50 pounds by June 1st challenge part 2



  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Bainos - sending many hugs your way! Alison-congrats on the pregnancy, stick to your lifestyle change & you will be even healthier when baby comes! You can do it! Tessa - congrats on your halfway mark goal! Maybe we can hit ONEderland together! I've been trying for almost 2 months to hit it now! JulieTX86 - I'm in the same boat as you...I've been teetering in the same 10 lb range since October....at this rate I'll be lucky to hit 25 lbs lost by June 1st. But yes...stick with MFP & we will go to wonderful skinny places together! ALL OF US WILL! :bigsmile:

    11-18-10 206.0 lbs
    11-22-10 205.2 lbs
    11-29-10 208.0 lbs
    12-06-10 204.0 lbs - Thanksgiving weight is GONE!

    Goal for June 1st: 156 lbs
  • Kanakake
    Kanakake Posts: 119 Member
    Well after a lazy week I have gained 1 pound so I am back at 159. It's my fault but I am okay with that, I cant beat myself up over it. I just have to try harder this week. I am starting a new thing where I am making a long daily to-do list and scheduling my workout has proved very efficiant. I am also going to plan my workouts for the whole week. I feel if I know what exactly it is I am going to do that day then I might be inclined to actually doing it. We shall see
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    My weigh in for Today is 267. I got bad news about my shoulder and pigged out for 2 days straight. Today I feel lonely and anti-social. I went out for dinner last night with my girlfriends family and when her Mother asked why I was so quiet I said that I felt gross. She asked what I meant and I replied that I felt unattractive, fat, gassy, and depressed. Well, they all laughed till they cried. I felt like a complete loser. lol. Her Step Dad said I sounded like a woman on her monthly. Am I the only man in the world who is super in touch with myself? Like I am sensitive and was raised by 4 woman, I just feel like when ever i mention my battle with my weight loss, men think its hilarious and poke fun. The funny part is though i could kick the crap out of each and every one of them. The sad part is my Doctor says I am headed towards a life of heart disease, diabetes, and an early grave. I suppose i carry the weight i have better than others but, the truth is, I am physically falling apart, my back is starting to hurt, I can barely run anymore (for more than 2 miles), and I need a hug. :). I do. MFP is kinda like the hug i need at times. Which is why i keep coming back.

    You just keep working on yourself and you will become mentaly and physicaly the person you stive to be.
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    well, i'm up this week. 1.2lbs from last week. but I guess that's sorta to be expected.

    I just found out today that I am almost 8 weeks with child! Yup, about a year a head of schedule! as exciting as this is, it's also quite scary. I have to continue to lose weight during my pregnancy to avoid becoming diabetic. I really should weigh no more then I do now on delivery day. That is going to be VERY DIFFICULT!! But really this is for the sake of mine and my child's health.

    So in summary, gained 1.2lbs last week and I'm pregnant! So need to lose 2lbs this week! I can do it!!
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • NotAllWhoWanderAreLost
    cyber hugs to bainos!
    congrats on the pregnancy news allison!
    congrats on the 1/2 way mark tessa!
    congrats to those who had losses and even to those who managed to stay level :)
    congrats to those who had gains, but are still here, posting the gains and recommitting themselves to the challenge!

    love to you all! ..... esp you bainos! Thank you for getting this whole thing started! Its because of this challenge that i took the plunge from having a goal of "getting TO healthy(bmi)" to "getting to the lower-middle of healthy range!"....... have you connected with the MFP guys threads? I am sure many can relate to what you are saying.... take care!
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    If you had a loss :flowerforyou: CONGRATS:flowerforyou:
    If you did not. Hang in there. You will suceed!!:bigsmile:
    We will all have gains at one time or another. We just have to get on track and keep the scale moving downward.
    It is a long journey.

    I am down 3 lbs!!!:bigsmile:
    Saturday Pops and I went to our favorite mexican resturant. He had his usual oversized, cheese covered plate. I did eat a few too many chips, but I only ordered the shrimp cocktail. MFP shows a little over 500 calories. much less than my usual choice.
  • jenready
    jenready Posts: 2,658 Member
    Ok so this last week was terrible for me. Family stress, being sick and just being exhausted where the excuses I gave myself this week to eat almost anything I wanted. So that is exactly what I did and now I only have myself to blame for being up 4.8 lbs this week! My official weight is 265, again. I think I am back on track this morning so hopefully this week will be a good week for me.
  • billybed
    billybed Posts: 90 Member
    Ok so story of my life (with my weight anyways). I have a bad week last week and then gain 3 pounds... I am down about it kinda
    pi$$ed off about it and what do I do about it today? I eat! What a jacka$$! I am now at 12:35 in the day and already 700 calories over my daily limit!

    so I feel worse (and stuffed!) but I will not eat again today (I hope) or at most a tiny snack tonight and back to the grindstone tomorrow! Anyways sorry for this, just mad at myself!
  • billybed
    billybed Posts: 90 Member
    Ok so story of my life (with my weight anyways). I have a bad week last week and then gain 3 pounds... I am down about it kinda
    pi$$ed off about it and what do I do about it today? I eat! What a jacka$$! I am now at 12:35 in the day and already 700 calories over my daily limit!

    so I feel worse (and stuffed!) but I will not eat again today (I hope) or at most a tiny snack tonight and back to the grindstone tomorrow! Anyways sorry for this, just mad at myself!

    This has to be the worst english in the world...
  • jenready
    jenready Posts: 2,658 Member
    Ok so story of my life (with my weight anyways). I have a bad week last week and then gain 3 pounds... I am down about it kinda
    pi$$ed off about it and what do I do about it today? I eat! What a jacka$$! I am now at 12:35 in the day and already 700 calories over my daily limit!

    so I feel worse (and stuffed!) but I will not eat again today (I hope) or at most a tiny snack tonight and back to the grindstone tomorrow! Anyways sorry for this, just mad at myself!

    That is exactly how I have been feeling. It's almost like you have a bad food moment during the day and then you say I'll just throw away today and really pack away the calories. It's surprising how quickly the calories add up. Here's to tomorrow being better. :smile:
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    Ok so story of my life (with my weight anyways). I have a bad week last week and then gain 3 pounds... I am down about it kinda
    pi$$ed off about it and what do I do about it today? I eat! What a jacka$$! I am now at 12:35 in the day and already 700 calories over my daily limit!

    so I feel worse (and stuffed!) but I will not eat again today (I hope) or at most a tiny snack tonight and back to the grindstone tomorrow! Anyways sorry for this, just mad at myself!
    But jeez you have lost 23lbs.Forgive yourself and get back on track. You can do this or how else would you have lost 23lbs.
    My wieght loss has been a serious roller coaster ride but I refuse to leave the ride. Get on board:wink:
  • ajkebluegirl
    ajkebluegirl Posts: 25 Member
    I'm 184
  • billybed
    billybed Posts: 90 Member
    But jeez you have lost 23lbs.Forgive yourself and get back on track. You can do this or how else would you have lost 23lbs.
    My wieght loss has been a serious roller coaster ride but I refuse to leave the ride. Get on board:wink:

    you are right... just feeling sorry for myself... i am very proud of the 23 pounds. I am just having a tought time getting to 30 pounds I bounce to 26 loss and then give some away then 26...
  • NotAllWhoWanderAreLost
    F'ing Poptarts... turning me into a Poptard. Thats all i've got to say...... :explode: :angry: :grumble: :noway:
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    But jeez you have lost 23lbs.Forgive yourself and get back on track. You can do this or how else would you have lost 23lbs.
    My wieght loss has been a serious roller coaster ride but I refuse to leave the ride. Get on board:wink:

    you are right... just feeling sorry for myself... i am very proud of the 23 pounds. I am just having a tought time getting to 30 pounds I bounce to 26 loss and then give some away then 26...
    Talk about a roller coaster ride.
    1997- I weight 189
    made a bad career change to driving a truck with hubby.
    2004 -306
    2006-215 after a couple of years of weight watchers
    had a big change at work and gained to 260.
    but hey today I'm at 222

    Just stick with us. The good, the bad and all. Because you are worth the hard work it takes.
  • Sbozek123
    Sbozek123 Posts: 94 Member
    Woo Hoo! Back to pre thanksgiving weight - 183!!! And I have to be honest - I have no clue why I lost anything. I've eaten terrible, no exercise. I was real down on myself earlier in the week - I know I have to work out - just been so lazy lately. The only exercise I've gotten is from super cleaning my house for the holidays. ((3 days of hard work - few hours a day = weight loss and clean house I guess!))
  • TessaL221
    TessaL221 Posts: 106 Member
    Tessa - congrats on your halfway mark goal! Maybe we can hit ONEderland together! I've been trying for almost 2 months to hit it now!
    12-06-10 204.0 lbs - Thanksgiving weight is GONE!

    Goal for June 1st: 156 lbs

    we are just a lb apart and the same height... we COULD do it if we try.
  • yportia
    yportia Posts: 864 Member
    Just finished 1st week on Jenny Craig and lost 4.6. Yeah! Down to 195.6
  • summerbert
    summerbert Posts: 292 Member
    well, i'm up this week. 1.2lbs from last week. but I guess that's sorta to be expected.

    I just found out today that I am almost 8 weeks with child! Yup, about a year a head of schedule! as exciting as this is, it's also quite scary. I have to continue to lose weight during my pregnancy to avoid becoming diabetic. I really should weigh no more then I do now on delivery day. That is going to be VERY DIFFICULT!! But really this is for the sake of mine and my child's health.

    So in summary, gained 1.2lbs last week and I'm pregnant! So need to lose 2lbs this week! I can do it!!

    Congrats on the pregnancy!!!! I hope you can keep the diabetes away.

    I am at 206 still Hoping for a loss a little later in the week
  • MandyGirly
    So I'm totally late weighing in... but apparently it doesn't matter because I didn't gain or lose anything this week. Still sitting at 205. Boo. :(