I made goal!! And celebrated by gaining 80 lbs.



  • xrachypx
    xrachypx Posts: 17 Member
    I totally know how you feel! I lost 5 half stone and have gained back 2 half in the last year. Im always up and down, I'm sick of it. Been to every slimming club and done every shake/juice diet. Yet Im put weight back on.
    I know what to do, I just need to do it for the long term. I guess we all do.
    Feel free to add me :)
  • hippichic3
    While my ups and downs aren't as severe, they do derail me. So, my new goal has been to exercise 5 days a week for an hour and update my food diary 5 times a week. I'm not purposely choosing low calorie foods, just entering what goes into my mouth into the diary.

    Keeping myself honest seems to be working. Also, I created a chart to track my successes and posted it on the bathroom mirror. Each completed exercise and diary entry gets a sparkly smiley face sticker. 5 in a week gets a gold star. Two gold stars in a row get a mani/pedi.

    These are attainable goals and while my weight isn't down, my clothes fit better and that's the best gauge in my book.

    Best of luck to everyone!
  • AtlantaBob
    AtlantaBob Posts: 129 Member
    I'm slow...... :)

    But I will read and certainly appreciate each post you guys have taken the time to write.

  • AtlantaBob
    AtlantaBob Posts: 129 Member
    I know this sounds crazy, but how do you save a message board that you join so you can easily find it? I am getting SO confused. I did this site about 2 years ago and don't remember it being a challenge. However, I cannot figure out how to add my food, exercise, or save a message board since this is my first try. HELP...........please. I feel so goofy about not understanding what is going on.

    hmmmm...go to the top of your browser (mine is Chrome) There's a little house icon at top left.
    see the long www.myfitness.......etc?

    drag that down to your saved links bar (it's the line right below the little house)

    Then click on that and it shoud take you to your post in here each time
  • AtlantaBob
    AtlantaBob Posts: 129 Member
    While my ups and downs aren't as severe, they do derail me. So, my new goal has been to exercise 5 days a week for an hour and update my food diary 5 times a week. I'm not purposely choosing low calorie foods, just entering what goes into my mouth into the diary.

    Keeping myself honest seems to be working. Also, I created a chart to track my successes and posted it on the bathroom mirror. Each completed exercise and diary entry gets a sparkly smiley face sticker. 5 in a week gets a gold star. Two gold stars in a row get a mani/pedi.

    These are attainable goals and while my weight isn't down, my clothes fit better and that's the best gauge in my book.

    Best of luck to everyone!

    I like that plan!
  • AtlantaBob
    AtlantaBob Posts: 129 Member
    I can completely relate to what you've gone through. I lost around 80 pounds as well years ago - and when I was pregnant with my first child I decided it was free reign to eat...I never stopped! I got to as high as 20 pounds more than my highest ever weight. I've lost about 27 pounds total (26 before joining MFP) and am trying to get back down to a healthy weight. Hoping this time for good. :)

    Good luck to you, and kudos for getting back on track!

    Thank you....let's keep each other motivated
  • xxval21xx
    xxval21xx Posts: 74 Member
    i had lost 20 lbs and quit MFP because at the time i couldnt see any difference in my physical appearance. By the time i came back I had gained the full 20 back plus an additional 10.... So here I am again determined to wait it out this time and not to give up.

    It really is easy to lose your determination when you don't see your results like you wish to. But just remembering that each day is a new day can really help.
    I recently read a quote that said something like... "Giving up just because you have one bad day is like slashing the other 3 tires just because you got a flat." :) Best of luck to all of you on your journey to good health!

    That is so true!! The thing is this time I regret wasting those 3 hard months and gaining all the weight back without any effort. What an inspirational and true quote! Thanks for sharing :)
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    Oh yes. Hit the 50lb mark, stopped caring, and gained 38 of it back. I'm just 13lbs away from my previous low now.
  • AtlantaBob
    AtlantaBob Posts: 129 Member
    Maintenance is a *kitten*! I think maintaining is harder than losing the weight to begin with! I think the important thing is you recognize what worked/what didn't and just keep it moving!

    Right now, I'm not even focused on weight loss, I'm focused on endurance, eating as clean as possible and STAYING smoke free.

    I think that's part of the problem I had. I was TOTALLY unprepared to enter my Maintenance phase. I was mentally ready but not motivated ready. If that makes sense.

    I went from losing to gaining. I had reached my goal. But then I was GOAL-LESS.

    When I reach target weight I will set up NEW GOALS. These will be MEASUREMENTS of biceps, chest, waist etc. Maybe start some weight lifting and track that progress.

    IMHO GOALS is what keeps me focused. When I lose goals, I drift
  • AtlantaBob
    AtlantaBob Posts: 129 Member
    Oh yes. Hit the 50lb mark, stopped caring, and gained 38 of it back. I'm just 13lbs away from my previous low now.

    I have mixed emotions.

    On one hand I'm happy to not be alone
    On the other I'm saddened there are so many of us struggling.

    MFP is still best place I have found that's the whole package though. Good luck!
  • headlock_lynn
    headlock_lynn Posts: 79 Member
    I can certainly relate. twice over. Each time I have vowed I wouldn't put it back on but the portions get larger. Each time I look in the mirror and say yes, I like how I look and feel now. Then put it back on. Feel sick and disappointed with myself but here I am starting over again. Lost 45 pounds. Put on 45. Last time I put on more so am trying to catch it before it gets to that point. Can't put on any of the new clothes I bought. Totally disgusted with myself. Need people to help. All the previous friends completed theirs and have left. I do have a couple of new ones from the late night snacking and wine group which is great.
  • AtlantaBob
    AtlantaBob Posts: 129 Member
    Welcome back! I've been where you are. Lost my mojo after losing 40 pounds. Gained 30 back in a year and a half. Back on MFP since April. It really does make a difference being here, being accountable to myself and the positive energy I've gotten here is fantastic.

    You guys are the inspiration I'm looking for
  • AtlantaBob
    AtlantaBob Posts: 129 Member
    I can certainly relate. twice over. Each time I have vowed I wouldn't put it back on but the portions get larger. Each time I look in the mirror and say yes, I like how I look and feel now. Then put it back on. Feel sick and disappointed with myself but here I am starting over again. Lost 45 pounds. Put on 45. Last time I put on more so am trying to catch it before it gets to that point. Can't put on any of the new clothes I bought. Totally disgusted with myself. Need people to help. All the previous friends completed theirs and have left. I do have a couple of new ones from the late night snacking and wine group which is great.

    HAPPY to journey with you.

    As a group I think we can do it
  • Eaglesfanintn
    Eaglesfanintn Posts: 813 Member
    I'm with ya. I lost about 75 in a pretty quick time - about 7 months. Eating at a deficit and running and lifting. That was in 2010. Around the start of 2011, I began putting it back on - pretty slowly at first. But, by 2014 I was back up about 50 of those 75 pounds. The only thing that kept me from putting all of the weight back on (and maybe more) was that I kept running. So, here I am again. I restarted for the final time last Monday. I've taken off 7 of those pounds. Again, doing what worked in the past - eat less than I have been and continue to run and now I'm starting back at the gym to lift.
    I've got races in the fall/winter and I'm tired of being "the fat guy that runs a lot".
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    Oh yes. Hit the 50lb mark, stopped caring, and gained 38 of it back. I'm just 13lbs away from my previous low now.

    I have mixed emotions.

    On one hand I'm happy to not be alone
    On the other I'm saddened there are so many of us struggling.

    MFP is still best place I have found that's the whole package though. Good luck!

    At least it's back in the right direction. And if we did it once, we know we can get there again.
  • Serenitytoo
    Serenitytoo Posts: 449 Member
    I totally understand where you are coming from. I lost 100lbs back in 2009-2010. Life happened/got busy/had some large stressors and I lost focus (thyroid issues too) and gradually regained 70lbs.

    I am focusing on the fitness aspect now and trying to make wiser food choices. I want to fit back in my cute smaller clothes. If the scale moves too I am happy with that.

    Good luck to you getting back on track! It isn't an easy thing to do. I have found it harder this time around, but I know I can do it.
  • kanittaj
    kanittaj Posts: 36 Member
    I can totally relate. I lost 50 pounds, gained 15 of it back. I am almost at the weight I was last year. They key is increasing my water intake, hitting the gym, and of course watching what I eat. you can do it! Welcome back!
  • jeffd247
    jeffd247 Posts: 319 Member
    Same thing happened to me to a degree. Last year I lost 40 of the 120 pounds I want to lose. I decided to "not worry about it" over the holiday's and I'd gained back 15 pounds by the time spring rolled around.

    Last year when I was getting fitter and feeling better, I was feeling GREAT! Fitness and health felt like a self compounding issue. The better I ate and the more I exercised the more I wanted to eat well and exercise. Consequently I was feeling better and better!

    I forgot how much I like Chinese food, beer and sitting though. When I let down my guard I got lazy again. Funnily enough, when I'm not focused on health and fitness I feel great "in the moment" but it's self compounding as well. The more I eat and drink, the less I feel like doing, the more bored I get and the more I eat and drink. Consequently I start to feel worse and worse!

    I just don't get what goes through my brain when I'm making those decisions. I'm starting again and I'm hoping I can stay motivated and keep things in moderation!

    Good luck OP! We gunna need it!
  • mrogers52
    mrogers52 Posts: 378 Member
    Maintenance is a *kitten*! I think maintaining is harder than losing the weight to begin with! I think the important thing is you recognize what worked/what didn't and just keep it moving!

    Right now, I'm not even focused on weight loss, I'm focused on endurance, eating as clean as possible and STAYING smoke free.

    I think that's part of the problem I had. I was TOTALLY unprepared to enter my Maintenance phase. I was mentally ready but not motivated ready. If that makes sense.

    I went from losing to gaining. I had reached my goal. But then I was GOAL-LESS.

    When I reach target weight I will set up NEW GOALS. These will be MEASUREMENTS of biceps, chest, waist etc. Maybe start some weight lifting and track that progress.

    IMHO GOALS is what keeps me focused. When I lose goals, I drift

    This is what happened to me. Have been back at it and doing it one meal at a time!
  • Eaglesfanintn
    Eaglesfanintn Posts: 813 Member
    Last year when I was getting fitter and feeling better, I was feeling GREAT! Fitness and health felt like a self compounding issue. The better I ate and the more I exercised the more I wanted to eat well and exercise. Consequently I was feeling better and better!

    This is so true. There are so many things that make losing the weight easier. Slipping on a pair of jeans that used to be a struggle and realize you're not such an SOB (Stomach Over Belt) anymore. Sitting in a seat on an airplane and noticing that there's actually room for you. You actually can't wait to get on the scale and see how you're progressing. For me, being able to run faster, longer. It's a great feeling. When I was at my lowest weight, my back didn't hurt as much and I had so much more energy (or maybe it just took less energy for me to do stuff). I can't wait to get back to that point!