Brides to Be



  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Well m guys wedding was fabulous... I put a few pics up you can look at them!

    wow you were a stunning bride...

    My goals are to burn 600 calories at least three days a week...I have insanity and p90x (although I haven't tried that one yet), i think i'm going to get a skipping rope too seeing as how I don't have an ellyptical or anything...I have 45lbs to lose by august and then maintain for a here's to hopin'
  • Pril2000
    Pril2000 Posts: 254 Member
    Getting married April 25, 2011. Am only 10 lbs away from my goal weight. My initial goal was to lose enough weight that I would need to take in my dress which "just" fit me when I bought it in July. I'm going to try it on tomorrow for the first time since then and I've lost around 15 lbs since. I can't wait to see how it fits. I'm nervous that it won't look as good but I am excited that now I can have it fitted to my goal weight body. Here's hoping it all works out.

    ps. April will be here way before I'm ready for it.
  • JLeeAlton
    Picked up my dress Saturday... tried it on that night.. its too big =) And when I bought it.. the size was just right. YAY!
  • kentlass
    kentlass Posts: 325 Member
    hey everyone!!!

    can i join??

    i have 26lbs to lose, have lost 26 already but it's not going as quickly as i hoped!

    i have two babies...a severely disabled 2yr old, and a very active one year old...and i'm getting married on 15th jan 2011!!!!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    welcome! what's your goal to lose those 26lbs? i could sure use some ideas lol
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    Looks like we have some new faces here. Welcome everyone! I wanted to share that I went to the gym today for my monthly measurements. I was down an 1/2 inch in my bust, 1 1/2 inches in my waist, and 1 inch on my legs. The scale was still at 170, but my percent body fat went from 34% down to 32%. MFP and going to the gym is definately working for me. The true test will be next Monday when I go for my first fitting. Let's hope it zips this time!*crosses her fingers*

    Have any of you tried the workouts on Netflix yet? Just curious. I was thinking of getting the Zumba game for my Wii Fit too.

  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    Got engaged 3 years ago...we were going to get married last fall, but because of finances we had to postpone. Not sure when our new date is. I have about 50 pounds or so left until my goal.
  • ChristinaT0507
    ChristinaT0507 Posts: 123 Member
    Looks like we have some new faces here. Welcome everyone! I wanted to share that I went to the gym today for my monthly measurements. I was down an 1/2 inch in my bust, 1 1/2 inches in my waist, and 1 inch on my legs. The scale was still at 170, but my percent body fat went from 34% down to 32%. MFP and going to the gym is definately working for me. The true test will be next Monday when I go for my first fitting. Let's hope it zips this time!*crosses her fingers*

    Have any of you tried the workouts on Netflix yet? Just curious. I was thinking of getting the Zumba game for my Wii Fit too.


    theres a zumba game?? thats awesome. ive never tried zumba but know alot of people who say its awesome. have you done it before?
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    No, I haven't done the Zumba game. I haven't even tried a class yet, but it seems to be all of the rage. Everyone says it burns a lot of calories and is so much fun. My schedule doesn't work to go to a class, so I was pondering the Wii game, just to give it a whirl.

    How did everyone do over Thanksgiving! I ate one large meal for the whole day... after that I had acid reflux so badly and was so overfull, I couldn't even think of eating anything else.*LOL* Hopefully, that means the damage has been minimized. I'm going to eat well today to get back on track, but might have a small portion of leftovers for supper. (I'll probably pick mashed potatos, gravy, and stuffing. MMMM).

  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    Thanksgiving was good..but i feel like I had a huge plate of food, pumpkin pie & but I'm trying to get back on track, live off water for the next few days lol and get in some extra workouts to make up for everything. I weigh in Wednesdays, so I still have time. =)
  • kentlass
    kentlass Posts: 325 Member
    welcome! what's your goal to lose those 26lbs? i could sure use some ideas lol

    i'm sticking to 1200calories a day, but burning anywhere between 900-1200 most days walking and running...i definitely need to change my plan though as i seem to have hit a wall and have a weird cycle going on...i'll lose 1lb-1.5lb, stay that weight for a day or two, then gain 1/4-1/2lbs, then gain a whacking 1.5lbs...then lose the stuff i just gained, plus an extra lb!...weird!!

    am also starting strength training tomorrow, something i've not been able to do yet as i workout from home and haven't been able to afford some decent sized dumbells until today

    how is everyone going with their plans??
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    I just had my fiance do my measurements today, since the scale has not been moving in either direction, but I seem to be fitting into old clothes better than ever! Well, thanx to my workouts, I've lost 2 inches on each thigh!!! Seriously! And 2 inches on my bust (that also means the boobs are getting smaller, but, hey: we win some we lose some :laugh: ). So, while the scale is not moving (I tried to convince myself it was broken, but it still works for my fiance) and my BIL (ex body builder & PFT) confirmed my suspicions: I've been building more muscle as I'm losing the fat, and since muscles are denser and "weigh" more, I wont see the scale move.
    I'm hoping my baby sister (also a PFT & PT) can update my actual body fat percentage (actually do the measurements) in a couple more weeks time: I am really curious to "see" the difference :happy:
    For all the Brides to Be: Please do not give up if the scale doesn't move: if you're working out, even with just lite weights, you're losing inches :happy: :flowerforyou:
  • summerzade
    Hello everyone! I'm so in on this, getting married April 28th next year and want to get in shape! :happy:
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    Welcome to the forum! I did a workout last night that I thought was going to be a breeze, it was one of Kathy Smiths' weight workouts. Let's just say when I woke up, my lower back was killing me (muscle soreness from working out) and my legs hurt so bad while bending down to pick something up....*LOL* I guess I wont' call her workouts easy again.:-P

    I'm just starting to get a scratchy throat, so I hope I'm not getting sick. Monday is my first fitting and I can't wait! I want to take the girls out for lunch afterwards, just to make it fun for them. I hope I fit in my dress!!!! Last time, fitting into my under-girdle was like trying to squeeze a watermelon in a chipmunk hole.:-P

    I just ordered my tableclothes from We're going to donate them to church afterwards, as a way to give back. It was a tad more expensive than renting, but we'll definately be able to get the colors we want there.

    Does anyone have a wedding website? Here's ours:

  • erinczRN
    Signed up tonight and first day starts tomorrow!!! I absolutely refuse to look back at my wedding picture one day and be embarrassed by my weight!
  • acbaessler
    Hello my name is amanda, I'm getting married Jan. 15 th 2011 soooooo close I bought a size smaller in spanx so nothing will fall out, as of now there is about 10 more lbs to loose to have the dress be flawless on my body, hope I can do this!!!!! Here we come las Vegas
  • Webby1000
    Webby1000 Posts: 5 Member
    Ok I'm am in, I joined on here a while back but have had an unsuccessful time at what watchers so am back to try this properly now.
    I am getting back on track from tomorrow, I have salsasize dvd, 30 day shred,new cross trainer and wii fit plus in the house, so I do need to start using them and being healthy.
    I now have 200 days til wedding and first fitting in feb, but yesterday I went to bridal shop to ask about measurements of the dress to see how far off I am and the lady said to pop in during the week so I can have a quick try on of my dress (as it just arrived, a bit early) so I can work out how close or far I am.
    My husband to be has told me I can't delete photos of me from the wedding like I do after partys and things cos I hate how I look so he says I need to be happy with myself.
    So, please help :(
    Sorry for the long story
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    Welcome new brides to be! I'm really trying to keep this thread going....*LOL*

    I moved my wedding dress fitting/bridesmaid dress shopping appointment to tomorrow. I've been feeling under the weather the last two days. I'm hoping to do a little yoga or something tonight. I feel bad missing a workout two days in a row.

    Plus my matron of honor's husband has pretty much exhausted all of his cancer treatment options. He has a doctor's appointment today and, of course, my MOH wants to accompany it with him. Please keep them both in your prayers. It's been really tough for watching Rich struggle with cancer. I just wish there was more I could do to help.

  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    Here are the pictures from my fitting today. I'm hoping to lose more weight in time for the wedding, but at least it zipped this time. The earrings, necklace, and braclet were made from my great-grandma's pearls. She passed away about a year ago. Let me know what you think!:-)







  • ChristinaT0507
    ChristinaT0507 Posts: 123 Member
    very pretty dress!