30 day shred???



  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    yes i have one, when i first started the shred my hrm told me i was burning 180cals and now however i seem to be used to it as the burn has got progressively lower and then last night hrm said only 89 cals!

    i feel like i could easily move onto level two but want to do the full 10 days

    The wrist HRM's aren’t as accurate, that’s why they can be cheapies. Fun tools for sure but for example the other day while walking outside at lunch in like 5 degree weather it my said HRM was 41, 41? That’s almost dead, lol! I figured the calculation had to do with a cold wrist and cold fingers. My resting is only 54 but still, after speed walking up a hill for 10 minutes my HR is closer to 120-140 just for that segment and NOT 41.

    Well, shoot I just bought one that has a wrist watch and a chest strap. Will this be better? I just can't afford the higher end HRMs. The one I got is a Timex T56G971. I actually saw good reviews online for it.

    Anyway, my DVDs were only shipped yesterday but I should have them this week. I also got "No More Trouble Zones", "Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism", and "6 Week Six-Pack". I don't know how good they will all be but at least I get a variety to choose from. I get bored easily.
  • mystic333
    I'd like to join. I tried the shred before for about a week and then just let my life get in the way. I've always struggled with my weight and even resorted to bulimia to slim down but I've finally gotten away from the negative tendancies. Unfortuately when I stopped obssessing the weight slowly crept on. I rly want to lose weight since I got engaged last month :love: and thus want to look good for the rehearsal, dress shopping, and all the other fun stuff that comes along. My biggest motivation atm is at Thanksgiving dinner my finacee's sister walked over to stand beside me and looked from my stomach to hers and stated "Wow I'm bigger than you! That's bad!" Such a slap in the face...:sad: I cried for quite awhile especially bcuz at my heaviest and current weight I'm 196 and she is around 230. Oh well just makes me want to change I guess.
  • fjola
    fjola Posts: 28
    Hi mystic and sorry for the late response! You are of course welcome to join us :) Congratulations on the engagement! :D Wow some people can be so insensitive!! But great for you to want to make a change, thats always a start :) I just finished day 8 in the shred and I think its so great to have people here on MFP to talk to, its a real encouragement :) So I hope you´ll join us :)
  • fjola
    fjola Posts: 28
    Finished with day 9!! Can´t wait to start level 2, just one more day of level 1!
    I really spot a difference in my tummy now, I didn´t think it would happen so soon, I am sooo happy :D Im taking pictures once a week and also measuring everything.

    Hows everyone else doing?

    Hope you´re excited to get to level 2!
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Hi all! I've just done level 2 day 2, ITS HARD!!! Day one I really struggled just following some of the moves. It was somewhat easier today because I knew what was coming, but there are LOTS of moves done from plank position, and they are killing me!
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    yes i have one, when i first started the shred my hrm told me i was burning 180cals and now however i seem to be used to it as the burn has got progressively lower and then last night hrm said only 89 cals!

    i feel like i could easily move onto level two but want to do the full 10 days

    The wrist HRM's aren’t as accurate, that’s why they can be cheapies. Fun tools for sure but for example the other day while walking outside at lunch in like 5 degree weather it my said HRM was 41, 41? That’s almost dead, lol! I figured the calculation had to do with a cold wrist and cold fingers. My resting is only 54 but still, after speed walking up a hill for 10 minutes my HR is closer to 120-140 just for that segment and NOT 41.

    Well, shoot I just bought one that has a wrist watch and a chest strap. Will this be better? I just can't afford the higher end HRMs. The one I got is a Timex T56G971. I actually saw good reviews online for it.

    Anyway, my DVDs were only shipped yesterday but I should have them this week. I also got "No More Trouble Zones", "Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism", and "6 Week Six-Pack". I don't know how good they will all be but at least I get a variety to choose from. I get bored easily.

    I couldn't afford one of the expensive HRM's either, but I got a cheep one with a chest strap, and I love it. In a lot of cases you are paying for the name as much as anything else. Today on level 2 I burned 345 cals!

    Let us know how you get on with the other dvds and which ones you like best. I'll be getting some more of Jillians once the shred is over because I love her no nonsense style.
  • MommyOnAMission
    MommyOnAMission Posts: 14 Member
    Hi all! I just found this thread and so excited you all are doing this program. Yesterday was Day 1 and Jillian kicked my *kitten*. :) Excited to do it again today, but not sure how I'm going to get through it being so sore. So, have you ladies started seeing or feeling results yet?
  • MommyOnAMission
    MommyOnAMission Posts: 14 Member
    Day# 2 Shred complete! :) Still dying especially 1st 5 minutes, BUT got some energy the last 5 and was high intensity. So happy I actually did it today considering how sore I was. How are guys doing? Really working to lose 8-10 pounds by New Year's. Took my before pics yesterday and measurements. MFP is awesome and all of you guys are really help motivate me with your own stories and successes.:smile:
  • fjola
    fjola Posts: 28
    Hi Dani! Good for you to start shredding! The first few days are the hardest, I felt so sore at first. But just fight through it and you won´t regret it :) I did day 9 today and I´m actually starting to see some changes, and I love it!
  • fjola
    fjola Posts: 28
    Hows everybody doing? :)
  • frubjious

    Its going pretty well. Will maybe take a progress photo in a couple of days. There are still certain bits that just kill me but still really loving it. I love how much you get done in such a small amount of time.
  • Bzbear2
    Bzbear2 Posts: 109
    hi all! just did day 7 (missed two days cause i forgot my dvd in berlin)

    I am really noticing a difference - especially in my endurance! I am actually starting to get bored of level 1, but i'm going to stick with it cause there are parts that are still hard - like the jumpropes (oh, my calves!) and the pushups.
  • fjola
    fjola Posts: 28
    Thats great you guys, I´m really noticing a difference too, I´ll be doing day 1 of level 2 in a minute, I´ll let you know how it went! I´m looking forward to it, I´m getting kinda bored with level 1 too! I´m really feeling good about this shred, it´s totally working for me :)
  • ley1
    ley1 Posts: 115
    well i've had almost a whole week off from the shred due to illness so i'm going to start it from stratch so i'm gonna leave this thread.

    wish you all the best hope you get the results you all want, thanks for your support up until now xx