I made goal!! And celebrated by gaining 80 lbs.



  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    I relapsed too, this is my second go at MFP (only a couple days in) the first time I lost 16 pounds, didn't really notice a change in my body and got discouraged and quit. I gained it all back, plus another 10. Ugh, why can't it be easy to lose weight??
    Anyways, best of luck on your journey

    Progress pictures, and a tape measure! :)

    I was the same way the first time around, when I'd hit about 25 pounds gone and couldn't tell a difference... until I saw photos of me side by side and the change in my face was SO obvious!
  • stve019616
    stve019616 Posts: 1 Member
    I know the feeling. I lost 90 pounds and have gained back 35. It really sucks. I managed to lose the 35 and then put it back on. Just started tracking my food again this week so here's to trying again. If I manage to stick with this and lose these 35 lbs, I am going to do whatever it takes to not put them back on again because it is a miserable spot to be in. I feel like a fat failure.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    No, I don't mind hanging out with a relapser. Just know though that I am prone to calling ppl on their issues. For you to start I'd like to state that "denial...ain't just a river in egypt." now if u look that up and are willing to face that, feel free to FR me. I beleive in you, probably more than you do right now.
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    Hello Fellow relapser. I lost about 20 lbs with MFP last November when I just said "f it" and when AWOL.
    I am back and determined to lose 40-50 lbs and get fit.

    Please feel free to friend me.
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    thanks for being so honest and letting us know this can happen and for us to be aware and cautious. I can see where it can easily sneak up on you. It is a pain to do this logging but if it is what it takes it has to be this way. I lost 45 pounds and gained 15 back and then got it off with MFP, before I was eating those dinners and got sick of eating them, now I eat what I want just not as much as I want. I weigh every day which is also a pain. But I pick this pain over gaining all that weight back. I know when I gained the 15 I was so depressed. You can do this, it is work, life is not fair we have this problem but it is doable. At least we have the internet and don't have to do the math ourselves.
  • terra415
    terra415 Posts: 13 Member
    Why do I get the feeling after reading all these great posts that this is like an Alcoholics Anonymous board? And that's not to say its a BAD thing at all. Some of us do have an addiction and/or unhealthy relationship or approaches to food. The only thing we really can do is simply stay consistent with what works. An alcoholic doesn't go to a bar to celebrate sobriety (unless you are from my family which is a different story...) I haven't "relapsed" significantly but would bounce around before MFP without significant results. I do not see myself ever NOT logging my food again. Even if I hit a weight goal or something similar, why quit what works? DON'T! Your food intake changes, true. However think about it, whenever you have lost weight over a time period you had to change your eating patterns and intake as you went along, but what remained constant throughout the weight loss was simply logging.

    We are all going to bounce around a bit, and that's fine. Just log. If its a bad day, oh well but log it!
  • Kbelle2607
    Kbelle2607 Posts: 61 Member
    I lost 20 but recently gained 10... Welcome back!
  • keithalden
    Thanks for sharing. We all have an excuse! I got a new knee after losing 36 pounds. Yep, I celebrate by putting it all back on. I focused on exercise and am getting around better than ever but my weight is at a high. So I am back mfp! Cant wait to be 275 and exercise. Might get to go on an elk hunt with my son.
  • Bellodesiderare
    Bellodesiderare Posts: 278 Member
    I got out of the Army and started college and went from in decent shape to 207 QUICK. I worked full-time on top of taking 6 classes a semester (and three in the Summer) so I decided to go the prescription weight loss route. I dropped to 164 in a matter of 2-3 months. I gained ALL of THAT back + 13 lbs. Let me tell ya how AWESOME that made me feel!!!! So, I have got back on the wagon and I am currently in the BEST SHAPE OF MY LIFE. I weigh 147 lbs and I feel like I am in my early twenties again. YOU CAN DO THIS!!! I am sure just about every single person here on MFP can relate to you. We will not judge! You know what you need to do!! Let's make it happen :)
  • jennybinney1987
    jennybinney1987 Posts: 130 Member
    I lost 50 and gained 70 :( im back at it again too with MUCH to lose. I sent u a request
  • AtlantaBob
    AtlantaBob Posts: 129 Member
    I lost 50 and gained 70 :( im back at it again too with MUCH to lose. I sent u a request

    glad you're back. Let's do this
  • LorrieGrace88
    LorrieGrace88 Posts: 11 Member
    I know this sounds crazy, but how do you save a message board that you join so you can easily find it? I am getting SO confused. I did this site about 2 years ago and don't remember it being a challenge. However, I cannot figure out how to add my food, exercise, or save a message board since this is my first try. HELP...........please. I feel so goofy about not understanding what is going on.

    hmmmm...go to the top of your browser (mine is Chrome) There's a little house icon at top left.
    see the long www.myfitness.......etc?

    drag that down to your saved links bar (it's the line right below the little house)

    Then click on that and it shoud take you to your post in here each time

    Thanks, AtlantaBob, for the tech help. I have done fine since Monday getting my eating under control. I cannot seem to motivate myself to exercise. I KNOW that it is a very important part of weight loss. I have a lot of issues w/spine arthritis and bulging disks. About a year ago I did yoga for about 4 months and it helped a lot w/weight loss and pain. I was pretty much pain free during that period but since I haven't been working the cost was not in the budget. I am going to have to work something out because I LOVED it, it helped my back, and it also felt good to leave the studio w/a since of accomplishment.
  • LorrieGrace88
    LorrieGrace88 Posts: 11 Member
    I can certainly relate. twice over. Each time I have vowed I wouldn't put it back on but the portions get larger. Each time I look in the mirror and say yes, I like how I look and feel now. Then put it back on. Feel sick and disappointed with myself but here I am starting over again. Lost 45 pounds. Put on 45. Last time I put on more so am trying to catch it before it gets to that point. Can't put on any of the new clothes I bought. Totally disgusted with myself. Need people to help. All the previous friends completed theirs and have left. I do have a couple of new ones from the late night snacking and wine group which is great.

    I know how disappointed in ourselves we can get. I am 56 and been on this ride, off and on, since my late teens. I think my main problem is body image issues because we I do lose weight (and people notice and say so) I still see the fat person looking back at me in the mirror. It is really crazy. I only have a few things left that I can wear. I threw out almost every piece of "fat clothes" I had when I lost a lot of weight last summer and telling myself I would never need them again. It is a good thing I am not working at this time or I would have to go buy clothes in a much larger size<sigh>.
  • LorrieGrace88
    LorrieGrace88 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm with ya. I lost about 75 in a pretty quick time - about 7 months. Eating at a deficit and running and lifting. That was in 2010. Around the start of 2011, I began putting it back on - pretty slowly at first. But, by 2014 I was back up about 50 of those 75 pounds. The only thing that kept me from putting all of the weight back on (and maybe more) was that I kept running. So, here I am again. I restarted for the final time last Monday. I've taken off 7 of those pounds. Again, doing what worked in the past - eat less than I have been and continue to run and now I'm starting back at the gym to lift.
    I've got races in the fall/winter and I'm tired of being "the fat guy that runs a lot".

    I LOVED your statement about restarting for the final time. I think I will make that my mantra while I go on this journey for the last time. It wasn't even that enjoyable gaining my weight back now that I think of it. I am glad I found this group to work with on this. Right now it is easy because I am so refocused. I KNOW that will not last. I have an easy time of convincing myself "it won't hurt just this once", lol, so I must find something distracting when the "attack" comes, I will be ready for that enemy in my mind.
  • Rosie108
    Rosie108 Posts: 5 Member
    Ugh. Same here I am starting back again with my fitness pal 30 lbs. heavier than when I was on here last year. I am already feeling defeated and haven't started yet. I am just going to try to take it one day at a time and begin again. Good Luck!
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    I hate to tell you this, guys, but the key to avoiding regain is to eat nutrient-dense, high fiber food (think veggies and fruits). I have been on my current program for about 4 years and have not regained an ounce (and I have spent a fair bit of time in "maintenance" during that time). This is a first for me. The usual pattern for me was diet, regain more than I had lost, diet again, regain even more, etc. WHAT you eat while losing matters a lot for avoiding regain. If you enter "maintenance" with nutrient deficits (tough to do if you are just eating less of the same junk that put the pounds on you) you will put it all back on--plus some. Remember that it only takes 100 extra calories per day (a large chocolate chip cookie) over what you are burning, to regain in the neighborhood of 25 pounds in a year. When you eat nutrient-dense food, you will naturally follow your calorie output--it's kind of magic. When you eat sugar and white flour, there is a lot in those essentially empty calories that overwhelm the body's ability to maintain body fat at a set point. There is a lot of newer dietary research into the bio-chemistry of obesity that, if anyone is interested, I could cite (but it would take a while to retrieve).

    One of the things I noticed about the food diaries of morbidly obese women whom I have counseled is that their diets consisted almost entirely of bad fats (think french fries and fried chicken) and sugary, white flour foods along with salty snacks with very little food value. They also drank gallons of soda pop and ate whole half-gallons of ice cream. There would be not one piece of fresh fruit and rarely a vegetable (does ketchup count as a vegetable?). It was a no-brainer to figure that doing the opposite might help one to gradually reduce and then maintain that loss. And so it has.

    I used to think that just counting calories was the way to go "so that I do not feel deprived" but you really must have an iron will to keep on measuring and weighing day after day, stretching far into the future. Retraining one's eating habits means that I actually prefer the way I eat now. One of the things that had to happen though was that I had to break my addiction to "bad" food. (There truly is no "bad" food but there is food that is bad to eat--on a regular basis--for people who are interested in promoting their health.) Our sedentary lifestyles (and as one ages, everyone has a growing tendency to be sedentary) mean that we must make every calorie count toward health.
  • Brittany029
    Brittany029 Posts: 13 Member
    I think alot of people can relate to you. Even though i havent put on as much as you, i had lost 20 lbs and quit MFP because at the time i couldnt see any difference in my physical appearance. By the time i came back I had gained the full 20 back plus an additional 10.... So here I am again determined to wait it out this time and not to give up.

    I am right there with you. I did this a year after my daughter was born and lost all but 3 lbs of my baby weight. Fell off the MFP wagon and also fell into sort of a depression. Now 2 years later I got sick of being fat and started back up.. this time though I have lost all the weight I gained back and then some. I haven't been this "skinny" since high school. I am working on losing another 13 lbs and still get discouraged when I see some of my friends who don't log daily and over eat and eat bad things still losing while I log and stay within goals and barely see a difference.

    I applaud you for getting back on the wagon! Takes courage!
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    I lost 76 pounds and gained back... I don't know... 60-70? Anyway, I'm back, trying this again. 25 pounds down so far.
  • Tooshie1977
    Tooshie1977 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm a relapser too. Anyone, feel free to add me. :)
  • RosieB405
    RosieB405 Posts: 150 Member
    I just readjusted my MFP weight to my today weight. I lost 51 lbs (don't forget the 1) and I have since gained 20 so here I am again relosing and hopefully some extra.