Kind of excited!



  • stephanieluvspb
    stephanieluvspb Posts: 997 Member
    peanut m&m's are my pop tarts and ice cream!
    Mmmmmmmmm! M&M are yum! Peanut butter M&M are my favorite
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I had a lot of ghirardeli chocolates last night. And ice cream. It fit my calories but not so much my macros. Oh well. I don't do that every day.

    And I love Little Debbies. Swiss cake rolls are my favorite.

    Now I am hungry.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    Ha! I love the Little Debbie oatmeal pies! mmmmm to die for

    The oatmeal pies I grew up having and they were one of my favorite desserts. I rarely eat them now but I did buy some last year, baked them with brown sugar, cinnamon, and caramel, and served the whole concoction ala mode.

    Pioneer Woman has a recipe to make them at home. They are ridiculous.


    Oh whoopie pies!

    If anybody finds themselves in Philly stop by the Reading Terminal Market, a huge collection of eateries, many of them amazing, and go to the Flying Monkey Bakery for one (or more) of their famous whoopie pies. Oh my damn!
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    Dear. God. What on earth is a pop tart and if it looks anything like that slice of heaven, more importantly, how do I get one? Why oh why was I born into a country that does not provide this as an edible option?... Whhhhyyyyyyy???:sad:

    They use to sell pop tarts in Australia but they got discontinued there about a decade ago. But according to google you can still get them at a couple import stores.

    This place in Melbourne sells them online:
  • rachelrb85
    rachelrb85 Posts: 579 Member
    I follow IFFYM but I rarely get close to being right on my macros. I can have anything I want tho I choose not to at the moment.
    I think there are lots of real food people on here. I eat as clean as I can but some days you gotta just eat dirty...frozen pizza, kraft dinner, even a good ole hot dog.

    I ate a hot dog for dinner last night and was still under my calorie intake. I've been craving an Oreo cream donut lately, I might have to work that in for breakfast tomorrow.

  • veephil31
    veephil31 Posts: 53 Member
    Ha! I love the Little Debbie oatmeal pies! mmmmm to die for

    The oatmeal pies I grew up having and they were one of my favorite desserts. I rarely eat them now but I did buy some last year, baked them with brown sugar, cinnamon, and caramel, and served the whole concoction ala mode.

    Pioneer Woman has a recipe to make them at home. They are ridiculous.


    I'm in heaven!
  • rosehips60
    rosehips60 Posts: 1,030 Member
    If I didn't eat "normal" foods I wouldn't eat! I have a family to cook for and while I've cut some extra calories in small ways (ie lite butter and the like) I'm basically cooking and eating the same stuff i always did, I'm just more mindful of my portions. But to echo an earlier poster I eat what I want and drink what I want and I've managed to lose 22 pounds. By doing it this way I'm pretty sure I'll be able to keep the weight off this time. By the way, regarding Paleo, I think there's reason those folks only lived to be about 30!
  • photochik71
    photochik71 Posts: 37 Member
    I eat and drink everything in moderation. If I didn't, I'd be setting myself up for a binge.

    Right now I'm having a love affair with bacon! A few weeks ago it was sage sausage and biscuits. BTW, my cholesterol is great! Lol

    I couldn't survive or even last a week on some kind of Jenny Craig or Nutrisystem diet where all you get to eat is nasty tasting frozen crap. Who's gonna do that for life?
  • MrsKGrady
    MrsKGrady Posts: 276 Member
    It makes me sad to see my friends so excited when they say they had their kid's birthday party and didn't eat any cake or had a pizza party and pulled off all the toppings to eat it What kind of life is that? We had a pizza party at work yesterday for a coworker who was leaving and you bet your a** that I had two slices (albeit they were smaller slices). I just made sure to get that run in last night and was still under my goals. It's all about moderation and still living your life.
  • chrissyrenee1029
    chrissyrenee1029 Posts: 358 Member
    Last night I had a Nestle Vanilla Drumstick...the chocolate glob that settles into the bottom of the waffle cone? OMJesus it's my favorite part.

    And Little Debbie oatmeal cakes....slide the two halves apart, add peanut butter, stick them back together = heaven :)
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    Eat whatever you like and what works for you and don't worry about what others eat and how they choose to enjoy their lives. Life is different for all of us that is why we are called individuals. My way is NOT the best for you and your way is NOT the best for me.
  • MrsKGrady
    MrsKGrady Posts: 276 Member
    Eat whatever you like and what works for you and don't worry about what others eat and how they choose to enjoy their lives. Life is different for all of us that is why we are called individuals. My way is NOT the best for you and your way is NOT the best for me.

    I'm not saying that I worry about my friends and what they eat. That's what gets them through and, if it works for them, I'm all for it. What I'm saying that I get sad when I think of having to give up something like cake or pizza...which is why I don't.
  • hyg99
    hyg99 Posts: 354 Member
    Have wandered in to food porn.... I love iifym as it means I can eat anything, currently into daim bars and crunchies, oh and curly wurly s. Added in my new actifry, roast potatoes / chips are officially back on the menu. I swear I eat more food than anyone I know but still losing weight week after week, 4 stone since New year!
  • marricurt
    marricurt Posts: 47 Member
    Thank you to the lovely person who posted the websites for pop tarts available in Australia.... I am off to indulge...:flowerforyou: