What do you usually eat for breakfast?



  • ali59oc
    ali59oc Posts: 130 Member
    3 x-large eggs cooked in 1 tbls. butter, topped with sour cream and Siracha. SO GOOD! Keeps me full until dinner!
  • fitnfabulousity
    Ahhhh....the not eating for breakfast trap..AND I AM IN IT....I don't get hungry until after noon. So, I am in the process of retraining my body to long for breakfast....have to force eating at this point, if I don't my weight loss will stall...as it has. Great luck to you, I am in the boat with you!
  • JustFindingMe
    JustFindingMe Posts: 390 Member
    Caramel corn rice cakes with 1/2 tbsp. peanut butter and half a banana sliced on top

    Hard boiled eggs, fruit

    fiber one cereal and 1% milk

    are a few!
  • RockStarlaa
    RockStarlaa Posts: 24 Member
    Oatmeal, hard boiled eggs, or pre made breakfast muffins are usually my go-to breakfasts. On the weekends I sometimes do some cereal.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,951 Member
    I'm usually NEVER hungry until the afternoon. But lately Ive been forcing at least some OJ and 2 slices of toast with butter or a bagel with cream cheese, or cereal with milk. If I wake up extra early and have a lot in the fridge I will make a full fry up which i know is bad.

    Anyone have any tips on food thats healthier or a healthier way to prepare breakfast?
    What do you eat and drink between 6am and 11am?
    And is it better to eat a full meal or just one or 2 things?

    I'm usually not hungry til around noon, and in general I detest breakfast food that isn't waffles, pancakes, bacon, or a mix of two or three of the aforementioned list.

    If you aren't hungry, don't eat. Eating like that is eating for sport.
    Foods that are healthier for breakfast:
    - Protein shake (my go to if I'm hungry)
    - cereal I like (mentally more of a treat than a breakfast)
    - a latte
    - yogurt with fruit

    Between 6a and 11a? Generally, whatever I want. It's usually at least a latte, maybe something else. Unless there is waffles, pancakes, or bacon to be had. Also, a full meal can be one or 2 things. I don't understand what a half meal would be? If you eat, you are sated, that was a meal, no?

    What is a fry up?
  • kjgarcia
    kjgarcia Posts: 104 Member
    I usually eat breakfast at work, and the time varies greatly depending how busy work is. Lately I've been stuck on the Quaker oatmeal cups wth berries and/or nuts in them. For calories they range from about 230-300 depending which variety it is. They're so easy, and pretty filling.
    As far as what I drink...I have 1 cup of coffee at home when I first wake up, then I drink water the rest of the day. Mid-afternoon if I feel like it I'll have a diet soda, tea, or something of the sort. I just try to get at least 4 glasses of water in during the morning, so I at least get that many.
  • Four_Leaf_Clover
    Four_Leaf_Clover Posts: 332 Member
    I am ravenous in the mornings, esp. if it's a gym day. After a workout I have a protein shake, then will have any number of things - yogurt with granola, egg beaters, turkey sausage, toast with pb, a protein bar. I love oatmeal made with almond milk, but for some reason rarely make it. Occasionally a homemade treat like a muffin or scone - weekends might be pancakes and bacon if I've made them for the kids.

    I eat because my stomach is growling and I want to fuel my muscles to recover from the gym.

    If I am not hungry, I just have coffee and wait until later to have something at work or I just have an early lunch.

    If you're not hungry, then wait a bit and eat later.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    This morning I had steel cut oats with protein powder, half a banana, and dark chocolate peanut butter. But it's important to note that breakfast isn't the necessity that breakfast cereal companies would have you believe. If you feel better without and it doesn't cause you to overeat later in the day then it's perfectly okay to skip it.
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    Depends on how I'm feeling that morning, some days it's cereal, sometimes a turkey sandwich, sometimes a bagel with lite cream cheese and some fruit, if it's cold out I might make baked oatmeal or regular oatmeal, I'll make egg sandwiches too. Today I had an almond butter and strawberry preserves sandwich.
  • madxprofessor
    madxprofessor Posts: 81 Member
    @ilovemypitbull a 'full fry up' is an English term for a fried breakfast (fried eggs, 3 types of meat, sweet beans, fried bread, fried hash browns, fried mushrooms ect.)
  • OhJen2014
    OhJen2014 Posts: 5
    My favorite is what my daughter has named the Red, White and Blueberry Parfait. It's lowfat small curd cottage cheese topped with raspberries and blueberries. Yum! It really does look like a parfait if you put it in a fancy glass. I use a bowl for breakfasts, but did serve daughter and friend in the fancy glasses, and they loved. it.

    Good for the protein in the cottage cheese. The berries are healthy fruits as well.

    It's very filling and great in summer heat.
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,691 Member
    @ilovemypitbull a 'full fry up' is an English term for a fried breakfast (fried eggs, 3 types of meat, sweet beans, fried bread, fried hash browns, fried mushrooms ect.)

    Sweet Jesus, that sounds delicious.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    Lunch. I usually eat lunch for breakfast.
  • madxprofessor
    madxprofessor Posts: 81 Member
    @OhJen2014 i tried the same thing, but with plain greek yogurt. I hated it, greek yogurt taste like sour cream to me!!! ill have to try the cottage cheese version, thanks!!
  • tiffanykelene
    Even though I just started, what I have been having for breakfast lately is 100 calorie greek yogurt, 2 cups black coffee, and a banana. I try and fill up on water before lunch, but its difficult for me because I just dont like water If I should get hungry before lunch, I will have a 100 calorie cereal bar...LOL:laugh: :laugh:
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    On strength training days: 3 scrambled eggs, 1/2 cup cottage cheese, 3-4 small tomatoes, 1 cup fruit, coffee with 1-1.5 cups milk

    Other days: 1 cup yogurt or cottage cheese or 3-4 strips of bacon or 2 boiled eggs, 1 cup of fruit, coffee with 1-1.5 cups milk. Sometimes I add in a veggie, sometimes not.
  • madxprofessor
    madxprofessor Posts: 81 Member
    @ilovemypitbull a 'full fry up' is an English term for a fried breakfast (fried eggs, 3 types of meat, sweet beans, fried bread, fried hash browns, fried mushrooms ect.)

    Sweet Jesus, that sounds delicious.

    Its amazing, but it can be like 1,000 or more calories x______x
  • jennybinney1987
    jennybinney1987 Posts: 130 Member
    I got on pinterest and found a BUNCH of WW smoothies. they are all so delicious so far!!! I have a smoothie for breakfast everyday!!! ive lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks and im NOT workin out yet
  • OhJen2014
    OhJen2014 Posts: 5
    I am a teacher, so weekdays in the school year start very early I have no time to cook or prepare anything in the mornings. So twice a week (Sundays and Wednesdays) I prepare the no-cook refrigerator oatmeals (from the site: http://www.theyummylife.com/Refrigerator_Oatmeal).

    They are quick to do in a sort of assembly line fashion. Make for 3-4 days worth. Then mornings are just grab and go. I have a 30 minute meeting every morning before students arrive. I eat mine then. Got lots of questions initially. Now many people I work with make them for themselves and family.

  • JonathanLepoff
    JonathanLepoff Posts: 46 Member
    do not eat bagels they are high in calories and simple carbohydrates. A bowl of oatmeal is always a good choice as is nonfat yogurt with fruit