Weight loss help emergency!!



  • keldenfar
    keldenfar Posts: 13
    i'm sorry but it's not spam! it's real with real results! just here trying to help!

    Says the spammer who has been here since Dec 2011 and whose ticker reads 0lbs lost 60lbs to go.

    Wow! I want real results like that! NOT!!

    you know what lady, maybe just maybe i didn't log my weight loss on mfp. ever think of that??
    I think I know why you don't log your weight loss here because you only use this site as an adverting venue.

    yes, you're exactly right. you've gotten me figured out! good job!
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    So I have a wedding I am going to exactly 2 months from now...I currently weigh 175 and I am trying to be 150 or lower by the time of the wedding...any tips or diets or exercises you all have would be greatly appreciated!!!

    also...I have heard of this program called insanity...its a 60 day program and I have 61 days until the wedding. has anyon done it and if so how much weight did you lose from it?

    1). This doesn't sound like an emergency.
    2). I don't think your goal weight is a good idea. (Edit: due to timeframe)

    I think you should take this time to learn some sustainable practices that you can apply to your life so that months and years from now, you're able to maintain a reasonable weight and avoid further "emergencies".
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    i'm sorry but it's not spam! it's real with real results! just here trying to help!

    Says the spammer who has been here since Dec 2011 and whose ticker reads 0lbs lost 60lbs to go.

    Wow! I want real results like that! NOT!!

    you know what lady, maybe just maybe i didn't log my weight loss on mfp. ever think of that??
    I think I know why you don't log your weight loss here because you only use this site as an adverting venue.

    yes, you're exactly right. you've gotten me figured out! good job!

    Thought you said you were done?
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    it's against the rules on EVERY board i've ever been on - reading, fitness, guitar, business, photography, and the list goes on. i've never seen a board that allows spam.
    My goodness! All I was trying to do was help and I'm being attacked! "It's against the rules", "Ignore the spammer", "Advertising will be deleted".
    Good luck to you all.
  • arussell134
    arussell134 Posts: 463 Member
    I think the reason this thread is attracting a lot of not-so-great advice is because there isn't really a healthy way (at least that I can think of) to achieve a 25 lb weight loss in 2 months. I feel badly for the OP, because this whole thread is a hot mess.

    OP, I lost about 10 pounds in 2 months time working out and eating better. And this was before MFP! While it's not a jaw dropping number, it was enough to help me feel better about myself and squeeze into one dress size smaller. I don't want you to throw the baby out with the bathwater, here. I think you can still work to feeling good by the wedding, and I hope you will. I think many of the posters here are not only trying to uphold the rules of the forums, but to discourage you from doing something that could be harmful to your health (and pocketbook!) in the name of weight loss.

    Bottom line - I hope you can rethink your goal here and instead of focus on eating better, working out more, and garnering encouragement here from the community on your weight loss journey - for as long as it takes. (And I'm happy to lend some encouragement - feel free to send me a friend request if you wish.)

    Best luck!
  • keldenfar
    keldenfar Posts: 13
    i'm sorry but it's not spam! it's real with real results! just here trying to help!

    Says the spammer who has been here since Dec 2011 and whose ticker reads 0lbs lost 60lbs to go.

    Wow! I want real results like that! NOT!!

    you know what lady, maybe just maybe i didn't log my weight loss on mfp. ever think of that??

    Hmm. Doesn't use MFP, post history is either advertisements or in defense of advertisements, profile picture is also an advertisement....
    But totally NOT trying to sell anything.

    Yeah. Okay.

    this better. is this profile pic make you happy! my son is autistic. oh wait...is that advertising autism in some way?

    Trying to compare Autism and weight loss gimmicks….. No, just no.

    OMG, i just can't win with you people! And don't you dare start going off on me about autism. Look, I"m sorry I pissed you people off. Seriously. Get over it. I'm sorry. Let it go. I am truly sorry that I broke a rule. It will never happen again! Done. Period!

    1). You were the one to bring up Autism
    2). Nobody is "going off" at you about Autism.
    3). My lovely son is also on the Autism Spectrum.
    4). You broke the rules and you are repeatedly lashing out at most people in this thread and I suggest (this is a sincere suggestion) that you walk away from your computer and go take a walk or spend some time with your son. Get away from this thread for a while. It's not going to end well at this point.

    Have a nice day.

    1:yes, i did bring up autism....i'll bring it up every day!!
    2:no, nobody went off on my about autism. i asked her not to.
    3:i'm in good company then!! my prayers are with you and your son!
    4:yes, i broke the rules, i lashed out because i was being lashed against! i'd loooove to go be with my son and my daughter but they are spending a few days with my inlaws! thank you for the suggestions! i agree, everybody hates me in this thread. i'm a spammer. i've been called uppity. i'm sure most believe i have no soul, but truth be told i am a sweet person who really cares about everybody. i have a very, VERY defensive personality. i hate that about myself. i apologize for that. if i knew how to delete my original post, i would. i don't know how though. again, i apologize to everyone. please, quit being hateful. it hurts. i'm sorry i broke the rules. it's not going to happen again, okay? thanks.
  • DebTavares
    DebTavares Posts: 170 Member
    This is not an emergency. You will enjoynthe procees more with a modest defecit and doing exercise that you enjoy. When you make it difficult chances are you want it to be done in as little time as possible. That's why we get numerous threads with this sameIidea for speedy weight loss. you want it to be over quickly because you make it so miserable to get there.
  • sparacka
    sparacka Posts: 137 Member
    I already dealt with the biggest see you next Tuesday at work today, so i am not getting involved with this ridiculous drama.

    I've lost 28lbs in the last two months (less than 60 days, actually). I eat no more than 50 grams of carbs/ day and consume ~1500-1600 calories / day. My macros are 70% fat, 20% protein, 10% carbs. I am expecting backlash, but wanted to let OP know that such a goal is possible, without paying for gimmicks or going on a VLCD.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    To help you lose weight, you could try buying an ebook that gives weight loss tips. Maybe some of those tips can help/ here is one i recommend:

    spammers be spammin.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    This has to be a record for most advertisements/spam and unsafe weight loss methods to pop up in a short period.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    This has to be a record for most advertisements/spam and unsafe weight loss methods to pop up in a short period.
    4 pages in and still no amputation or time machine references though... I'm not sure how that makes me feel.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    This has to be a record for most advertisements/spam and unsafe weight loss methods to pop up in a short period.
    4 pages in and still no amputation or time machine references though... I'm not sure how that makes me feel.


    OP. You could try lipo, cutting off a limb or see if the Doctor will lend you his time machine!

    (I think I covered it all :tongue:)
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    i'm sorry but it's not spam! it's real with real results! just here trying to help!

    Says the spammer who has been here since Dec 2011 and whose ticker reads 0lbs lost 60lbs to go.

    Wow! I want real results like that! NOT!!

    you know what lady, maybe just maybe i didn't log my weight loss on mfp. ever think of that??

    Hmm. Doesn't use MFP, post history is either advertisements or in defense of advertisements, profile picture is also an advertisement....
    But totally NOT trying to sell anything.

    Yeah. Okay.

    this better. is this profile pic make you happy! my son is autistic. oh wait...is that advertising autism in some way?

    Trying to compare Autism and weight loss gimmicks….. No, just no.

    OMG, i just can't win with you people! And don't you dare start going off on me about autism. Look, I"m sorry I pissed you people off. Seriously. Get over it. I'm sorry. Let it go. I am truly sorry that I broke a rule. It will never happen again! Done. Period!

    1). You were the one to bring up Autism
    2). Nobody is "going off" at you about Autism.
    3). My lovely son is also on the Autism Spectrum.
    4). You broke the rules and you are repeatedly lashing out at most people in this thread and I suggest (this is a sincere suggestion) that you walk away from your computer and go take a walk or spend some time with your son. Get away from this thread for a while. It's not going to end well at this point.

    Have a nice day.

    1:yes, i did bring up autism....i'll bring it up every day!!
    2:no, nobody went off on my about autism. i asked her not to.
    3:i'm in good company then!! my prayers are with you and your son!
    4:yes, i broke the rules, i lashed out because i was being lashed against! i'd loooove to go be with my son and my daughter but they are spending a few days with my inlaws! thank you for the suggestions! i agree, everybody hates me in this thread. i'm a spammer. i've been called uppity. i'm sure most believe i have no soul, but truth be told i am a sweet person who really cares about everybody. i have a very, VERY defensive personality. i hate that about myself. i apologize for that. if i knew how to delete my original post, i would. i don't know how though. again, i apologize to everyone. please, quit being hateful. it hurts. i'm sorry i broke the rules. it's not going to happen again, okay? thanks.
    :flowerforyou: You're just fine, shake it off and enjoy the rest of the evening:happy: I understand how it can feel getting defensive easily... sometimes I'm that way as well. Something else we can work on along with our physical health.

    I do think you're a good person and I certainly don't hate, nor could I hate anyone. Sometimes threads get heated and we all end up twisted up in the thread. I'm taking SideSteel's advice and gonna shut down MFP for a bit.

    Have a great night all:drinker:

  • keldenfar
    keldenfar Posts: 13
    This has to be a record for most advertisements/spam and unsafe weight loss methods to pop up in a short period.
    4 pages in and still no amputation or time machine references though... I'm not sure how that makes me feel.


    OP. You could try lipo, cutting off a limb or see if the Doctor will lend you his time machine!

    (I think I covered it all :tongue:)

    i started it all and again, i sincerely apologize!
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    Deep tread so...

  • amcook4
    amcook4 Posts: 561 Member
    I know people that have lost more than 25 pounds in 2 months.....of course I work in hospice, and those people are loosing weight since their bodies are shutting down because they are dying.

    OP, this is not a good idea, at your weight you should be aiming to lose .5 pound a week, so without a time machine, there is no healthy way about it. Best of luck
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    this is not an emergency.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    This is the OPs second thread asking how to lose this amount of weight in this period of time. She also tried a 7 day cleanse. Now I'm sad that I gave a thoughtful response.
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    i'm sorry but it's not spam! it's real with real results! just here trying to help!

    Says the spammer who has been here since Dec 2011 and whose ticker reads 0lbs lost 60lbs to go.

    Wow! I want real results like that! NOT!!

    you know what lady, maybe just maybe i didn't log my weight loss on mfp. ever think of that??

    Hmm. Doesn't use MFP, post history is either advertisements or in defense of advertisements, profile picture is also an advertisement....
    But totally NOT trying to sell anything.

    Yeah. Okay.

    this better. is this profile pic make you happy! my son is autistic. oh wait...is that advertising autism in some way?

    Trying to compare Autism and weight loss gimmicks….. No, just no.

    OMG, i just can't win with you people! And don't you dare start going off on me about autism. Look, I"m sorry I pissed you people off. Seriously. Get over it. I'm sorry. Let it go. I am truly sorry that I broke a rule. It will never happen again! Done. Period!

    Going off on you about Autism? YOU were the one who made a smart *kitten* comment basically trying to say promoting Autism awareness is no different than promoting weight loss products.

    i was in no way comparing autism and weight loss. there is no comparison. i made the comment because you insinuated that's what i was doing!! which i was not!!! anyway, i'm done.

    Why do we...crucify ourselves...everyday...crucify ourselves...
    For some reason Tori Amos popped into my head just now...lol
  • keldenfar
    keldenfar Posts: 13
    i'm sorry but it's not spam! it's real with real results! just here trying to help!

    Says the spammer who has been here since Dec 2011 and whose ticker reads 0lbs lost 60lbs to go.

    Wow! I want real results like that! NOT!!

    you know what lady, maybe just maybe i didn't log my weight loss on mfp. ever think of that??

    Hmm. Doesn't use MFP, post history is either advertisements or in defense of advertisements, profile picture is also an advertisement....
    But totally NOT trying to sell anything.

    Yeah. Okay.

    this better. is this profile pic make you happy! my son is autistic. oh wait...is that advertising autism in some way?

    Trying to compare Autism and weight loss gimmicks….. No, just no.

    OMG, i just can't win with you people! And don't you dare start going off on me about autism. Look, I"m sorry I pissed you people off. Seriously. Get over it. I'm sorry. Let it go. I am truly sorry that I broke a rule. It will never happen again! Done. Period!

    1). You were the one to bring up Autism
    2). Nobody is "going off" at you about Autism.
    3). My lovely son is also on the Autism Spectrum.
    4). You broke the rules and you are repeatedly lashing out at most people in this thread and I suggest (this is a sincere suggestion) that you walk away from your computer and go take a walk or spend some time with your son. Get away from this thread for a while. It's not going to end well at this point.

    Have a nice day.

    1:yes, i did bring up autism....i'll bring it up every day!!
    2:no, nobody went off on my about autism. i asked her not to.
    3:i'm in good company then!! my prayers are with you and your son!
    4:yes, i broke the rules, i lashed out because i was being lashed against! i'd loooove to go be with my son and my daughter but they are spending a few days with my inlaws! thank you for the suggestions! i agree, everybody hates me in this thread. i'm a spammer. i've been called uppity. i'm sure most believe i have no soul, but truth be told i am a sweet person who really cares about everybody. i have a very, VERY defensive personality. i hate that about myself. i apologize for that. if i knew how to delete my original post, i would. i don't know how though. again, i apologize to everyone. please, quit being hateful. it hurts. i'm sorry i broke the rules. it's not going to happen again, okay? thanks.
    :flowerforyou: You're just fine, shake it off and enjoy the rest of the evening:happy: I understand how it can feel getting defensive easily... sometimes I'm that way as well. Something else we can work on along with our physical health.

    I do think you're a good person and I certainly don't hate, nor could I hate anyone. Sometimes threads get heated and we all end up twisted up in the thread. I'm taking SideSteel's advice and gonna shut down MFP for a bit.

    Have a great night all:drinker:


    thank you so much for this! i really, really appreciate it! good night!
This discussion has been closed.