


  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    Now now, don't go bashing me personally. I am simply listing, mostly word for word, arguments I found on other sites and blogs I was perusing today.
    I am not bashing you personally. I am pointing out that pretty much everything on your lists aren't actually evidence in either direction.
    Except chicken nugget goop. Male chicks are thrown live into a grinder. I saw it. Don't tell me that's not how we get chicken nugget goop because I watched it firsthand.


    Male chicks are typically culled. Despite the apparent horror of the grinder, it is actually one of the quickest and most humane ways to kill these unwanted male chicks. Death is almost instantaneous. It's horrible. I'm not arguing that it's not. But, it's not cruel.

    As for the ground up chicks, they are not part of the components of chicken nuggets. That is just plain false. It may be sold in pet foods, or other animal feeds, but it is not sold for human consumption. You're not eating ground up male chicks when you eat nuggets.
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    I am vegan because I oppose the murder of nonhuman creatures for any reason. I do not believe in the theory that plants have feelings.

    I know lots of vegans and I totally support them not eating animal products for moral reasons so the following question is just idle wondering on my part. What's the moral issue with eating eggs? If the chickens are free range and are living a good life why is it wrong to eat their eggs? The eggs we eat haven't been fertilised so they will never go on to become baby chickens. if they are not eaten they will just rot.
  • kmbweber2014
    kmbweber2014 Posts: 680 Member
    I couldn't do veganism. I like meat too much, but I agree with better treatment of animals. If we're going to have these animals as meals, I would prefer they be treated with love and dignity and basic decency beforehand. I also wish there was a more humane way to kill these animals. I also don't like the fact that baby animals are killed, but that's more of an "AW, how can you kill something so cute?" response than anything.

    Yep this right here. I prefer to try and eat meat from local farmers but sometimes I just can't afford it.
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    Pretty sure calling someone unintelligent and ignorant is bashing. :)

    The words "ignorant" and unintelligent" each appear only once in this entire thread. They are in this post claiming that someone called you those. There are no instances of those words before your accusation that they had been used.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    1. False. Our appendix is an organ for dealing with raw meat, that no longer functions because we've evolved not to need it. Nails - we have tools to kill with. Most herbivores spend a lot more of the day eating than we do.
    2. Vegetables are affected by this too.
    3. Maybe the US farms are more like that, but all the chicken products I eat come from free range chickens. Similar situation for other farm animals.

    If anyone mentions Gorillas, keep in mind they spend the majority of their day eating and ****ting, and by some mechanism of their digestion, produce yeast in their gut.

    Cooking meat and breaking down the protein is a good way to kill of dangerous bacteria, and we can still make use of the Amino Acids, so not really a problem.

    All that said, if veganism is suitable for you (lifestyle, activity, nutritional needs), go nuts - just don't preach it to me.
  • kotarea
    kotarea Posts: 212 Member
    I am 25 and have been a vegetarian for 15 years, from the time I was born until I was 8 (dad is a vegetarian and mom was not when they split mom made me convert) so when I turned 18 I went back to begin a vegetarian NOT because I feel bad for the animals or any of that (however after some of the things i have seen since my decision to become vegetarian I wouldn't change if I could). So that leads into the reason that I became a vegetarian, during the time frame I ate meat I felt terrible after every meal, very nauseous and would get sick all of the time, I started by cutting out different things from my diet and wait a month to find out if there was change, first no sugar, then no fried foods, then no dairy, ect finally I cut out meat all together and BAM! Worked for me, does it make eating difficult? Very. Eating out is darn near impossible and eating at home consists of cooking two meals one for me and one for my boyfriend who does eat meat. But worth it to feel healthy. :)
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Vegan is an "ism" now? The things I learn on MFP...
    hasnt it always been?

    I guess considering the definition of the suffix, it always has been. I've never been fond of isms.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Pretty sure calling someone unintelligent and ignorant is bashing. :)

    The words "ignorant" and unintelligent" each appear only once in this entire thread. They are in this post claiming that someone called you those. There are no instances of those words before your accusation that they had been used.

    To be fair- I did say- and I quote
    "If you are going to try to start an intelligent discussion then you need to arm yourself intelligently and put some more research into this"

    But that is clearly NOT a personal attack. Or calling the OP unintelligent or ignorant or stupid, nor is it bashing her.

    But don't just copy past stuff you read somewhere to try to start a good (assuming by good you mean intelligent) discussion.
    That is any easy thing to have researched to figure out- much like many of the other things posted.

    Again- if you want to go to the debate table- arm yourself intelligently with the right evidence and facts.
  • fangedneko
    fangedneko Posts: 133 Member
    Vegan is an "ism" now? The things I learn on MFP...
    hasnt it always been?

    I guess considering the definition of the suffix, it always has been. I've never been fond of isms.

    It's an archaism, possibly even from Atticism.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    PRO Veganism
    1. Humans are not carnivores.
    We have been labeled as omnivores, but if you look at the scientific classifications, our bodies, teeth, and digestives tracts are built like an herbivore's. Small mouths, flat nails, long digestive tracts, etc.
    Humans are omnivores. Anyone trying to claim otherwise is co-opting scientific terms and statements much in the way creationists and intelligent designers do. Question anyone who does that, as they're a flat earther in disguise.
    2. Food safety
    Foods filled with pesticides, dairy, gluten, flour, processed sugar, toxic food combinations, acidic animal products, often full of steroids and hormones have been proven to be detrimental to our health.
    "Proven", however it's convenient... because plants are never covered in pesticides or fungicides, eh? It's a convenient fiction that requires significant omission. In fact, I'd go so far that vegans are helping to increase the political and corporate power that major ag like ConAgra has over farmers.
    3. Mistreatment of animals
    Have you ever seen how we get chicken nugget goop? I have. I can never eat another chicken nugget again, though personally I still eat real chicken breasts.
    I've made chicken "nuggets" utilizing "goop", it's a molecular gastronomy technique. That's not mistreatment of an animal, animal byproduct in this case is outside of the scope of the argument relating to the mistreatment of animals. The mistreatment of animals one is quite convenient as well. No one wants to discuss what happens to a rabbit that gets caught in a thresher. Or what happens to animals who eat bugs that have been hit with a pesticide. However, I do agree we could do better treating our animals, and that's why personally I have taken to killing more of my meat personally, along with purchasing whole animals from small vendors. By small, I tend to make sure the vendor is less than 5' tall and no more than 16 years old. (4H kids)

    1. Deficiencies
    Studies have repeatedly shown that vegetarians who fail to supplement their diets with Vitamin D, B12 and iron are prone to becoming dangerously anemic. Vegetarians also typically miss out on omega-3 fatty acids. The list of these goes on.
    This can be avoided with proper menu preparation and a little supplementation, it's also not just happening to vegans.
    2. Morality
    Like it or not, plants are also living organisms that respond to stimuli like light, gravity and touch. In fact, some groups even believe plants can feel pain. I've also read articles where plants actually grew better when you spoke to them like they were children. Creepy but cool.
    That's not really an argument. We have to kill in order to live. Any of us who cannot cotton to that should opt out. That's just the order of things.
    3. Environment:
    Non organic farms use pesticides that leak into the water supply. The vast amounts of water used to cultivate fruits and vegetables has actually been proven to cause droughts in some parts of the world. There's another ongoing list here.
    That's a product of our entire food system. Nothing preventing you from growing your own. There are things we can do to improve it, but frankly, organic farms on factory scale aren't really any better than non-organic farms. I'd love to see the "proof" of the butterfly effect you suggest in stating that cultivating fruits and veg have caused droughts in "some parts". That's an outrageous claim.

    At the end of the day, veganism is... veganism. It's cult, religion, way of life, scheme, marketing... just like any other fad, scheme, or "plan". If it resonates with you, do it. If it makes you feel good, do it. If not, don't do it.

    Who cares?
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    To be fair- I did say- and I quote
    "If you are going to try to start an intelligent discussion then you need to arm yourself intelligently and put some more research into this"

    But that is clearly NOT a personal attack. Or calling the OP unintelligent or ignorant or stupid, nor is it bashing her.

    Yeah, I read that. I didn't think it was a personal attack (because it wasn't). That's why I didn't include it when responding the the OP's claims of persecution. I guess, if I stretch, I could see how it could be taken as insulting. But, I didn't read it that way.
  • fangedneko
    fangedneko Posts: 133 Member
    I could see how it could be taken as insulting.
    I could see it as insulting if one was trying to use imagined persecution as an excuse to ignore the legitimate rebuttals of their indefensible argument.
  • shadowofender
    shadowofender Posts: 786 Member
    I haven't done much research. All I know is, damn I love meat. I feel fine when I eat it, and I have no moral objection to it. My uncle is a cattleherd. Those cows live happier lives than I do. I've seen them.
  • Squamation
    Squamation Posts: 522 Member
    Except chicken nugget goop. Male chicks are thrown live into a grinder. I saw it. Don't tell me that's not how we get chicken nugget goop because I watched it firsthand.

    I am not an expert, and this ^^ is unfortunately how most chicken farms decide to dispose of their male chicks, but that is not where chicken nugget goop comes from.

    The goop left over from the baby boys (that the FARMER uses) is simply thrown away.

    The extractor used (by the chicken FACTORY) to get all the remaining meat/edible parts off of a chicken carcass to get chicken nugget goop is a very similar process, however it's NOT from live chicks- it's from the bones and mostly tendons after the prime cuts of chicken meat have been stripped off.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    To be fair- I did say- and I quote
    "If you are going to try to start an intelligent discussion then you need to arm yourself intelligently and put some more research into this"

    But that is clearly NOT a personal attack. Or calling the OP unintelligent or ignorant or stupid, nor is it bashing her.

    Yeah, I read that. I didn't think it was a personal attack (because it wasn't). That's why I didn't include it when responding the the OP's claims of persecution. I guess, if I stretch, I could see how it could be taken as insulting. But, I didn't read it that way.
    And it wasn't- so no sense to read it that way. You were correct.
    I could see it as insulting if one was trying to use imagined persecution as an excuse to ignore the legitimate rebuttals of their indefensible argument.

    LOL we have a lot of imagined persecution here- so it happens- I'm not really all that surprised- even with my vanilla response
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    There really is no debate to be had. It's a totally personal choice that requires no justification.

    I am mostly vegan/vegetarian because I choose to be.

    I can tell you when I cut the dairy out of my diet and limit the grains. The constant arthritic pain in my hands and feet went away. I also lost a ton of weight which got me off my diabetic meds.

    I would direct questions to 2) movies; Forks Over Knives and Hungry For A Change.:drinker:
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    To be fair- I did say- and I quote
    "If you are going to try to start an intelligent discussion then you need to arm yourself intelligently and put some more research into this"

    But that is clearly NOT a personal attack. Or calling the OP unintelligent or ignorant or stupid, nor is it bashing her.

    Yeah, I read that. I didn't think it was a personal attack (because it wasn't). That's why I didn't include it when responding the the OP's claims of persecution. I guess, if I stretch, I could see how it could be taken as insulting. But, I didn't read it that way.
    It's not an attack.

    It's a clear reach and indicative of someone looking for validation by manufacturing offense where offense does not exist. I'd tread lightly from here on out, I'm not entirely sure this thread is meant for honest, open discourse.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    I'm not a vegan. To each their own.
  • Rerun201
    Rerun201 Posts: 125 Member
    Point by Point

    1. Humans are not carnivores.

    Correct statement in that we are not only meat eaters. We've been omnivores for eons. Studies and science cannot change that. We may be evolving to herbivores, but based on what I eat, I'd say I'm not there yet. Guess I'm behind on the evolutionary scale. I also find it absolutely amazing that the vast majority of humans on the planet (we're talking in the billions here) are omnivores, when all these studies say that it is against our nature and physiology. If all the evidence says that humans are designed to be vegan, who is the piper that led us down the road of ruination by convincing us it is okay to eat meat? That had to be the biggest marketing feat ever!

    2. Food safety

    Now I think we're off into organic vs. non-organic arguments. You can be a non-organic vegan and still have those concerns with pesticides.

    3. Mistreatment of animals

    Check and see how KFC gets their chicken. Chances are your chicken breast are from a very similar process, especially if purchased at your local grocery store.

    Animals (free range and grass fed) are treated pretty well...right up to the time they're killed for consumption. I would say most would call that mistreatment. I know I would feel mistreated if someone were to kill me. Let's ask the guy in Arizona if he feels he was mistreated.

    CONS of Veganism:

    1. Deficiencies

    If you eat the right foods, you can make up these deficiencies. It's mostly about combining the proper foods.

    2. Morality

    Now we're getting out to where the buses don't run, but I do like that you recognize that, while those wearing the capes with the big V are claiming the moral high ground because they don't kill living things, they need to take a look at where their fruits, vegetables and nuts come from. These are living things and when you chomp on them, they are dead..

    The sad fact is that pro-vegan activist like to use this argument to guilt us meat eaters into something we don't want to do. Yet are they out there with the meat eating lions, tigers and such convincing them to not eat other animals? Then why pick on me? Oh, because it is against the law for me to kill them for doing so and I have sufficient MORALITY to make them feel safe enough to approach me to espouse their viewpoint.

    3. Environment:

    Pesticides consumption can be tricky, but I'd be willing to bet a Big Mac that there is no place in the continental U. S. that hasn't had the water contaminated to some degree with some sort of chemical. If someone is watering crops to the extent they are causing a drought, that's news to me. Also a bit counterproductive. What good is your crop if everyone you are selling it to dies of thirst?

    My thoughts:

    Vegan or vegetarian-why the distinction? It's because a vegetarian is just a sort of committed vegan, unwilling to take their alleged belief to the point of discomfort in not being able to enjoy some of the foods they've loved since birth. "I''m a vegetarian so I can eat eggs and drink milk. I just don't eat meat". Yes, you do. It is just the meat hasn't matured yet. Someone I know recently went vegetarian and continues to buy snack crackers and other such fare. Read the labels and see what sort of products that come from animal flesh are in there.

    If someone wants to go vegan or vegetarian, I say go for it. I have known people that have done so; some stick with it some don't. Personally, I would miss a good sirloin steak, medium well (preferably from Ruth's Chris Steak House) way too much if I went that route.

    But if you want to go vegan, just do it and be quiet about it. I don't say a word to people about my choices until they get all up in my grille (pun intended) about trying to convert me to their choice. Like the woman soliciting money for All Species Kinship in front of the grocery store, asking me about don't I want to have a special kinship with the little critters. I told her I do have that kinship, every time I grill their flesh. I think she threw up a bit in her mouth; Like I said - I don't push mine on you so don't think because I'm walking in the store you can push yours on me without getting a little pushback.

    Then again, I'm a bit childish that way.
  • FunkyTobias
    FunkyTobias Posts: 1,776 Member
    If anyone mentions Gorillas, keep in mind they are omnivores, as are all of the great apes.