Girl problems.



  • DaughterOfTheMostHighKing
    DaughterOfTheMostHighKing Posts: 1,436 Member
    Wait there are plenty of people that are broke that have regular sex life's.

    Seriously dude, find someone while you are poor, then when money comes you know they are around for the right reasons
    LOL not in my case. I met my wife when we were both broke. Then as soon as I made 6 figures she split with all my stuff! Going through divorce now after 10+ year marriage.

    that is sad. Divorce is always not a good thing. I hope you're okay...
  • JeriAnne84
    JeriAnne84 Posts: 543 Member
    Asperger's will make it harder to find employment, but not impossible. I knew a guy who had Asperger's and he did IT stuff for one of the Federal agencies here in my town.
  • Jessica_Eve
    Jessica_Eve Posts: 47 Member
    Considering this guy is referring to himself as beautiful but ugly duckling RAINdeer, I'd say he isn't looking to overcome the obstacle any time soon.
  • RunnerStephe
    RunnerStephe Posts: 2,195
    Be yourself, and quit looking. Desperation turns woman off. Get a job, that is important also.
  • FTF2014
    FTF2014 Posts: 257 Member
    I never had a problem with females and I am just an average looking guy. Most of the females I did date where from work. Normally I would just talk to females regularly at work and had a non- judge mental attitude which means I don't judge anyone. After a while a female would give me a hint like I always like to come to work just to see your cute face. One time I had a female worker who just went and pinched my cheek and said that's how I feel about you. Which was her way of saying Iam interested. Normal conversation and being serious at work but laid back on everything else is best to attract females. Just talk to them like a friend and don't stress it. To many guys work too hard and **** up. A female is a human being Once you realize that it's easy to find one.
  • JeriAnne84
    JeriAnne84 Posts: 543 Member
    Considering this guy is referring to himself as beautiful but ugly duckling RAINdeer, I'd say he isn't looking to overcome the obstacle any time soon.

    Good point.

    Also, a girl my be curious since you're a hybrid animal. A duckling reindeer. A duckdeer... or a reinling?
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Wait there are plenty of people that are broke that have regular sex life's.

    Seriously dude, find someone while you are poor, then when money comes you know they are around for the right reasons
    LOL not in my case. I met my wife when we were both broke. Then as soon as I made 6 figures she split with all my stuff! Going through divorce now after 10+ year marriage.

    Lol that's unlucky dude.

    but I guess he can take from that, that you got laid while being broke ;)

    really that's all that matters. i've done broke dudes before when I was younger. I mean i'm young their young, there really isn't much else for a girl who doesn't want to put out for rich old men just b/c they have money. so you sleep with the young broke dudes that are hot and get your references on movies and music. it's the way of the world I think?
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    You are cute OP

    it is really cliche and boring to say but you need to be yourself and allow other people to be themselves too

    women will be attracted to you do not worry about it so much you are young

    i know its hard being alone sometimes but it will happen for you just dont obsess over it and get desperate
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    ETA... i re-read the OP's post better. he's a dime chaser...

    Um... like a nickel and dime chaser? Confused by the term.

    Anyway... OP.. just relax. Go get a job. Socialize. Things will fall into place as long as you put yourself out there. You don't want to try to be anything other than what you are or things will be temporary. Maybe you don't want something super long term, but starting off knowing it's completely temporary isn't great either.
  • Damn. If you weren't on government money I'd say get a Russian Mail Order bride. There are other options though! Craigslist, Backpage, internet chat rooms, Omegle, etc. Don't ask how I know about these places. I just heard from a friend of a friend or something...
  • waltcote
    waltcote Posts: 372 Member
    Besides getting a job find something that you are interested in doing. A hobby or working out or what ever. That's how you meet girls that are like you. Do an activity and see who's there and if it happens make a connection. Go for coffee or something casual and go from there. :bigsmile:
  • Eleanorjanethinner
    Eleanorjanethinner Posts: 563 Member
    i am a 21 year old male. I grew up living with my mother only. Never had a father around me.. I recently moved out on my own. Got no jobb etc but living on goverment money. But applying for jobs.

    I am struggling really bad with girls.. I cant stop thinking about girls and sexual stuff. Im not just thinking about sex. I love cuddling and just being around girls.. But i dont know what to say or talk about.

    My mother never learned me anything. All i learnt from her was being kind to people and have a clean home..

    But i feel this has handicapped me.. I was spoliled, got what i want, did what i wanted.. Now im struggling with getting girls.. Flirting with girls etc.. I have no idea how i am suppose to flirt with girls at all. And i dont know how to see if a girl is flirting wit hme.

    I know i am kind, hold good eye contact and speak releaxed. But i dont know what i can do to get a girl attracted to me and make her want to spend quality time with me.

    I am kinda a loner.. But i know i am beautiful but i feel like a ugly duckling... or like Rudolph the raindeer.

    I just need advice from other Males and females aswell.. This is something that is really affecting my self confidence.. I feel guilty when i see a gorgeous girl in the street, or on the buss etc.. And im not able to approach her and attract her.. I have never approached a girl like that before.. I dont feel "Anxious" about it.. just dosent feel like something i could be able to do..

    Sorry for a whiny thread maybe.. But i just let everything out.. I need answers and guidance

    Thanks for all advice/help guys/galls

    Hi there,

    there are a few things in your post that stick out to me... you've never had a father around, you've obviously been close to your mother (you say you were spoiled by her) you're unemployed and job seeking (that's hard!) and you've just had a big life change in that you've moved out on your own. You've got a whole lot going on and you are quite young. I rather suspect that you're moving a whole load of your feelings onto the (possibly more achievable) issue of getting a girlfriend instead of having to tackle things like fear, sadness etc.

    Ideally you would be a reasonably whole, healthy person before you got into a relationship, instead of maybe looking for a woman to patch you up and make you feel better (and mother you?).

    I suggest that if you can, you spend some time uncovering some of the difficult feelings that you might be trying to smother by thinking about girls and trying to deal with the real issues. Get as much support as you can from your (male) friends and any family you have. Look after yourself in all the usual ways (sleep, moderate exercise, reasonably healthy food, not too much drink, no drugs).

    Hopefully if you can get a job (even part time) that will give you a routine, some distraction, some money and possible improve your self esteem. In the meantime, make sure you keep as busy as possible and try to keep to some kind of routine.

    Best of luck with all it and remember - it gets better! :smile:
  • Sirinya55
    Sirinya55 Posts: 79 Member
    MFP is a good place to meet girls :)
  • ekahnicole
    ekahnicole Posts: 216 Member
    You mentioned not knowing "how to get a girl attracted to you". There's one problem, right there. A girl is going to either be attracted to you, or she won't. You can do things that put your best self out there for her to see, but you can't "make" her feel any particular way. She;ll like you or she won't.

    Secondly, if you're bad at flirting, don't do it. Flirting is only cute if the person is comfortable doing it, anyway. If flirting is not a strong suit, ditch it entirely and use what comes naturally to you. You mentioned being goof at holing good eye contact. Use that. When you see a cute girl, walk up to her, smile, introduce yourself, tell her she's pretty, and ask for her number. It's that simple. Fortune favors the bold, so do bold things!

    I'll tell you right now, the most memorable times I've been approached by guys were the ones that came out of the blue and bravely asked me out right there in the middle of Wal-Mart, or a gas station. If you strike out and she declines, chances are you will still have made her day by flattering her, and she'll think about you all day. I'd still call that a win. :)

    As a woman, I completely agree with this.

    But I would also like to add that most guys I've actually been interested in, I did not meet randomly while out and about. I met them through work or school or through mutual friends. Generally I got to know them a bit before I considered the possibility of anything romantic. Not all women are like this, but many of them are as well, and I think more relationships begin in this way than some random guy walking up out of the blue and saying hello (not that it doesn't happen or is a bad thing to do).

    Another thing I think is really really important, is pay attention to body language. Girls make it pretty clear whether they are interested or not just with how they stand or move in your presence.

    Lastly: meeting people online is legit in this day and age, I met my boyfriend online. You actually have a much better chance of meeting someone with really similar interests/beliefs/etc through the internet in this day and age than random encounters.
  • FTF2014
    FTF2014 Posts: 257 Member
    I never had a problem with females and I am just an average looking guy. Most of the females I did date where from work. Normally I would just talk to females regularly at work and had a non- judge mental attitude which means I don't judge anyone. After a while a female would give me a hint like I always like to come to work just to see your cute face. One time I had a female worker who just went and pinched my cheek and said that's how I feel about you. Which was her way of saying Iam interested. Normal conversation and being serious at work but laid back on everything else is best to attract females. Just talk to them like a friend and don't stress it. To many guys work too hard and **** up. A female is a human being Once you realize that it's easy to find one.

    Read this over and over OP. Its short,simple,and works for sure. A female is a human being is the most important part, not a scientific puzzle that you need to search all over the internet for the answer.
  • arfuss
    arfuss Posts: 90 Member

    ETA... i re-read the OP's post better. he's a dime chaser...

    What is a "Dime Chaser"? I Live in Norway so my english isent that good..

    Rudolph was the raindeer who was diffrent, so everyone bullied him..

    But the goverment money gives me 2407 USD a Month.

    And in my country no one is allowed to carry guns. They only allow hunters to own guns wich is required to be stored in a "gun safe disasambled"

    I know i got a beautiful personality. But since elementary school people have treated me diffrent. acted diffrent around me..

    People have treated me badly all my life. I threw alot of my friends away becuase of theire negative attitute. And i dont usually enjoy hanging with male friends. Because most of them are *kitten*

    I have this Fantasy.. Want to earn enough money to open my own nightclub. then invite all the Aholes to the opening cermony.. Then look down at them and laugh from the second floor railing with both my arms around two diffrent girls.

    I hunger for Models, artists, actresses
  • sculli123
    sculli123 Posts: 1,221 Member
    [What is a "Dime Chaser"? I hunger for Models, artists, actresses
    She means you're chasing after 10's. You should be chasing after 6's probably.... or whatever you can get at this point from the sound of it. You don't have much to offer them, so you're not going to get models etc at this point. Fix yourself first, then someone will like you for you once you have something going for yourself.
  • jboccio90
    jboccio90 Posts: 644 Member
    [What is a "Dime Chaser"? I hunger for Models, artists, actresses
    She means you're chasing after 10's. You should be chasing after 6's probably.... or whatever you can get at this point from the sound of it. You don't have much to offer them, so you're not going to get models etc at this point. Fix yourself first, then someone will like you for you once you have something going for yourself.


    although most people are attracted to models and actresses it is unrealistic the average person will ever get a chance to be with them.

    Alexander Skarsgard is sadly not tapping on my window at night.

    And by the way you are presenting yourself, someone average like me wouldn't be interested. Even if you feel you've been slighted in the lottery of life and have faced adversity you can't let those feelings follow and affect you.
  • HannahLynn91
    HannahLynn91 Posts: 238 Member
    My mother never learned me anything.


    Kind of seems like English may not be his first language. If it is... then :huh:
  • tabicatinthehat
    tabicatinthehat Posts: 329 Member

    ETA... i re-read the OP's post better. he's a dime chaser...

    What is a "Dime Chaser"? I Live in Norway so my english isent that good..

    Rudolph was the raindeer who was diffrent, so everyone bullied him..

    But the goverment money gives me 2407 USD a Month.

    And in my country no one is allowed to carry guns. They only allow hunters to own guns wich is required to be stored in a "gun safe disasambled"

    I know i got a beautiful personality. But since elementary school people have treated me diffrent. acted diffrent around me..

    People have treated me badly all my life. I threw alot of my friends away becuase of theire negative attitute. And i dont usually enjoy hanging with male friends. Because most of them are *kitten*

    I have this Fantasy.. Want to earn enough money to open my own nightclub. then invite all the Aholes to the opening cermony.. Then look down at them and laugh from the second floor railing with both my arms around two diffrent girls.

    I hunger for Models, artists, actresses

    Sounding kinda bitter, there... Maybe that's enough fuel to feed the fire and motivate you to be the kind of guy who goes and gets what he wants. (I mean that in the least rapey way possible.)

    And yeah, you are a dime-chaser. Better get on top of that 'having lots of money' thing.

    Also, you get paid so much more for doing nothing than I make at my job. Wtf.