Girl problems.



  • shadowofender
    shadowofender Posts: 786 Member

    ETA... i re-read the OP's post better. he's a dime chaser...

    What is a "Dime Chaser"? I Live in Norway so my english isent that good..

    Rudolph was the raindeer who was diffrent, so everyone bullied him..

    But the goverment money gives me 2407 USD a Month.

    And in my country no one is allowed to carry guns. They only allow hunters to own guns wich is required to be stored in a "gun safe disasambled"

    I know i got a beautiful personality. But since elementary school people have treated me diffrent. acted diffrent around me..

    People have treated me badly all my life. I threw alot of my friends away becuase of theire negative attitute. And i dont usually enjoy hanging with male friends. Because most of them are *kitten*

    I have this Fantasy.. Want to earn enough money to open my own nightclub. then invite all the Aholes to the opening cermony.. Then look down at them and laugh from the second floor railing with both my arms around two diffrent girls.

    I hunger for Models, artists, actresses

    Well at least you admit that women are objects to you...

    I'd just like to point out that often, if you have to say "I've got a beautiful personality"'re probably stretchin gthe truth. I would disagree, given how you end this post of wanting to rub success into people's faces. ...

    I'm not a ten, I admit that freely, but I've dated women who are hot as hell, thin, in shape, gorgeous, with wonderful personalities...because I was nice to them, and valued them for their personalities instead of only their looks, etc.
  • nopotofgold
    nopotofgold Posts: 164 Member

    yeah imagine that... guys talking to girls like human beings :laugh:

    i wish you guys would get the word out in your manly newsletters that this approach works infinitely better than any of the PUA/tired lines stuff..
    For me it's something that came with maturity. I don't have a problem attracting females or talking to them. I do have a problem keeping them though due to my lifestyle. Between the military and the fitness stuff, it's apparently detrimental to my relationships. Need to find a girl that's into fitness also or at least is secure enough to know I'm not judging.
    Maybe you are dating the wrong type of girl. Military guys have lots of luck attracting rank hoppers and uniform chasers.
  • sadiebrawl
    sadiebrawl Posts: 863 Member
    do you have an autism diagnosis?
  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member

    ETA... i re-read the OP's post better. he's a dime chaser...

    Rudolph was the raindeer who was diffrent, so everyone bullied him..

    I know i got a beautiful personality. But since elementary school people have treated me diffrent. acted diffrent around me..

    People have treated me badly all my life. I threw alot of my friends away becuase of theire negative attitute. And i dont usually enjoy hanging with male friends. Because most of them are *kitten*

    I have this Fantasy.. Want to earn enough money to open my own nightclub. then invite all the Aholes to the opening cermony.. Then look down at them and laugh from the second floor railing with both my arms around two diffrent girls.

    I hunger for Models, artists, actresses

    i am getting a distinct Elliot Rodger vibe from this... :frown:
  • sculli123
    sculli123 Posts: 1,221 Member

    Maybe you are dating the wrong type of girl. Military guys have lots of luck attracting rank hoppers and uniform chasers.
    Well I was with my wife for 12 years so it's not that. She just grew to hate the military and me. lol And I have quite a bit of rank after 21 years, she actually left right after my last promotion too. Last GF, well the problem wasn't anything military related it was a lot of other stuff. But I'll say a common theme is definitely that others don't necessarily like my lifestyle because they don't practice it themselves or understand that it's not a big deal to track ones calories and workout.
  • arfuss
    arfuss Posts: 90 Member

    Maybe you are dating the wrong type of girl. Military guys have lots of luck attracting rank hoppers and uniform chasers.
    Well I was with my wife for 12 years so it's not that. She just grew to hate the military and me. lol And I have quite a bit of rank after 21 years, she actually left right after my last promotion too. Last GF, well the problem wasn't anything military related it was a lot of other stuff. But I'll say a common theme is definitely that others don't necessarily like my lifestyle because they don't practice it themselves or understand that it's not a big deal to track ones calories and workout.

    Most people who dont pracitise the life style them self are either lazy or stupid. I was really lazy until i started understanding how importent it is to fuel to body to its maximum potential
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member

    ETA... i re-read the OP's post better. he's a dime chaser...

    Rudolph was the raindeer who was diffrent, so everyone bullied him..

    I know i got a beautiful personality. But since elementary school people have treated me diffrent. acted diffrent around me..

    People have treated me badly all my life. I threw alot of my friends away becuase of theire negative attitute. And i dont usually enjoy hanging with male friends. Because most of them are *kitten*

    I have this Fantasy.. Want to earn enough money to open my own nightclub. then invite all the Aholes to the opening cermony.. Then look down at them and laugh from the second floor railing with both my arms around two diffrent girls.

    I hunger for Models, artists, actresses

    i am getting a distinct Elliot Rodger vibe from this... :frown:

    was thinking the exact same thing.the (not so) secret thing women tend to know is that "nice guys" are usually anything but.
    i guess some people think that women are owed to them simply because they want them.

    and OP i'm just going to say it... people with a legitimate "beautiful personality" absolutely positively do NOT do things like this
    I have this Fantasy.. Want to earn enough money to open my own nightclub. then invite all the Aholes to the opening cermony.. Then look down at them and laugh from the second floor railing with both my arms around two diffrent girls.
  • Your just looking for skirt, tail etc. Nope will not help you with that.
  • trojan_bb
    trojan_bb Posts: 699 Member

    and OP i'm just going to say it... people with a legitimate "beautiful personality" absolutely positively do NOT do things like this
    I have this Fantasy.. Want to earn enough money to open my own nightclub. then invite all the Aholes to the opening cermony.. Then look down at them and laugh from the second floor railing with both my arms around two diffrent girls.

    umm, I think any guy who has had poor luck with women in the past has had this fantasy at some point or another. Regardless of inner beauty.

    OP. Stop chasing the 10's like mentioned before. Focus on you. Become masculine...however you define it. Lots of ways to do it. When your life is in order, attracting the women is not a problem.

    Wait a few years, become successful at whatever it is that makes you tick. It'll be easy then. A physically fit guy with multiple passions (not just picking up girls) and overall success does not have problems finding women. Keeping them, maybe. But not initially.
  • ekahnicole
    ekahnicole Posts: 216 Member
    Relevant quote:

    "Women are not vending machines that you put kindness coins into until sex falls out."
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member

    and OP i'm just going to say it... people with a legitimate "beautiful personality" absolutely positively do NOT do things like this
    I have this Fantasy.. Want to earn enough money to open my own nightclub. then invite all the Aholes to the opening cermony.. Then look down at them and laugh from the second floor railing with both my arms around two diffrent girls.

    umm, I think any guy who has had poor luck with women in the past has had this fantasy at some point or another. Regardless of inner beauty.

    that's not the part i'm referring. i'm referring to the implication that he wants to make other people feel bad because they made him feel bad without first considering that maybe THEY werent making the conscious effort to be a jerk to him yet HE's perfectly OK with making the conscious decision to be a jerk to them. that's being a douche bag, that's not a "beautiful personality". beautiful personalities dont have the mentality of do what I want you do or else.

    also the two women are just accessories at the point in his fantasy, which is also signs of being a jerk
  • elprincipito
    elprincipito Posts: 1,200 Member
    no girl will come to you. truth. they are shyer than us. signed. a loner. lol
  • FTF2014
    FTF2014 Posts: 257 Member
    I never had a problem with females and I am just an average looking guy. Most of the females I did date where from work. Normally I would just talk to females regularly at work and had a non- judge mental attitude which means I don't judge anyone. After a while a female would give me a hint like I always like to come to work just to see your cute face. One time I had a female worker who just went and pinched my cheek and said that's how I feel about you. Which was her way of saying Iam interested. Normal conversation and being serious at work but laid back on everything else is best to attract females. Just talk to them like a friend and don't stress it. To many guys work too hard and **** up. A female is a human being Once you realize that it's easy to find one.

    Read this over and over OP. Its short,simple,and works for sure. A female is a human being is the most important part, not a scientific puzzle that you need to search all over the internet for the answer.

    To the OP I posted this but I don't think you read it yet, so take the time to read this. Its just basic common sense, no frills.
  • liftmeup1
    liftmeup1 Posts: 373
    Every woman problem ever boils down to communication......done......At your age....think of women as a batting average. A great hitter bats a little over .300. How many times does that batter get a hit? How many times do they strike out swinging or pop out. Just keep swinging and sooner or later you'll get a hit unless you just keep taking. You have to be aggressive at the plate dude.
  • branflakes1980
    branflakes1980 Posts: 2,516 Member
    OP, at the risk of soundng callous, you have to find ways to learn to suck it up. I say learn to, and not just "suck it up, buttercup" because I mean learn about yourself--what you're doing right and what you're doing wrong. Find ways to fix it and find ways to take you mind off when things go wrong. And they will go wrong, it's how you bounce back that matters.

    I'm in Afghanistan and got Dear Johnned the first week I was in country. So I've spent three months throwing myself at the gym. Throwing myself into my work. Anything to take my mind off it. It's a destraction, but destractions work. The more you dwell on things, the bigger a problem they appear. Be you, relax. She might be just round the corner or she might be six months down the road. But the more you put on it yourself the harder you're making it.

    Thank you for your service! :flowerforyou:
  • Biggirllittledreams
    Biggirllittledreams Posts: 306 Member
    You mentioned not knowing "how to get a girl attracted to you". There's one problem, right there. A girl is going to either be attracted to you, or she won't. You can do things that put your best self out there for her to see, but you can't "make" her feel any particular way. She;ll like you or she won't.

    This, so much this. If you start looking at women as human beings as opposed to something to merely 'pick up', that would help. Women like being equal with their partner, not being viewed as some 'challenge' or sexual being.

    That being said, be yourself. If somebody is going to fall for you, they're going to fall for all of you - not merely the facades you put on when trying to flirt with somebody. I met my partner (we've been together for three years now) in the back of one of my classes. We both loathed the social psychology class we were taking, started talking when he offered to tutor me for my Spanish course, and it went from there. I never flirted with him, or put on some facade. I was merely myself, and he learned to accept me for both the good, and the bad.

    If you put on a mask to meet somebody, they're rather going to fall for that mask (not the true you), or you're going to meet somebody putting on a mask as well. I know it's corny and cliche to suggest that you merely be yourself, but it's so so true. Just be your freaking self, and you'll eventually find somebody compatible to find your life with. If you're finding yourself impatient/compulsively seeking out a partner though, you may want to take a look at why you're doing that. If you're looking for somebody else merely because you can't stand being single/being alone, that's a rather different story. :3
  • bunbunzee44
    bunbunzee44 Posts: 592 Member
    we're not that different from guys.. so just be yourself. I'm sure everyone has already told you that, but it's true.
  • liftmeup1
    liftmeup1 Posts: 373
    Wow....all this bleeding heart, "women are humans too" stuff is making me sick. At his age women are about as irresponsible and immature as he is. If you treat a woman like a queen she will treat you like a dog. My honest opinion is numbers....numbers...numbers. If you don't realize you are worth something they won't either. When you find the right woman, you'll know.
  • aurorareigns
    aurorareigns Posts: 167
    Is it just me or is some of the posts on this thread worrying for humanity.
  • liftmeup1
    liftmeup1 Posts: 373
    Hey the truth hurts....I have a tremendous amount of respect for last post was absolutely true and anyone who says it isn't is lying to you.