks here and there of me running in full-out self-sabotage mode and still, i am here 45 pounds down. So it is doable, but no, not easy. Even if you get to June 1st and you are only down 35 pounds, won't that still be a major victory?!?!?!??! :) You betchya it will (oh no, did i just sound like Sarah Palin? [smacks self]) So glad you are sticking with us, trying REALLY really hard and not letting set-backs hold you down :)
  • TessaL221
    TessaL221 Posts: 106 Member
    Today I was feeling a lil down... like I wasn't losing as much as I thought I should as fast as I thought I should... SOooo I went in and pulled a report for the last 90 days for weight, and the numbers don't lie! in the last month (since November 5th) I have lost 18 lbs!!! That is WAAY more than I thought i did and way more than I intended even, but it made me feel good to see that it's really working especially because on the 18th I had a hysterectomy and was in the hospital for 2 days (not on a special diet) and then couldn't work out for 10 days after (doc said 4 weeks, but I don't think he knew what he was saying, because I've been on the elliptical 2x since then and don't feel any abdominal pain whatsoever. I think he was under the impression that since I'm fat (still over 200) I am not fit and was trying to START a new exercise routine, not that I wanted to resume the activity.

    For anyone that is worried about the cost of healthy foods, I will tell you that I really haven't eaten special food. I do eat a lot of boneless, skinless chicken breast, but I get the big bag of walmart brand ones for i think 7.00 a bag. I also eat a lot of salad, but also frozen brocolli and canned green beans. I have 4 children, so there are a lot of times we are eating out or eating "kid" food... Most of it is portion control and a LOT of working out. It was important to me to make some small changes for our family and offer certain healthier alternatives, but still be able to live and eat normally, so i learned portion control and moderation (like going from 4-6 lbs of cheese a month to maybe 1 for our whole family of 6!)

    Anyway, thanks again Myfitnesspal for keeping me on track and putting things in perspective when my brain was playing tricks on me.
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    For anyone that is worried about the cost of healthy foods, I will tell you that I really haven't eaten special food. I do eat a lot of boneless, skinless chicken breast, but I get the big bag of walmart brand ones for i think 7.00 a bag. I also eat a lot of salad, but also frozen brocolli and canned green beans.

    Tessa, great job. Sometimes we get so caught up in the little things that we fail to look at the bigger picture. To lose 18 pounds in one month is extraordinary.

    The "mom" in me wants to make one suggestion. The canned green beans are loaded with sodium unless you are buying the low or no salt kinds. Frozen green beans, on the other hand, have NO sodium. Sodium is our enemy when we're trying to loose weight. Not only does it contribute to high blood pressure (and heart disease in women), but it also causes water retention. I know the kids may not like them as much (I have a 40-year old son who won't eat fresh or frozen green beans because they "squeak" on his teeth), but if you steam them until they are soft, the kids won't know the difference. Then don't throw the liquid away but put it in a jar and use in soup, sauces, etc. It is full of nutrients.

    Once again - good job!
  • TessaL221
    TessaL221 Posts: 106 Member
    The "mom" in me wants to make one suggestion. The canned green beans are loaded with sodium unless you are buying the low or no salt kinds. Frozen green beans, on the other hand, have NO sodium. Sodium is our enemy when we're trying to loose weight. Not only does it contribute to high blood pressure (and heart disease in women), but it also causes water retention. I know the kids may not like them as much (I have a 40-year old son who won't eat fresh or frozen green beans because they "squeak" on his teeth), but if you steam them until they are soft, the kids won't know the difference. Then don't throw the liquid away but put it in a jar and use in soup, sauces, etc. It is full of nutrients.

    Once again - good job!

    Hehe, I know they have lots of sodium, but i eat them only once a week or so and make sure to stay below the 2500mg of sodium a day. Every other veggie I buy is frozen, but I really LOVE canned French style green beans, so I allow myself that vice. I'd rather be allowed my canned green beans than a piece of cake or cookies! Thanks for the advice and the compliment!
  • kitjos
    kitjos Posts: 158 Member
    Monday weigh in:

    Gained 0.5lb :grumble:

    CW = 162lbs ~ guess thats what i guess from eating turkish delight y'day. I do 30 mins of treadmill every night so thought that would level me out :embarassed: . My diary's wide open if anyone would have a look, realy appreciate it :drinker:
  • jetlag
    jetlag Posts: 800 Member
    Holding fast with zero change this week.

    Again, considering that I've slipped off plan, I'm pretty pleased with that.

    Note to self: SORT YOUR LIFE OUT!
  • lornawalker
    After a particular emotional week, I've managed to lose 3lbs :noway:

    I'm flying back to the UK on Wednesday for my nan's funeral :heart: , so I hope that I can keep my calorie intake under control, I know it won't be easy as my mum will insist on feeding me up
  • MartyDiller
    MartyDiller Posts: 48 Member
    Checking in...my weight today was 207.8 making that a 2.2lb loss this week!! Excited to finally see the number head down. Also, thank you to everyone that replied to my last post, I found it all very helpful!!
  • AGirlandHerFrenchie
    After a particular emotional week, I've managed to lose 3lbs :noway:

    I'm flying back to the UK on Wednesday for my nan's funeral :heart: , so I hope that I can keep my calorie intake under control, I know it won't be easy as my mum will insist on feeding me up

    I'm very sorry to hear about your nan. Know that you'll be in our thoughts.

    Congrats on the weight-loss.
  • AGirlandHerFrenchie

    This week has been very emotional and tough - between being sick with the flu and going through some major stress at work which literally made me sick to my stomach - I'm not surprised I didn't lose weight but I was hoping to stay the same. Didn't happen - I gained 2.6lbs :ohwell: So I'm back to 228.6lbs (this number is killing me.

    I think my challenge for this week is to get my work issues worked out and my stress under control and then get back on track. We're heading to Brazil at the end of March and I want to look good!

    I'm happy I got up and worked out this morning though - the hope is to workout every morning this week - which is a great stress release any way.

    Hope everyone else did well this week.
