YAYW - smoking hot Brides to Be!



  • flower1988
    Hello girls! 6 months to go for me and i'm on the diet but had takeaway for dinner tonight - oops lol
  • staceywoo
    Hi everyone, thought I'd join in after seeing the link over on YAYW. I'm getting married in September, so my goal is to get to my target weight before I get to my final dress fittings. I started off at 168 Ibs, and I'm now down to 142 Ibs.
    The last part seems to be the hardest, but I'm determined to get down to my target of 133 Ibs within the next couple of months.

    I should hopefully be ordering my dress this weekend; when we first started looking I was a size 16 and having to pick which samples I could try on, and now I'm ordering a 12! That should be good motivation :-)

    Good luck everyone!

  • kittykins27
    hi girlies!

    after all your lovely comments on yayw i've joined and tried to add everyone but if i've missed anyone please add me.

    you all cheered me up so much i feel motivated to start the healthy eatting plan tomorrow and got a personal trainer session booked for tuesday! i've only got 6 months to go so need to get my *kitten* in gear!
  • regencybride
    Hi everyone! 133lbs is my target too staceywoo, but I've only been going for just under 3 weeks and have lost 4lbs so far, hoping to have lost another 1 or 2 when I weigh in tomorrow. Everyone is so lovely and supportive on here, I'm really in awe of the ladies who've managed to lose 30-odd lbs!

    I'm currently 150lbs so 17lbs to go, and only I've got until my wedding in mid-april so need to get cracking. I'm not losing as fast as I like to but I really struggle to get my exercise in as I work very long hours, and REALLY want a yummy dinner or a takeaway when I get home in the evenings.

    I've got a lot better at eating filling but healthy lunches at work and not snacking so much, but I'm finding that when I do exercise, instead of eating healthy stuff like grilled chicken and veg, I end up thinking "oh I've been good, I can have some pizza cos I've got the calories to use up".

    I also often get a message come up when i close my diary for the day saying I'm not eating enough calories and I might 'go into starvation mode' if I don't eat more, but I really am eating quite a lot.

    Any advice ladies? Thanks!
  • 13weekweightloss
    Hye girls joining you on this mission!
    I have 12 weeks until the big day and currently 10.3 (142lb)

    I want to be down to 9 stone really but thats a lot to lose so mt first goal is to get back under 10 second goal is 9.9 then see from there!

    I weigh in on a Sat so will be back tomo with any news, good I hope!

    Good luck!x
  • Flossycat100
    I'm eating a lot of fruit as snacks but you have to beware of your carbs when eating loads of fruit so salads, carrot sticks, cucumber etc are good. For 'on the move' snacks and to help make up my calories each day, I am currently eating a lot of things like Dairylea Dunkers! Only around 120 cals a pot. Or Go Ahead yogurt breaks, which are like really fruity Garibaldis with yogurty icing on...mmmmm! If I have a hundred or so cals left after dinner I can allow myself a low fat choc mousse (Cadburys only 60cals! Shape around 100!). Even th eoccasional bag od low fat crisps as a treat has under 100 cals so for me it's really a case of eating little and often, around my main meals :)
  • kittykins27
    13weekweightlos i love that colourful dress your wearing on your second photo!

    but anyways i'm planning my meals for next week but unsure of some nice lunchs to take to work that isnt sandwichs or soup. any ideas?
  • Rachel_Leigh84
    Hey ladies thought i would stick my bit on here too. Im getting married in Antigua at the beginning of May 2012. Havent actually booked it yet as the flights dont come out until end of next month. Cant wait until i actually get a set date so that i can have a proper count down. Anyways, i currently weigh 141 lbs and would like to try and get down to 119 lbs by then. To do this i need to lose roughly 1.5 lbs a month. Doesnt sound much i know but i find it really hard to shed the pounds and the wedding is going to creep up real fast once it it booked. The count down to both wedding and weight is on!!!! :love:
  • 13weekweightloss
    13weekweightlos i love that colourful dress your wearing on your second photo!

    Thankyou! Its from river island last summer, they have it out again in diff colours!!!

    Why not make your self salad boxes with chicken tikka or prawns, egg mayo etc?!x
  • lizzie2190
    lizzie2190 Posts: 236 Member
    HI ALL :)


    Gotta stay motivated now as dress it a bit to small - will be in in june so got a while x
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    Hiya all!!

    Welcome to the newbies from YAYW...:flowerforyou:

    MFP calculates a recommended calorie intake for each of us individually which should result in the amount of weight you would like to lose per week. Please bear in mind that the closer you are to your goal weight, the harder the weight will be to lose. BUT, it is still possible!!

    You shouldn't be going under 1200 calories a day and as many of you are quite close to your goals, I am guessing that 1200 has been set for you. Try and hit this 1200 calories a day to ensure you are getting the correct amount of nutrients. Getting less than 1200 can cause your body to hold onto EVERYTHING you put in your bodies and will be reluctant to let excess weight go. We all know the girl who has dieted at 500 cals a day for 3 days and then failed by having a good old binge...I've been there myself. It's really not good to restrict yourself too much.

    You should feel full and satisfied after eating the amount of caloris MFP has given you...if the food you are eating is good quality food and not 4 mars bars :laugh:

    If you stick to 1200 cals for a couple of weeks and find no success...try and zig zag your calories...maybe one day have 900 and the next day 1300? Do not try 900 calories every day...

    I'm off for my first jog of the new year tomorrow and I'm so excited. 13lbs to go and I'm going to hit the exercise this week and careful eating and get myself started on this.

    Lizzie...ooooh, DRESS! Can you share the details with us? Or have you posted on YAYW??

    That's the best inspiration for losing weight...I was told that mine is in the shop,but I'm not going until I get into the 140's!

  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    Wannaloseit...I think that's a reasonable loss to achieve.

    Change your exercise weekly to keep your body guessing...our bodies can get used to exercise If we do the same thing over and over again.

    How tall are you? :smile:
  • kittykins27
    thanks for the advice natalie i was a under my daily calories but after reading that i treated myself to a weight watchers pudding so i had enough cals!

    i'm finding this site really motivating thanks :-)
  • regencybride
    Hey KittyKins - Do you have a toaster/microwave at work? I've had low sugar baked beans and a couple of slices of nimble bread toast with low fat philadelphia which is quite nice :-D
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    I hope you enjoyed your pudding kittykins!!! :wink:

    I managed a 3.5mile run today and then decorated for 3.5hours! :happy: Feeling a little tired but really happy that I've fallen back in love with getting fit and healthy!!

    How is everyone doing? :flowerforyou:
  • lizzie2190
    lizzie2190 Posts: 236 Member
    Hi all,

    yeah dress is on yayw but seen you spotted it :)

    Im doing ok diet wise - calorie counting is fab and working well for me as a very fussy eater !
    Im not doing great on exercise really but feeling results from what i am doing x I may start swimming soon as good thing to do with the kids just life feels a bit rushed at moment x
    How everyone else doing ? Any exciting wedding plans ? x
  • Bulgingbride
    Hi, was recommended by YAYW, I weighed 144 when I bought my dress but went up to 154 over Christmas and New Year. Ideally I want to get down to 130 before my wedding in May. I have lost 8lb since New Year and 2lb since joining MFP. As well as eating healthily, I am trying to do a couple of step classes a week, a Zumba class and swimming a couple of times. When the weather clears I will be cycling into work and back. I really need to get my skates on as I need to lose every week to meet my goal before my wedding.

    Looking forward to keeping motivated with all you lovely ladies from YAYW
  • Rachel_Leigh84
    Wannaloseit...I think that's a reasonable loss to achieve.

    Change your exercise weekly to keep your body guessing...our bodies can get used to exercise If we do the same thing over and over again.

    How tall are you? :smile:

    Hey hun, Im only 5ft 2in so dont hold weight very well, this is why I want to get down to 8.5 stone. I think this would be a reasonable weight for someone of my height.

    Thanks for the tip with exercise. I do try and vary it as much as i can. I do spin once a week, swim once a week and then alternate between running and general cardio the rest of the time. Its good to mix it up. Stops the mind from getting bored aswell as the body!

    How are you now? Are you feeling better? You have done so well with your weight loss. Bet you feel fantastic!! :bigsmile:
  • Pal1981
    Pal1981 Posts: 12
    I thought I'd drop and say hello.

    Have now logged in for a whole week on a row WOHOO!

    Have had my calories up and down from 1000 to 1200 I can't obv see any results yet which is annoying as Im very impatient and I want it NOW.

  • MaylanK
    Ladies :D

    Wanted to share a recipe with you all :) It's super light and good :) it's a salad, so when you want something quickly and filling this is a good choice.

    You will need:

    -rocket salad (I used 1/4 of the rocket bag per person, but that depends on how much you like it)
    -tomato (if you like, I used 1 per person)
    -Parma ham (2 slices per person, with the fatty edge removed ;) gotta avoid the fatty parts)
    -olive oil (extra virgin)
    -balsamic glaze
    -salt and pepper
    -Parmesan cheese (grated or in very thin slices, however you prefer)

    Wash the rocket/tomatoes and dry them. Dice the tomatoes. Lay the rocket on a plate, put the tomatoes on top, and drizzle a bit of balsamic glaze and olive oil (about half a teaspoon each. I like the glaze a lot, so I add a bit more). Cut the Parma ham slices in half and roll them and put the over the salad. Add salt and pepper to taste, and a bit of Parmesan cheese.

    And that's it :) I tried it for the first time today, and it was good :) Came up to about 110 calories in all :)